Kingdom Hearts ❯ My Glass Heart ❯ Shattered Pt 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or its characters. All Kingdom Hearts properties belong to Square Enix and I am not, in any way whatsoever, making money from this fanfiction.
Author's Notes: I am SO sorry for not updating sooner! I had major writer's block. I still do, kinda, so sorry if this chapter sucks… (sweatdrop) Anyway, ONWARD!
One Week Later
A lone figure sat on the old wooden dock, silhouetted against the soft pastel blue that was the sky. He kicked his legs back and forth slightly as the sound of the waves splashing against the wood and sand lulled him. A gentle breeze sifted though his cinnamon locks and he sighed.
What a great day, Sora thought as he closed his eyes, lifting his head up into the breeze, welcoming it. He winced slightly as a sudden yet familiar pain on his left forearm surfaced, and he rubbed it. Stupid Riku… Never thought a wooden sword could hurt so much, he thought as he lifted his shirt sleeve and inspected the already-forming bruise from the battle that took place earlier that day.
He sighed, shifting positions so now he was sitting cross-legged on the dock. He wished he had someone to talk to. Sitting alone was… well, lonely. And boring. He hadn't been very active the past week, after he found about… them.
His heart suddenly sank, a frown found its way onto his lips. Yes, Riku and Kairi were a couple now. They had no time for their old friend. Most of the time they could be found on Riku's small islet, making out or just talking about romantic things. When they would finally come down and interact with the other island kids, Riku would snake his arm around Kairi's thin waist protectively, extracting a small giggle from the girl. Sora eventually got tired of seeing this, and isolated himself from the others.
Now… now all he consisted of was a shell of what he used to be. No longer did the happy, cheerful, and optimistic boy everyone once knew exist. Instead, he was sad and depressed; alone and forgotten, and oh so heartbroken. On most nights he would cry himself to sleep, lamenting over what he had lost. He was so lost in all his depression that he often forgot to eat (or flat-out refused to), and the starvation was taking its toll on him. He was a bit thinner, and he felt that he didn't have the energy to partake in any of the activities that the island kids often established.
But he continued to smile, even if in vain, for his friends. He forced smiles and feigned cheerfulness to mask his sadness and grief. And no one has noticed it so far… or so he thought.
“You guys, have you noticed… anything unusual about Sora lately?” Selphie asked, her brown hair fluttering slightly in the wind. She held the handles of her jump rope close to her as she glanced over at the lone boy on the dock, concern in her bright green eyes.
Tidus sat up from his sprawled position, shaking the loose grains of sand form his dirty blonde hair, “Yeah. What's up with him? He's been all bummed out lately…” He cocked his head to the side a little. He followed the other girl's gaze to the brunette sitting alone.
“Do you know what's wrong with him, Riku?” the blonde asked, turning his attention to the older boy sitting next to him.
Riku, who had been busy twining his fingers through his girlfriend's auburn hair and staring intently into her violet eyes, looked up.
“What do you mean? I haven't noticed anything wrong with him.”
Tidus faked an exasperated sigh and threw his hands up in the air dramatically.
“That's because you're too busy with your girlfriend!” he said playfully.
Riku cocked his head a little, a semi-glare forming, “No I haven't. And what do you mean? What's so different about him?”
The group suddenly grew serious. An uncomfortable silence fell upon the five, and Riku shifted in his place. He didn't like kind of silence. He looked around and noticed the almost-glares that the other three were giving him. He felt as if he had done something wrong and everyone knew it… everyone, but him.
It was Wakka who finally spoke up.
“You mean you really haven't noticed? Man, and I thought I was thick-headed, ya?” He brought a hand to rest his face in, shaking his head slightly with an amused smile.
Riku crossed his arms over his chest, “What's that supposed to mean? Am I supposed to notice something?”
Selphie looked slightly angry, “Yes! You mean you really haven't noticed that your best friend hasn't been interacting with us?” She began to inch closer to the silver haired boy. “That he doesn't smile half as much anymore? That he's even thinner than he usually is?” She stalked even closer to the older boy, wagging her finger as Riku crawled backwards. He had never seen Selphie angry.
Suddenly she stopped walking forward. She closed her eyes and sighed as she ran a slender hand through her brown hair, calming herself a bit. When she reopened her eyes, they held a look of sadness and irritation.
“You haven't noticed his hollow laughs?” She said sadly. “The sad and jealous looks that he gives you two when you turn your backs on him?” she stopped and glanced to the boy on the dock, who now appeared to be prodding the water with a stick, drawing designs. “He's lonely, Riku. Ever since you started going out with Kairi, you haven't had time to be friends with him anymore.”
