Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes CAN Come True! ❯ Nighttime Visit ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, nor any characters, trademarks, objects and ect related to it. I do, however, own Selena, as she is my creation, so don't steal her.

Sorry: I have actually not updated this for months! It's march 19th and I haven't updated since November 7th! I'm so sorry!

The figure reached out towards her neck and pressed a sharp dagger against it.

"Mmm..?" Selena moaned softly in her sleep, turning a little in her bed. Daggers did, of course, get cold, and felt just as cold against one's skin.

The figure flinched and pulled the blade back a bit. Selena sighed, turned over and continued her dreams, and so the figure sighed quietly and pressed the blade back on her neck.

Sora opened his eyes, he hadn't been able to sleep much at all lately for some reason. Then he noticed the shadowy form holding it's hand near Selena's neck. Sora squinted and saw the glint of a knife in the moonlight. His eyes widened. He pinched himself to help wake up and jumped to his feet, immediately summoning th Keyblade. That made enough noise to wake Selena up and surprise the figure so that it had turned around to face him. Sora saw the frightened look on her face, which made him angry. He didn't know why. He swung the Keyblade without thinking. It slashed through the figure, which crumple to the floor and seemed to disappear.

I'm really sorry this was so short, I have absolutely no ideas..