Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 24
When Wolfram opened his eyes two days later, he found himself in a ward. There was some odd beeping sound next to his side. A weird thing was covering his nose and mouth and he tried to push it away, but it appeared that he could hardly lift his arm and even then instead of shoving it away, his hand fell on his face with a smack. Finally wrestling the accursed thing off his nose, he took a blurred look around the white room. He was on Earth. Confused memories swam up and together with them returned the unpleasant feeling in his chest region.
He had no memory of getting here but the sudden alarm was suppressed by logical conclusion that his husband had brought him here; Yuuri had his absolute trust.
Somehow it was more difficult to breathe without that strange mask, so after some struggle he put it back on. During the process he noticed that he couldn't lift his right arm. After turning his head to the side he saw some strings and ropes attached. He thought about tearing them off but then decided to leave them be - if Yuuri had brought him here, then it meant that it had to be so. Besides, the mask was really helping.
His head turning heavy and thoughts muzzy, he decided to stop resisting and do what his body wanted - to go back to sleep. There was nothing else he was able to do anyway. He just wished that someone would kill that annoyingly beeping thing next to him.
The second time he was woken up by the voices that were floating and whispering near him. Already starting to form a blurry plan of yelling at everyone who dared disturb his sleep, he opened his eyes. There were white-robed people in the room. A man he had never seen earlier was doing something to his arm.
“Who…?” Frowning, Wolfram lifted his left arm to push the mask off his face. He realized that he would have to put much more strength in speaking - the word he had said was just above a whisper. “What are you doing to my arm?” he asked. “Who are you?”
The man turned his face to him. “Oh, you are awake. I was just checking to see if everything is alright.”
The man didn't answer his question as to who he was. “Where's Yuuri?”
“My husband, where is he?” Wolfram asked again.
“Your husband?”
By the way the doctor was looking at him, Wolfram could see that he had said something wrong. Not wishing to explain or hear anything, he decided to ignore this. “Get me Yuuri Shibuya!” he demanded.
“Ah, I hear that you are much better already.”
Wolfram's head turned towards the door to see Asami. The grinning man waved at him and approached the bed. “Good to see that you are much better,” he said, seriously. Putting the bag that he had been carrying to the ground, he took the chair near the bed.
“Yuuri will come soon,” Asami said as Wolfram's questioning gaze seemed to wonder why he was seeing him instead of Yuuri. “He's taking care of the situation in Ekara. He had brought Faraya to Shin Makoku. I'm not that sure what Yuuri intends to do with him but Shori got involved too, so they'll solve that problem somehow.”
“I don't see any problem - he should just kill the bastard,” Wolfram muttered. “Get me some water. My throat is all dry. And what the hell is with those ropes?”
“Ropes?” Asami asked, confused. He followed Wolfram's left hand that indicated to another one. “Ah, you mean the tubes. They are good for you, don't touch them. I suppose you don't need the mask anymore, does he?” he addressed the doctor who was still fussing around Wolfram's bed.
“No, he doesn't need it. We'll have to run some tests on him,” the doctor said, giving Wolfram a weird look. “Just to be sure he's completely fine.”
“What kinds of tests?” Asami asked, suspicious. Yuuri had told him to watch out for those things. Human and Mazoku bodies were a little different and Yuuri wanted no commotion. As the hospital belonged to Shori, nobody had questioned and did just as Yuuri and Shori had told them. Yuuri even brought Gwendal to Earth to be Wolfram's blood donor, due to time warp managing to do that in five minutes. Shori made sure that the blood tests after the match would be destroyed. The operation was a success and after being assured that Wolfram was okay, Yuuri went back to Shin Makoku and then to Ekara, leaving Asami, Murata and Amae responsible for Wolfram.
“Well, blood and…”
“I thought that the manager had warned you against it?” Asami said. “Anything else?”
The doctor frowned at Asami's rude manner. “Coordination test would be…”
“His coordination is hundred percent,” Asami cut him off. “You don't need to worry about that. You also don't need to inject any vitamins or sustaining medicaments. Saline will do just fine.”
“I don't understand how you want us to do our job, if…”
“He's just fine. Right, Wolfram?” Asami turned to the blond.
“Get me some water, I said.”
Asami looked back at the doctor. “See?”
The doctor sighed, waved the notebook he had in his hand about then shrugged and left the ward, the nurse following him.
