Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 23 ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 23
“Kyota. Amae.”
The two men looked at Wolfram whose face didn't promise anything good. They had just come back from the river, entered the tent and thus couldn't comprehend why the blond was staring at them with murder written all over his face. Then Amae's eyes slid from the blond's face to his hand.
“Oh shit,” he muttered, his body tensing instantly.
“What is it?” Kyota asked, staring at the hyperventilating blond.
“Guess what I found in your backpack, Kyota…?” Wolfram hissed, his eyes narrowing even more.
Kyota thought that he didn't even need to guess to know. “Wolfram, since when are you delving in my stuff?” he muttered already knowing the reaction his words would cause.
Wolfram's eyes flashed green danger. “And since when do you keep these kind of pictures of me?!” He turned to Amae who just stood wide-eyed at Kyota's side. “Is it your drawing?!”
“Yes,” Amae swallowed loudly, his wide eyes holding real fear.
“Why does Kyota have it?!”
“I…” Amae stuttered. “He said…”
“For fuck's sake, cut it out, Wolfram!” Kyota snarled at the blond. “He's on the verge of fainting already!” He took Amae by his arm and led him deeper into the tent to seat the shaking man onto one of the sleeping bags. He then turned back to Wolfram who was glaring at him angrily. Only now he noticed that Wolfram was wearing one of his shirts. Wolfram must have found the picture while looking for something to dress. From the very childhood it was common for them to share their clothes, and the blond probably hadn't thought twice before rummaging in his backpack.
“I have it because that servant, Lasami, sold it to me,” Kyota said calmly. “That was how I was sure that you were in that harem. I have already asked about it Amae and he said he drew it quite long ago. I'm sure he has drawn more of them but what's the big deal? They are nice.”
“You…” Wolfram spluttered in disbelief. “How dare you?!”
“Nope, I'm not giving it back to you,” chuckling at the blond's outrage, Kyota pointed at Wolfram's hand with the drawing. “I paid for it after all.”
Wolfram's eyes flashed. “You know what I think about all of this?!” he hissed. He raised the drawing and holding it between his hands starting to tear it. “Here!” He tossed the tiny shreds into the air. “Idiot! Both of you!” he muttered, storming out of the tent, the tatters of the drawing floating down to the ground behind him.
Kyota shook his head, smiling. He turned to Amae. “Hey, it's okay,” sitting down next to him, he soothed the still wide-eyed man. “He erupts fast, but calms down even faster.”
Stressed, Amae only groaned. “What if he just leaves me out here? He was so angry…”
Kyota shook his head. “No, he won't do that. Don't worry - it would take more than a nude to make him take a decision like that.”
Amae muttered something under his breath. Missing the words, Kyota leaned in closer.
“What was that?” he asked.
“I said I'd draw you another one,” Amae muttered.
Kyota couldn't help laughing. “Yeah, and one of you,” he winked.
Amae raised his eyes to look at him. “Why do you need it when you can have the real thing?”
Kyota's brow rose. “Oh my, is it an invitation?” he muttered before leaning in.
A few minutes later, the fabric in front of the tent moved then slid open. “Kyota, are you deaf?!” Wolfram tore into the tent.
“Kyo…” The blond trailed off and stared at the two men on the ground. He realized that, with his trousers half-way off and Amae underneath him, Kyota really might have not heard the commotion outside.
The two of them pulled apart, Amae's large eyes staring at Wolfram while he pushed his tunic down to cover his underwear and sat up. Kyota didn't even bother, only turning to him to glare for the intrusion.
“Faraya is coming!” Wolfram yelled then at the two. “His army is a on the move!”
Kyota cursed loudly. Jumping to his feet, he pulled his trousers up, clasping his belt quickly. His head turned to the entrance as Arachi burst into the tent. Asami followed him quickly.
“I'm taking you out of the village,” Arachi pulled Amae up who had been still sitting on the sleeping bag.
