Kingdom Hearts ❯ My Glass Heart ❯ Fragments ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or its characters. All Kingdom Hearts properties belong to Square Enix and I am not, in any way whatsoever, making money from this fanfiction.
Author's Notes: Well… I'm attempting another chapter. Hurray. This one is going to seem a little… sad. Yeah. True to its genre. Enjoy.
I watched the blood run down my arms and bare chest in small rivers. I was grinning in some sort of sick pleasure as I sat on the bathroom floor in only my shorts, swiping the small blade over my flesh and creating another bleeding cut.
Swish Swish Swish
My teary eyes stared down at the pooling blood, unfocused. The salty substance that leaked from my bleary eyes rolled down my cheeks, dropping onto the floor and mingling with the crimson puddle. A stray sob escaped from my throat. I deserved the pain.
Cutting isn't something I do often, but after the events of earlier today… I felt obligated to. I had the unexplainable need to cause myself pain. Because of him… I cried harder at the memory of him… and what he said.
Heh. Don't worry, Riku. After tonight, you won't have anything to worry about. I'll be out of the way and you can have that whore. All this time I've liked… no, loved you… it was all for nothing. I spent so much time battling her for you; making you laugh, being there for you to pick on when you were down, being your friend… for nothing. That will change soon.
I'm vaguely aware that I'm getting up off the floor. My body is numbed from the pain of my cutting. But it wasn't a bad pain. It was a satisfying pain, and it somehow eased my nagging conscience a bit. Why hadn't I done this sooner? I dropped the bloodied razor blade into the sink, sending tiny splatters of the dark liquid everywhere. It clattered at the bottom as I gazed at myself in the mirror.
It wasn't my reflection that surprised me… it was the fact my horrifying appearance didn't faze me at all. My normally tanned complexion was a sickly pale from the blood loss. My blue eyes were red and puffy from the immense amount of crying I'd done over the past two hours. My slightly blood stained face held no emotion, not even pain. Nothing. Creepy.
I stumble over to the bathtub. A hot bath sounds good right about now. I clumsily turn the knob and the water is running. I love the sound of rushing water… it's so calm, soothing, relaxing. I get it to a temperature that is just right. One last bath won't hurt…
As the tub fills, I let my mind wander. I'm not thinking about anything really, just random thoughts. Thoughts such as, “I like bunnies.” or “Roller coasters are cool.” I started to think about the other island kids. I wondered what they were doing at that moment. I wondered if they knew I was gone. Did if they even care? I thought about Riku and Kairi… What were they doing? …Probably making out under the Paopu tree to celebrate the fact that I'm gone. They were probably laughing at me right now, commenting on how ignorant I am. I wondered if Riku told everyone what I did in the Secret Place… what if they were laughing at me in disgust or making fun of me behind my back.
Someone's beating on the bathroom door. And I close my eyes. Their voice is faint… muffled.
Huh. That's funny. I suddenly feel weightless; like I'm floating. I look around. Whoa. It's like I'm looking at everything through a distorted magnifying glass… It's so beautiful how the surface of whatever rippled above me, churning and swirling as if in some smooth dance…
Hm? Strange… why am I holding my breath? I don't even recall taking it. My vision is going in and out of focus. It's even getting blurry. The edges are going gray… But why am I holding my breath?
I'll just let it out…
Riku's heart thumped wildly in his chest as he ran at full speed up the dark road, illuminated only by the occasional street light. The worst sense of foreboding settled within him. Selphie's words before he abruptly left the island still echoed in his head. He couldn't help but fear the worst…
No! I have to get there and see him before I come to any conclusions… his mind told him.
He bolted top speed until he was in front of Sora's house. He gazed forlornly at the small run down residence. He slowly approached the front porch, running a hand through his silver hair, which was matted and sticking to his face with sweat. He'd run the whole way from the docks, not to mention rowed his small boat as fast as he could to get to his best friend and newfound crush.
He stood hesitantly in front of the door, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he ran through the conversation of apology in his head. He sighed and was about to knock on the door…
… when he heard the frantic screaming from inside the house and the sound of someone beating against a door.
Without a second thought, Riku flung the door open, not caring to shut it behind him as he ran into the semi-dark house.
“Sora!” the silver haired boy called out. “Sora! Where are you?”
The repetitive pounding from upstairs stopped for a moment, replaced the by the sound of fumbling footsteps. Riku looked up to the top of the stairway, and saw the form of Sora's brunette mother, Sakura, emerge from around the corner. Her blue eyes were wide with fear and sadness as crystalline tears trailed down her rosy cheeks.
“Riku!” she exclaimed with a sense of panic, “Come quick! It's Sora! He locked himself in the bathroom and won't come out. I think he's… There's blood under the door!” Her voice dripped with worry. And she was gone again, disappeared around the corner.
Riku was up the steep stairs in three seconds flat, his own worry and fear jetting him up the steps. He skidded as he clumsily rounded the corner and made a dash for the bathroom door. Sakura was right; blood was slowly oozing from under the door.
