Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ The actions and their consequences... ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]




We'll just keep updating this as long as I have the time for it! Enjoy!



SIXTEEN: The actions and their consequences…


Three days.


Three. God-awful. Days…


His eyes were puffy and red, his limbs feeling heavy and his body refusing to move from it's position on the bed.

Each breath seemed to hurt; every heartbeat seemed meaningless, his life losing importance without him around to give it significance.


It hurt.


God… it hurt so bad…


No allowed phone calls, no internet connections, no allowed visits and no permission to go to the one and only that could save him from the pain.


His punishment for loving his best friend…


The lightening caused horrific stretch out shadows of his air-boat model to appear on his walls during a few seconds before the loud rumbling of the thunder came to break the unceasing sound of the raindrops falling on the tiles of the roof.

Sitting in a corner of his room on his bed underneath the window, wearing one of Riku's wife beaters he had found in his closet, Sora had his head resting on his drawn up knees as he listened to the rain outside. It was the third night since the one he last saw Riku and the third since he had been up in his room, refusing any contact with his parents, especially his father. His father had prohibited him from going to the play-island or the other surrounding islands accessible by public transports, which had left him with nothing else to do but spend entire days up in his room. As long as they didn't allow him to see Riku, then he wouldn't acknowledge their presence in the house.


He closed his eyes and didn't even feel the tears that rolled down his cheeks. There had been so many of them shed, that he didn't even pay attention to them anymore. He was tired of crying, tired of sitting like a zombie in the darkness of his room with the blinds closed day and night, tired of hearing his mother ask to let her into his room to talk.

He had hoped that his parents would've got turned around and granted him his freedom back, but now his patience had reached it's limit. No matter what he'd say, his father wouldn't allow him to see him again.

This form of imprisonment wasn't what he had deserved... He hadn't done anything wrong…


You can't decide with whom it is you fall in love with… That's why it's called 'falling', you can't predict it…


His bare feet touched his carpeted floor and walked over to his closet to take out a pair of baggy jeans and a black sweatshirt with hood. He then took all of the money he owned out of an empty DVD box he had hid underneath his mattress and put it in his wallet. After he had put on his black Sketchers and taken a last look around his room, Sora then opened his window and looked outside at the pouring rain. He had never done something like this before, and he honestly was scared about what would happen, but his body and soul were being tortured with every moment he spent without his Riku. He couldn't take it anymore.


I can't deny the way I feel, I want to be with him so much… I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me, mom… even you, I hope, dad…


Running away wasn't an answer to his problem, but he didn't see how else he'd be able to see Riku. If his father didn't understand the importance of Riku's presence in his life, than he would have to learn it this way.

If he didn't tolerate the fact that his son was gay, then Sora wouldn't tolerate the fact that he was being locked up inside the house like he had committed a crime. He didn't need his permission to love Riku; he wouldn't let him destroy their love like this.




"What did he say?"


Kairi hung up the phone and turned around to look at her soaked friend with a worried gaze, "He's coming over. But Sora, what are you going to do?"

"I called Cloud from a phone booth earlier and asked him if I could come and stay with him for a few days…" Sora whispered from his seat on the couch in Kairi's living room. Her parents weren't home for the night and she had been spending it with her boyfriend in front of the TV.

"I don't want to stay here anymore…" The brunette then spoke, looking up as Wakka came out of the kitchen with a glass of soda for him.

"Oh, Sora…" Kairi softly spoke, sitting herself next to him and taking him in her arms, "I'm so sorry that things turned out like this…"

"If there is anything we can do, you just tell us, ya?" Wakka said, giving him the glass after Kairi had let go of him.

"No, you've done enough, really. I'm already embarrassed that I've interrupted your little date…" Sora said with a small smile.

"Don't be silly," Kairi said, briefly looking up at Wakka before continuing, "You can always count on us when you have problems…"

"I can't believe the stuff you told us about your father, man." Wakka said in disbelieve, "You just don't lock your son up because he's in love with another guy… That won't solve the problem."

Sora directed his blue eyes to the floor and closed his eyes, "I know, I really thought that he'd understand… He didn't need to accept it… I just wanted him to understand how I feel…"


There was a short silence after those words before the doorbell rang and Kairi walked up to the door to open it.





Riku flew off the steps that led to the living room and took Sora in his arms, holding him into a solid embrace. "Oh Sora…"

"I just couldn't stay there anymore; I needed to see you so badly!" Sora whimpered over the elder teen's left shoulder, his hands grabbing hold of the fabric of his black coat frantically, as if he feared that he wasn't real. "I thought that I'd die if I didn't see you!"

