Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ When Light Becomes Darkness ❯ Third Night ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When Light Becomes Darkness
By: Katan Yue
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
Categories: Alternate Universe, mystery, suspense, supernatural
Rated: Mature NC17
Readers Beware this chapter contains rape and other dark themes.
Summary: Sora is a normal person dutifully working on an investigative report with his best friend Tifa while working a graveyard shift as a DJ for a local radio station. After Tifa's unfinished report is aired on national television, she ends up missing. Sora, Kairi, and Kairi's friend Yuffie, start a search party only to find out the she has been killed. What will happen know? How will everyone deal with the shocking news?
The Third Night: Darkness
The ride to the hospital had been painfully silent. Currently, Sora was pressed to cold, white tile of the hospital's morgue. He was thinking about the almost prophetic nightmare he had had the night before. Had it been a sign? Hmm…provably not. Tifa had gone missing a day before the nightmares, so it was impossible that everything would be connected. He hadn't even seen the body. Only one person had been admitted to identify the mutilated body. The victim's parents hadn't had the courage to enter and see their daughter's dismembered body for the last time, instead, Yuffie had volunteered to id the body. It was very ironic and very suiting that the long, round tunnel leading to the morgue's doors seemed to extend to infinity as he watched with saddened eyes how his girlfriend Kairi was tearing herself apart trying to console her friend Yuffie as well as Tifa's family. Sora stood there, alienated, frozen, and stupefied against the cold wall of the hospital's basement level. He didn't know what to do or how to react. The terrible news had turned their sorrowful gathering into a close knitted conglomerate of close relatives and friends.
Sora did not qualify as a close friend. He had met Tifa only five months prior to the tragedy. Tifa's parent didn't know him; they didn't even acknowledge his presence in the room.
For once, the petite man wanted to feel their true pain. He just simply couldn't compare. What was five months but a little spec on the continuous, never ending line of time? What was five months of getting to professionally work with Tifa against the lifetime of her parents -or the eighteen odd years of friendship between Kairi, Tifa, and Yuffie. Those five months could not even begin to compare. Five months was not enough time to forge a real bond between anyone, Sora realized with great guilt. And so he watched from afar, from his spot against the wall, the real pain of losing someone close.
And the brunette had suspected it for about three months now; the close bond between Tifa and Yuffie -a really close bond. He noticed the tender way they talked to each other, the way Yuffie kept in constant touch through calls from her cell phone, the way she was crying for her now. Yuffie had lost more than just a lifetime friend. She had lost a longtime partner……and Sora felt really bad for the family and the friends that Tifa had left behind, the friends and family she would never see again.
“I'm taking Yuffie home...ok.”
Kairi's soft tone was apologetic and hesitant. Her dark, amethyst eyes reflected a need for approval as she looked at Sora with a pleading expression. Sora nodded, he gave her a knowing smile because he completely understood Kairi's need to comfort her best friend in a time of deep sorrow. What else could he do? Yuffie needed someone's support and he barely knew her.
“It's ok, I'll drive Yuffie's car.” Kairi read her boyfriend's mind even before he tried digging for the car keys in his pocket. Sora nodded again and concluded that it was for the best. Yuffie looked completely devastated. It would be wise to keep her under surveillance until she was more emotionally stable. A pang of guilt resurfaced once again and the slender brunette wished he could have done more than just stand there like a spectator with nothing to say. He trailed after his girlfriend and Tifa's parents as they left the morgue with great painstaking sorrow. He followed the group until everyone dispersed to get to their respective cars, Sora included.
“I'll call you when Yuffie gets better.” Kairi mouthed silently as she led Yuffie to her ruby colored Chevy Tahoe. She flashed his boyfriend a sympathetic smile before going her own way.
Sora exhaled a deep exhausted breath as he got inside his small vehicle. He rubbed his tired face with his hands before resting his head on the ice cold, rubber clad steering wheel. He needed a rest. He was definitely tired. His brain had left for a short break and he was now a walking, breathing automaton.
“Got'cha!” A cool detached voice spoke from the rear seat of Sora's car. When the startled spiky-haired brunette's brain registered the alien voice, he also registered a sharp physical pain accompanied with it. His head felt the pain of a strong and brutal blow, his head swam and his vision blurred from the impact as nausea welled-up.