“Are you really okay?”
Wolfram glared at Asami. “Do I look okay to you? I can hardly lift my arms, my chest hurts like hell, my head is killing me, I can't get anything to drink and there's something stuck up my ass and in my dick and you are…”
“Ah.” Asami grinned at him. “Those are catheters. You'll be just fine. As soon as you start walking, they'll remove them.” He got up from the chair and started ransacking in his bag. He pulled a bottle with water out of his bag then pressed a button over Wolfram's head. “Forgot the cups,” he explained. “Press the button if you need anything.”
Wolfram scowled at him. “I can hardly lift my arm. If I started listing things that I need right now…”
Asami sighed at the tirade. “What did Yuuri do that you are so rattled?”
Wolfram frowned.
“Oh, c'mon,” Asami shook his head. “As for a person who has been brought from almost sure death, you don't seem to be happy. I think I know you pretty well to say that your moods mostly depend on Yuuri. So what had he done or said after finally showing up, the bastard?”
Wolfram closed his eyes. “It's what he didn't do… -He should have just killed the fucker,” he said softly.
Kyota took a look at the end of the ward where Wolfram was sleeping soundly in the bed. He and Amae had been talking for an hour and Wolfram didn't stir even when Amae was spreading the healing majutsu. The two of them had been very worried but, just as Shori had informed them, Wolfram looked much better. The ghostly paleness was gone, being replaced by a much healthier color. Wolfram still didn't look that well, but overall it was a miracle that he had survived.
Kyota had noticed that Amae had been surprised after having unwrapped the swathes. The man seemed to be greatly impressed by the local medicine progress. He was curiously observing the stitches, bandages and everything in the ward. Amae didn't appear to be afraid or hate Earth as Wolfram did. Quite the opposite - Amae wanted to try everything out. He was also amused by the stares that his looks drew to him.
A day ago the Great Sage had taken them both to the cinema. It was good that there weren't many people. Although he was explained that none of he was seeing was real, Amae couldn't keep still in his seat. He commented on what he was seeing, wanted explanations and simply couldn't keep his mouth shut, making other people in the cinema angry and getting thrown a few half-empty packs of crisps and bottles at himself which actually had hurt. Later the former concubine announced that he wanted to watch another movie - the Great Sage couldn't peel him off his seat after that and they ended up watching another two of them and came back to their flat about midnight. Amae didn't seem to understand what importance the Great Sage held in Shin Makoku's life and history.
Amae hadn't met Yuuri yet as all the errands had been run by the king's brother, the current king of the Earth, the Great Sage and Asami, the three who lived in this world and knew the best how to deal with it.
The things had turned hectic after the younger Shibuya found Wolfram. Wolfram had been taken to Earth then Gwendal had come after him. After that Yuuri had contacted his brother and asked to bring Asami back to Earth. Shori had also gotten instructions to get Gisela, which he had done, but not before Kyota had talked him into taking him and Amae over.
Yuuri had gone to Ekara to deal with Faraya which he had done quickly. Currently, Yuuri was reorganizing the policy of the entire kingdom. He had taken Gunter and several others of his best politicians from Shin Makoku to help him. Meanwhile, Kyota had also talked Shori into allowing Amae to understand the language and letting Amae use his water element on Earth after which appeared that Amae was equally capable of creating the healing majutsu and treating wounds as Gisela, so they took turns in staying at Wolfram's sickbed.
Kyota was jerked out of his thoughts and turned to look at the opening door. A nurse carrying a huge bouquet of white roses and a big vase entered the ward. Yuuri was right behind her. Kyota stood up, greeting his king.
“Well, how is he?” Yuuri asked as soon as he had entered the ward. From Kyota, his eyes quickly slid to Wolfram's pale face and he walked over to the bed to look at Wolfram. He quickly thanked the nurse who put the flowers on the cabinet next to the bed. She nodded and left the ward.
“Sleeping,” Kyota answered. “But he seems to be okay. He looks much better.”
While taking a chair next to the bed, Yuuri nodded. Then he turned to look at Amae who was sitting next to Kyota, the man's large blue eyes watching him with interest. He immediately recognized Amae as the one his husband had been talking about just before passing out. The concubine had been given casual clothes: blue jeans, a white T-shirt with some silly drawing and a pair of white sneakers. He wore his long hair loose and obviously had his already big eyes accentuated with pencil eyeliner and his eyelashes were also retouched which Yuuri didn't like. But as neither Shori nor Murata had complained, he presumed that the concubine was behaving himself on Earth.
