Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money by writing this fic.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings (all yaoi).
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: Greta doesn't exist in this story and don't pester me about her.
A/N 3: Don't get confused with that “power swapping”. It's something from the first story and is completely fictional. The explanation is as follows: an average Mazoku has the ability to control one of the four elements. I'll give an example while using Yuuri and Wolfram. Yuuri is able to control all four elements. While exchanging liquids and other stuff (don't pretend that you don't know what I mean) Mazoku are able to swap the power. Let's take Wolfram - so he would be able to use all other three elements that Yuuri is able to use. But, the elements still obey the person who has the contract with them. So if Yuuri decided not to allow Wolfram to use his…let's say water element, the element wouldn't listen to Wolfram, only to Yuuri. Now in case they both have the same power (in this case fire element) - Yuuri wouldn't be able to use the shared power that is already in Wolfram's body - he would simply supply Wolfram with more power and as Wolfram himself has contract with that element, Yuuri can't forbid him from using that power. All the exchanged power is exhaustible and one needs to recharge it constantly (the funny part ^_^).
Well, if this explanation isn't enough - you can still ask me, but I simply recommend reading three last chapters of “Working out the Paradox” where everything should be explained much clearer.
A/N 4: Started - January, 2007
Summary: Although, this is sort of the sequel of “Working out the Paradox” it can also be read as a separate story. The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “WOTP”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years. The story will mostly concentrate on Wolfram. The introduction of the story is slowpaced and will gradually lead to the main events, but I must warn you that it's not an action fic.
Now, if asked, I can't really give a normal summary. I have it all in my head and most of the story prewritten, but I don't really want to spoil things for my readers. I didn't really give any summary for “WOTP” and, as far as I remember, nobody had been complaining. So let me lead the way once again and simply use your imagination.
All questions, advices and comments are welcome and, as usual in my fics, I'll start posting the sequel with answering the reviews to “WOTP” first. So here we go:
Hello everyone who had ever read WOTP,
I really hope that you won't be disappointed by “the sequel”. As said, it has a bit different or maybe even weird taste and can be read separate, so I can't guarantee that you'll like the sequel or it will meet your expectations.
You'll get to know many new characters, but they will be introduced gradually, so there shouldn't be much confusion.
I'm not sure what you had been expecting to see in the sequel, but I hope that you'll at least find some part of your expectations. The several first chapters are quite different from which comes next, so I suppose I can only ask your patience.
And thank you, the ones, who had ever reviewed!
Hello xYuuramx,
All in one night? Seriously? I wonder when you went to sleep…
Hello newdkidt,
Well, no updades on WOTP, of course, but this is a new fic.
Hello HopelesslyEscaflowne,
Oh yeah, you have to look for all the intimate scenes all in the sequel ^_~ And I really hope that you'll like them. They simply seemed too young in WOTP to me.
I just expect that it won't be so as you had expected… Well, the first chapters are quite different from what's coming next, so have some patience ^_~
Hello asialisek,
I also love happy endings :D
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 1
Arachi Diuman was new to Blood Pledge Castle. He had been transferred from The Kingdom of Kojona into the elite squad that was responsible for guarding the Shin Makoku king himself. It was a part of a treaty made between Shin Makoku and Kojona: as a sign of trust and the further cooperation and collaboration, both countries exchanged several important politicians and skillful soldiers.
It was his first day as the king's bodyguard. The people in the castle were friendly, the guards that he was working with helpful and polite. Kojona was well known for blood-mix between Mazoku and Humans and most of the rest Mazoku population hated the fact. He had been uneasy thinking that he might be looked down upon by the local people but nothing of that happened. It seemed that Shin Makoku wasn't prejudiced against blood-mix. He was really relieved as it seemed that people didn't mind him much.
As the elite guard he had gotten a bright red uniform. Other guards and soldiers that he had seen were wearing different kinds of uniforms. He had seen blue, khaki and brown colored. Of course, he had surveyed the situation beforehand and knew that each of the princes had their own counties and men to command.
The most influent from the princes was the king's husband, Wolfram von Bielefeld. The king and Wolfram von Bielefeld married four years ago. He wasn't sure about any other facts. He had heard that the king's husband was a real beauty and a skillful wielder of fire element, but the rumors didn't reach much farther.
