Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ Lesson number one ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or the wonderful characters used in this story and there is no self-profit attached to it, it's purely for my enjoyment and that of others.

TWO: Lesson number one

It was raining really hard outside and it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon. The entire house was filled with the sound of falling raindrops, a strange, tranquil mood settling itself all around. The two boys were still standing in front of each other, the younger one with a worried look in his beautiful sapphire eyes. The older one just kept looking at him with a soft expression. Earlier he had noticed something shift inside of him while he had been standing inches away from his friend. He didn't exactly know why, but it came back now that he saw him looking at him with such innocent and trusting eyes. It was really strange...

"Okay," Riku smiled, "I think I've found out how we're going to do this." He whispered and walked past Sora towards the hall.

" do?" the brunette whispered in response, following his friend down the hall and to the stairs. "Where are you going?"

"To your parents' room." Was the simple answer. Sora gasped and shook his head, holding him back with a hand on his shoulder,

"Why do you want to go in there? I hardly enter that place..."

The older teen chuckled, "Maybe you should."

This caused more confusion to the brunette, who shook his head, non-understanding. "And are you going to tell me why?"

Riku just continued his way and entered the room of Sora's parents with no hesitation. "Remember my last sleep over?"

The brunette following him frowned, but nodded, "Yeah?"

"I couldn't sleep that night. And I overheard something coming from this room. Guess what?" Riku stopped in front of the TV set and crouched in front of it, admiring their collection of video's and DVD's.

Sora raised his shoulders, "What?"

"They were watching porn." He simply said with a grin on his face. "And some nasty one too."

"Ack! Riku! Shit, that's gross! They're my parents!" the younger teen cried out and turned around with a hand on his eyes, "Man, now I'll never be able to sleep when I know they're in bed!"

The platinum blonde laughed, "Oh man, you're such a baby. It's really time to turn you into a man, Sora."

"I'm not a baby, anyone would be disgusted when it comes to their parents having sex or watching obscene movies...! Oh, gross!"

Riku chuckled, "And I who thought that you really wanted to learn something new..."

"We're going to watch it?!"


Sora gulped as his friend came to stand in front of him with a video in his hands.

"Found it."  

"Oh... That's so good... you're so deep...hmmm... harder...oh..."

"You want it's this... ah, you like it?"

"Yes...oh please...hmmm...oh yeah..."

Riku slowly shifted his eyes from the screen to his friend, who was sitting beside him. The boy's face was all blushed and his mouth was slightly open. He looked like he had been petrified and couldn't move his body to save his own life. The older teen slightly smiled and moved his gaze lower on the other teen's body and saw what he had expected to see. Looking back at the action in front of them, he could have got sworn to have heard a small whimper escape from the brunette's lips. He raised an eyebrow and hoped that the boy had not just come in his pants.

"How d'you like it up your ass..."

"Mmmm! Fuck me... it's so good..."

"Open your mouth... oh yeah... lick that...hmmm..."

"You're so tight... god yeah..."

Sora let out a soft sigh and needed to shift a bit, just to ease the growing pulsations in his pants a little... He noticed that he was sweating all over. Man... This was extreme... three guys and one girl... that was... the shit! He couldn't tear his eyes from the in going and out going members of these muscular men... they were so huge! And the girl seemed to love them all stuffed up in both her entrances and even in her mouth...He didn't even know it was possible to have sex with a girl like that... oh man... he needed to ease his slightly painful erection and fast...

"Uhm... I need to go to the toilet." He mumbled and stood up, turning around quickly to prevent Riku from seeing his obvious erection.

"Sit back down, Sora. If you want to jerk off, you should just say so." His friend spoke in a low tone, "But if you feel that ashamed of yourself, I'll join you if you want."


"Come on, it's just like when we were little kids... you know checking out each other's weenie?" he chuckled as he undid his pants.

Sora gulped and softly chuckled, totally embarrassed now, "Yeah, but there wasn't a woman in the background moaning for more...And we were just kids...."

"Just sit down, Sora.How are you going to know what you like, if you don't find it out first? And besides I'm only here for the support. It is you who wanted me to teach you."

The boy reluctantly sat down and didn't move anymore. Riku sighed and stood up, unbuckled and unzipped his pants, then let them fall around his knees. He stood there, his lower body fully exposed to the brunette, who was staring at him with wide eyes.

"Wow..." The younger teen whispered in awe before realising the sound had left his lips. He cleared his throat and tried again, "I're..." he gulped and adverted his eyes, "so big..." he then almost inaudibly whispered. Ok, that sounded like some sort of dick-hungry slut!