Riku could only glare in protest at the usually hyper-active girl in front of him. He paused for a moment while her words sunk in. No time to be friends…?
Now that he thought about it, he had noticed that Sora had been acting differently. He hadn't been arrogantly challenging the older boy to a duel, only to get beaten down. But he would always declare that he would win next time, knowing full-well that it would only be a repeat. He had noticed Sora sitting alone on that same dock everyday, seemingly lost in his own world. He had noticed that when he was fighting the boy earlier that day, by Riku's request, that the younger boy was fighting only half-heartedly. But during the battle he looked so happy… maybe because they were spending time together? Then Riku beat him. Kairi had come up to give her boyfriend a hug of congratulations, and Riku barely took notice of the younger boy's sagging shoulders and downcast face… before he wordlessly trudged off.
Riku was stunned, at a loss for words. He had basically abandoned his best and childhood friend. He felt a sudden pang of guilt.
“I… I had no idea. I'm… going to go talk to him,” he said, staring disbelievingly at the ground. He slowly got to his feet, and started down the trail, away from the group.
He didn't notice the scowl that appeared on his girlfriend's face as he disappeared from sight.
“Hey, Sora!” a cheerful voice sounded behind the spiky haired brunette. Startled, Sora whirled around, surprise written on his face. He dropped his stick into the water below when he came face to face with…
The silver haired boy smiled in response. Sora took in the sight before him: Riku, his crush, was standing before him. One gloved hand rested upon his hip, impairing his stance so that he was leaning slightly. The wind blew his hair gently as it brushed over his perfect shoulders. Upon his face was a sincere smile, not the arrogant, challenging smirk that regularly blessed his face. Gods he looked so beautiful standing there like that…
“Sora?” the sudden voice snapped the boy out of his thoughts, and he jerked his head up to lock eyes with deep aqua ones.
He winced as Riku chuckled slightly. Was Riku laughing at him?
“I asked you what you were doing, you goof,” he said as he took a seat next the boy, sighing contently as he did so.
Sora could feel his cheeks heating up. He shifted involuntarily.
Riku snorted, “Yeah, well. It sure looks like it.” He looked at Sora out of the corner of his eye, and saw the uncomfortable look beset on the boy's face. He turned his full attention to the now-fidgeting boy.
“Sora. I've noticed that you've been acting differently lately…”
Sora froze. He began to panic in his mind. He didn't want to have to answer questions yet!
“… and I wanted to know what's wrong. I'm your best friend; you can tell me.”
So he decided to play dumb.
Sora cocked his head to the side as he looked at the older boy, that cute innocent look on his face. Wait a minute! Did I just think Sora was cute?
“What do you mean, Riku?” Sora asked in a feigned child-like voice.
Riku, knowing the boy all his life, knew better than to believe Sora's little façade. He continued in a slightly annoyed tone.
“Sora, don't play innocent with me. I've known you for most of my life. Faking ignorance won't get you anywhere.” He crossed his arms over his chest to emphasize the fact that he wasn't going anywhere until he got some answers.
Sora looked taken aback for a second, but he quickly recovered. He smiled at Riku.
“Nothing's wrong, Riku. Really.”
Riku merely sighed in irritation. He looked out over the ocean, studying the waves and sparkles that reflected from the water's surface when the sun caught it just right. He didn't want to pry into Sora's privacy, but he suspected that the boy was hiding something from him. And apparently kind and gentle words weren't going to work on the king of stubbornness. He spoke again, his tone a bit harsher.
“Look, Sora. I know you're hiding something. I just want to know what it is! If you think I haven't noticed your getting farther away from everyone, you're wrong. Please, Sora! Tell me what's wrong with you!”
Sora's expression twitched into that of a slightly angry one. Wrong with me? What's wrong with you! He looked into Riku's concerned aqua eyes with his own burning sapphire ones.
Riku inwardly gasped at the look Sora was giving him. He had never seen that look on the boy's usually gentle and happy face before. His eyes burned with a sense of loathing, and one could almost swear Sora was glaring. But before Riku could dwell on the look further, Sora's eyes widened and he jerked his down to look at the shimmering water.
“I'm… I'm sorry. I don't want to talk about it, Riku.”
Riku's fine silver eyebrow twitched in anger. He stood up suddenly, startling the younger boy. He balled his hands into fists.
“Dammit, Sora! I'm trying to help you! You shouldn't try to hide things from me! I notice these things. I'm your best friend! I thought friends weren't supposed to hide things from each other!” Riku yelled at the younger boy. He was visibly shaking in anger.
