Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes CAN Come True! ❯ Star light, star bright.. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, or any of the characters assossiated with it. I do, however, own Selena, so if you use her in a fic ect, it better atleast have something like "cherryblossomgirl made this character", or I have the right to sue. :)

Selena sat on the wooden swing, he long golden hair lightly swaying in the breeze. Her navy blue blazer was unbuttoned, revealing her white shirt. Her white, plaid mini skirt swayed equally with her hair. Her navy socks matched her blazer, and her black shoes matched absolutely nothing at all( Selena had often wondered why the school had selected that colour). Anyone who looked at her from the other side of the white picket fence that separated them from her yard(and of course, house) would have recognized her as another school girl. But there was a lot more hidden behind her handsome brown eyes, much more than just a shy little school girl people had come to know her as.
Because Selena had tended to being quiet, and rarely spoke, she hadn't had any friends throughout grade school, all up until her second year of high-school. Why she had been so shy was a mystery, except to her.[ But we will find out about that soon enough =D]
Selena blinked, clearing the dust out of her eyes, and forcing the tears out of them as well. dammit, why am I so lonely..? she thought, and let out a sigh, and a few sobs, and a bit of tears. Ever since then.. I've been so shy and lonely.. Selena sighed again, and once more the thought crossed her mind.
Suicide. What else could she do? She felt so trapped, so scared, so lonely... How could such pain end otherwise, after what happened?
Selena finally shed one last tear, then quickly scurried into her house.
Now, Selena's house had had no people in it for a while, with the exception of her.You see, her family all were killed when she was younger, and she had just lived there, not knowing what to do, since nobody had been there to help. Anywho.
Selena ran upstairs to her room. She quickly slipped of her shoes and grabbed the razor blade on her desk.(Hey, nothing to hide, seeing as nobody else was there!)
Selena rolled up her sleeve to her elbow. Quickly, she slid the blade over her tanned skin, biting her lip slightly, while shedding another tear. Blood spilled out of her arm, and slowly a drop splattered on the floor. She sighed in a strange, but sure releif.

Later, just after Selena had eaten her dinner of shrimp flavored ramen noodles and went upstairs, a bright star appeared in the sky. Selena looked out the window, up at the abnormally bright star and closed her eyes, resting her weight on the sill.

I wish someone would love me for me.
She opened her eyes. She shook the silly wish out her her head as the star twinkled and faded. "Silly me," She thought out loud, "Wishes on stars can't come true," she said, but somewhere deep inside Selena knew they could. She then put on her flannel pajamas, climbed into bed, and drifted off to sleep, thinking of someone who did love her for her.