“This is the healer?” Yuuri asked Kyota just to be sure.
“Yes, Amae Sederu,” Kyota introduced. He noticed something strange reflect in Yuuri's face, but all Yuuri did was nod at Amae. Nonetheless, the strange spark in his king's eyes was disturbing. If he hadn't known Yuuri better, he would have thought… Confused, Kyota shook his head.
“And you really seem young,” Yuuri added then which made Kyota tense up even more. Amae looked at the king then at Kyota not understanding but Yuuri only smiled. “I'm Yuuri Shibuya.”
Amae looked startled for a moment. “Oh, Yuuri…” he said finally. “Eh… Nice to meet you. Your Majesty,” he added just in case. “I'm twenty-one year old…” he answered, although he wasn't sure if the king had asked him or it had been only a rhetorical remark. He shifted uncomfortably under the intense dark gaze. His fate was in this man's hands, and the knowledge was making his palms sweat. Even if Wolfram had promised him, the king was the one to decide on his fate. “I… I heard many things…well about You,” Amae muttered, pressing his damp palms to the fabric of his jeans. “Well, from Your husband…”
Yuuri laughed softly at the former concubine's discomfort. “You don't need to be so tense. Wolfram's friends are my friends. Even Kyota,” he smiled at the blue-haired man who just rolled his eyes at that.
Amae wasn't sure what to answer so he just smiled and nodded. “Good to know.”
Amae didn't know what kind of husband he expected Wolfram to have but this wasn't quite what he had presumed. Knowing Wolfram's character, he thought that his husband had to be someone even…more resolute louder and swifter, the one who was able to keep Wolfram and his explosive character under his heel and a rare man would be able to do that. Yuuri didn't really seem to be one of them. Quite the opposite. With his open and handsome face, dark intelligent eyes, the man was invoking the impression of tranquility and trust, differently from Wolfram or Kyota, there was not a trace of aggression around him. The man was warm and seemed to be quick at making friends. Amae was also surprised to find out that the rivalry was so open between him and Kyota and the man didn't appear to mind it that much - he had even teased the other male. But even more surprising was the fact that the two didn't seem to hate each other, he could feel that the two had plenty respect for each other.
“Well, my business is done for now, so I'll be staying with Wolfram,” Yuuri said. He reached his hand out to push Wolfram's cover off his chest then held his hand out to spread the healing majutsu without even unwrapping the bandages. “The two of you can go back to Shin Makoku. Or if you wish, you can stay here until Wolfram leaves the hospital. Keeping in mind that he hates idling about, I can tell you that it won't be a long wait,” he chuckled.
Amae was amazed by the amount of raw power that was being transferred into Wolfram's body. Now he knew why Wolfram's body was able to absorb so much of it - he was simply used to it. The man was just as powerful as Wolfram had said. It was no wonder he had dealt with Faraya easily.
Kyota looked at Amae. He knew perfectly well that Amae wanted to stay. “Amae likes it here, so I suppose we'll stay for a while. Besides, I want to check how Wolfram's health progresses.”
Yuuri nodded. “Fine. I suppose my brother has taken care of your stay?”
Kyota gave an answering nod. “Yes, we are staying in a flat near the hospital.”
The green light not stopping to flow from his palm, Yuuri nodded. “Fine then. Let me know if there some financial issues arise or something like that.”
Amae watched him finishing spreading the majutsu then covering Wolfram again. The tenderness in the black-haired man's actions and the way he was looking at Wolfram's sleeping face were telling much.
He saw Yuuri reach for Wolfram's head, but in the end the man didn't touch his husband, afraid that even a slight touch might wake him up and simply held his palm over the messy golden locks. There was so much longing in the gesture that Amae wasn't able to look anymore. After averting his eyes from them to the scene in front of him, he noticed that Kyota was studying his hands in his lap thoughtfully. The older man too must have felt that it was something private.
“Yu… Yuuri?”
Amae raised his head to see Wolfram's eyes blink open. The blurry green concentrated on the face above him. A genuine even if a tad lazy smile split the blond's face and Amae couldn't help something warm that spread over his chest at that trustful smile.