"I've tried to reach you so many times… I couldn't sleep anymore… I was on the verge of breaking…" The blonde whispered back with an unsteady voice, repeatedly running his hands through Sora's hair.

"Riku… I can't stay on this island any longer, if my father finds me, he'll lock me away from you for good!" Sora said with panic in his voice, "I won't be able to survive another day knowing that I'm not allowed to see you ever again!"

Riku nodded and took hold of his head to look at him, "Then we'll leave, tonight."

"I called Cloud earlier—" Sora started, but Riku nodded his head again.

"Right before Kairi called me he called me and explained it to me. We'll take the last ferry. I' m with my car." he said, embracing him again. Riku could feel the tensed body of his lover and released him again to press a soothing kiss on his plump lips, "Don't worry, ok? I'll take care of you from now on; everything is going to be alright."

"I won't deny that I'm scared, Riku…" Sora whispered, a few tears escaping from his eyes, "My father he…"

"He won't tear us apart again; I won't let him this time." Riku spoke determinedly, looking straight into his eyes. They shared another tight hug before Riku let go of him and walked over to Wakka and Kairi, "Thanks a lot you guys, we'll be leaving now."

Wakka held out his hand and pulled his friend into a brotherly hug, "You make sure we see you again, ya? In one piece?"

Riku chuckled, and then let go of him, "You make sure to take care of Kairi here, alright?"

Wakka nodded and gave him a last fraternal shoulder tap before taking a step back and letting Kairi hug her lifelong friend a last time.

"Don't forget about me, okay?" She whispered, her voice trembling from the tears.

"We won't. I promise…" Riku whispered back, holding her tightly, "Love you, redhead." He then chuckled softly.

At this Kairi broke down in tears, reaching out to Sora from behind Riku's shoulder. Sora came and the three of them shared a last emotional group hug, whispering promises of feature visits and reunions to one and other.


"Let's go, Sora, we don't have much time…" Riku softly whispered, his hand on the doorknob.

"Remember what we promised okay?" Sora softly spoke to a now sobbing Kairi, "Take care, Kai… I love you."

"I love you too," She whimpered, reluctantly letting go of him. "Sora?"

The brunette re-approached, "Yeah?"

"I know it's in a few hours, but I won't have the chance to tell you personally then, so… Happy birthday…"

"Kai…" Sora almost whimpered, taking her in his arms for a final time before letting go.

Wakka took his weeping girlfriend in his arms and looked at him, "Have a safe voyage… the both of you."

"Thank you, bye…" The brunette said with difficulty, the overwhelming emotions of separation threatening to take over. He took Riku's hand in his and cast one last look at the couple left behind. "Bye Kairi…" he then soundlessly whispered, seeing her grab Wakka tighter and waving them goodbye. His eyes then looked up at Riku and he nodded so Riku could open the door.


Silent tears ran the long Sora's cheek as Riku started his car and they drove out of Kairi's street to take the highway. "I'll never be able to go back home…"

Riku glanced over at him and put a soothing hand on Sora's left one, "They'll forgive you…"

"What if they don't?" He whispered, the passing streetlights casting Sora's face in and out of the shadows, "Will my father ever understand how I feel for you? Will he ever accept us?"

A long moment of silence followed that, Riku not finding an appropriate and soothing answer to that question and Sora not really expecting one and watching how they entered the tunnel towards Traverse Island and Traverse harbour, leaving Destiny Island officially behind.  



"Are you going to stay in bed all day or what?"


Riku entered the room he and Sora shared in Cloud and Leon's spacey apartment in DC-centre. He jumped on the bed and laid himself next to his younger lover, spooning his body against his.

Sora groaned slightly at this and pushed Riku away from him, "I'm not in the mood, Riku."

"It's your birthday, babe…" Riku purred into his ear and moved to re-enforce his embrace on the smaller boy, while his pursed lips caressed light kisses on his left cheek. "Cloud and Leon went out to work so…"

"Stop it…" Sora now spoke with an insisting tone, pushing Riku's face away with his right hand and snuggling deeper into the covers, "Go away."

Riku frowned slightly at his boyfriend's blunt rejection, it was the first time he had blown out said no to one of his advances. He tried again, this time brushing a few of his chocolate strands out of his face and pressing a tender kiss on his cheek, "Babe, what's wrong?"

A loud grumble was Riku's answer and as a seriously infuriated Sora sat up in the bed and turned to look at him, he was so surprised he didn't even blink.

"I said. That I was not. IN THE MOOD!" He yelled and got out of the bed and out of the room, leaving Riku with his confused thoughts.