The older teen softly chuckled and sat back down beside his friend. "Ok, do you want me to show you how I do it?"

"Yes! Oh yes!"

Seeing that Sora didn't respond and only blushed more, Riku slowly raised his hand towards his swollen erection and closed his eyes, resting his head back on the couch."Just keep your eyes on me, alright?" he whispered throatily, somehow the sensation of someone looking at him while he was pleasuring himself all the more exciting. First he closed his hand around his long shaft and then slowly moved it up and down.

Blue eyes were fixed on his friends arousal and he gulped again as he realised that the sight of him jerking off in front of him kind of got him... well, more aroused. Trying to suppress the feeling he shifted his gaze to Riku's face. Just when he did, the silver haired teen opened his aqua eyes and met his gaze. His hand was moving faster and he bit his lip, arching his neck to let out a low growl.

"Oh Sora!" he lustfully moaned, keeping his eyes on the cerulean ones.

"Eh... Riku?!" Sora jumped back a little and covered his burning face with his hands in total shame as his friend burst out in laughter.

"Oh...boy.... this is so much fun...!" he moaned again, softly chuckling. "Why are you so ashamed of yourself?"

The brunette mumbled something beneath his breath that Riku couldn't catch. The silver haired teen felt a little bad for making his friend so uneasy, but he wasn't willing to stop his 'education'. He didn't know why, but he felt like doing some little bit of exploring himself... why did he feel himself so attracted to his best friend? Why only now, after all those years? Hormones?

Feeling the little tingling shocks starting to spread themselves in his lower body, Riku took a decision. With no hesitation he gripped the younger boy's right wrist and guided it towards his throbbing arousal. "Sora, look at me." He softly whispered as he saw the boy turn himself hesitantly around to face him. "You will have to stop acting so childishly if you ever want to get laid one day." Riku knew that he wanted to reply that he wasn't acting like a damn child as the brunette pouted and opened his mouth. Launching himself forward, he gave in to his earlier urges and pressed his lips against Sora's, closing his eyes. At first he was sure that the younger boy would jerk his face away from his and as the elder felt that he didn't, he raised his free hand and pulled him closer by resting it on the nape of his neck. Moving his lips a little on the younger one's, Riku smiled as he heard a soft whimper escape the brunette's lips. He deepened the kiss a little, while he brought Sora's hand, which he still held down, on his erection.

Gasping as his hand rested on something hard and pulsing, Sora didn't get the time to protest as his friend's tongue suddenly brushed passed his softly. He whimpered again and felt Riku smile against his lips in appreciation before pulling back. The brunette only blushed another shade of red and shyly opened his eyes to find those beautiful sea-green ones looking at him.

"Do you have a problem with me kissing you?" The platinum blonde whispered, his breathing a little ragged, "Do you want me to stop?"

Before he knew it, the brunette was shaking his head, "I mean... it's just... I didn't expect you to..." Sora trailed his eyes away from his friend, not able to look at him. This was so strange... he had expected doing this with a girl... not with another boy... and especially not with his best friend. But deep down, something told him that he was glad that it was Riku and not someone else...

"Do you want me to do it again?" Riku whispered in his ear, his tongue flickering briefly against the younger one's earlobe, causing him to gasp.

Sora could feel his heartbeat racing in his chest and unconsciously tightened his grip on his friend's arousal, causing him to moan throatily in his ear. "Riku..." he breathed, turning his face to look at him. "I-I want..."

"What do you want...?" the elder whispered in a sexy, low tone, now trailing soft kisses the long his best friends throat and softly adding some downwards pressure on the boy's hand on his erection. Sora couldn't help but moan again and arch his neck, exposing more tanned skin for the other teen to explore. He could hear Riku chuckle as the blonde's one hand resting on his neck slid around his throat and cupped his face slightly, bringing him back on his eyelevel. "What do you want, Sora?" he asked again, his aqua orbs looking at him with such intensity, that it made him feel completely and deliciously numb.

"T-teach me... I want to feel... I want to..." his voice faded out as his hand on the other boy's erection was being coaxed into slow pumping motions. Riku's gaze was still on his, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He used the hand that was cupping the brunette's face to bring him closer and kissed him again softly. Opening his eyes, Sora let out a shaky sigh and pleaded; "P-please Riku... I don't know how much longer..."

"Shh..." The silver haired teen interrupted, pushing his friend on the sofa to rest with his back on it. "Just lay back, then."