Don't give up, Sora
Look……at…… hisface!
He tried focusing on the rearview mirror to see if he could properly distinguish his aggressor. He knew his body was in terrible pain yet he tried to focus. His eyes squinted, he creased his brows in urgent concentration, but it was all in vain. His body gave up and darkness consumed him. His body was too tiered to resist another hit.
“He was a difficult one to get
“I thought you were the best
“HehI am the best
“It sure took you a long time
“He is very resilient
It was the ugly intense pain at the base of his skull that made Sora wake-up to the familiar voice of his raptor and the unfamiliar voice of another man. They were too engrossed in a competitive conversation with each other to realize that their captive had already awoken from his forceful sleep.
“Both Xemnas and Ansem will be pleased.”
“I can't wait for the munny to be deposited in my bank account back at Port Royal”
“Luxord………you never changenever havenever will.”
The cold detached voice sounded annoyed, unemotional as always. The tone of aggravation was intended for his greedy colleague who was a flirt, a thief, a scoundrel, a gambler, and a drunk. He knew full well that as soon as Luxord had money deposited to his bank account, his friend would squander it on whores and cheap rum.
“Hahahahaha!” Luxord gave a hearty laugh “If I had a heart, this is where I'd die from laughter.” He quoted his companion's usual remark.
“......Indeed......” The reply was curt and bitter.
“Oh...c'mon mate!” He growled “You know this time it'll be different. I want to impress that naughty, savage kitten...” The blonde man gave a low appreciative whistle wile motioning the curves of a woman's body with his hands.
“You mean Nymph...” Luxord's companion corrected unimpressed by his choice of women ......Larxene, the Savage Nymph -notthesavage kitten.”
Luxord rolled his eyes and kept quiet. No point in arguing with a cold blooded lunatic. He watched his companion stare at the cold frozen moon. How fitting, Luxord thought, he is just like that moon; cold and indifferent -that bastard.
I wasn't until a pained groan reverberated throughout the inside of car that they realized their captive had finally awakened.
“Shit...!” Luxord cursed under his breath. He kicked their captive into unconsciousness and yelled at the driver. Lexaeus…! What the fuck is taking you so long!? Hurry-up and get there.”
The second time Sora woke up he had been tossed in a cold, dingy lit room. The sound of dripping water leaking from a broken pipe greeted his sensitive ears upon awakening. The vertigo of a probable concussion made everything spin and blur before his eyes with sickening repercussions. There was a moment, short after his awakening, that the pain racking his body forced him to throw up. The nasty acidic vile burned his nostrils and throat with a vengeance. The entire content of his stomach had been spilled before him as the warm putrid liquid soaked into his clothes. Sora was disgusted with himself but he realized that there was no time to cry or panic. His instincts took over his body. With the little strength his body had managed to gather from sleep, he rolled with a loud thud onto the creaky wooden floor. His body ached a thousand fold after the fall, yet there was no time to feel pain, he needed to get out of wherever he had been imprisoned.
The manhandled brunette dragged his tired body all the way to an open door before he was discovered.
He was caught by a hooded member that had happened to walk by there on his way down to the basement. The voice was that of another male, old and cynical.
He looked at the captive with disgust gleaming from his analytical golden eyes.
The vomit, how disgusting
The hooded stranger took a deep breath and held it as he walked into the neglected room. He prodded the boy with his left foot before grabbing the kid and slinging him over his shoulder to toss him onto the stained mattress.
Sora fell with a loud groan. Everything ached and blurred as he bounced into the springy mattress.
“You better stay put kid The blonde old man said with weariness “The boss will see you shortly.” He walked towards a rotting wooden dresser to pull out a brown glass bottle from one of the drawers. A clean white handkerchief was produced from the old man's pocket before he poured some sort of liquid into it. He watched their captive struggling to get out of the bed with his slow pained motions. “You know an exasperated sigh escaped the blonde man's thin, chapped lips. “You are just like that bitch -stubborn and persistentHeh...still, we finished her off…” Hollow sounding steps made their way to the bed resting near a boarded window. Smooth leather gloves dug their way into matted brown hair caressing the skull with gentle motions before yanking on the hair with force.