But he never expected, coming from Sora, what happened next.
Unable to take it anymore, Sora also shot up from his sitting position, hands balled. He bared his teeth as he spoke, “Friends! You have a hell of a lot of nerve to come up to me preaching about friendship, Riku,” he yelled as he began to walk closer to the older teen. Not good. Riku didn't like being cornered. Sora continued, “Since you've been with her I'm nothing but a third wheel! A figure in the background. I've been patient, waiting my turn for your attention and time, but it never comes!” He was practically in Riku's face now. Riku began to panic, his fist shaking. Sora really didn't know when to stop, “She eats up all of your time, Riku. I'm sick of it! And you're completely oblivious to how I feel! How is that for friendship, Riku?”
Sora's cerulean blue eyes held a look of pure contempt as he glared at Riku, face inches away from his. His eyes were wet, looking as if he would cry any second. He hadn't meant for his outburst to be so… violent, but he had to get his point across somehow.
Riku was shaking harder now; he was scared of the small boy in front of him for the first time in his life. He was scared, and angry for the way he was talked to. His anger partnered with anything usually didn't come out pretty.
A sickening crack was heard, and it took a few seconds for Riku to realize that Sora was lying sprawled out on the old wood of the dock, a look of pure shock on his reddened face. It took a few seconds for him to realize that his fist was balled and throbbing, and that he was panting heavily. It took a few seconds for him to realize that he had just decked Sora in the face… and that he felt horrible. He felt even more horrible when he saw the hurt look sweep his friend's features, coupled with fear. He also noticed the tears streaming down slightly tanned cheeks.
“Sora… I…” before he could finish, though, Sora scrambled to his feet clumsily and took off, making a beeline for the Secret Place.
And you're completely oblivious to how I feel! What did Sora mean by that? The words echoed in Riku's head as he ran after his friend.
Sora pressed himself harder into the wood of the old door, sobbing into his hands. He sank to the floor, and hugged his knees to his chest as he cried. He shook violently as he tried to clear his thoughts. His right cheek throbbed in pain from where he had been punched.
Riku, his crush, had just hit him! He had never been hit like that before. There were the times when they would spar with their wooden swords and they would hit each other, but they'd never hit one another out of anger.
But his best friend had just hit him, punched him in the face. How could he! He wished he could die. Maybe then everyone could be happy. Riku and Kairi could have each other without any interference. Maybe if he died, he would be free of his emotional pain.
The idea made him sob harder, and too lost was he in his own thoughts that he didn't hear the footsteps that echoed in the walls of the Secret Place.
“Sora!” Riku panted. He frantically looked around, spotting his friend by the mysterious door, sobbing openly as he hugged his knees. The older boy felt a sudden wave of guilt, and at the moment, he wanted nothing more then to be able to hold his friend and comfort him. He blinked. Okay, Riku. You're thoughts are scary. Sora's your friend, nothing more!
Shaking his head to rid him of his absurd thoughts, he carefully made his way over to Sora. He got to the boy and sat down next to him. Sora was trying to suppress his sobs, and was now merely sniffling and hiccupping. Riku swallowed,
“Sora? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you like that. I just… got angry. I'm sorry.”
Sora slowly looked up to meet the pleading, sincere gaze of his friend. Before he could say anything, however, he felt himself being pulled into a warm and friendly embrace. His eyes widened as Riku hugged him. Sora… I never want to let him go…
“Sora… you must hate me now. But you have to know… I'm really sorry. You're right. I have been spending too much time with Kairi. But I didn't know it would affect you this much. I'm so selfish for not noticing. And then you tried to tell me, and I hit you… You must hate me.”
Then Sora felt something wet on his shoulder. It took a moment for him to realize that Riku, the almighty Riku was crying. Gently and hesitantly, Sora returned the embrace.
“Riku… I don't hate you. I could never hate you. You're my best friend. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that.” He pulled away from the hug, and stared into the teary aqua eyes of his best friend. He offered a small smile, and held out his hand, “Friends?”
Riku paused for a moment, before also smiling. He took the offered hand, giving a firm grip and a slight shake, “Friends.”
The both moved to sit side by side on the dirty ground, backs against the ancient door. Another few moments of silence reigned. After a while, it was Riku who spoke up.
“So, Sora. Now that we've established that we are indeed still friends, mind telling me what's been troubling you?” he asked carefully, not wanted a repeat of just a little while ago.
Sora tensed for a moment. Should he tell Riku how he felt? What if Riku hated him afterwards? Then again, what if he didn't? Could Riku possibly feel the same, and his relationship with Kairi was just a mistake? Questions without answers filled his head; questions that needed answers. He decided. He would tell Riku how he felt.