After Bielefeld followed Gwendal von Voltaire, the General of both his and Shin Makoku armies. Conrart Weller was the least influential of them. Arachi had also been surprised to find out that the man had mixed blood. Maybe that was the reason Shin Makoku and Kojona were able to smooth their corners and the things had finally worked out between them.
He had never seen the king earlier. He had heard many things about him of course; half of them sounded like a complete nonsense. The man's name was well-known throughout the entire planet. People hated and loved him. The name caused anger and smiles, was uttered with respect and distaste.
When Arachi came to his post in the early morning, he didn't know what he had been expecting to see but was surprised to meet a handsome young and tall man who greeted him cheerfully and asked him how he was doing and how his mood was. The oldest the king could be, Arachi guessed, was in his twenties, but he was made to wonder even about that. But mostly he was surprised by the fact that the king was of mixed blood and had black hair. He finally knew the real reason why nobody in Shin Makoku seemed to care about blood-mix.
Nothing unusual happened while he and other three elite guards had been accompanying the king to the throne, nothing happened in any of the meetings or in the king's study while His Majesty was doing His paperwork. Only in the evening, a knock echoed on the study's door and a blond snuck in.
Arachi had crossed the path for the blond who, without a stop, had intended to go right to the king. The man's beauty astounded Arachi for a moment. While he had forgotten all about professionalism and was silly gaping at the blond, the blond simply pushed him aside and went to the king's table. Getting over his surprise, Arachi threw a quick look at his comrades but they just stood stone-faced. Arachi rushed after the blond.
“Yuuri, why the heck does this one get in my way?” Wolfram motioned with his right hand behind his back while seating himself gracefully onto the table at the right side of the king.
From his paperwork Yuuri raised his head to look at Arachi who had stopped, confused. “Ah, he's a new one from Kojona. Don't mind him, he's my husband,” Yuuri told Arachi while patting Wolfram on his thigh, already lowering his head back to the papers.
Wolfram snorted. “Don't mind him…” he repeated mockingly. “Whatever. So I gather you did research the intelligence from Cirihan? And what do you think of that?” Wolfram asked after Yuuri nodded.
“You were right,” Yuuri rummaged through the paper scattered desk to look for the mentioned documents. “We have a big problem. We have to necessarily send someone to watch over the Count; the machinations are obvious.”
Shifting on the desk, Wolfram leaned back on his hands, his thoughtful look cast to the ceiling. Arachi had never seen anyone so… True, the king was a very attractive man, the stature, athletic body and that calm aura surrounding him and that mysterious dark hair, but von Bielefeld... He couldn't believe that such people existed.
“Who do you think would be the best to send there?” Wolfram asked.
Yuuri leafed through the papers then looked at his husband with a bit taunting smile. “I'd recommend Kyota - he'd have the Count wrapped around his finger in ten seconds, but you would be against it, wouldn't you?”
“Yes, I would.”
Yuuri shrugged. He lowered the papers back to the desk and stretched himself in his armchair. Putting his hands behind his back, he leaned into the armchair to give his husband an appreciative gaze: Wolfram looked tired; he had just returned to Shin Makoku from Jihara where he had been running several errands for him. He had been there for two weeks, but his husband came back earlier than he had expected.
“Well, aren't you done for today?”
Wolfram's demanding voice shook Yuuri out of his thoughts.
“Yeah, sure,” Yuuri nodded, standing up. He held out his hand to help Wolfram off the table then tugged the blond to himself wrapping his arm around his waist. “Have you already seen Annissina? She invented another scary thing. It seems that this time it has something to do with changing one's hair color.”
They left the study, the guards following them. It was a bit too early for dinner so they went outside and started rounding a leisure circle around the castle.
“Asami is coming to pay us a visit,” Yuuri said while they were taking a darkened path in the direction of the gardens.
“Ah, that depressed friend of yours…”
“He's not depressed, he just sounds melancholic.”
Wolfram shrugged. “He hates me.”
