Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 15
The room was charged with something heavy and Wolfram found that it was difficult to breathe. He could see that Faraya and Amae's rapid exchange of words was making the king's eyes dilate.
As Amae didn't seem to be planning to close his mouth in the next century, Faraya patted the place next to him. “Come here, Amae,” he said. “If you have put so much effort in looking so amazing today, I suppose we can't let it waste, don't you think so?”
Amae shot him a hateful look but obeyed. He slid out of his armchair and went towards the bed, his anklet jingling softly in the short-lived silence of the room.
“Now, Wolfram, undress your tunic,” Faraya said, not letting his eyes leave Amae, drinking the sight in. As there was no movement, he still had to look at the blond. “Undress, I said,” Faraya snarled. “Either you'll undress it yourself or I'll undress you and it won't be the end of it. It will take much more time for your wounds to heal.” His eyes left the blond after he started taking his tunic off. “Good boy. After you are done, just sit in that armchair and watch us. Understood? Got it?!” he yelled as there was no response.
“Yes. Yes, Your Majesty,” Wolfram corrected himself after Faraya's angered eyes shot to him. It seemed that it was only Amae allowed not to mind the title. He pulled the tunic off and put it on the armrest. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to keep the underwear but as Faraya didn't say anything, trying to draw as less attention as possible, he sat down onto the armchair.
“Amae is beautiful, don't you think so, Wolfram?”
What the hell was that? Frowning, Wolfram raised his eyes to look at the two on the bed. The king was sitting, his legs dropped over the end of the bed while Amae was kneeling on it. The both of them were turned with their sides to him and Faraya was looking at him expectantly. One of Faraya's hands was in Amae's long hair the other on the younger male's waist. He couldn't see Amae's face as it was turned to the other side to bare the pale skin of his neck for Faraya.
Faraya's eyes were burning him thus Wolfram nodded. “Yes, he is,” he muttered, lowering his head again.
“Raise your head!” Faraya ordered. “Raise your head and watch!”
Wolfram's head jerked back up at the command. He forced himself to keep still and watch the embarrassing sight before him. So he had been under wrong impression after the conversation with Ashiba. The one who practiced voyeurism was Faraya and not Amae. Was it Faraya's way to humiliate the younger male or did he really get off on it? Either way, he was sure that he would see soon. Just as he could see Faraya's hand leave Amae's waist and slide down to where his short blue tunic was parted at the hip. He could see a fragment of dark blue underwear.
The darker skin of Faraya's hand was contrastive to Amae's pale hip. The dark hand continued to caress the smooth skin riding up and down then just settled there. Wolfram's eyes rose back to the men's faces. The king was nipping the side of Amae's neck above the necklace, his other hand just holding the younger male's head and ruffling the long smooth hair. Wet, glistening trails were covering the delicate neck. Wolfram still couldn't see Amae's face, but one his hand was posed on Faraya's chest while the other was dropped to the bed covers to support himself.
“He loves it, truly,” Faraya purred into the pale throat, his eyes finding Wolfram's. “His neck is probably the most sensitive part of his.”
Wolfram saw Amae's hand, the one on Faraya's chest, clench into the fabric of shirt. Ignoring that, the king lifted Amae's head to press his lips to the younger male's. The curtain of black hair parted and Wolfram could see that the concubine's eyes were closed. His face was tense but he wasn't frowning.
Faraya teased the lips underneath his then bit on the lower one, requiring entrance. As soon as they parted for him, Faraya claimed Amae's mouth with a needy demand. While the kiss continued and deepened, the king's hands slid to Amae's nape and started fumbling with the fastener of the necklace. The concubine's hand that was still fisted into Faraya's shirt started to relax, the other sliding up to Faraya's back in return.
“Damn, he's really good at this,” Faraya said after breaking the kiss. He tossed the unclasped necklace behind them where it landed onto the carpet with a soft jingle. “You should try sometime,” he looked at Wolfram. “Or maybe you've already kissed him, hmm, Amae?” he turned to look at the now open blue eyes. “Maybe you have already fucked him, as a good slut you are?” he hissed, grabbing a handful of black hair and lurching the concubine's head back, making him cry out in pain.
