Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

xYuuramx: Amae has nothing to do with Yuuri. Amae is just a child born to the man who had accidentally gotten to Ekara. He's a completely autonomous being having no ties with any of our familiar charcters.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
A/N 3: Everyone who wants to see what Amae Sederu looks like, go here: 213969
This is the scene from further chapters of a half-naked Amae taking a swim in a river. It's a beautiful and quite big pic, so you might want to enlarge it. Don't forget to leave a review for the girl!
Part 14
Faraya was back after a couple of days. During the time he had been absent, Wolfram's bruises had faded from blue and black into yellow and greenish. His lip was almost healed and his body didn't hurt to move as much anymore. Faraya's return was not in time, he had arrived too early as Wolfram had hoped to use his absence to escape. Now knowing that Faraya was Ekara's representative he was sure that the man was much more powerful than him. Very likely to try to run away while he was present equaled suicide.
But his disappointment dimmed somewhat after Amae related to him that Faraya's absences were frequent. The king was not only one of those rulers who took interest in what was happening in his kingdom, but he also made sure to see it with his own eyes. He regularly visited his Counts, checked his army status and sometimes went hunting. Now and then he would also take one of his concubines together with him to jolly up his expeditions.
The reason Faraya came back so early might have had something to do not only with the sharpened situation with Dakhra but also with the rain that started a day ago and had been lasting up until now. With precipitation came strong winds which made rain fall almost diagonally to the ground. It also became raucous during the night, blasts of wind tearing at the palace and making howling noises.
Wolfram had been surprised at the phenomenon - the entire city and the villages around it seemed similar to a desert. Now he started to realize that most likely he got here during the drought season. It would probably be raining for several weeks or even months now and then the drought would be back.
The concubines' lives hadn't changed but there were no training soldiers in the palace yard. Wolfram guessed that there were some closed spaces for them to train and gentle horses. He quite liked rain but noticed that it had a rather heavy impact on the other concubines. They became sluggish and sleepy. Even Amae did nothing except for lounging about, sleeping or walking to and fro in the lounge. It had also affected the servants and guards resulting in slacker attention and carefulness. It seemed that it was typical mental behavior for this race.
Wolfram appreciated the rainy weather because together with rain came peace in the harem. Concubines lost interest in fighting over influence and simply lounged about and huddled together while someone was playing music or reading poetry. Wolfram had noticed that reading was limited to concubines. There was a bookcase in the lounge but after browsing through the books and asking Amae what the titles meant he saw that the most of them were about love or love art. Several of them were poetry which was strictly about love or nature. There were also several books of fairytales. He wasn't able to read any of them. Being able to understand and speak the language didn't grant the ability to read or write.
“Amae, let's play cards or something.”
From the book he had been leafing and looking at the pictures, Wolfram raised his head to Torani. The red-head was standing in front of Amae. After Amae had befriended Wolfram, no one had ever threatened or tried to bully him. It seemed it was a common sense around here.
From the place where he sat, Amae gave Torani an apathetic look then settled into the couch more comfortably. Wolfram shifted aside leaving more place for him.
“I'm too lazy to go anywhere,” Amae shook his head.
Torani stood in front of Amae and didn't look overly happy with the younger man's choice. Wolfram wasn't sure, but during these last couple of days he thought he had noticed something strange between the two going on. They weren't on very friendly terms but the two didn't bicker, Amae's word always being final and Torani obeying without too much fuss. It seemed that with time they learned to tolerate each other. But there was that weird look the red-head would sometimes give Amae, which didn't really seem threatening or hateful. He was certain that the younger man must have noticed those strange stares. But it didn't seem that Amae cared.
“Oh, c'mon,” Torani frowned down at Amae who now curled up into a ball. “You are acting like you are having menstruation cramps or something!”
“Ha. Ha. Ha,” Amae said passively. “You have no sense of humor. Stop trying or somebody might just skewer you with a sword.”