Yuuri scratched the back of his head. “Well, not really.” He looked in front of him at the garden where only darkened shadows were seen and decided to turn back into the castle. “He just doesn't like you…” he sighed motioning for Wolfram to follow him.
“Not that much of a difference… Oh, Kyota is coming over for several days, too. There's some competition or something - like I care anyway -, so he wants to train together with me.”
“Okay,” Yuuri shrugged. “It will be a good practice for you too.”
“Yeah, there's that combination we have been working on the previous time…” The prince suddenly stopped in his way, the guards behind them tensing. “Yuuri…?”
“Umm?” Already knowing that there was something on Wolfram's mind, Yuuri also stopped and turned to look at Wolfram.
“Asami hates me, Kyota hates you… Does Asami like men?”
Yuuri burst out laughing. He shook his head in disbelief. “Nah, it really won't go that way. Putting aside that Asami is the straightest person I have ever met, they'll be at each other throats immediately. While Asami is calm, melancholic and sensitive, Kyota is almost your copy.”
The blond looked at Yuuri from the corner of his eye. “Are you saying that I'm not sensitive?”
“No, I'm saying that Kyota's very presence will piss Asami off. You are sensitive…in a bit other way.”
Wolfram rolled his eyes. He silently followed Yuuri through the heavy wooden door into the castle. While climbing upstairs, to their chambers, Yuuri shared the news and events from Shin Makoku that happened during those two weeks while Wolfram was absent.
After relaxing in the room and Yuuri changing into another jacket, they went downstairs again to have dinner. Once in the dining-room, Yuuri stopped in unexpectedness. The dining-room was empty. The table was pilled up with food, set for two and there was not a living soul around. He turned to Wolfram who just shrugged then walked over to the table and sat down.
“I asked them to let us have supper alone,” he explained, reaching for a bottle of white wine on the table.
“Ah. Okay,” Yuuri nodded. He went to the table and sat down opposite Wolfram where another set of plates was put. “Then what about the guards?” He motioned at Arachi and the other three red dressed guards that were drawn up at the door behind them.
“Well, I can't risk your life, can I?” Wolfram said while opening the bottle. The cork gave in with a pop and Wolfram reached his hand out for his husband's glass that Yuuri immediately held up for him.
“You are exaggerating,” Yuuri chuckled as he watched the liquid swirling in his glass. This was his favorite wine and he couldn't wait to taste it.
Wolfram shrugged and started filling his own glass. Then he put the bottle back onto the table and held up his glass over the table to clink it sonorously with Yuuri's.
His breath held, Arachi watched the blond bring the glass to his full lips to take a sip. Like hypnotized, he watched the emerald eyes closing in pleasure as he enjoyed the wine. The thick black eyelashes fluttered against the pale cheeks. He couldn't tear his gaze away from those unbelievably green eyes that soon were sparkling behind the elegant wineglass again. Mesmerized, he followed the tip of a pink tongue that darted out to brush along the lower lip to catch a sweet runaway droplet.
“So how was business in Jihara?” the king asked.
Arachi almost choked, the sensuous picture ruined. He what - didn't have anything else to ask this beauty? -Who cared about that Jihara?!
Wolfram shrugged. “It was fine. The prince is young, inexperienced and indecisive, the adviser having taken over the whole kingdom. The prince doubted the treaty, but the adviser was for it, so we ended up signing it. I also bargained for the silk - they will sell it to us with thirty percent discount.”
Yuuri gave a surprised look to his husband. “What did you promise for that?”
“Nothing much. I had invited the adviser to have dinner in my room and discuss the further cooperation. We had a nice chat. I also invited him to visit me in Shin Makoku. It seems he liked the idea,” the blond shrugged.
“He tried to seduce you?” Yuuri asked while filling his plate with mushrooms and potatoes soup. That was really nothing new - Wolfram attracted everyone's eye and he stopped reacting to that long ago.
Wolfram shook his head in denial. “Not really. He's too old for that - I doubt he can get it up. We just had a nice conversation. During which he tried to match one of his daughters with you,” he added. “It seems they believe that you have a harem here. I said I'd try to convince you.”
Yuuri rolled his eyes. Wolfram just let the old man cheat himself out. “He'll realize soon enough that you had lied.”