“The good thing He said with a sadistic tone as he placed the white cloth over Sora's face “…is that you aren't as loud as that cheap whore, otherwise, I would have pulled out your pretty little tongue like I did with hers…”
Amused golden eyes watched with sadistic enthusiasm at how his petite captive wrestled against the sleep inducing substance until his eyes closed and his body fell limp against the mattress.
When the disoriented brunette woke up, he found himself resting on a clean bed. The room was big and lavishly decorated with rococo styled furniture. The bed was soft and very spacious. Sora closed his eyes and inhaled a deep rose scented breath. The cool touch of red silk sheets over his naked skin was perfect. He was feeling fine now. Nothing hurt or ached. Perhaps his earlier dream had been a nightmare. Perhaps he was enjoying a blissful, peaceful dream now.
“So you're awake now
It was the deep, rich, and sophisticated voice of an older man that made Sora's eyes snap open. He saw not one, but two men sitting on finely detailed arm chairs of burgundy velvet fabric. They were both reading books by the moonlight. The shining silvery moonlight shone though the French doors. Sora was in complete awe. Both men were identical; tall and dark skinned. Their long, silvery white hair draped over their shoulders like glistening strands of delicate spider web. Sora found himself enthralled, captivated by a pair of dominating presences.
How could two people be exactly alike? Everything about them was the same. The only difference that gave them away was their style of clothing. The man on the right was dressed in tight leather pants and a white shirt that was unbuttoned to reveal a broad muscular chest. The man on the right was clad in an all white suit and lab coat.
Under different circumstances, Sora would have reacted by covering up his nakedness from those two strangers. He would have cussed and fought like a wild cat to make them leave the room. Maybe he thought the two men were part of some bizarre dream. Perhaps he was still dazed from all his sickly dreams and cruel nightmares. In reality, his perception was being prayed upon by two skilled seducers with unnatural powers.
The man revealing a broad chest paused his reading and placed his book atop the tabouret table. “You startled us.” The man confessed with a dashing smile. “Xemnas and I didn't expect you to wake up so soon
Rather, the potion we gave to inflict sleepiness should have kept you down a while longer. Then he laughed a short discrete laugh. He walked towards the dazzled brunette and sat next to him by the bed.
Sora stared at the older man with a hypnotized look. A warm, tanned hand reached to caress the smooth, peach colored skin of his captive's cheeks and shoulders. Even as the man's hand dipped into the folds of the cool, crimson sheets to caress a tender thigh, Sora did not react. It was as though he were a powerless and helpless child to think or act. Danger!! Sora's brain screamed with urgency. Even in its lulled state, Sora's brain tried warning him of great danger, but the sooner those thoughts began, the sooner they were quelled by a stronger force.
Soutterly, beautifullyfragilebreakable.&# 8221; Golden eyes devoured the delicate beauty of Sora's petite and slender body, the softness of his tender skin. They focused on the brunette's plump lips which were greedily kissed by rough lips.
Sora couldn't do anything. His body couldn't react and his brain couldn't think. His body moved on its own accord. His body leaned into the tender touch. Sora found himself kissing back slowly, and then more passionately as time progressed. The tall man pulled away enough to allow Sora to breathe again before delving into the wet confines of his toy's hot mouth.
Sora's hand was then taken into larger, rougher hands. Together they traced a wandering trail until his hand was guided to caress the man's arousal. And Sora did; his hand effortlessly untying the strings lacing together the leather pants until there was room enough to tease the heated roll of flesh.
“Good boy.” The man whispered low enough in Sora's ear to cause a delectable shiver. He played with the man's thick arousal, applying teasing pressure to the reddened head. “That's it.” The man encouraged Sora, whose eyes were lost in a powerful trance. A tanned hand laced itself on the back of Sora's head until he was being guided to muscular thighs, to a weeping erection. Sora opened his mouth immediately, tasting the bitter salty fluid of pre-cum from the man's twitching cock. Sora felt neither threatened nor disgusted. His mind was completely blank. He was following silent commands issued by a powerful creature. His will was completely taken. Yet…
There was something that he was forgetting……
There was something important……but……what was that
With each increasing thought the mist inside of his brain became thicker. The man's golden eyes glowed brighter, and the temperature of the room fell several degrees.