Doing as he was told, Sora laid himself on the couch and waited... waited for what actually?

"Riku?" he whispered as he couldn't sense the older teen near him anymore. His body was sweating all over, he could feel it through his clothing and it kept getting warmer in the room. He glanced at the TV and saw that the movie had already ended. Funny, they hadn't given it that much of attention in the first place. But then again, something told him that this was Riku's plan all along. And that kind of confused him... didn't Riku like girls? And didn't he himself prefer them as well? Then why were they doing this? Why did it feel... so natural? He closed his eyes and sighed, hoping that maybe Riku would have an answer for that too.

Something crept up his body and he shivered slightly as he felt a hand slide under his t-shirt, soft, slender fingers caressing their way up his torso. He opened his eyes and saw Riku smiling down at him mischievously, his eyes locking with his. Then the young boy gasped, his eyes open wide.


Riku was naked.

Naked and on top of him.

The most surprising thing was that Sora felt himself obviously getting aroused by the mere sight of his best friend well sculpted body. His taut, lean chest with his large shoulders and muscular arms were surrounding him and he felt the urge to reach out and run his fingers over the smooth alabaster skin...

"Touch me."

Gulping and slightly nodding, the brunette moved to carry out the simple command of his friend and hesitantly placed his hands around the elder's waist, sliding them up his skin so they joined on his back. Sora could sense that this pleased him and he felt him lower himself very slowly on him, their lips barely touching but their bodies making full contact. Letting out a groan as the platinum blonde grinded his hips against his, Sora couldn't help but arch up and desperately seek for further contact. Nimble fingers worked their way between them and soon the sound of zippers zipping open resounded in the dim room.

As a hand caressed his aching member, the brunette moved his hips towards the touch and gritted his teeth in pleasure. Opening his eyes again, he found deep, lustful eyes focused on him, watching him, staring at him... like waiting for something. Then, a smile crossed the handsome features of the boy on top of him and the sensation of warm flesh pressing against his burning own made him arch again. He was about to open his mouth to probably let out an incoherent sound, when those heavenly soft lips were pressed against his once more. Only this time there was like a strange hint of roughness in it. Growing need.

Then it stopped as suddenly as it had started, leaving the youth breathless and bedevilled by the spell that had been cast on him. Need. Lust. Hunger for more.

Something wet flickered against the head of his erection and he almost cried out in pleasure. How did he get down there that fast? And when did he remove my pants? Oh god... who cares...

"Ah...Ah, R-Riku!" he whimpered, trying to see what the blonde was doing to him. Just when their eyes met, he watched as the other boy engulfed his entire length, his aqua eyes lustfully staring back at him as he did so. Oh, fuck! Arching again, Sora felt himself fall into the deep depths of this exquisite pleasure, moaning his partner's name without control.

Gentle, yet firm hands held the brunette's hips in place while the successive motions of pressure and release were applied in a growing, steady rhythm.

"Shit..."Sora whispered when he felt a tongue slid up the long his shaft and licking the top of it leisurely before the warmth of lips and moistness of a mouth enveloped him again.

Riku was enjoying this. He loved the reactions his touch brought on the little boy. Loved to hear his name being moaned out like that, proving that he was doing it more than right. And this was honestly the first time he had given someone a blow job. Sure, he had received quite a few of them, but all from willing girls. That makes me a natural... He chuckled softly at that thought and grazed his teeth over the over-sensitive skin of Sora's head. He would always love that when they did that to him, and apparently seen the brunette's wild reaction beneath him, he did so too.

"P-please..." bucking his hips up to that delicious mouth, Sora couldn't help but want more of his friend's touch. He didn't care about anything else anymore but Riku... he was momentarily his pleasure, his centre of undying attention, his lover, his everything. Without him now, it would be certain that he would be lost forever. "Riku...please?" he moaned again, pleading softly. I don't even know for what I'm pleading... just don't stop...

Giving a last lingering lick, Riku sat up slowly and just looked at the panting youth in front of him. Is he ready for this? Hell, I'm I ready for this?!

"Why did you stop?" a pouting Sora sat up slowly, half lidded eyes straining to focus on his friend. "I'm not done...learning." he then said, reaching out to touch the silver haired beauty in front of him. He moved himself on his knees and crept his way towards the elder teen, pressing a soft kiss on his well-defined abdomen before moving up his body and finally reaching his lips. Nipping gently at the other's lips, the brunette placed his arms crossed on his red t-shirt and lifted it swiftly over his head before quickly resuming his ministrations. Riku's hands had been resting on Sora's hips and had been pressing him closer to him, but he hadn't responded to the soft kisses the brunette had been spilling on his face or elsewhere.