“Ah, sorry, I didn't want to wake you up,” Yuuri whispered apologetically. “Go back to sleep,” he said, brushing a golden lock off Wolfram's forehead. “You need rest.”
Wolfram rubbed his eyes. His hand slid off his face to rest beside his head. “Can you bring me some water?” he asked.
“Sure thing,” Yuuri nodded, and from his voice Amae could tell that the king would have brought anything the blond wished, even Faraya's head on a silver plate and the key to his palace which would probably happen anyway in near future. He watched Yuuri stand up and go to fill the glass with the mineral water that stood on the cupboard.
“Kyota and Amae?” Wolfram asked confused after he noticed the two standing farther. “What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Shin Makoku?”
“The two were very worried about you,” Yuuri answered instead of them. He walked over back to his husband and held out the glass for him. “I allowed their stay; I hope you don't mind. Amae seems to be interested in Earth culture, so they will stay for a little longer,” he added.
Wolfram grimaced at that. “I hate Earth,” he commented. “Thanks,” he nodded at the two. With Yuuri's help he shifted closer to the headboard into a half-sitting position then took the glass. He drained it slowly then held out for Yuuri who took it and put it back onto the cupboard.
“How do you feel?” Yuuri asked after he helped Wolfram to ease back into the bedding.
Wolfram shrugged. He winced at the pang of pain that followed the small actions. “Well, for a man who should be dead… I think I feel perfectly well.”
Yuuri chuckled softly. He leaned down to plant a kiss on Wolfram's forehead. “You have no idea how much you scared me.”
Wolfram rubbed his eyes tiredly. “No, it's YOU have no idea how much I scared myself.” He sighed, smiling up at Yuuri. “I thought I was done for.” His smile faded then. “How did it go with Faraya?”
Yuuri shook his head, not wishing to talk about it. “Faraya is dealt with. Do not concern yourself with anything. All you need to do is to heal.” Yuuri saw something flick over the blond's pale face but couldn't tell what it was about. Wolfram seemed to be worried. Yuuri turned to the two other men behind him. “The two of you are dismissed until further notice,” he said.
Kyota bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty.” He and Amae scurried out of the ward.
Yuuri turned back to Wolfram. Not knowing where to start he simply gazed at the blond. He had wanted and intended to say so many things but now when he had the opportunity, he didn't even know where to start or what to say. Then Wolfram gave him a knowing smile.
“I know, Yuuri. I know all of that. You don't need to say anything,” he said reaching out for Yuuri's hand and squeezing his fingers over Yuuri's. Yuuri had always been more emotional than him and the two of them learned to read each other easily quite a while ago.
Yuuri returned the gesture. Fighting a tight ball that was threatening to rise up his throat, he shook his head. “Gods, Wolfram…” he said in a choky gasp. Not letting go of his husband's hand, he lowered his forehead to Wolfram's and closed his eyes.
“I thank the gods that I had no time to think before the operation or I might have gone insane,” Yuuri whispered after a second. “I… I have never been so scared in my life. A day or two more and it would have been too late… And I have never been so happy when they said that everything would be okay. I almost fainted in relief. I…I think it's a god's blessing that I'll live shorter than you; I don't ever wish to experience something like this again.”
Wolfram listened to his husband whispering silently. Yuuri's forehead felt feverish and he knew that his husband hadn't had a good sleep in quite a while. “Selfish bastard,” he murmured after several seconds in a choky breath. After feeling hot droplets fall on his face Wolfram turned his head to the side, away from Yuuri. “Don't cry, moron,” he muttered softly. “There's nothing to cry about,” he said in a shaky voice, his own tears strangling him. “We are alive.”
He heard Yuuri hiccup then his husband's hand ruffled his hair. “I missed you so much,” he said softly. “There wasn't a minute that I wouldn't be thinking of you.”
“Yeah, two months without sex makes one see things differently, ne?” Wolfram muttered, still not turning to Yuuri.
Yuuri was caught in hiccupping and chocking laughter frenzy. He ruffled the blond hair again. “Sorry. I know that you don't like overly emotional scenes…”
“The scenes are fine, I just hate it when they make me cry,” Wolfram bumbled. “I feel stupid then.”
Yuuri reached out to turn Wolfram's face so that he could see it. He wiped wet tracks with his thumbs. “You shouldn't,” he said. “Tears like these are the most beautiful thing.”