Faraya caught Amae's hand before it could hit him. He had to let go of the concubine's hair and Amae smashed his body into his, throwing Faraya down onto his back which was easy to do as Amae was the one kneeling and the king sitting.
Faraya laughed loudly. He easily turned them around to switch the places with the seething male, holding Amae's wrists down effortlessly.
“Fuck it, Amae,” he chuckled, taking the thin wrists into one hand of his. “Don't like the truth?” His hand slid down to Amae's groin and he palmed the younger male under the short tunic. “And what's that?” the king grinned. “Umm? How will you explain that, little slut? Getting hard just the moment I touch you.”
“Go to fucking hell, you sonovabitch!” Amae yelled, bucking to get rid of Faraya's hand down there but which earned him only more friction. He tried to kick the older man but the large body over his didn't allow him much movement.
Faraya only laughed. He leaned over to Amae, trapping the smaller body underneath his efficiently and wedged himself between the long pale legs. “My little slut,” he breathed into Amae's neck while starting to kiss his way up, “I'll be sure to send you before me.” Faraya pushed the front of Amae's tunic out of his way and up to grope the younger male, sending shivers all over the slender body.
Amae held back moans in his throat and thrashed underneath the heavier body without success. As soon as Faraya let go of his wrists, he tried to push the king off him but as it appeared that he wasn't even able to move the body above him, he let out a growl of sheer annoyance and smashed his lips together with Faraya's.
Amae's sharp nails clawed at Faraya's shirt but instead of protesting, the older male started peeling the tunic off Amae. That seemed to infuriate his concubine even more and Amae bit him hard on the lower lip, his hands clawing at Faraya's collar with undecided intention of either strangling Faraya or tearing his shirt off.
“How I fucking hate you, fucker!” Amae yelled before moaning when Faraya's hand gave him a firm stroke through his underwear. He clawed at now the king's bare chest then moaned again as the king finally got the tunic off him and lowered his head to suck and nip on his right nipple.
“Foolish little slut,” Faraya chuckled around the nub, his voice dark with lust. This earned him a slap over his face. Growling, he grabbed the smaller body and pulled it up higher onto the bed, smashing it deep into the mattress. With one hand he simply tore the concubine's underwear off and wiggled in between Amae's legs again. While peeling his shirt off impatiently, he rubbed his body against Amae's, making the other male shiver and close his eyes at the contact.
Wolfram watched the agitated bodies rolling on the bed, the clothing being shed. The entire time he had been so afraid of this happening to him that he had completely forgotten to think about Amae. Right now, he was practically watching the man being raped. Amae had warned him not to interfere but this was just… He wasn't sure what to do and the worst thing of all was that he was painfully hard. Amae was hardly showing any resistance, quite the opposite - his not quite normal hunger for the other male was obvious the way he was trying to get as much friction to his body as possible. Amae was lost in desire and hate for the other man. He hated him, but his body obviously enjoyed what was being done to him very much.
Amae's another, louder moan made Wolfram shiver. He caught himself panting at the sight of Amae's pale thigh quivering when the older male teased the inner side of it. He cursed his stupid body and dropped his eyes from the flash of Amae's naked and erect groin. Now he knew what the game was about. Faraya was not only an exhibitionist but also unbelievably good at manipulating others. The entire thing was meant to entice him, to show what he had refused and jeer at him at the same time, putting him in his place with making him get off on the same thing he had abhorred when Faraya did it to him. He was forced to watch the other male being handled like this and love it. Disgusting and enthralling at the same time.
“Raise your fucking head! Watch or after I'm through with him, you'll get your share!”
Wolfram obeyed the panting voice instantly. He felt shifty when the amused black eyes met his. The bastard could perfectly see his state trough that sparse underwear he was wearing. He was so hard that it hurt. He was miserable and he knew he looked like it. He hated the creep for making him watch it and hated himself even more for the way his body responded. He prayed that the bastard wouldn't tell him to touch himself.
Faraya lowered his head back to look at Amae whose half-slit eyes were looking at him with blue-hooded hate and lust. Faraya grinned contently. He slipped his hand in between the burning thighs, making a soft groan leave his concubine's mouth.