The red-head rolled his eyes. “I'm bored. Let's go to my room to play cards. C'mon, I promise not to harass Wolfram anymore.” He turned to look at Wolfram who was sitting near the younger male and gave the blond a dark look. He had intended to show the blond his place during the game with cards but to his disappointment Amae had stepped in.
“It's the last thing on my mind. You can harass him all you wish,” Amae yawned sleepily. He waved with his hand dismissively at Torani. “Just don't run to me later, crying.”
Torani gave another dark look to Wolfram who just shrugged and lowered his eyes to the book to finish looking through the pictures. It disturbed him somewhat that Amae became so passive. After some observance, he didn't think anyone would dare do something while Amae was napping on the couch but it still unnerved him.
The harem and its life were easy to figure out. The ones who didn't belong to Amae's group didn't like him and were against him but never acted on it because were afraid of his power. Amae had also the status of being the king's favorite which also meant the king's wrath if anything happened to him.
The concubines in Amae's circle were of different characters. Lokhan and Ashiba seemed peaceful and timid men. Yasai gave the impression not to prefer any side but he didn't get along with Asoka - the leader of the opposite team - which didn't leave him much of a choice only to side with Amae. Torani was an absolutely different case. The man was older than any of the concubines, he was aggressive and pushy. He absolutely despised Asoka, taking every opportunity to harass the other male if not physically then mentally. He also hated Ashiba and his innocent looks and childish nature but tolerated him because of Amae. He couldn't stand Grefan from Asoka's group and actually once had almost tossed him off the window when the guards hadn't been looking. If not for Amae yelling for him to cut it out… Torani was the one to constantly breach silent murmurs and interaction which disrupted the established order.
Wolfram considered Torani dangerous. The man didn't speak much but usually all he spoke were threats, harassments or curses. Wolfram wasn't adept in measuring mental stability but he deemed Torani a nutcase. There was something off with the man's chemistry and he was overly aggressive for his own sake. It was a mystery to Wolfram as to how Amae managed to deal with him and keep him on a short leash which for some reason didn't seem to disturb the red-head as much as it should. But Torani wouldn't pass an opportunity to overthrow Amae and the order the younger man had established. Chaos would reign until Kohar or the king himself dealt with Torani.
Wolfram didn't think that Torani would be such a fool and try something while the rain was having an impact on the younger male but it still was a weakness. But it didn't seem that Amae worried over Torani.
Now while watching the older male staring down at Amae with that indescribable and darkened look of his, Wolfram got the feeling that Torani might simply grab the younger male by his hair and drag him around the room several times or try to toss him out of the window just as he tried to with Grefan. As far Wolfram noticed, Torani wasn't that much of a fighter but his aggressiveness made up for the lack of that skill. Wolfram doubted that any of the concubines might stand up to him. Unless five of them did.
Luckily, any fighting was punished. It was enough to tell the servants and show the marks and the attacker was disciplined. The problem with that was that there were enough ways to terrorize others without marring them. Torani was an expert at that. Ashiba told Wolfram that once Torani got Asoka into his room, gagged him and then started pulling his hair one by one. After Asoka had reported this to Kohar, Torani claimed that the concubine wanted to set him up and that he had torn his hair purposely or just because he was stressed and now was looking for someone to accuse. Wolfram hadn't heard anything but he suspected that sexual abuse was also on Torani's list. The man had intended to undress him naked after all. As sexual relationships among concubines were strictly forbidden, he doubted that the older male would have tried something which would count like a sexual act but Torani had surely been planning on leaving him humiliated and embarrassed.
From the corner of his eye Wolfram watched Torani lean down to the couch and whispering something into Amae's ear. The younger male chuckled then seemed to think for a moment and then shook his head for no. The red-head frowned then suddenly grabbed Amae by his arm and tugged him up easily. Amae stumbled and nearly fell, just managing to catch himself on his feet as he was dragged off the couch. Wolfram turned to look at the guards at the other side of the lounge. They were following the events but didn't show any intention to take any measures. Those several concubines that were in the lounge seemed to also ignore Torani's behavior.