“But by that time we'll have enough silk to line the entire kingdom.”
“I hate it when you are lying, Wolfram. I have sent you to make a treaty under my name and you go around making empty promises…”
“If he tries to hitch any of his bitches on you again, I'll not only lie but I'll also declare war upon that idiotic kingdom!”
Yuuri rolled his eyes again. “Fine.” He didn't intend to argue over this - with Wolfram it was pointless, his fiery character not quenching a bit after six years together; arguing with Wolfram usually brought only an opposite result. Besides, Wolfram wouldn't really do that. “So the situation in Jihara is under control… Good. Now we need to do something about Cirihan…”
While listening to the further conversation, Arachi cast his eyes over the blond once again. Wolfram hadn't changed his clothes but they were less formal now. From his uniform the blond was only wearing trousers and the white shirt with a golden rim on the collar that was usually hidden underneath the blue jacket. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, the prince obviously feeling more comfortable this way. A golden wedding bracelet with the royal emblem was sparkling on his wrist distinguishing him as the king's wedded husband.
At first Arachi felt uncomfortable and quite ashamed for his wandering eyes then he noticed that his colleagues didn't lower their eyes off the blond even for a second either. The blond was really something to look at.
Wolfram had cut his chicken leg into small pieces then added some salad into his plate. He took a silver spork and started eating. Silence settled over the table, only forks and spoons scrapping the porcelain dishes. Then, after finishing the meat, he took the bone in his fingers and began nibbling on it with his fine white teeth.
When he was done, Wolfram wiped his lips and fingers with a napkin and placed it onto his plate next to the picked bones. “Some more wine?” he asked the king before reaching for the bottle again.
Yuuri nodded. “Thanks.” He took the filled glass that the prince held out for him. Sipping his wine, the dark-haired man leaned contently into his chair.
Arachi couldn't understand how the man hadn't jumped the blond so far. The king didn't even seem to be interested, tasting his wine and concentrated on food, conversing idly about politics again.
Arachi tensed involuntary as, after several minutes, the king finally put his empty glass down, stood up and slowly circled the table. After having approaching the blond, the emerald eyes not leaving the dark ones even for a second, Yuuri took the glass with a little liquid from the delicate fingers, finished the wine and put the empty glass away.
So the king was only a man after all - leaving the dessert for the very end.
The king leaned over the chair to press his lips to the blond's, his right hand snatching at the prince's nape to massage the skin and bring the prince closer. Yuuri ruffled through the blond strands there as Wolfram eagerly answered the kiss his mouth opening wide, letting him in.
Arachi watched the king's knee coming up and pressing between the blond's thighs, making von Bielefeld jerk in his seat and gasp, his head falling back with a soft thud onto the backrest. The black-haired man immediately used the opportunity to graze and nibble on the column of pale neck.
His eyes closed in delectation, the blond's hands reached forward to search for the buttons on his husband's jacket. Blindly, his fingers started undoing the black garment. The king's lips found von Bielefeld's again to tease and play with those rosy and plump petals. The black-haired man's left hand slid down to the prince's waist then to his hip to squeeze the flesh there. His other hand soon started unzipping his husband's blue trousers eagerly.
Arachi could almost hear the blond moaning into the king's mouth. Von Bielefeld had finally finished his fervent fumbling with the king's shirt and splayed his palms out onto the broad chest to feel more of the skin there. The dark-haired man's hands meanwhile slid even lower, the prince lifting his hips to let him push the trousers down.
Arachi hadn't even felt how he tiptoed to see better. An involuntary gasp left his mouth as his eyes were met by two dark orbs.
“What do you think you are doing?”
The king's voice was low and hoarse with lust but there was an unmistakable anger behind it. Startled, Arachi looked around. His breath stuck in his throat as he realized that he was the only one left in the dining-room, the other guards having somehow unnoticeably disappeared earlier.
“I…” Arachi mumbled, flushing all scarlet but at the same time feeling blood in his veins turn cold at that black stare.
“Get out.”
“Yes, Sir!”
His hands pushing the white shirt out of his way, Yuuri's lips descended back onto Wolfram's shoulder. “Another one to your admirers' collection, ne?” he muttered after Arachi had shut the door behind him.