“Gods, you amaze me,” Wolfram groaned at Yuuri's words. He squirmed uncomfortably under Yuuri's intent gaze, his cheeks reddening. “Can you just stop making me embarrassed and simply kiss me?” he asked.
Yuuri chuckled at that.
Wolfram's eyes slid shut at the touch of his husband's lips on it. Warm breath ghosted across his face then those lips pressed to his firmer. They parted a little and Yuuri's tongue swept over the blond's lower lip, making Wolfram tilt his head back. The wet stroke had Wolfram open his mouth. But instead of taking what was offered, Yuuri's tongue retreated. Yuuri's lips came back to press soft kisses and nips on the left corner of Wolfram's mouth. Soothing, reclaiming and then finally deep, just as Wolfram had wished.
Yuuri's fingers slid into the blond hair then cupped Wolfram's side of the head. The kiss had grown firmer, solider and fiercer as if to acknowledge the things that weren't lost.
A minute later Yuuri pulled away. “We should stop,” he said before leaning down again to nip on Wolfram's glistening and now a bit swollen lips then drew back again. “Unless you want me to pound you into this sickbed,” he added with a chuckle which held a darker shade to it. He knew that Wolfram could understand that it was not because of lust but tiredness and the recent stress.
Laughing quietly at the way Wolfram gave him a content smile, Yuuri ruffled the blond hair with his fingers. “Rest now.”
“I could die happy now,” Wolfram grinned up at those darkened eyes that held the dark look he had missed so much.
“Huh,” Yuuri snorted lightly, but not failing to see the deep emotion in the emerald eyes. “Don't even think about it.” He lowered his head to kiss Wolfram's forehead lightly. “Rest.”
Wolfram nodded. He shifted in the bed lightly to get into more comfortable position but as his chest hurt he had to settle very similarly to how he had been lying.
Seeing his husband moving about without much luck and with a great deal of wincing, Yuuri sighed softly. “Sorry, normally they'd use some anesthetics but it seems that your body doesn't handle them very well. They would work but the early tests showed that the side effect might be muscle contractions. I was told that soon after they finished operating on you, you had quite heavy spasms. They had to tie you up to the bed. I wasn't told more, but of course my knowledge isn't that limited that I wouldn't presume that they might also have had trouble with keeping your heart-rate steady.”
Wolfram's forehead furrowed. “I don't remember any of this.” He slid one arm from under the cover and took a look at his wrist. There wasn't a sign of bruised skin.
Yuuri shook his head. “No, of course, you don't. You were still unconscious. He watched Wolfram tuck his hand back under the cover. “You heal quite fast; Amae and Gisela had worked quite some of healing majutsu into you. You'll be just fine.”
Wolfram chuckled lightly at Yuuri's worried face. “I feel fine, really. My chest hurts a little but I'm really okay. Just tired a bit,” he admitted. “You should also rest, Yuuri. You look very tired.”
“Do you want to eat?” Yuuri asked.
Wolfram though for a moment and then for another as various dishes started appearing in his head. He felt himself swallow involuntarily. “Now when you mention it… Some rasher or a chunk of pork would be nice,” he grinned up at Yuuri, quite surprised at the idea himself.
Yuuri gave him back a content smile. “Recovering nicely, I see,” he patted Wolfram's head. “I'll ask doctors but I doubt you'll have the luxury of any of those. Porridge or something similar to that…”
Wolfram's pointy nose scrunched at the suggestion. “A man can't be expected to get well only on porridge alone. I demand meat!” he chuckled.
Yuuri laughed softly at him then got up and moved to the door. “I'll try negotiating,” he winked.
When the door closed softly behind his husband's back, Wolfram snuggled tighter into his bedding and yawned loudly. Despite the pain in his chest he was in absolute bliss. Seeing Yuuri near him again, fussing around him was just…magical. But there was that niggling thought that kept breaking through to the surface and kept him from relaxing completely. He had to get better as fast as he could and make sure the things between his husband and him stayed as they were.
Kyota watched Amae who was staring at the television screen. There was something about animals on and half an hour later Amae had finished watching some fashion show. He had noticed earlier that there was something about Amae, his make-up and clothes… Kyota remembered that the Great Sage had only shrugged when Amae asked for eyeliner and said something about Amae being totally gay. Kyota didn't really understand what the Great Sage had meant by that but he wasn't sure if he liked this trait of Amae's. True, when he first met Amae, the concubine had been wearing make-up, but at that time he thought that it was only the way Amae was supposed to present himself. Yet it appeared that Amae liked it and was quite obsessive about his face, hair and clothes.