Wolfram tossed the book away and slid off the couch quickly but then to his surprise he heard Amae laugh. The younger male turned to look at Wolfram and waved it off dismissively with his free hand telling him not to worry. The red-haired didn't even look back while hauling Amae toward his room.
Confused, Wolfram looked at Lokhan who was sitting across of him on the other couch. Instead of giving some answers, the brown-haired man shrugged.
“Don't worry about them. Torani has a thing for Amae and Amae has a thing for older men. They have fun frequently. Now just watch that none of the servants or guards would disturb them.”
Wolfram turned around to Ashiba who had somehow appeared behind him. Wolfram sat back down onto the sofa and took the book back into his hands.
“It's idiocy! If they get caught…”
Ashiba wriggled into the soft couch deftly and nestled next to Wolfram. “Moron, they don't go all the way. Faraya would kill Amae if there were at least some traces of somebody fucking him,” he whispered in the same hushed tone he spoke before. “But there are no rules against something like this; it's similar to masturbation. But it would be a little worse if someone caught Amae with Torani's cock down his throat or the opposite.”
His face flushing red at the suggested images that materialized in his head, Wolfram sat silently and leafed through the book for some time. He had no idea why he should worry that someone might catch the two idiots. Now it was clear that all concubines knew that and kept silent about it. He presumed that most of them were engaged in similar relationships. They were young and healthy and the king was only one and - including the women - there were fourteen of them after all. He felt stupid for not thinking about it earlier.
“We could do the same after they finish,” Ashiba suggested softly.
Wolfram's fading blush returned with full force. “I'll pass,” he muttered trying to appear immensely interested in the pictures.
Ashiba shrugged. He sat silently for some time, listening to the rain beating down the windows and wind howling outside. Then he cast a look at the book Wolfram was leafing in this rainy half-light. There were some animal and flower drawings. He knew the blond didn't feel comfortable around them and it was also obvious he didn't understand and hated the way they lived. He would have been blind if he didn't see that the blond was afraid of this life and was panicky at the thought about spending his life in the palace. He became jumpy after Faraya beat him. He rarely talked to anyone and if spoken to gave short answers. It was a good thing that Amae took him under his wing. Even if the blond had shown that he was able to take care of himself in the harem, the additional stress to which he was already feeling would have made him paranoid and unsociable.
Amae encouraged them and the blond seemed to be an interesting person and some of them tried to interact with him but the blond would just mumble something, withdraw back to his room or try to avoid them overall. The one he interacted with was Amae. But Amae wasn't good at helping others. He tried to but everyone who knew Amae for a little longer knew that under that composed calmness he was nothing else but a frightened child himself.
Ashiba sighed softly. The only things the blond responded to were nagging, threats or teasing which in itself showed that the blond was panicky afraid to interact with them. He wasn't that sure why it was. He had known the blond for only a week but presumed it was because Wolfram was afraid to accept the life here. Together with accepting them, he would make a step toward accepting the life between these walls. The blond wasn't ready for that.
“You should watch them sometime,” Ashiba whispered then in a voice that made Wolfram's body shiver. “Amae is such a sexy slut. The way he arches his back and moans when coming… And Torani…”
“Would you mind?” Wolfram held his hand up to silence the other man, trying not to think about a pile of sweaty men and Amae getting off on somebody's voyeurism. The comments were really bothering and making him hot but there was no way he would do something like that with this man.
Wolfram groaned mentally. It was way too long when he last had sex. He badly needed to get laid.
Wolfram thought about looking for another place to sit down. But sensing his displeasure, Ashiba didn't say another word. Wolfram browsed through the pictures absentmindedly then carried the book back to the bookcase after finishing. Just as he pushed it between the others, he heard the sound of the door opening and Amae appeared from Torani's room. He couldn't see Amae's face from behind his long black hair which was no longer pulled up into a ponytail and now was falling down messily over Amae's face and shoulders. The tunic Amae wore - even if it was fully buttoned - was rumpled up and with several tiny feathers clinging to it.
