Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes CAN Come True! ❯ A month of happiness ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, nor any characters, trademarks, objects and ect related to it. I do, however, own Selena, as she is my creation, so don't steal her.

School carried on like any day, but Selena's mind could not leave one subject; Sora. How had he just, appeared there? Why had he not known? And why did she find him so cute?

Selena's heart skipped a beat thinking the only thing that made some sort of sense.

maybe my wish is coming true...

"Huh?" Selena snapped out of her thoughts.
"I said, what is the answer?" Her teacher asked, and the class giggled.
"T-to what..?" Selena stammered, half red from not knowing, and half red from embarrassment.
"The answer to what I've been talking about all day!" She barked.
"Oh.." Selena looked at the chalkboard. It read, "Today we are learning about mass." scribbled underneath was the sentence "What is mass?"

"Oh, umm, mass is like matter.. it..uhhh... I think it is.." Selena managed to stammer out. The teacher crossed her arms.

"Please pay attention next time. But for now, I will have to give you a detention after school."

XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (no, it's not a rating!)

Sora looked around the room where Selena had just left him. He never really noticed his surroundings when she was talking to him, so now was his chance to look around.
Sora's eyes guided him to the blood-encrusted razor blade laying on Selena's desk. He stared at it for a second, then he suddenly shot up off the bed and picked up the blade.

I wonder if she's emo or something.. Sora thought, but then he wondered what could have caused such pain and unhappiness that would make her do that.

Realizing he was touching things that weren't his, Sora set the blade down.

He looked out the window, noticing a weird, black spot on the ground. It looked almost like a mini-heartless. Naahh.. Why would there be heartless here? Sora thought. Quickly Sora shook that thought out of his head, deciding to ignore it.

"Damn, I'm hungry.." Sora said out loud. He was hungry, he could hear his stomach growling like two panthers fighting for the last piece of meat. Mmm, meat.. Sora thought. Then he remembered what Selena had said. "There's some ramen in the cupboard downstairs". Sora smiled and ran down the stairs.


Days continued on like this, Sora lived with Selena and they got to know each other. Selena liked it, because she hadn't had a friend in a long time.
For a month, they lived together, talked together, played together, and Selena even gave up her razor blade. Eventually as her social skills developed, Selena made a few friends. She was very happy to have not committed suicide, as she had thought of so many times before.

Selena and Sora both were a bit quizzical about the strange black things they saw occasionally, but thought nothing of it, since they were so happy.

One night, whilst they were sleeping, a strange, shadowy figure approached Selena's bed...