Kingdom Hearts ❯ My Glass Heart ❯ Cracked ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or its characters. All Kingdom Hearts properties belong to Square Enix and I am not, in any way whatsoever, making money from this fanfiction.
Glass is a fragile thing… beautiful, yet fragile. One mistreatment and shatters, each shimmering shard falling… Falling onto you, slicing your shattered soul. And once said and done, it can't be put back together.
… My heart is the same way.” - Me
My heart thundered in my chest as I ran down the sandy beach. A smile was plastered on my face as I panted, my crown necklace and the chain at my side clinking with each step. I was excited about today. Today was the day I was going to tell him… Let him know how I felt about him.
I was a bit uneasy about the whole thing… what if he doesn't feel the same? The question had been buzzing in my head for a long time; but I wasn't going to let that stop me now. I had had dreams of this moment. Dreams where I would approach my crush, and boldly state how I feel. My mind's image of his silver hair and aqua eyes, the way he stands with his body bathed in the light from the sunset, his sincere smile, only made me run faster.
I quickly muttered polite “Hello's” and “See ya's” when I ran past my other island friends. Their smiles seemed to encourage me… as if they knew why I was in such a hurry. Oh well. It didn't matter right now. My mindset at this moment was finding the one who had captured my heart so long ago…
I skidded to a halt sometime later, when I spotted familiar pretty silver hair waving in the wind. My heart immediately jumped into my throat, and I slowly began to walk towards him. His back was turned to me. I tried to calm my breathing a little, and nervously ran a hand through my gravity-defying brown hair. I was about to casually call out to him when another voice beat me to it.
I recognized that squeaky feminine voice instantly. Kairi. Thinking quickly, I darted into a nearby thicket of bushes, hidden from sight. I didn't want to be caught expressing my undying love to Riku in front of her. I watched as he turned to face her, a small smile on his perfect face. It might have been my imagination, but I could've sworn that his smile was forced.
“Hey, Kairi. What're you doing here?” he said politely. A small blush played across her face.
“W-Well… I wanted to tell you something. Something very important to me,” she replied sheepishly. His polite expression turned to that of a curious one as he tilted his head to the side cutely.
“What is it, Kairi?”
She fumbled for words for a moment, “Well…” Then, much to my and Riku's surprise, she leaned up to him, hands on his chest, and captured his lips with hers. My eyes widened, as did his. But then his beautiful aqua eyes slid shut, and he pulled her closer. I felt my own eyes well with tears. No… this couldn't be happening…
When they pulled apart for air, they looked away from each other, faces red. It was Riku who regained his composure and looked at her again. She looked up into his loving eyes.
“R-Riku… I wanted to tell you… I love you.” At this point, I had started to back away slowly, biting my bottom lip and fighting back tears.
Before she could say anything else, he pulled her into an embrace. He leaned his head down to her ear and said, “Don't. I love you too.” I didn't notice the waver in his voice at the end, as I had broken into a run in the opposite direction… stepping on a stray twig in my hurry. But I didn't care… I had to get away.
Riku suddenly looked up at the sound of a something snapping, and a hurried shuffle. He looked around, and his eyes fell upon a thicket of bushes. Before he could contemplate the noise, Kairi spoke up.
“Riku?” What is it?” She asked innocently as she clung to his tight yellow shirt a little harder. He looked around again, before looking back to her. He shook his head and gave her a reassuring smile, “Nothing. C'mon, let's go tell the others the good news.” And with that, they walked off.-
I can't believe it! My best friend and secret worst enemy were now together. I hurriedly wiped the tears from my eyes. Kairi had known I liked him…Why was she doing this? She had caught me staring at him one day and asked me about it. Back then she was my friend, but ever since I told her about my thing for Riku she just turned away from me and started being cruel to me. I could only guess that she liked him, too. And now, here they were, a couple, leaving me behind in the dirt. I had to get away… I ran faster, my shoes pounding the sand.
Have to get home, I thought; but in my state, I didn't think I'd be able to get home.
I looked to my left, to the shore shack. No one ever goes in there. I stopped my running, panting heavily before looking around to see if anyone was following me. No one. I quickly slipped in through the large wooden doors and let them creak shut behind me. I looked around a bit. I made my way to my secret spot behind the stairs, sat down. I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them, sniffling slightly. An ugly image of the two flashed before my eyes...
Then the dam broke.
I broke into sobs, crying freely. My wails of anguish were muffled when I buried my face in my arms. I don't know how long I stayed there crying to myself over what I had lost. I don't know when along the line I had dropped to my side, still curled up, hiccupping and sniffling. I don't know when I began to get sleepy, or when it finally overcame me, sending me into the blissful darkness…
End Chapter 1
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