The silver haired boy paled visibly at the sight; he was never too friendly with blood and he stood rooted to the spot, a sick feeling rising. The sound of running water from within the bathroom in question snapped him back to reality. He pressed himself against the door and also began to knock.
“Sora? Can you hear me? Come out!” he continued knocking, but still received no response, “At least say something! You're scaring your mother… and me.”
He didn't try to suppress the growl of frustration when he again received no reply. He took a deep breath and prepared to shout when a new sound met his ears. The sound of water cascading to the floor in mass amounts. His skin suddenly crawled and a sinking feeling made itself known in his stomach. He began to beat the door violently and mercilessly.
“Sora, honey, please…” Sakura sobbed pathetically.
Riku, on the other hand, wasn't so soft, “Sora! Damnit, if you don't open this fucking door right now, so help me I'll break it down!” He ignored the small gasp of surprise from the sobbing woman at his rather colorful vocabulary. His blinding fear and extreme need to get to his best friend didn't exactly put him in a mood to censor himself at the moment.
A trickling sound was heard next. Brows furrowing, he looked down, at the source of the sound. His aqua eyes widened and he gasped sharply. Water was leaking out from under the door, washing the blood away in its wake.
Not wasting another minute, Riku barked a quick “Get back!” to Sakura, who complied with quickness, and poised himself on the opposite wall. He took a deep breath, exhaled. Then, in a burst of speed he charged the door, bracing his shoulder for impact.
The next thing he knew, he heard a loud crunching noise, and he was laying on the bathroom floor, among the torrents of water spilling out of the bathtub above his head. He stood rather shakily and balanced himself so he wouldn't slip in the puddle. He looked around the small bathroom.
When his eyes fell on the tub, still overflowing with now cold water, his heart skipped a few beats. Sora, his love, was floating at the bottom of the tub, eyes closed peacefully as his mouth hung open. Numerous, countless cuts and gashes littered his body, mainly his arms and chest, which were still leaking blood and turning the water a pinkish color. Riku felt the familiar burning sensation building up behind his eyes, but he held the tears at bay; he wouldn't jump to conclusions.
Figuring quickly that he was wasting valuable time, Riku thrust his arms into the water and pulled the freezing cold boy out of the even cooler water and into his arms. By this time, Sakura had come in and was turning off the faucet, her worried blue eyes glued to her son's unmoving form. Riku, however, was busy shaking the smaller boy's shoulders.
“Sora… Sora come on, wake up.” The boy in his arms didn't respond at all; his unharmed face remained neutral and he showed no signs of waking. Riku felt the tears return and his bottom lip trembled ever so slightly. He attempted to battle them back as his voice wavered slightly.
“Sora… Don't do this to me… You've gotta wake up!” An idea suddenly made itself known. It was almost as if someone had clicked on a light bulb in his head.
He gently placed the sable haired boy on the floor. He wiped some of the wet bangs that were sticking to the boy's face away and knelt down. He ripped the black glove from his hand and tossed it carelessly. He hovered his hand over Sora's nose and mouth, checking for any signs of breathing. His anxiety increased and his heart nearly stopped when he found none.
“Shit! He isn't breathing!” He turned frantically to the fearful woman behind him, “Don't just stand there! Call for help or something!”
Sakura nodded nervously and dashed out of the room.
Riku took a deep, quivering breath. Spending so much time around these islands is really paying off, Riku thought as he began to administer mouth-to-mouth. He remembered what his mother always told him to do if someone wasn't breathing. Living surrounded by water, people had to know these things in case someone began to drown in the sea. He remembered always hating those lessons from his mother, blushing when the terms `mouth-to-mouth' were used. Even though he hated those lessons as a little kid, he was thankful for them now. He recalled his mother's words almost directly… Tilt their head back, make sure the airway is open, hold their nose, and exhale. You're basically breathing for them. She had always said.
After the fifth administration, Riku began to give up hope. By this time, he was pretty breathless.
“Come on, Sora... Wake up.”
He tried again.
“Please wake up!” He was unaware that his vision was going blurry from his tireless efforts.
And again.
“Don't die… I need you!” Sight was almost completely failing him now. His body felt heavy and sleep was beginning to sound like a good idea.
And again.
“Wake up, Sora! I -I love you!” And as his vision left and the blackness threatened to consume him, he thought he heard the sound of coughing and gasping before he blacked out.
But it was probably his imagination.
End Chapter 4
DieChan: Well, not as long as the last chapter, but it works, yeah? And what's this? The evil DieChan killed Sora? Oh no! Well, if the reviewers say so, he might live. Do you guys want him to live, or not? Well people, review and let me know if you want Sora to live or die! If he lives, then the story has a few more chapters to go. If you want him to die, then the next chapter shall be the last and very angsty. But, for all you tragedy seekers out there, if he does live, I'll do a one-shot that can serve as an alternate ending. Sound good? Good, I'm going to bed now… It's late. R&R Please!