Torani appeared from his room shortly and, just as Amae, went straight for the bathroom. But not before throwing Wolfram a dark but self-satisfied look. This time Wolfram knew what it meant and it just made him sigh inwardly at the stupidity of it all. He was just surprised that he hadn't understood earlier that Torani was jealous of Amae. It was only now when it clicked together easily.
Amae emerged from the bathroom first. He went into his room then appeared being presentable; he was wearing new clothes and his long dark hair was brushed up back into a ponytail. Yawning, he went back to the couch where Wolfram and Ashiba were sitting. Ashiba left the couch for Amae and went to join Lokhan. Amae settled back into the couch to curl up in almost the same position he had been before Torani had dragged him to his room to do whatever they did.
Wolfram couldn't help his curiosity and smelled the younger male but couldn't smell anything except soap. He head rose to the sight of Torani appearing from the bathroom. Drying his long hair with a towel, he turned toward his room. The red-head's look fell on Amae and Wolfram thought he noticed something warm in those dark eyes. But maybe he was just seeing things.
Amae ignored Torani and the red-head went to his room, shutting the door softly behind him. Wolfram stared at the closed door then lowered his head to look at Amae who seemed to be dozing.
“It seems that you want to say something.”
Wolfram blinked at now Amae's open eyes. The blue in them was overflowing. Wolfram thought about ignoring them.
“Do you even like him?”
Amae chuckled at the silent question. He beckoned Wolfram with his index finger to lean down to him. “Don't worry - I don't want to take him together with me,” he whispered, watching the clear emerald eyes above him. “He's one of those whom I'll gladly leave here behind this door and never remember again.” The emerald above him darkened and Amae chuckled again.
“No, I don't like him,” he said. “I think he's a tad fucked up in the head. But as long as it helps me turn him into a lost puppy that follows and listens to my every command, I'll suck his cock and let him do the same to me.”
Wolfram frowned at him, disgusted. “You have no pride!” he spat. Blue eyes flashed dangerously up at him.
“Pride?” Amae's soft voice turned mocking. He laughed, the sound unpleasant, harsh. “What pride can a whore have?” he asked still laughing. He could see the green eyes storming with anger and it seemed that Wolfram would hit him. He grinned up at the blond's face to dare the older male strike him. But instead of that, Wolfram just grinned back at him, the knowing grin that made his breath hitch.
“It's you who is a tad fucked up in the head,” Wolfram said. “I'm not going to hit you. I have never liked masochists too much. It's your problem to work out,” he finished with a poke with his index finger on Amae`s forehead.
Amae stared up at Wolfram then pushed at the blond's chest with his palms rudely. Wolfram chuckled and leaned back, leaving some space for Amae to sit up.
“I don't like you,” the younger man said being aware that he could hardly move the blond.
This time Wolfram gave him a serious look. “Hating yourself and wishing others to punish you is kinda…not my field of research but I think it's frequent among …your profession people, so…”
“Shut the fuck up, you!” Amae shot back in a voice that was close to yelling. “Fuck you! What do you know?! -You didn't have to live like this and…” He was cut off by the blond's hand on his mouth.
“Shhh…everybody is looking at you,” Wolfram warned him softly. “I don't need this,” he said then. “I don't even care about you, so keep it all to yourself.” After Amae's chest stopped heaving and the nervous tremors lessened when he seemed more sensible than he was earlier, Wolfram removed his hand from his mouth. The younger male took several deep breaths to calm himself down then threw him a blue-eyed glare, hopped off the couch and stormed into his room.
Shaking his head, Wolfram stared at the closed door then lowered his eyes to his hands that were folded on his lap. He had lied to Amae. He did care. Everybody here was a tad fucked up in the head, some of them more than others. The lifestyle obliged - one was bound to have something wrong with him after living like this for such a long time. He told Amae to shut up not because he didn't care, but because he didn't want to hear all that horror. It had been easy just to watch these people from aside, to just think that soon he would be gone and never see them again. But some of them were driving him crazy with their soft eyes and calming smiles and the way they were trying to get to and soothe him after Faraya beat him. He needed none of this! It just scared him mindlessly that he might need someone as spiritually crippled as them to appease him. He was afraid that after some time here he might just turn into something similar to what Amae was now. He didn't even want to think about it. He did care because it didn't seem something he was able to deal with.