His and Amae's relationship had deteriorated. Actually even worse - it ended just as soon as it had started. Once Yuuri appeared, Amae became cold to him as ice. He used any excuses which presented themselves and any he could think of. After returning from the hospital, he wasn't able to peel Amae off the moving pictures on the screen. If at first he had naively been thinking that Amae was captivated by the new culture, later he had noticed that Amae simply did everything to avoid him.
“Amae, look at me!” Kyota snapped as the other man continued to watch the television.
“What do you want?”
Kyota frowned as after turning his head around Amae seemed to be quite irritated. “You perfectly know what I want! What the hell is this about?”
Amae stared at him then shrugged. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” That said, he turned back to the screen.
“Amae, if you don't stop staring at that piece of shit right away, I'll set it on fire!”
Amae jerked away from the television set as it suddenly burst in flames and something popped inside it pretty loudly. Wide-eyed, he turned back to Kyota. “Are you fucking insane?” he asked calmly. He would have never thought Kyota would really set in on fire and the calm smoldering rage that suddenly appeared at the older male's action was even making him smile. He was going to drown the fucker.
“It's you who is insane!” Kyota snarled, extinguishing the fire with a quick flick of his wrist before it could be caught on by the wooden stand underneath the television set. “Amae, I don't unders…”
The rest of Kyota's words were cut by a water wave appearing from the next corridor where a bathroom was located. He stared at the huge water body in disbelief.
“Amae, cut it out!”
Amae's face contorted in anger at Kyota's tone. “I'm not your whore and don't fucking think you can order me around!” he hissed, eyes narrowing at the older male.
The aggression and fury that seemed to seep from every Amae's pore was followed by his water element. Kyota blocked it with fire, the earsplitting hiss echoing in the entire flat. It was immediately swallowed by thick vapor and steam, hindering the two males from seeing anything.
Kyota heard Amae's steps but couldn't see a thing. Amae had knocked something over and he turned to the source of the sound. It seemed as if Amae had started walking toward the door.
Amae groped for the door handle and swung the door open. He stepped out into the landing. He coughed and rubbed his eyes then suddenly his back hit the wall behind him. His head still ringing at the impact with the hard surface, he summoned his water element again expecting to throw Kyota away from him. It didn't go as planned though, as Kyota banged him against the wall again. He tried to keep a water-shield in front of him, but then Kyota's fire element started hissing when coming in contact with water.
For a moment they just stood like that, glaring at each other. Amae stopped trying to throw Kyota off him - when he would increase the power of his water element, in response, Kyota's element also rose and it was obvious that Kyota's element was superior to his.
Snarling, Amae dropped his water element in submission. In response, Kyota dispersed his own. He tugged the younger male off the wall and pushed him toward the flat. Amae was seething inside but he had let himself be led and seated back in the room. He stared hard at the floor while Kyota was opening the windows to air the steam out of the rooms. He should have gone to Shin Makoku when the king had suggested it. But what should have he done there alone?
Kyota frowned at the glare Amae gave him when he sat at the other end of the table. He couldn't understand what was going on with the younger male.
“Okay,” Kyota started, ignoring the glare, “what the hell keeps you so rattled? I agree that the sex we had wasn't too great, but I doubt it's the reason for your behavior… What the hell is wrong with you? I thought we quite liked each other had some understanding…”
Amae's lips formed into a snarl. “There was no understanding, you moron!” he spat. “I won't be your plaything, and if you as much as try to touch me, I'm sure Wolfram or his husband will support me and…” He yelped as Kyota had shot out across the table and grabbed him by his hair, pulling him almost onto the table. He tried to pry Kyota's hand off his hair but instead succeeded in making Kyota pull at it even rougher.
“Listen, you've got some nerve making it sound as if I have raped you,” Kyota growled at him. “As far as I remember, it was you who wanted to ride on my cock!”
“Let go of me!”
Kyota pushed him away, making Amae almost topple over with his chair.
Kyota threw his hands about. “I don't fucking understand this! Did you simply think that sleeping with me would help you to get to Shin Makoku?”
“Of course I did!” Amae snapped.
“Just great…” Kyota threw his hands again. “Just fucking great. So as Wolfram survived, you don't need me fucking you anymore.” Amae was telling him shit and he knew that. He simply couldn't figure out why.