When Yuuri nipped on the collarbone underneath the pale skin, Wolfram's eyes closed at the pleasurable feeling crossing his body. “You can't really blame me for having sexual appeal…” he said shakily.
Yuuri grinned into the pale skin, his chuckle ghosting over Wolfram's neck, “Modesty isn't one of your good qualities…”
Yuuri's fingers found the rim of his husband's underwear. The prince raised his hips and soon the black underwear went the same way his trousers had gone to reveal the hard length pointing upwards. Wolfram had always been easy to arouse, his young body still that of a teenager's, hormones and pheromones taking quick lead over Wolfram's mind.
Yuuri finished unbuttoning his husband's white shirt and pushed it down the blond's shoulders to reveal more of that pale delicious skin. Purring, he attached himself to the muscled chest tasting, licking and grazing. He reveled in the short gasp that had left his husband's mouth after his teeth seized one of the pink nipples and tugged on it. Soothing the nub with his tongue, he raised his eyes to look at Wolfram's face. The prince was watching him from behind the thick curtains of dark eyelashes, his eyes half-lidded and hooded. Their gazes locked, Wolfram's eyes flashing for a second but then the blond's head rolled to the side while he spread his legs, grasping Yuuri by his sides to bring him closer.
Wolfram had submitted to him. Yuuri grasped Wolfram by his hips and grinded him against his raised knee on the chair. Wolfram moaned loudly, Yuuri feeling the blond's body shiver. When Wolfram was taking, then he was taking, not yielding, ruthlessly and with absolute control, but when he was giving in, he was giving in completely, letting him do with his body everything he wished.
Yuuri's knee retreated from between the prince's spread thighs, the king squatting down to take Wolfram's boots off and get rid of his trousers completely. While pulling the blond's trousers off his ankles, Yuuri detected a round container in one of the pockets.
The king fumbled in the pockets then leaned in, taking Wolfram by his arm and tugging him up. After the prince stood up, he brushed the shirt off Wolfram's shoulders completely, leaving it discarded on the chair, the blond now standing naked except for the wedding bracelet on his right wrist.
Wolfram's body had matured much: his muscles increasing, his body acquiring roundness at his hips but his shoulders widening and his chest broadening. But at the same time Wolfram's height increased only a little, now the blond being of average height, his waist staying as narrow as it was six years ago. Yuuri was taller than Wolfram, his body was also larger, the prince even seeming somewhat delicate next to him.
Shedding his jacket and unzipping his trousers on his way, Yuuri turned to the end of the dining room where several armchairs and couches stood. The prince followed him close to one of the couches. Not uttering a word, he sat down onto it. He watched Yuuri's small of the back while his husband was taking his boots off, the muscles tensing and then relaxing underneath the smooth tanned skin.
Yuuri turned around to look at the shorter man. He cast his eyes over the lovely lines and curves of Wolfram's body. Wolfram was really happy to see him. Yuuri's head rose up again to look at his husband's lightly colored face.
“Well, are you going to stare at me like that, or will you finally do something useful…?” Wolfram's eyes flashed up at him with amused greenness.
“If you say so…” Yuuri countered those eyes with his dark ones. He chuckled when Wolfram gasped, his hand automatically shooting out for his that now was wrapped around the blond's erection. He gave it several languid strokes to which Wolfram reacted by retracting his hand, his body tensing in eagerness and pleasure but, after several more strokes, relaxing back into the couch. Wolfram's lips opened a little to draw more air, his thighs spread a little. Yuuri saw a pink tongue darting out to wet the plump lips.
“You look pretty slutty now, you know…” Letting go of the blond's erection, Yuuri leaned down to catch that tongue but it slid back into Wolfram's mouth. He opened his eyes to find himself staring at two clouded emerald orbs.
“You talk shit, you know…” Wolfram's hand shot out to grab that black-haired head and smashed their lips together.
Yuuri tore his mouth away to pant after a minute. “Well, that had been a compliment actually…”
“I need no compliments, Yuuri. I need a good fuck.”
“Gee. Always so modest… But that's what I love about you…”
“What did I say about compliments?”
