Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Boundaries ❯ Chapter 2 - The Aftermath ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey Guys! ^^
I have looked at the feedback from the preview and chapter 1…awesome! I will be making chapters every 3-7 days because I myself am addicted to this story xD Also, don't ask me for clues on what will happen, I don't even know myself. ALSO, I EDITED Chapter 1 and it looks WAY better….much more description. Read it if you haven't. Onto the review response section!
Pikeebo: a) LOL Don't worry…Yuuri will definitely learn his lesson. And you are right; love does come with a HUGE price tag! B) thanks for cheering for me! O and I think you skipped a sentence, because it is saying that Wolfram will break up with him while Yuuri says he loves him =0
Siraelka: It was definitely intentional! I wanted to show that Yuuri was really out of character that day. I'm glad you like it =D
Anon_azure: everyone is wanting more. Of course Yuuri should just come out with it, but trust me, I know; love is a very complicated matter ;)
n.nI luffle Chibisn.n: Well, yeah, that is what suspense is for <_< But don't worry, my chapters will be coming right after each other ^^
Now onto the disclaimers, warnings, bleh bleh. Enjoy the story!
WARNING: This is Yaoi, k'z? If you whine about this stuff being boy x boy love, it's not my problem because...I am warning you now?
Also, there will be expletive words and such, and throughout the book, love scenes will be described "thoroughly". Please rate the worst you can xD
Summary: Yuuri and Wolfram are finding things tough, for each doesn't know if they really like on another or not. Containing their lust for each other, they find out through a series of adventures of who they really love, what love really is, and finding the ultimate happiness of their life. Takes place when Yuuri is 16 years old (Yuuri x Wolfram)
End Of Summary
Is that a good summary? I dunno, this my first time writing stuff like this P Please rate and review k? Kthxbai.
Extra Info About the Author: Im a girl, but this is my first time writing this type of stuff. Age: 16. If you wanna hit me up or if you wanna be friends or some shit (xD trying to act gangsta P), my xfire is fosxmusex and my aim is xMusExDrEa. Peace out 3
By the way, this story will have multiple chapters, most likely going into a full line sequel. Hope you enjoy
Unknown Boundaries
Chapter 2 - The Aftermath
“What?!” echoed through the whole castle as Yuuri found something in the morning. He had been feeling horrible after that whole situation. But more importantly, he felt so bad about what he did to Wolfram. Wolfram did not deserve that, but Yuuri had felt as if it was still wrong. He knew he loved Wolfram, but the fact he was a guy was too much.
“Yeah…Wolfram let this on his bed last night. We only found it this morning, but we are guessing he has left somewhere, Your Majesty” replied the `ever-so obedient' guard of Wolfram who probably spent more of his time masturbating to Wolfram than to guarding him. Now it was that Yuuri wondered how much they got paid and how much they actually deserve…
“Dammit!!” yelled Yuuri, smashing his fist against the stone. He realized that his glossy blood was already flowing out of his fist. Jesus Christ, when was he able to break a wall of cement without summoning the Maou!?
He felt so bad about this situation. Wolfram wanted affection, but Yuuri couldn't give it to him. He might as well just look for someone else.
But he was also worried that it would never be the same between him and Wolfram. All Yuuri wanted was him to be his best friend, but he couldn't tell him he was his best friend…Wolfram would think that he liked him a lot.
Realizing that the guard was still there, he replied in a cold, sad voice.
“Get the army and search near the lake near here. He will most likely be there.”
“The whole army, King Yuuri?”
“No, one man…YES the whole fucking army!” God, he had never been so angry and cruel to people.
Note to self: keep track of everyone you are angry towards and give them an apology later…
And with that, the guard was sent running away. In a few minutes, one could hear the siren of the army. Wolfram would probably hear it too. As Yuuri went up to a window in his bedroom facing the whole city, he placed his hand on it. The King started to sob…
“Yuuri…you sent an army for me?”
Wolfram was standing by the lake closest to the castle. He had slept there and the whole day he had been thinking about Yuuri. How could Yuuri be so dense to think that Wolfram had stooped so low to masturbate? He had an absolute right to and Yuuri was his fiancé, but he had never gotten anything from Yuuri. In this sense, Yuuri was cruel.
But at that siren, he knew that an army he been deployed onto a search mission. He wondered what was happening at the castle…
I can't focus on Yuuri anymore. It will literally kill me!
And at the same time, he couldn't think of anything but Yuuri. He was so obsessed with Yuuri, he sometimes planned out what would happen the first time they really kissed. It was the same dream replaying over and over again.
At first, Wolfram would come to see Yuuri on his bed, about to go to sleep. When Wolfram was going to the other side of the bedroom, he would grab Yuuri's chin, wake him up, look him, straight in his eyes, and say “I love you.” They would then be entangled in a sloppy, messy kiss. Yuuri would be awe-struck, and wouldn't know what to do of course…..the wimp. Wolfram would then break apart from it. Yuuri would look in his eyes with confusion, but Wolfram would shut that look up.
Their tongues would have switched positions, having a romantic war with each other. Wolfram could even feel the taste in his own mouth at that point. Wolfram would then start undressing and Yuuri doing the same. Then it would be at that moment that he would see that sexy body. Everything toned, beautifully tanned skin; the body of a god.