“Just look at how much he wants it,” the king purred, pushing his hand up and molding his palm to the bare skin there. “My little whore.”
“Fuck you!” Amae spat. But his heated words melted from his lips with another moan when Faraya's fingers danced up and down his crease. His hips bucked toward the finger that circled his opening.
“Oh, yes…” Faraya groaned when his fingers slipped into the hot and well-lubricated entrance. “It seems I have been accusing you needlessly. You're just as tight as ever.”
“Damn bastard,” Amae panted out, his hips quickly following the rhythm that Faraya's fingers were dictating. His body shuddered when they brushed over the spot inside him.
Faraya fumbled with his belt then pulled his trousers and underwear lower, his cock hard and ready to go. He grabbed one from the pillows near Amae's head and lifted the concubine's hips to push it underneath them.
A low groan spilled into the room as Faraya slid into the body underneath him and Wolfram wasn't that sure if it was Faraya, Amae or he himself. Watching the long pale legs wrap around the dark torso, Wolfram brushed a hand over his forehead. His hand came down sticky with his sweat.
Faraya started thrusting, the first few thrusts irregular and too eager but then he established a rhythm. Amae was meeting and shaking at every hard thrust, his body strung, feverish sheen of perspiration and blush covering his face and chest. Wolfram's eyes accidentally met Amae's hooded ones and they stayed locked for several seconds then, not managing to hold his gaze, with a soft moan spilling past his lips, Amae turned his head to the side, his dark hair spilling over his face, covering it.
Amae's fingers were clawing at Faraya's back clenching and unclenching, his moans breathless and loud, his body starting to writhe. He removed his left hand from Faraya's back and tossed it over his face.
“Oh no, babe,” Faraya panted, his strong chest heaving in exertion. Not ceasing to thrust, pushed the hand off Amae's face. “I love to see my little slut come.” He thrust harder to emphasize his words.
Amae gave a shuddery moan. His body shaking with tremors, he tried to wrestle his hand away from the king's grasp but the strength was unequal and all that was left to him was to turn his head to the side to avoid Faraya's burning eyes.
“Come, little slut, come,” Faraya urged.
“Fu…fuckgh…fuck…oh godhhh…yuu…agh…fuck…y… Fuck you!” Amae yelled, his back arching off the bed, his jaw locked painfully tight at the pleasure that washed over his body.
Faraya groaned as Amae tightened around him. Lost in the feeling, his thrusts turned into quick jabs to bring him to completion. “Yes, fuck, yes!” he grunted. “That's the lovely ass!” he panted out and then was coming deep into the body bellow him.
Faraya lay for some time on Amae just where he had fallen when his hands gave in to catch his breath then turned his head to look at Wolfram who was sitting in the armchair, his hands gripping his thighs, the knuckles white. Just as presumed, the blond wasn't looking at them but even under that blond mass of hair he could see that he was red-faced.
Wolfram's head rose at the sound of the bed creaking again when Faraya rolled off Amae, the younger male grunting but making no objections otherwise and staying out of it. Wolfram had a foreboding that Amae would stay out of it for a long time.
Letting out a content grunt, Faraya slid off the bed. He stood beside it and pulled his trousers up. He walked over to the blond who was watching his every move. It was obvious that the blond was painfully hard. Faraya grinned down at him.
“It seems this works much better on you, hmm?”
Wolfram gritted his teeth, the anger in his eyes clear but in his current state he looked nothing but pitiful.
“Want me to help you with this?” the king purred reaching his hand forward.
Wolfram jerked back, pressed himself back into the armchair as far as he was able to. “His Majesty has already helped enough,” he hissed out, watching the dark-skinned hand as if it were a snake.
“Maybe you'd prefer Amae sucking you off?” the king grinned, ignoring the insolent tone. “Or maybe you'd prefer taking him yourself? You sure as hell seem to like watching him. Look how bothered you got while I was fucking his lovely ass. You really loved that.” Faraya's hand suddenly snaked forward to press to the front of Wolfram's underwear. “So how about it?” he asked chuckling when the blond's entire body shuddered. “He's a good slut - he would really love you to fuck his sweet little ass.”