Yuuri groped about next to him on the sofa. His hand finally found the same round container that he had brought together with him. Wolfram was the one to count on to take care of things beforehand.
After seeing him coat his fingers, the blond spread his legs even more to give him more place. Anticipating and excited just as if he'd be lying in place of Wolfram, he slid two fingers in, breaching the both muscle rings. Yuuri's fingers sliding in and out smoothly for several times, he crooked them forward, making Wolfram tense and gasp.
He loved this expression on the blond's face the most - the clouded eyes looking at him from behind the fluttering eyelashes then closing shortly, his cheeks flushed, his hands trying to occupy themselves, grasping the cover from the couch between the fingers as if Wolfram couldn't believe that it was happening. Probably this was a wrong impression but it really reminded it.
After teasing the prince for some more time, Yuuri drew the fingers out and wiped them onto the cover. The prince was watching him with a hungry stare while Yuuri was positioning between his thighs.
He slid in smoothly, a long low sound leaving the blond's mouth, Wolfram obviously not experiencing much pain just the feeling of being incredibly filled. Long ago he found out that Wolfram always savored the penetration, it becoming a very important part of ending the prelude.
Yuuri overly Wolfram and lay still, letting Wolfram feel him inside and to let him adjust. Short puffs were leaving the black-haired man's mouth while the heat and tightness was working him up. He grunted as Wolfram shifted underneath him, the blond getting more comfortable and letting him in even deeper.
Starting with shallow thrusts, he started moving against Wolfram, the blond grunting at a few first thrusts then his muscles started relaxing, the constriction around his penis lessening letting him move freely in and out. The blond raised his head to search for Yuuri's lips and Yuuri answered eagerly. Increasing the depth of his thrusts, Yuuri's mouth slid over his husband's jaw and then to the elegant neck to graze there. He felt Wolfram swallow, his head moving aside, granting him more access.
Yuuri raised his head to look at the closed eyes of his husband. He never got enough of that sight: Wolfram completely gone, his body and mind one, controlled only by senses and pleasure, his hips moving to meet his. These closed eyes and a half open mouth to draw so needed air in and to spill those delicious moans and grunts when he struck that place inside Wolfram over and over…
Wolfram's chest was covered in a light blush, a thin sheet of perspiration already gathering all over his skin. It never ceased to amaze him to know that it was he making Wolfram feel that way. Years passed but some of the superstitions were still with him. Sometimes he would wake up next to the blond and found himself surprised and even aroused by the fact that Wolfram was indeed male. Despite now it didn't mean much, the gender, it still was still somewhere in the back of his mind.
The smooth and satin walls around him were urging Yuuri to go faster, his breaths coming in shorter and shorter puffs against Wolfram's skin. With a low moan, Wolfram wrapped his legs around his waist, locking his ankles behind his back. Yuuri shuddered at the short nails scrapping his arms absentmindedly. Two weeks without sex was long, especially when he and Wolfram had sex frequently.
Their pants were permeating the dining-room, the bodies sliding against each other fervently, the cravings and lust reaching the point where the fire in the pit of the stomach was spreading further, the flame wanting to break to the surface.
His one hand firmly grasping the prince by his hip, Yuuri reached between their stomachs and grasped Wolfram's swollen and red sex. The prince groaned and jerked his head back onto the couch. As he started masturbating Wolfram, that threw his right arm over his face, the golden bracelet catching Yuuri's eye, something inside him growling possessively.
Wolfram spread his legs even more in that lust, his moans becoming louder in a pitch. That was the sign that Wolfram was almost there. Wolfram didn't cover his face in shyness to hide his expressions, from experience Yuuri knew that it was only a reflection just before his orgasm, the blond probably not even knowing he had it. His thrusts now becoming short jabs against the blond's prostate, Yuuri concentrated on bringing them both over the edge.
Yuuri's hips slapping against Wolfram's backside, the blond's nails digging deep into his husband's skin, Wolfram started tensing, his body trembling in the last seconds. He tried to hold it down for several seconds by taking several deep breaths but Yuuri's rough grinding against his backside and inside him pushed him over. His body formed an arc, pleasure wracking it, mindless grunts slipping from between his gritted teeth.