And then a miracle happened. The picture of a beautiful red-head appeared before his mind's eye. Sora remembered seeing her, but he couldn't remember her name. She was important, though. Sora knew that much.
Yes, he remembered something -then the mist began to slowly dissipate -his brain was becoming more aware. His lulled brain regressed back to the time where he and the little red-head girl were younger. When the sun was bright and the hot, sandy beach lay beneath their sandals.
He remembered the races as they rushed towards the finish line at the other side of the island. The red-head was the first to start running. She ran with all her might; a face of utter determination set on her round, chubby face. Trailing right behind her was a sandy, blonde-haired boy. His aqua green eyes shone with stead fast determination because he was going to win that race.
“Tidus, wait up!” There was a mousy little girl running after the boy named Tidus. She had an angry pout on her face. There was no doubt that her little yellow dress was hindering her movements.
Sora saw himself lagging behind after the race had started. He had a bored expression gracing his overly boyish features. No doubt he'd ran that race a thousand times before. He always won on each and everyone of their racing challenges before. That day, though, it had been a little different. He wanted to challenge himself a little, so he gave his friends a little head start before getting serious and giving it his all.
Just before reaching the wooden deck, Sora accelerated his running a bit. He dashed past his red-head friend to climb the old rotting tower. “Sora, you little cheat!” The girl cried behind Sora as she climbed up the tower.
“Ewe…purple undies.” Tidus cringed after the color of the red-haired girl's panties was displayed for the whole world to see.
“Shut up, Tidus!” The young girl hissed angrily. She waited for Tidus to get close so that she could step on his hand while he was climbing the tower. “Ow…!” Tidus howled from pain, but Sora kept running. He ran all the way to the star and back. His tired friend trailed right behind him.
“Sora won, y'all”
“Ahh…” The rest of the children groaned in unison.
“He always wins, Wakka.” The boy named Tidus whined to his older friend who was there to baby-sit them all. The older boy named Wakka shrugged. Who cared?
“Tidus came in second.” The tanned skinned Wakka announced. “Kairi got third place and Selphie came in forth…”
The girl's name was Kairi, his girlfriend, the woman he loved.
And as soon as the realization set in, the spell he was being held under shattered into a million fragments of clouded memories. The mist inside his head lifted and a horrible realization set in.
He was completely naked.
There was a man on top of him…
Sora felt the heavy weight of the older man crushing his smaller body. He felt the warm skin of older man's broad chest against his exposed body, the feeling of the man's tongue against his mouth.
At that time, Sora panicked. This was not a dream…it was reality. He could feel the man's large and warm hands caressing his body with greedy touches -a touch here and a touch there. The man continued his explorations until a hand was groping Sora's testicles and giving them a gentle massage until Sora's erection became painfully hard. Sora panicked even more. He felt ashamed, disgusted with himself, above all, he felt violated. He hadn't willed such a reaction from his body -it was wrong -it had been stolen! How could he make him stop? It was either fight or flight and Sara's only choice was fighting.
He issued a muffled protest wile his body shrank away from those hated caresses. Sora tried pushing the rapist away only to have the man become more forceful with his advances. Large fingers slipped forcefully inside Sora's anal cavity. O god! In a moment of improvisation, Sora's only choice was to bite the man's tongue with all his might.
The hot, metallic taste of blood filled Sora's mouth making him gag. The man only smirked sardonically. What was a little tingling sensation of a poorly given bite against his preternatural body? It meant nothing to him. It made the game far more interesting if anything.
He removed his hand from underneath Sora. Instead, he positioned himself to ravage the fighting brunette.
“You seem to be loosing your touch, Ansem.” The man dressed in the white suit and lab coat said in a monotone mockery. “To let a mere child escape from the clutches of your mesmerize ability that badly.” He reproved “You must be getting old and senile.”
“Vampires don't grow old or senile, dear brother of mine, if anything, we tend to lose our sanity.”
Ansem's smile was the perfect picture of cruelty. He wrapped his hands around his prey's small neck and lifted him off the bed just enough to slam him hard against the headboard. Sora cringed from the impact. He was becoming scared. The fear just paralyzed his brain, his actions. Just what were they planning to do with him? Vampires?! What the hell was going on! These men were completely nuts!