Wolfram swallowed around a spoonful of hot mushroom soup then turned his head to the side where Ashiba was relating something to Velan, a man from Asoka's circle. Several conversations were floating up in the dining-room. It had been raining for four days already and as the peaceful melancholy mood progressed, both sides of the groups started interacting. Asoka didn't seem very pleased but didn't say or comment any. Meanwhile, as long as they were not fighting, Amae seemed to never care at all about what his circle was doing.
The regular meals were something which came together with Amae's friendship. Kohar didn't pester him anymore and he was allowed to eat together with other concubines. He didn't feel half-starved and faint anymore. Hot food, company and drifting sounds of conversations made him feel better even if it was not him talking.
From the plate where he had been fishing for a morsel of meat, Wolfram raised his head to the door that opened. Lasami entered the dining-room and went straight to Amae. The servant leaned to the younger man and started whispering something into his ear. Amae glanced at Wolfram and nodded as much for Lasami as for himself. Wolfram couldn't read much from Amae's face but the black-haired man didn't seem to like whatever Lasami had said. Amae nodded at the words and when Lasami silently retreated to stand at the wall among several other servants, continued cutting the steak in his plate.
The dinner went on for another half-hour. Concubines weren't in a hurry, they didn't have anything else to do. Besides, the dining-room was the only place where they could meet the three women. The male residents didn't seem to mind their existence or drag them into their fights for authority. It was obvious that they didn't see them as a serious opponent - the king's preferences were clear.
The behavior of some concubines toward the women showed that their preferences were different than Faraya's. Wolfram couldn't miss those silent but burning glances the both sides exchanged. That made him think that he was lucky enough. If he preferred women, he would have gone crazy several days ago.
Wolfram had expected that they would sit and chat for longer as usual but as soon as he finished eating and wiped his hands and mouth clean, Amae left the table and approached him. The younger male stood next to his chair and leaned to his ear to whisper.
“Go wash and dress. Lasami will take care of everything. You are expected to be in my room after half an hour.”
The blond gave him a confused look.
“Faraya is coming. He wants to see us both,” Amae explained softly.
Wolfram felt something heavy drop in his stomach and it wasn't the salmon he had just finished eating. “I… I…” he stuttered suddenly feeling the room turning stuffy. He had been waiting for it knowing that it was inevitable but it still gave him such a panic attack that he felt faint. Images of that night started flashing in his head.
“For fuck's sake!” Amae snapped at him with a soft hiss. “Get yourself together! It might be that he just wants you to watch. It's a kink of his.” He then felt sorry for Wolfram whose face was just one big horror and it didn't look as if he had heard him. “Okay, okay. If he starts getting to you'll try to turn his attention to me. Fuck it!” he threw his hands in annoyance before walking away. “Get him dressed up, Lasami!” he snapped at the servant who nodded instantly.
Not feeling the jealous glances or hearing the murmur, Wolfram let himself be hauled from the chair and led out of the dining-room.
Twenty minutes later he was pushed into Amae's room. Amae gave an evaluative look at Wolfram's white tunic then nodded approvingly at Lasami and motioned for servant to leave. He also chose to wear an outfit similar to Wolfram's - it was a light-blue tunic but which was just hardly covering his hips; Faraya once told him he appreciated his long legs. The brims of it and the long sleeves that were almost of the same length as the tunic itself were decorated with white embroidered ornaments. Today he also put on an armlet Faraya had presented him with two years ago. It was made of white gold, decorated with sapphires and matched his eyes perfectly. A thin anklet of the same white gold and tiny gems was spangling on his ankle. He also dug deeper into his jewelry box and put on a tiny necklace to match the other jewelry he was wearing only this had several black stones in it which matched his loose and brushed out hair that was reaching the end of tunic and bounced with each step he took.
