Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ When Light Becomes Darkness ❯ Second Night ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When Light Becomes Darkness
By: Katan Yue
Happy New Years, everyone!!!!
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts and I'm not making any profit.
Categories: Alternate Universe, mystery, suspense, supernatural
Rated: Mature NC17. Readers Beware this chapter contains heterosexual...sexuality. Please, no character bashings.
Summary: Sora is a normal person dutifully working on an investigative report with his best friend Tifa while working a graveyard shift as a DJ for a local radio station. Ever since the love struck Sora starts working with Tifa on a report about heavily mutilated corpses being found in the back alleyways of night clubs, houses, and mansions, our unlikely hero starts getting the faint notion that he is being followed. Little does he know that the report he's been helping Tifa with will be the last of his starting career in journalism.
The Second Night: The Signs of Death.
The next morning Sora woke up tired and wrestles. Every time he closed his eyes the horrid nightmares would return to haunt him. They seemed so real that he would wake up as soon as they began. In the end, Sora did call Tifa several times only to be transferred to her voice mail. By six in the morning Sora's eyes were so puffed and red that his tired, heavy lids finally closed and he fell asleep without even noticing it.
The cell phone's heavy vibration against the wooden nightstand finally woke him up at ten twenty seven in the morning. His tired body protested heavily for more sleep time; his blurry eyes stung from his need to sleep, but the petite brunette refused. What if it was Tifa calling? With that thought in mind, Sora reached for the phone.
“Hello?” He greeted tired and uncertain.
“Hi! Is Tifa there? Please tell her to drag her ass out here. I can't cover for her all day, you know!”
“Yuffie?” He cringed at the loudness of her voice so early in the morning.
“Yeah…what? Hey, are you still asleep?! Wakeup sleepy-head or you'll be late for class.”
“Yuffie! Do you have to be so loud!?” Sora cried-out groggily. One more word from Yuffie's loud mouth and his ears would start to bleed.
“Oh, that's so rude!” She fussed indignantly over the phone. “I'm not loud!”
Sora sighed. No point in arguing with her anyways. “How did you get my number?”
“Kairi gave it to me, duh-uh. Hey, so have you've seen Tifa? She pulled a disappearing act on us before a meeting two days ago. I really have to give that girl a scolding.”
“No, I haven't seen her either. I thought she might be with you.”
“Well, I thought the same thing, too. I gave Kairi a call since I thought she might have been to see her, but……”
The silent trail was left there. Both callers knew something wasn't right. Tifa had always been mature and responsible, not to mention that she was an avid workaholic.
“I'll call around to see if anyone's seen her.” Yuffie's voice was now calm and analytical. The casually loud, hyper Yuffie had been replaced by a somber one.
“Ok.” Sora agreed and pledged an effort to help. “I'll see what I can do.”
“Hey, Yuffie, do you think that maybe she's out with a boyfriend or something?” Sora asked curiously after remembering an episode where Tifa had been anxiously talking about having a date with someone.
“That's silly why would-” Yuffie hesitated. “She never told Kairi or me.”
“Oh…one more thing, didn't they tape an interview with her yesterday?”
“No, that was two days ago…”
Sora, Kairi, and Yuffie spent the rest of the morning searching for Tifa. They called friends and relatives. They called contacts and associated who knew nothing of their fried.
“I'm sorry, Miss. The police department usually waits twenty-four hours before starting a search on a missing person's case after being officially reported.”
“But she's been gone for two days!”
“We're very sorry.”
“What do you mean you're sorry?! She could be in real danger!!”
“Miss if you don't settle down we're going to have to detain you.”
“Wh-what! You're going to what?! But I just- argh! Is anybody even listening!?!”
Yuffie cried out in plane outrage and disbelief. She threw her hand up to the sky in exasperation while pacing madly around a narrow hall.
“C'mon, Yuff, let's get out of here before they lock you up in the slammer.” Kairi tried to calm her friend down while Sora tried prying her away from the main desk.
“I can't believe it!?” Yuffie relented after a while. “This is. This is- it's so unfair and typical!” she kept complaining on their way to the car. “What if something happens to her!” she kept on ranting all the way to her apartment.
Yuff, can you settle down?
Both Sora and Kairi wondered without saying a word. They were all tired, and hungry, and their friend was still lost. When the exhausted couple left Yuffie in her apartment, the mousy, raven-haired girl was still talking non stop.