“That's right.”
Kyota stared at him. He stood up. “Well…what can I say…” he drawled finally. “A whore is a whore after all.” He hoped that at least that would make Amae tell his real motives.
“And as if you have ever thought about me another way!” Amae spat. “Lamenting about Wolfram the entire time and thinking that I would be honored to be your convenient fuck! As if! I have had enough of you, Faraya and everyone else, you dickheads! Go fuck yourself!”
Kyota stared at him then after a moment sat down onto the chair again. “Amae, are you jealous?”
“I'm not fucking jealous!” Amae growled in disbelief. “It just pisses me off that you think that I as a former concubine should deal with everything you throw my way! So what that I was a concubine! That gives you no right to treat me like that!” he yelled, his hands shaking in agitation.
Kyota wanted to yell back at him but then inhaled a few times deeply. They would move nowhere. He had noticed that with Amae he had to either concede or they would just yell at each other until their throats were raw. He presumed that it was a natural friction because of their characters and opposite elements, and as far as he had watched Yuuri and Wolfram during their marriage years, Yuuri was the one to step down when Wolfram would lose any reason and sense. Yuuri would simply stop arguing, ignoring Wolfram's urge to continue yelling. Several minutes later, Wolfram would simply run out of steam. A few hours later, they would continue in a normal conversation which would lead them to compromises. But it was always Yuuri who was the sensible one in their pair. Actually he had always known that Yuuri was wisely manipulating Wolfram's explosive character and actually admired Yuuri's skill to avoid serious arguments. Wolfram was a dangerous man and it was quite hard to keep his trust and loyalty but Yuuri knew perfectly how to deal with him, which earned him Wolfram's absolute devotion and commitment. Despite those few arguments they had, Wolfram was ready to do anything for him.
But it seemed that Amae and Wolfram had never had this problem in their relationship, the two, despite their opposite elements, got along nicely. Well, Wolfram and Amae hadn't fucked either, and Kyota wondered if that would change things between them. A naïve thought.
“And how am I treating you?” Kyota asked softly after a long pause when he had himself under control and when it seemed that Amae had also calmed down and his hands had stopped shaking. Kyota hoped that they would manage to have a normal conversation now. “Explain it to me.”
Amae rubbed his eyes tiredly, smudging his mascara. It was obvious that he was exhausted. “You will always think of me as a whore. I don't want that. All I want is a normal relationship.”
Kyota frowned at him. “Amae, I'm a practical man. Your babbles make my head hurt - you talk like a damn woman. Don't make me guess - rather tell me why you think so. Was it something I said? Something I did?”
Amae glared at him. It was obvious that Kyota didn't want to hear any of what he had to say about Kyota's previous behavior before Kyota had admitted that he liked him. Was the man really that dense and couldn't figure it out by himself?
“During sex you were sure that I was necessary carrying some diseases and…well, I had a bad experience with submitting.”
Kyota stared at him. He could understand where all this was coming from but this was ridiculous. “Sweetheart, I don't really know what you mean by that `submission' but I like fucking quite a lot and believe me, it's the first question I ask if the partner doesn't seem to be carrying any diseases on the outside. You are rather naïve thinking you are someone special in that sense.”
In his head, Kyota counted to twenty to calm himself down instead of starting to yell at Amae again. The younger male was going to drive him insane with his stupid superstitions. “So what was that about the submission?” he asked a minute later. “I don't remember forcing you doing something you didn't want.”
Amae sighed. “Well… You pulled my hair.”
Kyota thought about setting him on fire. Just for a lesson. “Seriously? I pulled your hair…?” he asked politely. “Well, forgive me,” he smiled, his anger winning and the smile turning into an unpleasant grin, “but some of my partners loved being handled quite rough!” he yelled at Amae, leaning over the table. “And even belted!” he added, shouting. “For fuck's sake! What whore you are if you don't understand the appeal of rough sex?! Fuck it! You could just have told me you didn't like it! Big deal! Hell, you are an idiot!” he snarled.
“Fine. I'm going to have a bath.”
Stupefied, Kyota stared at Amae who had gotten up, left the table, walked over to the bathroom and then closed the door behind himself. He heard the door being locked.
Kyota stared at the locked door and wondered where they would go from this. “Oh well,” he shrugged finally.