The nervous apprehension shaking his body, Wolfram walked over to the chair at the window and dropped into it stiffly. He cast a look around the room. It was the first time he was in Amae's room. It had almost the same furnishing as his except for different colors of tapestry, curtains and a carpet. It was also smaller than his and had only one bed.
Seeing how the blond's eyes locked on the wide bed with foreboding, Amae pushed away from the windowsill he had been leaning on and watching the melancholy of the rain. Shuffling his bare feet over the soft carpet, his anklet making soft tinkling sounds, he went to the table to where various decanters with alcohols stood. He chose the strongest one, took the glass that was usually meant for water and poured it half-full. He walked over to Wolfram.
“Here,” he pushed the glass into the numb hands.
Wolfram looked at the glass between his fingers. He raised the glass to his nose to smell it. He frowned. “I don't really drink such strong liquids.”
“You should make an exception today,” Amae said without a note of teasing in his voice. “Or I'm afraid you'll just faint even before he enters the room.”
Wolfram's fingers toyed with the glass for several seconds then he lifted it and knocked it all down in three big gulps. His face contorting at the taste, he held out the empty glass for Amae to take. A small burp made its way up his throat and he held his hand to his mouth while shaking his head.
“Gods, what shit.”
Amae took the glass, laughing softly. “Well, I don't usually drink. Faraya doesn't like it when I'm out of my head.” He saw the blond frown at him. Amae gave a small nod. “Yeah, he hates the smell of alcohol - it might just help you.” He turned to the table to put the glass down.
“Pour me another one,” Wolfram said.
Amae wasn't sure if the blond was only joking or serious but the emerald eyes were stern. He moved back to the decanter.
Wolfram frowned as he realized that his eyes subconsciously had set on Amae's backside, watching the gliding hips beneath the blue tunic and the long smooth hair. He took a fresh look at Amae, only now seeing the entire picture. What the hell was Amae thinking dressing like this?! The man already was very attractive without highlighting anything but now… The tunic was way too short for Amae's own sake and that hair and jewelry… The man was just begging for it.
“Don't overdo it,” Amae said, pouring another one, this time only the third of it. “It's a quite strong thing.”
Wolfram only nodded and swallowed the liquid Amae had reached for him. It had a horrible taste but he could already feel its burn spreading into that soft warming fire in his stomach.
Amae drifted to the other armchair that was near the bed and sat down, the short tunic riding up and now hardly covering his crotch. He watched the blond for some time then rubbed his forehead. “I'll try to keep his attention on me. I'm not that sure what he might wish, but if he touches me, don't do anything. Just let him do whatever he wishes. It's the routine between us; I'm quite used to it. Hell, I even enjoy it,” he laughed bitterly.
“I think we could just kill him off easily,” Wolfram muttered, disgust churning his stomach. He started to suspect the reason behind the way Amae dressed like this. Or maybe it was the way Faraya demanded to see Amae dressed. He could understand that - the younger male was really gorgeous. Damn Faraya.
Amae looked at the blond's face. The emerald eyes he found there held an acid shimmer in them. That was the look of a man who had killed and not once. Amae forced himself to calm down and brought the empty glass back to the table.
“I won't be of any help to you,” Amae said softly. “I'm not a fighter. I don't even have the strength for that. All I can do is manipulate his or mine elements which he can block as easily as breathe.”
Wolfram sighed. He lowered his head between his hands. Rubbing his forehead, he looked at the younger male. He knew all of that. Amae was just a concubine, raised and kept with only one purpose. It was good enough that Amae retained some of his dignity to feel repulsed by the way he was forced to live. The entire Asoka's group was just content with their current life and it was understandable too - it was all they were expecting from life. They climbed up as high as their social status allowed.