Amae shot a panicky look at Wolfram but the blond nodded. “He's acting under my orders.”
Amae wanted to ask something but Wolfram had already turned away and shot out of the tent, Kyota following him close. Amae quickly grasped his jacket from the ground that had been tossed there by Kyota and ran after the elite guard and Asami.
Outside, the soldiers were running toward the village, the commanders meshing among them astride their horses, spilling orders. Far away, Amae could see Kyota's blue hair and Wolfram's blond. Kyota was shouting something at Wolfram. Why wasn't the back up from the Dakhra neighboring country, Reishan, here yet? Amae thought. They should have been here half a day ago.
Amae's musings were interrupted by Arachi pulling him onto a horse then jumping onto the saddle behind him. Asami saddled another one and the three of them were off to the opposite side from the oncoming battle. While fleeing the camp, Amae turned around to look at the quickly receding tents. He hoped that Wolfram's God of War would stand by their side again. If not, Faraya would not show mercy to anyone. The king was going to find him. He didn't even want to think what would happen then.
The fear had squashed guilt and all he wished right now was to get away as far from Faraya and the battle as he was able. He was no warrior. He was a coward and had no illusions about himself turning into a fighter suddenly. He knew that even if he were able to wield his element and might be able to do some damage, he would just probably stand there stupefied until someone skewered him with a sword. On the other hand, half of those youngsters that he had left behind his back in the camp were probably thinking the same as him. Kill or be killed, nothing else was important.
It was uncomfortable to catch the sight from behind Arachi's shoulders but the huge cloud of dust was seen far away as Faraya's army was closing in. Amae turned to the opposite side of it farther and saw the troops that had been requested by Kyota two days ago finally coming in. He didn't know why they were late or if it was exactly as Kyota had planned, in which case the men were probably tired after having traveled for that long.
Closing his eyes, Amae offered a prayer to all known and unknown gods.
Just out of arrows reach, the two opposing armies stood against each other under the scorching sun, the immense heat being radiated off the dunes in waves. The air was stuffy, and hot and cold sweat of anxiety accumulated on the bodies, making the clothes cling to them.
From far away, his sight being better than his men's, Faraya caught a glimpse of blue hair then saw a mop of blond next to it and wondered if his fireball would reach there. The blue-haired general was yelling orders to his second-in-command. Wolfram was sitting on a horse right next to him, and he suddenly felt nostalgic at the way the two looked like a well working team.
Wolfram waited for the blue-haired one to finish then, from the way he gesticulated, it was obvious that he started talking to the older man. He was stunned to see the blue-haired one saluting him then turning to his second-in-command he had been talking to a second ago and yelling something again.
The blond turned his horse around urged it forward. Drawing his sword, he rode up to the first rank. He was shouting something but it was impossible to make it out. Swishing the hilt around, Wolfram stopped his horse right in front of the first rank. The blue-haired leader followed him, his voice much clearer and encouraging, even insolent. He joined the blond in a few seconds, the entire army now clearly chanting the name of their country.
Now, he saw who was who. He had made a mistake in judging the blond. Very likely it had been Wolfram who had sought out the blue-haired one and their relationship might be just the opposite of the one he had imagined.
Raising his hand to signal for his men to attack, Faraya sent a shower of flames onto the opposing army to greet the blond. The wind that had suddenly picked up at the blond's arm swing was enormous and sent the raining fire back. It fell onto the opposing soldiers, their hair and clothes catching up fire immediately. The soldiers, who had been hit, started waving their hands about, clapping over themselves to put the flames out. The stench of burning flesh spread over the air.
The war cries shook the air and the blond led his army forward the momentarily disarrayed enemy. The first wave of arrows didn't work either, the blond beating them off with another created swish of wind. The blond's army replied with its own shower of arrows. Now, as not to beat the arrows off their destination, the blond wasn't able to use his wind element.
