Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ Attraction ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


THREE : Attraction

Soon, after their intimate intercourse, the boys fell asleep, the heavy sent of satisfaction lingering in the air. Riku had spooned Sora's petite body against his and held him close, breathing in his scent. As he opened his eyes, he found themselves in this position and he tenderly smiled, reminiscing everything that had been said and left unspoken earlier. I've always been very protective over him... I guess I've always loved him... but he showed me something new, something I would never have dreamt of finding...and now...I'm afraid... afraid of what he would say or think if I told him that...

Suddenly the brunette turned himself around in his sleep, moaning softly and chuckling childishly. His face was now close to the blonde's, but he was still in the comfortable slumber of unconsciousness. Lifting a pale hand slightly, Riku felt his heart melt away at this endearing sight. Softly running the back of his hand on Sora's left cheek, the silver haired teen thought again about their recent joining. The passion and the pleasure they had shared had been so overwhelming, the amount of trust and willingness from the brunette increasing the feeling of intimacy between them. After what they had shared, there was no way they could ever return to what they were...just the best of friends. We are so much more now...lovers... but does he feel the same about me?

Sora stirred in his sleep and slowly resurfaced from his brief, deep slumber to find the Aqua eyes that had been present in his dreams fixed on his. A smile immediately crossed his features and he sighed, scooting closer to his friend and resting his free hand on the elder's right hip.

"Hey..." he sleepily whispered, closing his eyes to the caress on his cheek. Tender, warm lips pressed against his with a little hesitation and Sora smiled in the kiss, returning it with determination. Opening his sapphire eyes again and breaking their kiss, the younger teen thought to have seen a brief expression of insecurity on the other teen face but it disappeared as soon as those beautiful sea-green orbs opened again. Sora felt himself blush a little, and dropped his gaze shyly, "Thank you, Riku."

"Hey... come here..." the blonde whispered back and dropped a kiss on the boy's forehead and held him in a tight embrace, "I'm going to be honest with you..."

Blue eyes looked up expectantly, heartbeat starting a frenzied rhythm... and as a result, he blushed more. "Yeah?" What do you expect him to say? You think he feels the same? He said it before; he is only here for the support...

"I've never... had sex this intense in my whole life... especially with someone..." Riku slowly said, averting his gaze a little, avoiding those expressive sapphire orbs and their content for fear of what they would say. How can I tell him this? How I want to...

"From the same sex? either... I can honestly say that it was the best sex I ever had." The younger boy chuckled nervously, suddenly fascinated by one of his brown, spiky tresses.

"Umm, no I meant to say someone dear to me..." Riku grinned back, turning his gaze back to that innocent, angelic face. "And besides, it was the only sex you ever had, Sora."

"I-I know and I loved it, Riku. I'm really glad you were here..."He likes me... but probably not in that way...

"Are you getting all soft on me now?" the elder joked, seeing Sora blush again. If he keeps drawing blood to his face like that the rest of his body will run out of it... He laughed softly and waited for an answer from the brunette, who was still fidgeting with his hair.

"I guess it's just because we were so intimate with each other and because we've known each other for so long...I don't know, but I feel..." He fell silent as he realised what he had wanted to say. Shit! Not now...oh please don't ask further...

Riku frowned a bit and had expected something else to come from the blushing teen, but got nothing. Deciding to break the embarrassing silence without embarrassing him further he just shrugged, "Umm... sex can have that effect on people. I mean when two people share something that intimate, some... 'feelings' can surface. Only it is never sure if they are... lasting..." the blonde took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Now he either says something or he doesn't... then we'll know...

Sora frowned a bit and looked up at his friend, feeling his heart sank. He wouldn't be saying something like that if he did feel the same about me...I thought he had felt something, but apparently it's already fading for him... "Oh...right." he whispered, his face lighting up as if he had just found out that two plus two was four. But inside, he could hear his heart crackle. "Ok then." He whispered and smiled, "Thanks for showing me..." I will have to get over it... and it's probably just a crush, it'll pass...

"It's okay... it was quite enlightening for me as well..." Riku whispered, faking a soft smile while he actually felt his throat grow heavy. He swallowed and smiled again. We'll just leave it at that then... he respected Sora's decision and decided for himself to let it go. And if the load of shit he had just said was actually true, these feelings would go over...

"Alright then," Sora smiled at him and turned himself around, determined to suppress what he felt in the hope it would fade out. He pushed himself off on his hands and looked at the damaged couch. "I think it would be better to buy a new one... there's no way I'll be able to explain it to my parents if they asked about the stains on the fabric. I'm pretty sure it doesn't go off either. Well, this sofa was old anyway... they will be happy with a new one."

Riku just watched him talking to himself and shook his head, "How do you expect to explain to them what happened to it?"

"Eh... well, uh..."

"You don't have a freckin' clue."