He took a deep breath, “Well… I've been having trouble…” he sighed, “I want to tell a person how I feel about them, but I'm scared that they won't like me back. And I'm torn as to what to do: should I tell them? or should I keep it in? I'm just so scared of rejection…”
Riku was surprised. He never thought Sora; cute, optimistic Sora could be involved in romance. Riku also took a breath.
“Well, I for one, think you should just tell them. I mean, why hurt yourself over what someone else might think of you afterwards. I think you should just tell them how you feel. Nothing bad will happen. I promise.” He gave his smaller friend a reassuring smile.
Sora looked a little relieved, yet hesitant at the same time. Then he nodded, seemingly to himself.
“Alright. Here I go.”
Riku was slightly confused when Sora leaned toward him.
“Sora…” He was cut off when he felt a pair of soft lips brush his own. His eyes widened as he realized that Sora was kissing him. What the…?
He yelped in surprise into the kiss and pulled away quickly. He stared at his friend with wide eyes. Sora was sitting on his knees, one hand over his chest and the other balled up, resting on his knee. He regarded Riku with a solemn look.
“Riku, I like you… as more than a friend.”
Sora leaned in again, as if not taking the hint the first time. This time Riku did not stumble back or pull away. He allowed Sora's full lips to come in contact with his own; and he welcomed it. But as he continued the kiss, thoughts whirled in his head. He was so confused…
-I was so confused. Sora was kissing me! Was he gay? Why was I kissing him back? …Because it felt so right. No one else had ever made me feel this way. Not even Kairi, my own girlfriend!-
Unconsciously, Riku brought his gloved hand up to caress Sora's cheek as the smaller boy ran his hands passionately through silver hair.
-God, I wish this would never end! Kissing Sora… it was... satisfying. My face burned and my mouth and lips held a tingling sensation… Kairi never did this for me. Whatever she did with me felt as if were half-hearted… forced. But why? She liked me, right?-
The older boy involuntarily let out a moan into the kiss, and he pulled the smaller into his lap. He felt the hands tangle themselves in his hair… and he liked it. He allowed his own hands to play with the brown hair, fingers snaking around individual locks. It was pure bliss.
-But this feeling now. Sora really liked me. I could feel it. His feelings were conveyed through his contact. His hands, his lips… every part of him was screaming out his feelings. I wondered vaguely if I was doing the same. But… I don't know. Kairi… Whenever she kisses me, I feel nothing. No feelings, no screaming, nothing.-
They pulled away after what seemed like an eternity. Air was a necessity. Riku then realized that he was blushing immensely and turned his head embarrassedly away from the brunette. Huh. Why didn't he feel… ashamed? He had a girlfriend, and yet he just kissed -rather passionately- his best friend. Yet he felt nothing… no sense of guilt at all. Did he… did he like Sora too…?
“Riku?” A small, timid voice broke the silver haired boy's thoughts. He looked up into the pleading, hopeful cerulean eyes of Sora.
“I really do. Please don't… hate me,” he trailed off. He took a deep breath, let it out, “I want… to be with you.”
Riku suddenly felt a pang of sympathy for the boy. The look in his eyes… they were begging for acceptance. Don't run away, the seemed to say. Riku took a deep breath of his own. How was he going to let the brunette down gently?
“Sora… I'm sorry. I can't. I have Kairi,” he said softly, so as not to upset the boy.
Despite his efforts, however, the look on Sora's face then was nothing less than pure heartbreak. His shoulders dropped, and his usually bouncy spiky hair slumped down. The lips that Riku had grown fond of curved down into a betrayed frown.
“I… I understand, “he said quietly as tears formed in his eyes. He slowly began to get up from his sitting position, “I'm sorry… for wasting your time, Riku.”
With that, he started for the exit of the cave. He trudged by Riku, giving the older boy a sorrowful glance before lifting his head up.
Riku inwardly cringed. Sora's voice sounded so sad… hurt. A nasty contrast compared to his usually optimistic tone. And his eyes held a sorrow that no one could dream of. Riku felt overwhelmingly guilty all of a sudden.
“Sora! Wait…” Sora stopped walking, but didn't turn.
“Sora… you're not wasting my time. It's just that… Kairi. She likes me…” Riku trailed off.
Sora was silent for a moment, standing against the wall of the exit. He turned his head slightly and spoke, though he never looked at the other boy.
“But do you like her?” And he was gone.
End Chapter 2
DieChan: Yeah, I made it a little shorter to balance out the size of chapters. Hope no one will mind. Please review.