The armies collided a few minutes later, the swords jingling, rich blood spilling onto the hissing sand, the first victims of war falling down onto the dunes. Front lines mixed, the rest of them rushing forward, seeking to intermingle with the enemy.
Without choosing friend or foe, Faraya burnt a wide circle around him. Another gust of the stench of burning flesh passed the entire battlefield while being carried by the wind. Faraya urged his horse forward through the charred bodies that had carpeted the already dizzy with blood sand. Now, knowing that the blond was able to use his own elements, he had to find the blond and kill him, the sooner the better. He didn't really understand how Wolfram was able to do that but there was only one way to make sure that this battle would be won.
Faraya caught glimpses of the blond hair here and there but the blond didn't stay in one place. When he would reach the place, Wolfram would already be gone, leaving scattered bodies behind him. It was obvious that the blond knew who of them was superior. He tried to blow up the place he saw the blond at but then he left himself exposed while aiming and concentrating his element and a few soldiers tried to take him on. So in the end, after several tries to blast him, he had to chase Wolfram through the entire field.
At first, the battle seemed to be in his favor but later their rear flanks were attacked, the soldiers now forced to fight two fronts. The blond's men, rejoiced by the back up, started fighting with a new fervor, his men, in contrary, were losing their spirit. It was then when he regretted not having fried the entire army while they had only been approaching. Amae was going to be the end of the kingdom. He should have just wiped out all of them instead of being afraid to hurt his concubine.
Some time later, in the midst of all that mess Faraya finally caught a glimpse of blue hair. He was in a favorable position and raised his hand immediately. Fighting against one of the soldiers, the blue-haired one hadn't noticed him yet.
Before Faraya could throw a blast, he suddenly felt something collide with his back and then excruciating pain engulfed his upper half. After a short gust of panic, pain and realization that it was the fire element, he suppressed it while molding it with his own. The fire went out, but the damage was already done, leaving him hurt and vulnerable.
Seeing the situation, the closest to him men surrounded him, as not to let the enemy approach. Behind his back Faraya could hear the blond's voice screaming something which was obviously the blue-haired's name and he turned his head towards the shout that had overcome the battle noise. Through his eyes that were turning hazy in rage and pain, Faraya saw the blue-haired man disappear among the soldiers. He turned around but couldn't find Wolfram either.
The wrath that Faraya unleashed then on the enemy and his own troops had come into Ekara's history as the most stupendous and ferocious of all times. Chunks of raw fire flew in the directions he had seen the blond and Kyota disappear in. The soldiers panicked, friend or foe, simply trying to get as far from Faraya as it was possible and fleeing. For about five minutes, absolute chaos had been reigning in the field.
After Faraya had lost consciousness, some of his soldiers and one of his generals' rode up to him to protect the king from the enemy. Soon Faraya was surrounded by his soldiers and moved out of the battlefield. Kyota's troops tried to get to him but were delayed. The command over the army was overtaken by one of Faraya's generals and the battle continued.
Assessing the situation, Kyota was daring enough to see that his and Wolfram's efforts to corner the enemy were paying off. Trying to find the blond amidst of the chaos, he looked around and then he didn't dare breathe. The sight that he saw was one from his nightmares.
The arrow that stuck in Wolfram's chest at the same time while he was aiming to throw a fireball at Faraya and the group of soldiers that were surrounding him and moving him out of the battlefield, took him by a complete astonishment. Staring at the arrow protruding from his chest, he lowered his arm to enclasp the arrow. Mindlessly, he tugged at it and with that the adrenaline wore off, the pain exploding with such intensity that he swayed in the saddle.
In a minute, Kyota was at his side, pulling Wolfram off his horse and onto his. The blue-haired man had no time to examine the wound or anything like that. Leaving one of the generals to lead the combat further, he hurried over to the hind flanks. He had to make his way through the soldiers while holding Wolfram with his left and wielding his sword in his right. Wolfram didn't lose his consciousness, but every bigger stride made him moan in pain.