"Riku...what's wrong?"

Blue eyes filled with worry looked at him and he felt a sudden sting of pain in his heart. He wanted this, damn it! But if he gave it to him it would mean...

"I...I don't want to hurt you, Sora... I'm not sure if you're ready for this... And I don't want to frighten you by doing something that would..."

Soft, silencing lips pressed against his and he closed his eyes as comforting hands ran through his hair, slowly sliding down to his neck and resting on his shoulders. "You talk too much." Sora whispered, resting his head in the crook of the elder's right shoulder. "I'm not afraid, Riku. You're here and that's all I need."

Smiling in the brown mop of his friend's hair, aqua eyes softened. This' Ok, now you're just being too corny...Still, he couldn't deny that he really liked to be with his lifelong friend this way.

They stayed in each other's embrace for a while before Sora laid himself down in front of the blonde and beckoned him to move closer. "Teach me, Riku..." he whispered, reaching out to him. "I want you to."

For a moment Riku just ran his eyes over the slender body laid in front of him. He was beautiful. His tanned skin feeling like silk when he moved closer and laid himself in his awaiting arms. His brilliant blue eyes, who always reflected what he was feeling, were locked with his, waiting for him to give him what he so desperately sought. How many times had he read in them what the brunette had felt? His lips, full and slightly feminine... making him so kissable and so adorable when he would put on his famous pout. He knew it all, he had seen it so many times and never once had it awakened these urges in him, never once had he felt like he was feeling now...

"You're beautiful, Sora." He whispered without realising it. A soft gasp escaped the brunette before his lips were claimed by the blonde in a passionate, searing kiss. Almost simultaneously they moaned and parted, staring at each other once more.

Sora felt his cheeks burn and his heartbeat going crazy in his chest. Panting slightly, eyes locked with sea-green ones, he moved his legs around Riku's waist and arched up to him when their crotches came in contact with each other. "Oh Riku..."

Biting back a moan himself, Riku closed his eyes and grinded his hips tentatively against the other teen's, eliciting another passionate answer from his lover beneath him.

"You're teasing Fair." The brunette panted, eyes still closed and sweat drops starting to form themselves on his forehead and a few locks of his dark hair clinging to the moist skin.

Oh god... that's so sexy... Riku bit his lower lip again to prevent another moan from escaping and tenderly ran his left hand the long his companion's right side and gently grabbed his hip, then halted to look at him.

"You sure, Sora?" he asked, insecurity apparent in his voice. "It'll...It'll hurt..."

Sapphire eyes opened themselves slowly and he raised a hand to caress his cheek tenderly, "I trust you. I'm not afraid."

It was so endearing to hear how much he trusted him, and at the same time so comforting. Pressing a soft kiss in the brunette's throat, he slowly used his hand on his hip to push himself in slowly and then stopped as his tip passed that tight ring of muscles. "Oh, shit!" he then gasped at his friend's tightness. He still needed to be sure about Sora though, since he didn't hear any response from him.

Face contracted in pain and teeth sinking into his bottom lip to the point of bleeding, Sora tried his best to endure this in silence. It hurt way too much to enjoy it.

"No!" Riku gasped and withdrew himself from him, violently shaking his head. "I can't do this."

"Riku, wait..." Sora sat up and grabbed his wrist, "Maybe...maybe if you put something on it to make it...more...lubricated might..."

Silver brows knitted together in worry, "I'd still be hurting you, Sora."

"Heh...well, no pain no gain?" Sora whispered back, smiling comfortingly. After a while, the elder teen smiled back.

"Ok...I'll be right back." He pressed a kiss to the brunette's forehead and stood up.

"Ok." The younger teen whispered back and placed a hand on the spot he had just been kissed and smiled.

That was nice...I feel so... what is it? Riku and I... we... could it be that I'm feeling something... something for him beside normal friendship...? Friends usually don't sleep with each other, right...? It makes them lovers... Riku's my lover now, then? Does he feel something likewise? I really didn't expect something like this to happen, but I'm missing him already.... I feel something more... something deeper. I want him near me...inside of me...filling me... oh god I'm so horny right now…


Sora snapped out of his reverie and turned his trademark grin towards his friend. "Did you find something?"

Riku showed him a white tube with a triumphal grin on his face, "Some special ointment. From your parents' room...."