Wolfram got up from his daydream. He dreamed it for the trillionth time, over and over again. The same fucking dream that haunted him every single week, but he still wanted that single dream more and more. There were countless times he had had a wet dream next to Yuuri; Yuuri almost found out once, but Wolfram just told him that he spilled some milk while having an early breakfast in bed. Luckily he believed it.
I can't get over him at all….. I wonder if he has gotten the letter yet…
Yuuri…you will always have a place in my heart….
At that point, the whole army had left. There were no defense systems, or people standing guard. Yuuri had sent everything he had to get Wolfram; liking him or not. Just because Yuuri did not…..yeah….didn`t mean he didn't want him to be his friend…his best friend.
At the same time, Yuuri felt a bottomless pit in his heart….he didn't know what could be holding it together that whole time.
Why do I feel this way….Wolfram…I wish you were here.
“Your Majesty!” echoed through the walls right then. It appeared that Gunter had found out where he was.
“Yes, Gunter…” replied Yuuri.
“Yuuri, you don't look so goo-“
“Tell me someth-thin I didn't k-know” snapped Yuuri. “What did you come here for?...”
“Wolfram has been spotted by some people in town. They say he was going to the lake where you guys…”
“Alright, alright, just go towards him and tell him that I really miss him” said Yuuri, interrupting Gunter again, while he was smirking under his breath.
As the door closed, Yuuri chuckled under his breath.
So, he went to that place? Can't really blame him; that was our first place we “met”. Even though he knows it was accidental, it is his only memory of us that he really would want to hang on to. Heh heh, that is a good memory to hang onto.
Yuuri felt the pit in his heart snap, his mind dazing, and body swaying. As he was on the ground energyless, he felt tears in his eyes. He felt as if he had been betrayed….he had been betrayed by his own feelings. He wanted to feel one way, but acted another. Yuuri saw one way, but walked another way. Everything on the world was against him. He was the king of a great country, and yet, he was such a coward that he can't even be so confident to like a guy.
I hate myself so much….I really am a wimp…
Two bodies rubbed on each other like they were body magnets. The blond one was taking in his lovers cock, up and down, up and down. The taste was enriching and the blond had lust written all over his face. The black moaned hard as his pleasure surged through his body.
“Wo…Wol….I want more….”
“Of course, Your Majesty” smirked the blond haired one.
Taking all the black haired mans manhood in at one time, the beautiful taste wrapped around his tongue. Sucking on it the glossy manhood hard, he heard the indescribable yells of pleasure. Then the blond one retreated and wrapped his arms around his lover like his life depended on it.
“I love you Yuuri..”
Their mouths joined together and their tongues fought a war that brought only love. Breaking apart, the one called Yuuri tapped kisses from his neck down to his waist. Turning the blond around, he looked him straight in the eyes.
“I bet you are thinking you will be the one to get the fun, huh? You are wrong..” smiled Yuuri.
“It's fun either way, my love…I have been waiting so long.”
And once again, I am truly sorry about that, Wolfram…”
Taking the man's entrance, Yuuri thrusted his manhood as hard as he could. Hearing Wolfram's screams, he couldn't resist the happy chills that was sent all throughout his body. He had wanted this for such a long time, yet he was too much of a coward to do so.
Wolfram loved the sensation of this feel. That sexy body he had desired for so long had been making love with him.
“Yuuri!!! Oh yes….I want more….Yuuri, I want you…”
“You are one little slut, aren't you, naughty boy” smirked the King. ”Yes, I will grant what both of us want. But it will come with a price.” And as Yuuri leaned to Wolfram's ear, he whispered, “I hope you like milk.”
“Wolfram, Wolfram!!!!”
He had done it again. Wolfram could tell his mind all he wanted to say, nothing would work; he was consumed by Yuuri. But where was he? He was what seemed in a dark box, and he felt ropes constricted on his wrists. Feeling the blood oozing out, he had realized that he had been taken. At that moment, he felt something fly above him.
And then he heard Yuuri's voice..
Right after this, he heard an explosion in the distance. People's dying voices could be heard behind him; at that moment, he heard a deep voice scream “Let's keep it going! His Majesty will be pleased for what we bring to him!”
I have been kidnapped….all during my daydream. God-fucking-dammit!
He felt tears run through his eyes; he wasn't going to let this go without a fight. Wolfram was going to make sure that the `king' of this kingdom was going to get it. At that moment, Wolfram felt his eyes change; he felt his body grow stronger, and his hair grow longer. Another sensation ripped through his body felt something sprouting through his back…
What the Hell?! I feel so much more….different…
And as soon as his new found strength had been sprouted, it went out, and his body recoiled from his sudden physical change. His emotions were repressed, body was put down, and spirit had been drained. As his eyes were fluttering, about to go to sleep, he had been pardoned to have one last thought.
You better find me, you wimp.
~End of Chapter 2 - The Aftermath~
Egh, was that good?
I know it doesn't seem so long, but now I have to start studying for exams tomorrow (ouch) so I had to shorten it down a bit.
You will probably be wondering what the significance of this lake is, and what happened to Wolfram at the end! ^^
Sorry to say this, but I have final exams coming up, and I have a state tournament to attend to for soccer (please root me on! ^^) so this means that Chapter 3 will be coming around Wednesday or Thursday.
Please leave reviews and comments!