I'm exhausted.” Kairi declared flopping down on Sora's bed. “and hungry, too. I just hope she's ok-” She trailed off. Sora sat next to his girlfriend. He took her small hand in his for comfort. “I understand…” He said downcast. And even if it wasn't apparent, there was a silent communication going on between them.
5 months earlier……
Sora had been in the journalism room proofreading a column for the community college newspaper. He had been so busy with his work that he hadn't heard the soft knocking in the classroom's door.
“Is Sora here?” A female voice called from the doorway. Sora lifted his head to meet the voice of the person that was calling him. He was surprised to find a woman there. “Hi, my name is Tifa.” The tall, voluptuous woman presented herself in a professional manner. Her earnest dark-brown eyes and her immaculate business attire made her look like a prestigious person. “You're Sora, right?”
“Yeah.” Sora nodded accordingly. The woman smiled; that's what she'd been waiting to hear. She extended her hand in greeting and gave Sora her presentation card.
Sora took a look at her presentation card. “You're Kairi's friend, aren't you?”
“That's right.” She said. “Kairi told me you were interested in journalism. Am I right?”
Sora nodded quietly.
“I've got a job proposition to make you, if you're interested that is.” Tifa was a busy person. She didn't have time to beat around the bush. The journalist sat classily on a nearby chair; a placid expression on her beautiful face. “You see, a friend of mine who works at the police station once told me about a wave of murders occurring in nightclubs. At first, isolated murders led investigators to conclude that the deaths were due to possible territorial disputes, maybe even drug dealers. As the incidents became more recurrent the police started to investigate who might be responsible for all those deaths.”
“I've never heard about this before.” Sora tried recalling whether he had heard about the news somewhere -television, newspapers, anything, but nothing came to mind.
“Exactly!” Tifa exclaimed excitedly. “The press has not considered these murders to be newsworthy.”
“What is so special about this report of yours?” Sora asked skeptically. Tifa only gave a pleased smile. Sora was acting like a promising journalist. She saw the potential in that and she wanted to seize it. A person who was willing to always ask the right questions in a profession that demanded the news to be more than average was important in that field.
“Well…” Tifa hesitated. There was nothing exceptional about the murders or the number of victims which added thirty-nine in total. Why weren't they important? The reasons were simple. At first the victims had been homeless individuals being found at the alleys of raunchy nightclubs and bars, secondly, the victims were anonymous individuals without any importance to anyone; and thirdly, the police hadn't been able to solve the murders or even develop any prime suspects -everything reeked `cover-up'.
“A month ago, a teenager by the name of Olette Summers was murdered in a rave organized on private property. Two weeks ago, a young lady named Fujin appeared murdered in yet another rave organized on a small suburban house. Do you know the difference between their murders and everyone else's?”
“No.” Sora answered honestly.
“If you must know, Olette and Fujin are none other than the daughters of the most important business tycoons residing in Deep Dive City.”
“I haven't heard it in the news lately.”
“That's simple, Sora. They -and by that I mean the parents of the murdered girls - don't want that information released to the public.”
“Why?” Sora asked. Why would anyone hide information that could possibly help and alert the general public?
“It appears that the girls were high on heroin and cocaine respectively.”
“How did you get all that information?” Sora wondered out-loud.
“I have many connections.” Tifa assured with a proud smile.
“Then why do you need my help?” Sora questioned prudently.
“Because I need someone young and fresh. I'm a little too old to go partying if you know what I mean.”
“In that case anyone could do the job.”
Tifa stifled an amused giggle. Kids were so presumptuous at times.
“Not in this case.” She confessed. “A single journalist can't do everything. I need someone young , someone who knows what they're doing. Will you help me out? You'll gain something out of this too. If this investigative report becomes a success then you'll be able to become a respected journalist in no time…”
The temptation had been too much to resist
“You've got yourself a deal.” Sora agreed cheerfully. His bright blue eyes were full of hope and enthusiasm -this would be his first real report.
A shake from their hands made the deal official.
The Present……
As Kairi remembered what her fried had told her, she began feeling a little guilty for encouraging her friend Tifa with a report she felt had bad vibes. They both knew that investigating murders was a risky business…but Tifa had been so excited that it had been hard not to give her a little encouragement.