Wolfram lowered his eyes off Amae's face and noticed the other exhale the breath he had been holding. He probably was terrifying Amae. The blond turned to watch the rain behind the window. It was not even six o'clock and it was light outside, there was only a light drizzle in the air. Killing Faraya here was a tempting thought, the one he had been indulging quite several times in. But it had to be instantly and deadly. If not, Faraya would just fry them both. If they succeeded, there were two courses of action possible: either they would manage to get through the guards and then into the city or the army of the guards would do what Faraya wasn't able to. He didn't have that much of power in him left. He could beat some of the attacks, kill some of the enemy, but it was still a bright day and even if he set the palace on fire to distract their attention, the guards would not stop hunting them down thus his blond hair and green eyes would not let him get far away in daylight. Even without Amae it was a huge risk, with Amae… The younger male would just slow him down and overall would be dead in several minutes or even seconds.
“Crap.” It was all Wolfram said.
Despite the warm buzz that now started spreading in his chest, Wolfram felt the need for more drink. He opened his mouth to ask Amae for more but the door-handle moved and the door opened.
“Amae,” Faraya greeted, stepping into the room.
The king was wearing a light white shirt that was halfway unbuttoned, showing the dark-tanned skin and strong chest which was giving an impression as if he had just flung the shirt on. The trousers he wore were black, looked soft and were obviously made from expensive material.
Wolfram stood up, bowing his head, but to his surprise Amae didn't even move from his armchair. The younger male just inclined his head in answer.
“Your Majesty.”
Faraya walked over to him and cast an observing look over Amae. He seemed to be very content with the sight. “Lovely,” he said. “You seem in the mood today.” He brushed over the smooth hair then lifted the concubine's chin. “But you don't look that well,” he said, letting go.
Amae shrugged. “His Majesty knows how this season works on me.”
“Well, at least it makes your job easier,” the king said, seating himself near Amae, onto the edge of the bed, completely ignoring Wolfram. “How is the entire bunch? Does Torani still give you trouble?”
Amae leaned back into the armchair. He lowered his head and started tapping with his fingers onto the armrest. “Everyone is more or less calm.” He shrugged again. “Even Asoka has finally shut his big mouth.”
“Hmm… Is he being a bother again? Should I toss him out?” the king asked.
Amae's soft laugh crossed the room. He raised his head to look at the king. “As if you ever listen to my wishes.”
The king shrugged. “I've had my fill with him and he's become boring. Even if he is colored, he's not much of use. I could look for someone more interesting and someone who would have fewer issues with you. Should I sell him?” he asked again, his big dark eyes setting on the younger male, waiting for his reaction.
“No,” Amae shook his head. “Very likely he'd kill himself,” he scowled. He trailed his finger over the golden bracelet that was marking him as a concubine. “The fool.”
Faraya laughed at the concubine's facial expression. “I bet you'd be glad if I sold you. Umm?” he chuckled.
“You know pretty well that I'd be glad if you were just dead,” Amae spat, turning away from that alluring look in Faraya's eyes.
“I think I'll just order to belt you for your insolence,” Faraya grinned at the younger male. “No. Better yet belt you myself and make sure you come while screaming my name.”
“You are really fucked up,” Amae said, sighing. He started to twirl a lock of black hair on his finger.
Faraya laughed softly. “It's no secret.” He gave Amae a soft smile and the younger male just shook his head, a responsive smile tugging at his lips.
Wolfram watched the scene with a slight disbelief on his face. The conversation was almost domestic except for the fact that he couldn't help watching Amae's hands while expecting to see a readied knife in them. The exchange gave an impression of a routine. Both men were perfectly familiar with each other and knew what to expect. Amae despised him and Faraya knew it. And yet they were managing to have an almost normal conversation. Faraya was enjoying it while Amae's entire posture screamed only one thing - if I could kill you, I would. But I can't, so let's get this shit over with.
Finally Faraya took a look at Wolfram but the words that left his mouth were still intended for Amae. “You worked quite some healing majutsu on him.”
“Well, I remember it took me a month to heal after our first time,” Amae sniggered. “I gathered I just might be a little compassionate.”