“Could his majesty get his hands off me?!” Wolfram hissed while pushing that offending limb off his crotch.
Faraya chuckled at the distaste the words were spat with. He brushed his palm up and down over the swollen length just to irritate the blond further and get several grunts from those luscious lips then removed his hand. He leaned away from the blond look at him drowning in the armchair. The blond was staring right back at him, his usually pale body now flushed. With disappointment Faraya realized that he was feeling quite sated.
Faraya turned his head to the bed where Amae was still lying exactly in the same position he had left him. His dark eyes slid over the sprawled male. “Do you want to watch him jerking off while thinking about you?” he asked.
“No, I don't want to watch him while he's jerking off!” Amae's annoyed and edgy voice wafted over. His head was still turned to the side, not looking at any of them, facing the wall in front of him.
Faraya frowned at him but then shrugged deciding to leave the younger male at least some of his dignity today. “Well, we'll leave this for later then.” He ruffled through his thick black hair then scratched his chest. “Get lost,” he spat, yawning.
Wolfram didn't need it to be repeated twice. He grabbed his tunic and shot through the door. Normally he would have dressed but didn't want to risk Faraya changing his mind. He shut the door behind him and, not seeing the questioning and curious gazes around him, ran to his room. He slammed the door behind him and leaned on it to simply regain some of his poise.
The disgust and guilt that were washing over him reduced that shameful desire he was feeling. But his preserved body didn't want to let go of that aroused state completely. Wolfram let out a frustrated whimper at the thought of needing to take care of that.
He thought about getting to the bathroom to get a cold bath, but the thought of himself crossing the lounge in this miserable state of his wasn't appealing. He felt dirty. It was the first time when the thought of masturbation made him feel disgusted and guilty. Curse Faraya and his mind games!
Angry with Faraya and himself for acting just as Faraya had intended, Wolfram pushed himself off the door and went to the dressing table. He snatched the bottle of the same oil that Lasami had used while massaging him and turned to the divan. After getting onto it, he pushed his underwear down and sat down. He poured some of the oil onto his right palm then put the bottle out of his way so that it wouldn't spill on the bed. Now, the hesitation slowly seeping out of his mind and body, he palmed himself and stroked to spread the oil over his length.
While stroking up and down he told himself that he didn't need to feel guilty. It was normal. It was normal what was happening. He was a healthy young male. He was used to frequent sex with his husband and of course his body would respond to any erotic or sexual image after such a long abstinence. It was absolutely normal that the sight and sounds made him aroused. Amae was a very handsome male. Faraya also had a body to be proud of. Who would not get aroused while watching them? In addition, Amae was loud in bed. There was no one who could ignore those moans and pants. One had to be deaf to stay indifferent to them. It was absolutely normal that he had reacted to that scene like this.
Wolfram moaned softly as a picture of Faraya buried deep between Amae's thighs materialized in his head. He tried to push it away. It flickered, shimmered but instead of going away became even more vivid. His brows furrowed in concentration when he tried again and this time the scene glimmered then popped and Faraya was gone, leaving Amae sprawled on the imaginary bed.
Wolfram groaned at the electricity that crossed his body as suddenly the younger male was joined by his husband. The naked bodies writhed together, the limbs meshing, Yuuri's darker skin contrasting to Amae's. Yuuri was huffing and panting as it seemed that he was close. Amae's hair was sprawled all around him like a dark web, the younger male's head was tossing to one side, then to the other. Yuuri's grunts increased and all Wolfram could suddenly see was his round backside thrusting.
Through the mist in his head Wolfram somehow managed to grab his tunic then he tossed his head back and his eyes rolled back into his head. A shuddery moan left his mouth. “Ooghh…”
Dazed, he stared at the tunic that he had used instead of a cloth. With a shaky hand he wiped the rest of fluids off himself then tossed the soiled tunic onto the carpet. He pulled his underwear up and fell back onto the divan to lay there. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths to calm himself down. Well, he had to agree that this fantasy had been quite strange.