“Bad news are always the first to be arrive, Kai. I'm sure that she's ok.” Sora wrapped his arms around Kairi for comfort. The auburn-haired Kairi smiled sadly. “I know…but still…I can't help but feel a little worried. She's my friend, you know?” She rested her head gently against her boyfriend's warm chest seeking solace. Sora tightened his embrace and they remained silent for a long time.
That silence ended as soon as both their stomachs protested from the absence of food. “We haven't had a bite to eat all day.” Sora realized. His face was just as red as his girlfriend's. “I guess so.” Kairi laughed ashamed of her body's natural reaction to hunger. “We didn't get to see a movie either.” She changed the subject from the awkward moment.
“I guess we can settle that.” Sora stood up and tugged at Kairi's hand. She smiled brightly back at Sora. Soon the couple was out the door to buy some take-out.
Oh…“I'm stuffed!” Sora declared after arriving to his apartment.
“How can you not? You ate six slices of pizza! Six!! Then you topped it off with chocolate cake!” Kairi was certainly impressed. How could her boyfriend eat so much without gaining a single pound? Life was really unfair. “They're going straight to your hips, y'know.” She chided him playfully. Sora placed a hand behind his head; he jutted his hips to one side and batted his thick, dark lashes seductively. “Jealous much?” He taunted with a mischievous voice.
“You prick!” Kairi, playing the offended part, threw a pillow from the couch at Sora.
“Admit it, Kai, I've got a better figure than you.” He kept taunting after catching the brown colored pillow. “Hate you.” She hissed with her arms crossed. She was very sensitive about her body and she didn't take jokes like that too well. Knowing that he had crossed the red thin line this time, Sora stopped his taunting. He snaked his arms around her waist. “I'm kidding, Kairi.” He began apologetically. “You don't have to count calories, y'know. Indulge a little.” Sora began rubbing soothing circles on Kairi's waist. “And your body is just perfect.” Sora buried his face on the curve of Kairi's swan-like neck and placed a gentle kiss on the warm and fragrant skin there. “So can we watch a movie?”
Kairi's anger dissipated after hearing her boyfriend's sweet apologetic words. “I guess we can.” She said at last. Sora let go of his girlfriend so that she could reach the movies they'd rented at their local video store.
“Pretty Woman, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Wedding Planner, or Maid in Manhattan.” Kairi asked after digging out the movies from the small plastic bag.
“Whichever one you want, babe, it's your choice.”
“Kairi rolled her eyes. “The Wedding Planer.”
Half way though the romantic movie and neither Kairi nor Sora were paying any attention. They were both distracted. Sora had orchestrated a plan of impromptu take-out dinner and a bunch of rental movies picked by his girlfriend's divine hands as a mean of taking some of the stress off both their shoulders. Apparently, Kairi had decided that her boyfriend was doing a very good job on being attentive tonight because she was rewarding him with a little extra something special. Sora hadn't planned this night as a mean to get laid, neither was Kairi, but if she was giving him permission, he wasn't about to say `No'. Besides, there was something magical and primal about the calling of their bodies. Maybe it had been the proximity of their bodies as Kairi rested between Sora's sprawled legs. Perhaps the fragrance of their bodies had infused their hormones with the unbearable need for release after a stressful day. Whichever the case was, they found themselves in an ardent situation.
Neither gave much though as to why they were more horny than calm. All that Sora could recall was that Kairi had started absently rubbing his thighs up and down in slow, languid motions that were making him harden. In return he started kissing, biting, and sucking at Kairi's pale neck. She rewarded him with an earnest giggle after creating and unbearable friction between their lust-filled bodies.
From there, their actions got even more intense. Sora's hands wandered beneath Kairi's pretty pink dress. He massaged the soft skin of her inner thighs with eagerness; their breaths becoming short and more rugged with each passing second. When the skin of her thighs was not enough, he caressed her through her panties.
“Ah…!” He took pleasure from the sound of Kairi's frantic cries as a good sign that she was giving him plenty of encouragement. He enjoyed the way she tried to press her legs close; the way Kairi's thin arms snaked around his neck. He loved the way she arched into his indecorous little touch with such delicate gracefulness. It was all delicious. But at the same time, it was not nearly enough to satisfy Kairi or himself. Sora decided to snake his hand under the elastic of her black cotton panties to massage the hot, humid mounds of flesh between her legs. Her body writhed in pleasure while the cries coming from her thin pink lips were urgent and needy. She wanted more, she need it just as much as her boyfriend did.