Faraya gave him a dark look. “I should punish you.”
Amae shrugged. “You won't. You don't give a damn about some fucking majutsu I used.”
Faraya gave a loud sonorous laugh. “True, but it would be just out of principle. Besides, I bet it was you who told him,” he motioned with his head at Wolfram, “that I hate the smell of alcohol. And you never dress like this unless I order. You can't fool me, little thing. Feeling a little protective? Or jealous?”
Amae rolled his eyes. He didn't even need to answer this. He knew Faraya would know and he knew the king was only teasing him. “You scared him mindless with your animalistic coupling,” he said. “The poor thing was shaking like a damn leaf from the very second he heard you instructed him to be present in this room.”
Wolfram wasn't sure if he should get angry or upset at the comment but it made him very uncomfortable when Faraya turned his head to observe him. He was relieved when those intent dark eyes left his face.
Faraya turned back to Amae. “You like him,” he stated.
Amae just snorted. “Sure I do. So far he's the only one here whose head isn't fucked up.”
The king grinned at that. “Should I fix my mistake of - how you called it - animalistic coupling by letting you show him some good time?”
Wolfram froze. With big eyes, he turned to look at the younger male who, to his further consternation, shrugged.
“If you are going to beat him again, then yes, I prefer you only watching,” Amae said, not missing the look on the blond's face. “But you should ask him. I think he'd fight me just the same as he had been fighting you and you know I don't enjoy rape.”
Faraya chuckled, his dark eyes sweeping over Amae, taking him in. “You'll enjoy everything I say, sweetheart. If I say you fuck him, you will.”
Amae gave him a pretended pout. “Cut it, Faraya. As if I don't know that. You constantly reminding me of it has grown really boring.” He shook his head then, brushing over his long hair with his fingers to smooth it again. “I know that you came here intending not that. What was it you wanted?”
Faraya grinned at him again. “Ah, you know me all too well.” He laid down back onto the bed and sprawled there, his wide light shirt rumpling. “I wish I had taken you to Tokra. It was so boring there. I would have liked to show you off. You would have been a rare gem there. The concubines the count provided were ugly, dull and utterly stupid. What the hell does he keep them for? I have more fun with my hand.”
Amae snickered at that. “I wonder what your ideal of a concubine is…”
Faraya laughed, the loud laugh rocking his large body. “Why are you so modest? -It's probably close to your picture. Someone not boring, nice to look at and a feisty little thing. The problem is that we don't get along that well. I was really excited when I found him,” with his head he motioned at Wolfram who was still standing at the window just as he had been the second Faraya entered the room, “the same fire and fierceness and I thought that maybe he'd be easier than you. Yet it appeared that he was even worse.”
Amae rolled his eyes. “You seem to be a clever man and still do such stupid things. My mother used to say that what goes around comes around.”
“Huh,” Faraya chuckled. “She was a clever woman. But let's not talk about mothers before sex. It makes me nostalgic.”
“Yeah, me too. Those were your bastard soldiers that killed her!” Amae spat. “Raped and killed her!”
Faraya groaned. “Oh, c'mon. It happened ages ago. Leave it to rest finally. As if I knew then that there was some mother of some Amae. I promise, had I known, I'd have brought you two here and had you as my concubines. Hmm…your father also must have been quite a beauty. Your eyes and skin, it's from him,” he added after a short thought then laughed. “Hell, it would have been funny! The entire family…”
“You fucker!” Amae growled, his body leaning forward in the armchair, his hands grasping at the armrests.
Faraya turned to his side and raised his head from the bed to look at him with a wide grin on his face. “I love it when you get so angry,” he purred. “My little feisty Amae.”
“I'm almost the same height as you, moron!” Amae spat.
Faraya laughed, amused. “Now, now is this the way to address your king?” He raised his elbow then leaned his chin on his hand while watching the fuming man, with a light smile.
“Go to hell!”
Faraya shrugged. With his other hand he patted the place next to him. “Come here, Amae,” he said.