He found Sora sitting in one of the two large red armchairs in the living room as he descended the stairs, big tears rolling down the long his cheeks. The brunette just stared right ahead of him, his legs drawn up to his chest, while soft sobs escaped his slightly parted lips.

"Sora…" Riku whispered, cautiously approaching him and kneeling in front of him on the carpeted floor. He took the younger teen's hands in his and produced a small encouraging smile when Sora shifted his eyes to look at him. "Bad night of sleep?"

A watery smile formed itself on the tear- moistened lips of the brunette and he sniffled slightly, "I'm sorry… I just…" He sighed, trying to hold back the upcoming series of sobs, but failing miserably and finding himself crying all over again.

"Baby…" The blonde soothingly whispered, taking him in his arms again, "Shhh… I know… you're feeling guilty for leaving, right?"

"Yes…" Sora whimpered, holding Riku tightly to him and trying to wipe his face dry with the long sleeve of his night-shirt. "I'm sorry…"

"Just let it out…" Riku softly said, brushing Sora's hair back tenderly, "It's best to let it all out instead of cramping it all up…"

A frustrated sigh came out of the weeping young boy and he detached himself from the embrace to look at his boyfriend teary-eyed, "I don't know anymore…"

"You don't know what?" Riku patiently whispered, raising a hand to wipe away another tear rolling down Sora's right cheek, but he stopped in mid-air when Sora moved his head away from his touch. Sora? Please talk to me…

Sora sighed again and bent his head, "I was so sure about everything just yesterday… and now I… I…" He took hold of his head and stood up, walked towards the counter of the build-in kitchen and rested his elbows on it. "I just don't now anymore…" He whispered in a desperate manner.

Riku followed him and came to stand next to him, "About living here? In DC?"

Sora threw his head in his neck and let out a frustrated growl and then walked away from him again, "About my flight, about the way my parents reacted about us, about me coming here… About…" He turned around and sniffled, looking at him in pure distress, "About everything…" He then whimpered, "Even about us…"

Riku sighed softly and put his hands on his hips, looking down briefly before facing Sora again. He had not expected this. "That's a lot to be unsure about…" He softly whispered, licking his lips, not knowing what else to say for that moment. He wanted to be angry, but that wouldn't solve a thing and he didn't want Sora to doubt about all of these things…

"I'm sorry…" Sora sadly whispered, his fingers fidgeting with the sleeves of his borrowed red shirt.

Riku didn't answer but just closed his eyes and leant against the counter with his elbows. He was trying to know what had just happened. "So where does that leave us?"

"I… I don't know…" Sora whispered, more tears rolling down his face, "I'm sorry Riku… It's just how I feel…" He then said with a shaking voice, defending himself.

The older adolescent ran a hand over his face and chuckled briefly, "Sure, Sora. But what about how I feel?"

"Don't be like this…" The brunette pleaded, shaking his head.

"Be like what, Sora? This is just a normal reaction to what you've just told me!" Riku loudly spoke; walking passed him and sitting himself at the dinner table behind Sora. He knew that he was angry now, but he really couldn't give a damn. Riku was always the one who was trying to be comprehensive about Sora's feelings, always trying to understand why the brunette sometimes felt the way he did. What about his own feelings? Did Sora even consider them? "How did you expect me to react?"

Sora just stood there, disbelieve written all over his face at Riku's harsh words, "Not like this! I thought you'd understand me…"

"That's what you always expect me to do when you get one of your mood swings! Why don't you try and control them for once and give us both a break." The moment he had said that, he knew he had made the worst mistake in his life.

Sora made a choked sound, his lips trembling, astonished by what his lover had just said. He then nodded in angry understanding, "Ok. Fine." He spoke, backing away and holding his hands up in defence as Riku approached him. "I need some fresh air."

With that he turned around and went to retrieve his black sweatshirt from where he had left it last night on one of the couches before opening the entrance door and exiting.

"Sora no, wait!" The blonde called after him, following him out the door and down the stairs. By the time he had reached the final step, Sora was already out of the building door. "Sora!"

As soon as he put his hand on the doorknob to re-open the door, the horrific sound of screeching tires followed by an obtuse blow was heard from the street outside.

From then on it all seemed to go in slow motion for Riku, every heartbeat stretching itself into eternity as he ran out of the building and saw Sora lying in the middle of the street immobile.