"Oh shut up! Did you have to mention that?" the brunette glared playfully at his friend as he started to chuckle softly. "Hurry up already."

"Woo... that eager to learn?" the silver haired teen whispered, opening the cap.

"No, more like horny to the point of crying." The brunette tearfully whispered, pouting. "I want it, and I want it right now..."

Riku raised an eyebrow and sat himself down, beside his friend. "Rushing things is never good for anything. Be patient." He couldn't help the smile that formed itself on his face as he saw the little boy pout even more. Applying a little bit of the transparent substance in his hand, Riku slowly spread the ointment on his hardening erection after he had smeared it out on his hands first.

"Are you doing that on purpose?"


"I'm sorry, but if you really don't bring your cute behind here, I'm going to fuck myself and in that way learn nothing!"

Riku raised an eyebrow, "My cute behind? You think I have a cute behind?"

"Shut up, I'm getting frustrated right now. Get yourself over here."

Chuckling, the blonde crept on his hands and knees until he was on top of Sora again. "Ok, where were we?"

Sora rolled his eyes, "Feel free to skip a few parts."

"Alright, ready?"

"For the past 10 minutes, yeah." The brunette whispered, putting his legs around the blonde's hips. Riku smiled again, this was the Sora he loved to see... So frustrated... hopefully nothing would change after this... and if they did, then hopefully for the better...

Pressing his tip at his entrance again, the elder teen carefully watched the brunette's facial expression before sliding in. As his tip entered smoothly, he saw Sora smiling at him and closing his eyes. Ok, so far so, he's tight... Pushing a little bit further, he heard the boy under him letting a small gasp followed by a soft whisper of his name.

It didn't hurt as badly as before, but now there was more a feeling of discomfort. Sora tried to lie as still as possible, so that Riku wouldn't make a brusque movement and end up hurting him after all and start hesitating again, but it was such a strange feeling...

"S-Sora..." the silver haired teen hissed, moving further inside of his friend, his control slowly slipping... he wouldn't be able to stop himself from plunging in and out within seconds. "You feel so good..."

Blue eyes shot open wide as Riku's hand on his thigh painfully gripped tighter and he pushed himself in a little rougher. "Ah! R-Riku..." That surprisingly felt... so good... "M-more..."

Moaning, the blonde pushed in harder and bent down to catch his lover's lips with his in a rough, needy kiss.

"Mmmmpf!" Sora whimpered and broke the kiss, turning his head to the side as his body shook with each stroke within him. "You like it?" he heard Riku whisper in his ear, tenderly licking the lobe. He nodded, groaning, unable to speak.

"I know a way to pleasure you even more."


At that Riku withdrew himself from his body. "Turn yourself around. On your hands and knees."

The brunette obeyed and waited for his lesson to continue. Pressing himself into the touch of the blonde's hands on his butt cheeks, Sora reached beneath himself to stroke his own member.

"Don't touch yourself." The elder teen commanded.

"O-ok." The dominant tone in his voice slightly overwhelmed the younger boy.

"Tell me if you can handle this." Riku whispered in a low tone before sliding his member inside Sora again.

A loud gasp escaped the brunette, "Holy... shit...!" Pressing his face into the cushions of the couch, Sora drew in deep breaths with each long stroke. "Riku...oh!"

The platinum blonde chuckled and pulled the other teen's hips to his, sliding in him with more force, making him arch his back with a loud yelp. "Riku!"


Sora had no breath to answer and just let out a faint whimper. His voice came back however when a hand gripped his erection and pumped him at the same rate of Riku's thrusts. "Oh god...!"

"What was that?" the blonde whispered, bending down and dropping a kiss on the other boy's spine.

"Yes...oh please, Riku!" he almost sobbed. Behind him, Riku chuckled and increased his speed, slightly shifting the angle. Now he was hitting something inside of the brunette which made him quiver and moan louder.

"God, Riku! Ah! D-don't stop! Oh please!"

Throwing his head back, Riku let out a soft groan, feeling his climax near. Wanting his friend to reach that peak with him, he increased his strokes on his shaft.

"You cuming?" He groaned towards the brunette, inches away from his edge.

"Yeah..." came the gasped respond scant seconds before they both tensed up and spilled their seed with muffled moans and groans. Exhausted, they collapsed on the couch and heard a faint 'crack' followed by a soft squeaky sound.



"I think we've ruined the sofa."

And that's when the furniture collapsed on the carpeted floor.  
  To be continued…   -Blackdiamond Princess-