"A really fat cat came to sit on it."

"You must be kidding' me. They'll never buy that."

Sora scratched his head, "Hum... how much does a couch cost, d'you know?" the elder shrugged and moved himself to stand up.

"How much did they leave you with?"

The brunette gave him that cheesy grin again, "A little fortune... $9000..."

Riku raised his eyebrows in awe and nodded approvingly. "Jeez..."

"Yeah... they must really trust me... well yeah, I'm almost sixteen, and it was pretty damn time."

"Uh-huh. And that's why they probably will send your grandma over to check up on you." Riku stood up and snickered.


There was that famous pout again. Riku rolled his eyes and chuckled, bending over to retrieve his clothes that were scattered on the floor. "Don't tell me they didn't...?"



"Shut up."

The elder teen got dressed swiftly while grinning, how he loved the usual bickering between them. Maybe it's for the best to just stay friends... now that I think about it, a lot of things could've got changed between us... the question was if he would've got wanted to take that risk...

"Hey Sora, what do you think we go shopping for a new couch later?" He walked to the window and opened the curtains, "It's raining less and maybe in an hour it'll stop."

"Alright," the younger teen stood up and picked up his discarded clothing, "But I was kind of hoping to get Kairi to help us out pick out one, you know? Girls are usually better at this stuff than we are."

Slapping a hand against his forehead, the blonde shook his head playfully, "Why didn't I think of that! Of course, we'll just go all together and when she asks what happened to the old couch, you'll give her that cat excuse, right? Sora, come on!"

Mentally sweat dropping, the brunette scratched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly, "Oh yeah..."

"I knew you were a little dense, but this proves that you're a half-wit on top of that too." Riku laughed and tried to evade the brunette's launch at him. Sora growled and jumped on him, sending them both to the floor in front of the TV. They wrestled for a brief moment and for once, Riku found himself straddled by the younger boy.

"Take that back."

"Make me."

"You asked for it." And with that Sora started to tickle the platinum blonde on his side, making him chuckle softly. But the brunette wasn't his equal in speed and soon Riku had grabbed his hands in his and held them to his chest. Trying to pull his arms free from the iron grip of his friend, the younger teen found himself struggling hopelessly. But in no way was he going to admit to himself that the elder was stronger than him.

"Let go, damn it!" Sora growled and bent over to bite the blonde's left earlobe.

"Ouch! No, wrong spot anyways." the elder teen chuckled and pushed him away from him, but still holding his hands. "Try again."

Sora pouted at him and got that look of I'm-not-giving-up-I'll-show-you-what-I-can-do-you'll-regret-it on his face. He launched himself forwards again and this time set his teeth softly in the blonde's throat, making the elder gasp.

"Uh, looks like I'm close. I wonder what this will do..." sapphire blue eyes roamed the handsome features displayed beneath him and he mischievously grinned. He let his tongue flicker out briefly over Riku's chin and chuckled as the blonde's lips curled into an approving smile. "How close am I?"

The silver haired teen chuckled too and his eyes fluttered shut, "Very close."

"And here?" Sora now brushed his lips teasingly over Riku's and withdrew a little too look at his expression. The platinum blonde opened his eyes and let go of the hands he still held captive.

"Riku...uhm...I don't know if you want this to go any further...uhm..." Sora blushed again, shifting his eyes to the carpet beside the blonde's head. I don't want to be doing this now and end up making him do something he'll regret later. The sex was a one-time thing only. It's probably better to stop now we still have the chance.

"You know, one kiss isn't that big of a deal. It's just a kiss." Riku throatily whispered, running his right hand in the thick mass of brown that crowned the younger teen's features. "It doesn't have to mean anything. And... Honestly, you could use the practice..."

"Fuck you!" the brunette scowled playfully, chuckling.

"Yes, I fucked you... and you said you loved it."

"Why you..."

He never got the chance to finish his grumbling as Riku pulled his head down on his and locked their lips together. Sora smiled into the kiss and let the elder lead, granting him access to his mouth to come and play.

Accepting the offer, Riku gently let his tongue lick the brunette's lower lip before entering and searching for his reward. Before they both knew it, they were both out of breath and blushing furiously, panting uncontrollably.

"Great kiss, you're improving a little."

"Thanks, you're not that bad yourself."

The blonde chuckled and Sora stood up. "I think we don't want to continue otherwise we'll end up..." He looked meaningfully at the broken couch and smirked. Riku snickered again and took the hand his friend offered to help him up.

"Yeah, so are we going to do some couch hunt today or not?"


"Without Kairi, Sora."

"Alright, alright, I get it!" he whispered in exasperation. He then punched the blonde's arm playfully, "You still owe me an apology."

"For what? I was only telling the truth." The other teen innocently whispered back.

"I could strangle you, Riku."

"Yeah... you could, but first you should try and succeed at just trying."