Wolfram's spasming muscles clenched around Yuuri's penis forcefully, making Yuuri groan at the sensation of it all. Completely overwhelmed, he pushed through several more times and then pressed Wolfram back into the bedding, his mouth locking in a soundless groan at the blond's neck as he released in short quick spasms inside him.
His head still in that warm daze, the thoughts being one fuzzy and cuddly ball, Yuuri sagged back onto his husband. Wolfram grunted but made no objections otherwise. Yuuri lay panting, his breath coming back to him, his head clearing but also feeling heavier, his body now tired and spent.
Wolfram lay tense, his eyes still closed. Yuuri stayed still for some time to be sure that most of his power would be absorbed then pulled out, his now placid member sliding over the thighs wetly, the excess of liquids following it. His husband didn't usually give in so easily, but it was almost a tradition for him to take Wolfram after he would be absent for a longer time, just to be sure that the blond's powers were fully recharged in case of something happening. There had already been a couple of times when Wolfram had to rely only on his husband's powers to survive.
Wolfram's orgasms were always…earth shattering, as much as he could that tell from looking at senseless and dizzy Wolfram in aftermaths - even now, several minutes after their orgasm, the prince's facial expression didn't seem more reasonable than it was right after it. Yuuri wasn't sure what influenced that, maybe it was simply Wolfram's physical ability - his hormones or pheromones or something, maybe all full-blooded Mazoku had orgasms that left them stupefied or maybe he just knew how to relax and reach it, but he had never had any trouble with Wolfram - the blond always came readily and it always encouraged him using something new knowing that no matter what he did, Wolfram would like it.
Yuuri rolled off Wolfram then turned to his side, the blond not reacting to him. “You okay?” He stroked Wolfram's lower stomach soothingly, concern marking his voice.
With his eyes still closed, Wolfram nodded but his jaw set firmer. Even after so many years it didn't become that easy for Wolfram to adjust, his body simply not being able to deal with quick swapping of all elements at once. Yuuri sighed. He curled around his husband then reached his arm out for the green cover from the couch and covered them.
After several minutes, he felt Wolfram's tension disappear, the blond soon settling into comfortable sleep. The bigger intervals between Wolfram's absences were, the harder was it for Wolfram's body to accept all of that power again.
Wolfram had mastered all other three elements as much as he could master them while this ability was restricted by Yuuri's own ability to control the elements. Wolfram was only able to reach the same level Yuuri was at, any other tries being futile as it depended only on Yuuri's control over the element.
Fire element was something Yuuri wasn't good at. He could summon it, having even much more power than his husband for that, but controlling it was giving him headache, he only being able to send huge fireballs in one or another direction. With much lesser amount of power, Wolfram could do so much more than him, the prince having reached perfection in controlling fire element.
Yuuri, and naturally Wolfram, were good at wielding air element, it being second favorite element of theirs, Wolfram even being more accurate with it than Yuuri. Wolfram rarely used water element. The water element was the most powerful from those he could borrow from Yuuri but it was the most difficult for him to master. The only thing Wolfram found useful in it was his newly acquired ability to create healing majutsu. He wasn't able to create a very high quality healing majutsu but it worked well enough. Otherwise, controlling the water element took too much strength from him. Fire and water didn't mesh well after all.
Controlling earth element was simply a pain in the ass for them both. Yuuri was able to feel the ground in ten miles radium around him but Wolfram wasn't really able to merge himself with the element and couldn't tell anything even if a horse trampled behind a corner. To tell the truth, even if after that he needed a day or two to regain his strength, Wolfram had surprised Yuuri by managing to create quite powerful earthquakes and ability to split earth. Yuuri had silently decided that this was due to Wolfram's nature and temper. Even without summoning any of the elements Wolfram could make everyone feel as if they were in the middle of a storm.
The maids that came later to clean the table, found the two men in the same position as they were before falling asleep. Not wanting to disturb, they quickly gathered the dirty dishes and left the room. Early in the morning Yuuri woke up first, woke his husband up and they both snuck upstairs into their chambers while the guards were grinning inwardly in their wake at their disheveled hair, their clothes in disarray and the scents that followed them.