Many thoughts crossed Sora's frightened mind as he clawed the arms of the man called Ansem. He was struggling with all his might, trying to wrench his body free from the strong grip that held him. LET ME GO! LET ME GO! His mind screamed with urgency in the absence of voice from his throat. The young journalist glared defiantly at the white haired Ansem. LET ME GO!
In the defiant eyes of his prey was reflected a strong will to live, to survive at any cost necessary. If it was either fight or flight, the small, mortal creature chose fighting. Even the frightening realization of death did not prevent the little creature he held tightly in his grip from trying to wrench his body free. Ansem acknowledged many things about the fragile creature. Perhaps the college student's strong desire to live had ultimately repelled his mesmerize ability. He had never expected such a day would come. Maybe that was the reason why his powers hadn't work against the thrashing brunette.
The white-haired vampire admired his new acquisition. Perhaps a little fear would bring his new toy to his senses. Ansem licked his fangs in anticipation. How would his little toy react? He displayed his sharp, white fangs and bore them straight against the delicate flesh of his captive's neck.
Blue eyes instantly widened with the fearful realization that his captor wasn't human. The strength, the pain from the sharp bite halted his struggling. Every time he tried pulling away, the man's sharp fangs would pull against the muscles and nerves of his neck almost achingly. He could feel the heat from his own blood dripping down his body and staining everything around him. With each suckling motion, Sora's body lost heat, blood, and consciousness.
“Lookhe's glaring at uswith his gorgeous blue eyes
Sora registered the comment about the same time a pair of razor sharp fangs dug themselves against the skin of his lower back. Sora hissed in pain. The one called Xemnas was currently thrusting frantically inside of Sora's limp and tired body. He was moaning with unrestrained pleasure as his heightened, vampiric senses perceived the smell of fresh metallic blood. His body trembled in delight at the feel of warm blood staining everything around him.
“I want to see the life being suck right out of his body Ansem said after drawing more blood from his captive. His slick, blood stained hands roamed the younger boy's body hungrily. Occasionally, his nails dug delicate trenches across his captive's skin. His smirk widened when he saw his reflection in the mirror. He loved seeing the brunette's weak glare as his blood drained and began losing its strength. Soon their captive would be dying. Life would be sucked right out of the boy's tired body. He had fought a good fight, but in the end, no one was a match for the deadliest creatures on earth. They were vampires, the most powerful creatures on earth.
And just as soon as he was about to enjoy his little victory over the nosy journalist, a tall, long-haired man entered the room clearing his throat loud enough to interrupt Ansem's musing.
Ansem and Xemnas stopped. Both men regarded Xemna's subordinate expectantly.
“This has better be good, Saïx. Both brothers warned in unison.
“Master Ansem, Master Xemnas, the warehouse near the old train station has been blown to pieces. Everything and everyone was decimated. The warehouse was ransacked before it was blown. We have reasons to believe it was done by Sephiroth. ”
Playtime was over for the two brothers. They threw the lip body against the mattress and readied themselves to attend the crisis at hand.
“Vincent, Vincent!”
Ansem called upon a subordinate to dispose of the young journalist's body. A few minutes later a tall, quiet man appeared before the two brothers'. He was greeted with pleased, sadistic smirks.
“Kill the boy and dump his body anywhere you see fit.” Ansem ordered before leaving the room with his brother.
Vincent walked towards the bed. His red-colored eyes examined the mangled body and the blood-stained sheets. The boy had been practically drained from all blood. Vincent focused on the poor child's blue eyes; the way they were staring at him defiantly. The boy's blue eyes seemed to communicate something to the old and tired vampire.
When he got close enough to the naked body, when he gathered the limp body in his arms and straightened the boy's head so that he could stare into those defiant azure eyes, he saw something he wasn't expecting. He saw the boy clinging to the last threads of life. It was something that Vincent had long ago given-up on. His soul had been dead long before he's been turned into a vampire, but the boy, he wanted to live. Those azure colored eyes spoke silently to him; and even as the life fore was being drained slowly away from them, they spoke loud enough to say -I don't want to die here