In reality he hated the thought of Yuuri with someone else. Sometimes he fantasized but he felt safe as those were only fantasies and he knew it would never happen anyway. In reality, after witnessing something like this, he would try to kill Amae and dismember Yuuri. But on the other hand, he had really missed Yuuri and the scene with Amae and Faraya was still vivid in his head. It wasn't that surprising that it all meshed in his mind.
Wolfram shook his head. Yawning softly, he stumbled along towards the huge bed, fell into it and wiggled into the midst of sheets and, despite it being still quite early, disconnected.
Jolting up in his bed, Wolfram looked around, but realizing that he had been woken up by the sound of thunder, relaxed. The room was filled with various sounds, but they were not emitted by a living creature. Soon another flash crossed the sky, the low rumble rolling over from the distance. Wolfram disentangled from the sheets and left his bed. He walked over to the window to look outside. The weather behind the window was seething, the wind tearing at the trees in the garden, the torn and picked leaves flashing through the air. Soon the soft rapping sound started. The rapping began to increase, quickly growing into an overwhelming sound of water pouring down onto the roof and walls. The wind was blowing from the east side, so it didn't beat against his window.
Leaning on the windowsill, Wolfram watched nature write down its will. He remembered many days when he and Kyota would sit by the window and watch the rain. He knew that Kyota wasn't interested in the rain that much. The older boy had been interested in him and kept him company only to be together with him. Kyota probably thought he didn't know that…
Smiling to himself and crossing his arms, Wolfram leaned on the wall just at the window and turned his head to the sound of water hitting the ground outside. It was hardly light outside, the sun hidden behind the clouds. He guessed that it was probably four or five in the morning. If trying, he could see random dots running in the seething rain.
Yesterday he just shut down. Not wishing to deal with anything, he had simply detached himself from reality. Now, with his head fresh and his mental defenses back up, he was quite ashamed of himself. He got aroused while watching two other men engaging in a sexual act. So fucking what? It was only natural. Besides, it didn't seem that Amae had minded it that much. It hadn't been one-sided. Well, this was probably even worse as it made the younger man feel humiliated, but there was no reason he needed to feel so disgusted with himself. It was enough that he promised himself to make sure that Faraya would not live for long. He wasn't sure how he would do it, but the man had written a death warrant for himself long ago. He still wasn't that certain about taking Amae together with him as there still wasn't much trust between them, but this was the least he could do for the man if it appeared that Amae really wanted nothing else but to escape.
He stood at the window for some time more then drew the curtain and returned into the bed. He wasn't all that sleepy, but there were not many things he could do to pass time and everyone else must be still asleep.
Wolfram was first to arrive at dining-room. It was still a little too early and he cast a look over the empty room, where only Lasami was hustling with dishes and meals. Muttering a soft greeting, Wolfram went to his place and sat down. Lasami nodded in answer then put down the plate he had been holding and went to him.
“Salami or fried eggs?” he asked.
Wolfram reached for the pitcher with juice that he had grown to like. “Both. I am quite hungry today.”
Lasami gave him a quite surprised look. He faltered before going to the door to pass the order to the kitchen. “You don't seem upset over yesterday…” he drawled with his fingers wrapped around the door-handle.
Wolfram leaned over the table to get himself a still steaming kettle with boiling hot water for his tea. “Why would I be? Amae did a great job at diverting his attention to himself. All I did was jerk off after watching them.”
“Ah.” Lasami stared at the blond's back for several seconds. “It's good that he didn't manage to make you feel bad about it. Amae is too far gone already to make this one time any worse for him.”
“That's what I've been telling myself,” Wolfram nodded while finishing pouring the water into his mug. “He's really fucked up and that bastard is pushing him further.”
Lasami lowered his hand to open the door but then faltered again. He thought about keeping it silent but then decided against it. “You know, he'll end up either trying to kill Faraya or himself. He hadn't been raised to be a concubine; he never wanted to be one. He was just a normal kid before all that shit with his parents happened. He's quite desperate and he doesn't have anything to lose. I… You know…If you know of at least some way… I'd be grateful if you got him out of here. He…I doubt he has enough skills to survive in the outside, so…well, you seem to be a good man, I think he wouldn't mind you being his owner until he figures what to do or permanently... He's a good kid. Just a kid, Wolfram. He might look firm on the outside and hell, he does know how to take care of himself, but in reality all he is just a vulnerable kid. I don't want to see him losing his mind here. Faraya will break him one day and then toss him aside.”