Sora was taking his time; his own primal needs were being pushed aside in place of his girlfriend's. He slowly rubbed the pink little nub of flesh between Kairi's clamping legs. He repeated the motions slowly, then rapidly, then slowly again until she was moist enough to place a finger inside of her body. Kairi's body arched involuntarily from the manual stimulation. She felt the slight burning of the finger penetrating inside her body; moving inside her and rubbing against the fleshy walls searching for something more precious. Sora made an effort of stimulating he body further with the aid of careful ghost-like kisses placed upon her burning, sweaty skin. “Kairi…” Sora whispered huskily against the shell of his girlfriend's sensitive ear. It was interesting at how promising the night seemed to be.
They were so engrossed in what they were doing that neither was able to hear the heavy vibration of Sora's cell against the dinette table.
The teal colored cell phone kept vibrating loud and clear with great urgency against the wooden table. The name `Yuffie Kisaragi' was displayed in the cell phone's outer LCD screen, but the couple was so lost in the realm of intimacy that they were unable to hear the distant sounds of the call.
On the other end of the call, Yuffie was cursing her luck. Her hands were sweaty and trembling, her breath was rugged, and her mind was trying to assimilate too many things at once. How would she say it? How would she break the news to her friends? It was impossible not to panic.
Seeing as Sora wasn't answering his phone any time soon, Yuffie decided that maybe Kairi would be sensible enough to have her cell phone on in such a dire time. Maybe Kairi had the common curtsey to answer her cell phone.

”You can run into my Arms”
”It's okay don't be alarmed”
”Come into Me”
”There's no distance in between our love”
”So Gonna let the rain pour”
”I'll be all you need and more”
“When the sun shines”
”We'll shine Together”
”Told you I'll be here forever”
”Said I'll always be your friend”
”Took an oath”
”I'mma stick it out 'till the end……”
The catchy tune on Kairi's cell phone echoed through the tiny space of the living room. Kairi had fallen in love with that tune; it was romantic, it was upbeat, it was just suited for Kairi's extra girly taste.
“OMG, Sora, it's Rihanna's new CD!” She had cried excitedly during a trip to a music store. “I love her music! OMG, I have to have it!” She had squealed gleefully over her new acquisition. After that, Sora recalled hazily, his girlfriend had gone into a Rihanna frenzy and downloaded all of the songs into her sleek, coral pink Sony Ericsson cell phone. How ironic was it that, that stupid little ring tone would be interfering with their intimacy. Sora felt the need to smash the phone. The ring tone kept on singing; a distant sound calling them back from their lust-filled pleasant realm into the clutching hands of reality.
“I have…I have t-to go check…” The intimacy spell was broken, shattered into a million scattering pieces. Kairi was a breathless wreck; a beautiful, apologetic crimson blush lighting her face with uneasiness.
“Do you have to?” Sora's face was a detailed mask of irritation and frustration mixed in one.
Kairi exhaled a shaky breath, she wasn't exactly thrilled to stop, but what if the call was really important, after all, they had been trying to contact their friend Tifa. What if it was her call? “It might be Tifa…” She raked her hair back into a messy ponytail before standing up, adjusting her dress, and dashing for the phone that lay inside her purse next to Sora's cell phone.
“Yuffie called you…” Kairi noted with worry. Sora rubbed his face with his hands in frustration. He truly hoped that Yuffie's call was very important.
“Hi, Yuffie, it's me…”
This time Yuffie's voice was low, uneven, and breaking. Her usually bubbly attitude was gone. Kairi could detect something more in her voice but she couldn't recognize it.
“Oh…Kairi…thank god!” Yuffie breathed quite relived for just a tiny second. Sadness again overwhelmed Yuffie and a fresh wave of tears washed over her. “Tifa'sdead…!” She sobbed loud enough for Sora to hear over the phone. Kairi froze.
“What happened?” Sora's expression did a double retake. Was Tifa dead? He'd never seen his girlfriend so stunned and Yuffie would never play a trick like that. “Oh…my…god…” Kairi breathed disbelieving into her phone “it can't be…”
To be continued.