"I... gah! I hate you!"

Riku pursed his lips to him and blew him a kiss before exiting the room, "I love you too." No, honestly, I think I do...

If only you did in the way I wished you did, Riku...  

"Hey you guys!"

Both friends turned around and saw Kairi running up to them. They were now at the big mall on the main island of Destiny Islands and to the joy of all people the sun was shining again, making the day a beautiful and enjoyable one. Like most of the days around here anyways.

"She looks good today..." Riku whispered, making the boy standing next to him chuckle at his friend's exclamation.

"Hey Kairi!"Sora greeted, smiling. He was really happy to see her. "What are you doing here?"

"Uhm... hanging around..." she chuckled back, smiling at him. "I'm just here with a couple of friends, but I left them at the fountain one storey below." She rolled with her eyes and shook her head. "Pff...The only problem is that they all brought their boyfriends along...kind of feel left out, heh... so what are you doing here?"

"I... eh...well..." the brunette stammered, how he hated to tell lies!

"Little Sora needs a new wardrobe." Riku filled in, "For his birthday. He's turning sixteen in a couple of weeks, isn't that so Sora?" he talked as if he was addressing a four year old, which unnerved the brunette.

"Cool!" The violet eyed girl said, "Are you going to give a party, Sora?"

Sora looked at Riku for a moment and pondered over the idea. "You know... I could give a party..."

"No scrap that, you should give a party!" the blonde enthusiastically said, wrapping his arm around the other boy's shoulders. "He's home alone, Kairi."

"Seriously?!" the girl's eyes shot open wide, "Well, what are you waiting for, Sora? How long are they going to be gone?"

"Until next Monday."

"A whole week?!You're so lucky!"

"Yeah. How about throwing it Thursday at my place?" Sora asked, looking up at his friend for confirmation. The blonde nodded.

"Why in only three days?" Kairi frowned and put a hand on her now feminine hips.

"Well, first there's the issue of my grandmother who is going to check up on me Wednesday and I still need to rearrange the music installation and stuff like that...and also you guys have to inform the maximum of people."

"Oh so now we're you publicity agents?" Riku grinned, "No prob, just leave it to us." He winked at Kairi and she winked back.

Ok, am I missing something here?

"Why the suspicious look, Sora?" the redhead asked, grinning at him. "You don't trust us?"

"Of course I do!" he immediately snapped back.

"Or are you...jealous?" Riku whispered in his ear, while looking at Kairi.

"Riku stop that!" he pushed him off of him and shook his head. "As if!"

The redhead giggled and waved a hand at them, "Well I'll leave you guys bickering, I'm going back to see my friends."

"Kairi, wait." The blonde grinned, "Let me go introduce myself to them."


"What do you mean why? Just trust me." He turned towards the brunette again, "Meet me at the store in 10minutes, Ok?"

Sora raised an eyebrow, but didn't ask. "Ok."

"Ok, see ya later."

"Later Sora!"Kairi waved at him and then followed the blonde to the escalator.

What is that Riku planning now? Oh well, I'll find out sooner or later, we need a new couch first.  

"Oh my god, Kairi!You're serious?!"

Standing hand in hand in front of her friends with Riku, Kairi felt strangely at ease with this. They were just going to pretend to be each other's girlfriend and boyfriend, just so Kairi wouldn't be embarrassed anymore. She thought it was such a caring gesture from the blonde and had only accepted because he had insisted. It was a bit odd, because she could have got sworn that the elder teen knew that she liked Sora over him. But it was true that she lately felt a lot of attraction towards the sixteen year old.

Riku looked down at Kairi and smiled warmly at her. He had decided to do this because he not only felt a strong attraction towards the girl, but also because he hoped that by doing this, the young brunette he was obviously crashing on would react and maybe... He knew he wouldn't hurt the little redhead, because he knew that she felt something for Sora. But he believed that he and the brunette were closer now than Kairi ever could get with him.

"Prove it and kiss each other!" another blonde whose name was Tidus said, smiling.

Kairi turned her head towards Riku's again and bit her lip. The platinum blonde brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled, pulling her closer with his other hand on her waist. One of the girls gasped loudly in anticipation, making Riku smile wider.

Soft arms then went around his neck and he moved closer, their bodies in full contact with each other. She lifted her head a little and he pressed his lips against her glossed one's shortly, liking the sweet fruity taste of her lip-gloss off his lips. He groaned in appreciation and kissed her again, this time coaxing her to part her lips with his tongue.

Kairi softly moaned and felt his grip on her waist tightening, pressing her closer. Oh, I've dreamt about this... he's so hot... she arched her neck and let him slide his lips over her throat, whispering his name.

"Uhm...yeah...ok. We, we believe you guys... you can stop you know."

But they didn't for a long time...  

To be continued… -Blackdiamond Princess-