Wolfram was silent, just stirring his mug of tea to mix the sugar. The thought about himself being Amae's owner seemed ridiculous to him. “You seem to care a lot about him,” he said softly.
Lasami sighed. “He has been here for four years. You have no idea what it was like before he came. Non-stop catfights, the tension was so thick, you could grasp it.
“The first several months were traumatic for him. The King almost killed him then tried to humiliate and break him at every opportunity. He survived all that and not only, he brought peace. Concubines that tried to make him submit to their rules got badly burnt, he almost drowned one in a tub, but it all worked and even if Faraya was so angry with him that almost killed him again, he didn't step back. He knew there was no other way to survive through this hell. He got where he is only because he's so stubborn. That does inspire admiration. It would be a pity if these walls would be everything he was able to reach.”
With the hot mug between his palms Wolfram leaned back in his chair. He blew at the steaming mug then took a careful sip. “I'm not that sure why you are telling me this…” Wolfram muttered.
Lasami laughed softly. “Oh, I'm sure you know. I have seen enough in my life. I know I look younger but I'm already over fifty; long ago I was one of them. You are not a concubine, Wolfram. You don't even remind me of one. Instead of that I see a very ambitious man, a warrior, a smart man who is used to command troops. You are very young but there's no way you were only blue-haired's concubine.
“These are only kittens around you,” Lasami chuckled. “You put them all into their place the very first day they attacked you. I'm just glad that you got along with Amae. He might have been a little angry because of you lashing out, but I'm glad he wasn't and took it for what it was - self-defense.”
Unsure what to say to that, Wolfram just shrugged.
“I'll get your salami and eggs,” the servant said, finishing it all abruptly and leaving the prince alone in the dining-room.
Wolfram stared outside at the drizzly weather and sipped his tea in silence. He mulled over Lasami's words in his head then his head turned at the sound of door opening.
“Morning,” Yasai stifled a yawn and floated to his chair. The sleepy concubine helped himself to the hot water and started making his tea. “Couldn't sleep with all that noise outside.”
Wolfram gave him a sideways look. He nodded softly then turned back to the window and continued sipping his tea. Yasai was always first to come for breakfast and the last to go to sleep.
“How went the evening?”
Wolfram ignored the other man. He reached his hand for the jar with biscuits and took one.
Yasai's big dark eyes took in the blond. “C'mon, it couldn't have been bad. I'm sure Amae tried to make it feel nice to you. What did actually happen?”
“Nothing I'd want to talk about.” Wolfram said after swallowing what was in his mouth. He licked the crumbs off his fingers and caught the concubine staring at his hand. “Sorry, not in the mood today; don't feel up for that prissy all-mannered shit,” he said, sucking on his thumb.
Yasai covered his mouth while giggling. “Nah, it's just that you looked sexy while doing that. It makes me remember how I fed you when you were tied up to the bed.” He grinned at the blond. “That's one hot picture!”
Wolfram blushed. “Shut up, moron.”
Yasai's wide brows rose. “Or what? Will feed me to death on that biscuit?”
Wolfram couldn't help smiling and just shook his head, sighing. He was relieved when Lasami was finally back with his fried eggs and salami. The servant made his way to him and set the plates down.
“Would you like salami or fried eggs?” Lasami asked Yasai.
Yasai shook his head. “Nothing yet. I will help myself to biscuits and honey.”
The servant nodded and continued hustling around the table, setting everything on it, arranging and cutting.
Yasai took a look at Wolfram's plate. “Hell, it must have been quite good. You are starving.”
Wolfram stopped cutting his eggs. He raised his emerald eyes to Yasai. “You know, if you mention yesterday's night once more, I'll just use this knife to make myself warm slippers from your hair. Got it?”
Yasai smiled, but something in the blond's eyes told him that the proposition was absolutely serious. He raised his hands in the sign of giving up. “Yeah, sorry. I won't push it anymore.”
Wolfram nodded. “Good.” He proceeded with cutting his fried eggs.
Lasami, who was watching the exchange from the corner of his eye, suppressed a smile.