"No!" He yelled out, throwing himself on his knees next to Sora's unconscious body and taking his head in his lap, "Sora?" He whimpered, "Sora please? Please?" He slightly shook him, attempting to get him to come back to his senses. "Don't do this to me, Sora! Don't!" He then started to sob, rocking his lover's body against his. "Someone please call an ambulance!" He then screamed to the small crowd that had started to gather around the both of them in curiosity.

"Don't die, Sora… don't die… please don't leave me alone… Oh god, please…"  




… ;





Laying his hand to rest on Sora's peaceful face, Riku had to bite back a few sobs as he saw his once so full of life boyfriend lying there on that hospital bed all pale and bruised. "I'm so sorry, Sora… this is my entire fault…" He whispered, taking hold of Sora's inert right hand that laid next to his body on the bed, "If I hadn't yelled at you, then you wouldn't have gone… and that car wouldn't…" His voice broke down in sobs and he brought Sora's hand he was holding to his face, rubbing his left cheek against it.


The blonde turned around in his seat near the bed and saw Cloud and Leon standing at the entrance. Leon was holding a small plant in his hands by mean of a gift. "How is he?" Cloud asked and walked over to the distressed blonde.

"He has two broken ribs and had a slight concussion… He's still unconscious…" Riku whispered in a dull voice, his eyes never leaving Sora's lifeless face.

Cloud briefly looked over at his lover while the brunette put the plant on the windowsill and then approached Riku to rest a hand on his left shoulder, "What happened?"

"We got into an argument… and it's my entire fault… If only I hadn't yelled at him, we wouldn't be here…"

"Riku… don't do this to yourself…" Cloud soothingly whispered, shaking his head slightly.

"If the driver had noticed him a second later than he did, he would've died on the spot…" Riku spoke, still not looking up to the blonde standing behind him. "He was telling me how unsure he was about what happened last night and his parents… Due to all of those question marks he had also started to wonder about our relationship… I got so mad… Why?" He whispered, his face contorted in anger. "I was being so selfish and all he wanted was for me to understand what he was going through… I made this happen…"

Leon wrapped his arms over his chest as he looked at Sora from his position at his feet. He sighed softly and closed his eyes.

"Did you call his parents?" Cloud asked.

"Yeah… they were going to take the ferry at 3.15…" The adolescent whispered, caressing Sora's hand he was still holding lovingly, "I think he will be happy to see them…"

Cloud glanced at his watch and read 4.21pm. "They should be here any minute…"

"I'm going to look out for them." Leon spoke, walking over to the door and exiting.

Cloud watched him exit and then turned his head back to Sora before sitting himself carefully on the bed. "We can talk to them if you want…"

Riku shook his head, "It won't be necessary, Cloud… I'm afraid that Sora is going back home with them anyway…"

"What?" The elder blonde asked in disbelieve, "Don't give up like this, Riku! That's nothing like you…Besides, Sora wouldn't—"

A wry smile appeared on Riku's face and he closed his eyes, "Why fight for us if Sora doesn't want us to be together anymore? I honestly don't even blame him…"

Cloud couldn't believe what he was hearing, "What about all the things you've been through? You love Sora; you've proven it so many times! Don't let go so easily…"

"What if him and me were never meant to be more than friends, what if all of this was a mistake?" Riku whispered, letting go of Sora's hand and wiping his tears away.

Cloud simply watched the saddened blonde sitting in the chair in front of him for a long moment. "Your love is strong, Riku. You guys argue all the time… That's normal in a relationship…"

With a bitter chuckle Riku shook his head sadly. "The last one was the worst and look where it has brought us…"

"Sora loves you, Riku. With his entire heart, I am sure. He chose for you instead of Kairi, and with that, chose for all the possible trials you two would go through. And I'm sure that he knew how heavy they would be, but he trusted that he would be able to get through them with you…" Cloud softly spoke, standing up from the bed, "All he needed was for you to understand his insecurity, which was normal seen the situation the both of you are in. He did not run away from his parent's house so he could break up with you or so you could leave him, Riku. See this as another trial…" He turned himself around and saw Sora's parents standing by the door and then cast a last look at the unconscious brunette before walking towards the door, "If you leave him you'll not only break his trust in you and his heart, but also his entire person. Think carefully before you take any decision, Riku. Sora's heart is in your hands."

He stopped right in front of the Nagakawa's and spoke to them in a lower voice, "The both of you are also to blame for Sora's accident… I hope now that you see what the consequences of your previous decision are and that you will now carefully think about the next one because it will have it's effect on that young boy's heart… maybe even on his life…"

He walked away from them and met up with his life partner down the hall, sharing a last gaze with Sora's father before entering the lift.  


Thank you for reading and please do review!


To be continued…




& nbsp;