Half an hour later the concubines started flowing into the dining-room. Soon it was filled with yawning and chattering young men. Later came the women. They were silent at first but soon they were also included into the chatter. It was almost at the end of the breakfast that Amae showed up. Muttering automatic answers to greetings, ignoring curious and jealous glances he went straight for his chair. Lasami pilled up his plate in a blink and the concubine started eating.
Wolfram sipped his third mug of tea and through the brim of it watched the younger male wolfing down his breakfast. Amae hadn't even looked at him once. Well, considering everything, it wasn't that surprising.
Wolfram took another biscuit from the table then turned his attention back to Amae. The younger male seemed to have just gotten up, he was washed and dressed, his hair done and plaited, the heavy braid hanging over his shoulder but he seemed groggy. The concubine was wearing a light vest right on his bare skin. The blue vest was open at the front. There were no bruises or anything that would indicate that he had been hurt or beaten. Amae was able to create a healing majutsu, right, but no amount of healing majutsu would take care of serious wounds in one night. He had caught several bits of information floating at the table about the king later taking Amae downstairs to his chambers and the younger male spending the night in them. Considering that, Amae looked just fine.
Not even sparing a glance at Wolfram, Amae finished his fried eggs quickly then started sipping on his tea. When his and Wolfram's eyes finally met, a soft blush spread over the younger male's face. As the yesterday's image emerged in his head, Wolfram shifted in his chair uncomfortably and could also feel his face turn reddish. He wanted to smile at the younger man reassuringly but was afraid that the other might think it a jest.
Avoiding their eyes meeting they finished breakfast. Wolfram was first to drift out of the dining-room. Playing with a fruit that reminded of an apple in his hand, he took his usual the couch near the window and settled there. As it was rainy weather, he liked to sit at the window and listen to the whooshing sounds. Besides, it was almost the only place where it was light enough. As it started raining, despite it being still warm, the servants started using fireplaces to prevent the dampness spreading inside.
Amae followed him shortly. He stopped in front of the couch Wolfram was sitting on.
“Care to join me in my room where I'll be drinking my head off and trying to forget that I've ever had an orgasm?” Amae asked, his eyes still avoiding Wolfram's.
The prince burst out laughing then nodded, grinning. “Sure.” He stood up to follow Amae to his room.
Once inside, Amae motioned for the blond to make himself comfortable then sat down at the table and started pouring drinks. This time he chose red wine.
“We are damn lucky that there's a war going on and he doesn't have that much free time to play with us,” he muttered, holding up one glass for Wolfram.
Yeah, the one I started just to get here and what was the point? Wolfram asked himself bitterly. He took his glass with a thankful nod. He really needed something stronger to wash it all away. He raised it to clink with Amae's. “Well, for that amazing tunic of yours,” he grinned. “Have never seen hotter stuff since the time I made my husband wear that warlock's outfit.”
Amae laughed heartedly. “Yeah, for that,” he agreed, sipping. He was glad that Wolfram dismissed it all safely.
Half an hour later they were found relaxing, talking and finishing the bottle. They had pushed the two armchairs over to the table. The alcohol worked soothingly and their moods were elated.
“Wolfram?” Amae muttered after taking a sip from his glass.
“Umm?” Wolfram sipped his drink blissfully. It was long ago when he felt so relaxed. All troubles seemed not that big now. The thought about himself feeling ashamed or disgusted now seemed ridiculous.
Amae fidgeted with his glass for a second. Wolfram was surprised to see the younger man blush.
“What is it?”
Amae trailed the brim of the glass with his finger unsure. The blush on his cheeks deepened. “Well… I…” Frustrated, he grabbed the glass to take a sip. “Okay,” he said after lowering the glass back to the table, this time his voice sounding firmer and with resolve. Despite this he was still not meeting the blond's eyes. “I know that you have a husband and you seem a faithful sort and all that stuff, but… Well, could you kiss me, well just like you kiss your husband? Well, just to…” he faltered as after raising his eyes to the blond's he saw confusion and disbelief in them. “Well just once, just to…” He lowered his head back to his glass, to its safe substance. “Well, just to… I just want to see what it's like… I…” he mumbled, his voice now hardly above a whisper. Then he suddenly grabbed his glass again and downed the rest of the drink in one gulp. “Ah, forget it!” he shook his head after swallowing. “Stupid idea!” he scolded himself.
Wolfram stared at him for some time then ruffled through his blond hair sheepishly. “Well, yes, I'd like to do without it,” he said finally. “It's just…”
“…wrong,” Amae finished for him. “Yeah, sorry,” he rubbed his face with his hands and sighed. “Gods, I'm really drunk. It's just that… I've been thinking about you and your husband, about how your relationship is and…”
Aghast, Wolfram raised his hand to silence him. “Too much information!”
Amae frowned at him. “No, you stupid! Not in that way! It's just that you seem to miss him so much and… Well, I suppose I was kinda jealous… Nobody's ever missed me.” Amae blushed suddenly. “Sorry, I become really stupid when I drink.”
Wolfram rubbed forehead. “It's not stupid. Just…disturbing.”
“Ah. Okay. So what about that kiss?”
“Okay, okay, just kidding,” Amae chuckled. “Yeesh, what a stingy guy.”
Wolfram just shook his head in disbelief. He finished his glass then reached for another bottle. After opening it, he started filling their glasses again. A sudden shriek made his hand jerk and he spilled some of the liquid aside. His head shot to Amae who had suddenly appeared on the bed and was screaming his head off while staring somewhere at the carpet.
“Oh, gods! Gods, get it away!”
From the carpet Wolfram's eyes snapped back to the concubine who was pressing himself to the wall and still didn't stop screaming. Alert, he pushed the bottle back onto the table. “Amae?”
“Oh, gods! It's running, it's running to you, Wolfram! Oh my god!” Amae screamed, panic clear in his voice. “Run! It's going to you!”
“Where?!” Wolfram shouted, looking around. “What is running to me?!”
“Here! Here! It's now under the table!” Amae pointed with a shaky hand. “Run! Run!” he screamed. “Oh god, it's running to you!”
Wolfram lifted the tablecloth and shot a look under the table. Confused, he looked at a small furry thing that was scurrying away as fast as it could away from him. “Is it dangerous?” he asked, puzzled. “It's so small. What the hell is it?”
Wolfram's head turned to the side where the door crashed open and the both guards with several servants appeared, the concubines trying to get into the room after them, their curious and alert eyes flitting all over the room.
“What's going on here?” one of the guards shouted through Amae's squeals. Confused, he looked at Wolfram then threw a glance at Amae who was jumping up and down on the bed obviously scared of something.
“I don't know,” Wolfram said, shrugging his shoulders.
“You don't know?” the guard asked, frowning at him. He noticed that the blond's breath strongly smelt of liquor. After turning back to Amae, he saw that the other also looked as if he had drunk quite some.
“Oh my god, it's running back!” Amae yelled. “The mouse is running back!”
Wolfram had never seen the chaos that followed after Amae's scream before. It was as if all hell broke loose. Panicked screams and deafening shrieks stunned him and suddenly the doorway was not big enough and the concubines started tripping over each other, the guards and servants. The ones that were already far in the room jumped onto the bed to join Amae in his squealing hysterics, servants forgot all about mannerisms and duties and just were trying to climb over the concubines' heads to get outside.
Wolfram looked back at the furry creature that was trapped in all that chaos and deafened by the screams, probably scared silly. Now it was running in the room like crazy, not knowing where to hide. It didn't really look like a mouse, Wolfram noticed while taking a knife from a bowl with fruits. Despite it was almost the same size and even if somewhat reminded of a mouse, it had more fur which was brown.
The knife crossed the air and stuck into the carpet, nailing the poor thing to it, a red spot spreading under its fur. In the stunned silence the knife vibrated for several seconds.
“Well, I'm not going to pick it up,” Wolfram said while pointing at the critter as the silence seemed to stretch too long, everybody looking at the skewered creature. What the hell was wrong with these people? “For god's sake, it's just a stupid mouse,” Wolfram said as nobody moved. He shook his head and went to the table to pour himself one. “A mouse,” he repeated before swallowing his drink in one big gulp.