The med bay tents were far away and by the time Kyota had reached them, the blond had lost consciousness from pain. Realizing that he was not able to help any, Kyota left Wolfram at the med bay for the men and women who were much more capable than him and rode back into the battlefield.
The battle went on for twenty minutes more and then it was obvious to everyone that Kyota's and the troops of Reishan had an advantage over Faraya's. The enemy began to retreat, leaving their wounded and dead. Faraya's troops put up the fight for another three minutes and then men started fleeing on a mass scale. Kyota ordered his troops to pursue them.
After sending his troops and the general after the fleeing enemy, Kyota turned back to the med bay. The blond was lying unconscious in his bunk, among other wounded and groaning soldiers. The blond had been already taken care of - thick bandages were covering his chest, wrapped over his right shoulder to hold them firmer. A dark red stain was spreading on the white bandages, inching forward with each passing minute. The blond's pale face was scaring him.
After talking to the woman who had bandaged Wolfram's wound, Kyota left the tent as quickly as he could.
“Find the concubine and Wolfram's guard and bring them to me,” Kyota ordered the soldier he found just outside the tent. “Take more men; it will be faster.” He turned away from the saluting soldier and walked away to take a look at the troops that were left near the village. He couldn't even stand being in one tent with Wolfram. It was too much.
“He had lost too much blood,” Amae muttered. “I…I don't think he will survive the morning…” He had just finished changing the bandages. The wound had stopped bleeding but it was probably only because there was nowhere to bleed from anymore. He had been told that Wolfram had regained his consciousness earlier, but the blond was weak, he had only asked for water and drifted out again.
Amae sat silently at Wolfram's side with his head lowered. He was afraid to look at Kyota. Already after Kyota's sent the soldier that had found the three of them, due to his worried face and tone he knew that there was something wrong. The soldier hadn't known the details only that Wolfram had been wounded. Only after seeing the bedridden blond he understood how serious it was.
Amae finally raised his eyes only after hearing the tent fabric move and when Kyota wasn't in the tent anymore. Sighing, Amae stood up then leaned down to take the bowl with the herbs swimming in it. He carried it outside and emptied the liquid that had turned reddish muddy onto the still hot sand.
Wolfram had been moved from the med bay and brought into a separate tent where Asami and Arachi were staying, at where Amae took over his care into his hands. They had wanted to move Wolfram into the tent he had been staying in previously, but Kyota didn't like the thought of being in one tent with the blond. Amae thought he could understand him. Kyota was panicky afraid.
The evening drew quickly, Kyota being and trying to be busy with his troops. He hadn't chased after the enemy back to the city of Beshan. He had been torn between staying and leaving the village altogether. In the end, he had decided to stay closer to his friend at his last gasp. He had talked to Wolfram during that short time when he had regained his consciousness and it had torn his heart apart to hear Wolfram apologizing for bringing him here and getting him involved into this war. He couldn't handle that.
He would have preferred Wolfram to be killed on the spot, mercifully, instead like this, instead for him drifting between death and life when Wolfram was aware that his end was near. At least Wolfram didn't hurt much, he was just drifting in and out, his body weak due to blood loss and the deadly wound at the left side of his chest.
When Kyota returned into his tent, he found Amae there. A bowl of meat jelly was standing in the middle of the tent. After approaching silently and lifting a small piece of cloth from the other bowl, he found boiled potatoes that were still steaming.
“Sit down and eat,” Amae said, turning to the left corner of the tent where he had stacked a few water-skins earlier.
Kyota sat down silently. “Thanks,” he muttered.
“Yeah, it would be no good if you starved yourself to death and followed him to the other side,” Amae said, bringing the water-skin then holding it out for Kyota.
Kyota took it wordlessly. True, he had forgotten food completely, having had only sparse breakfast before going to the river to look for Amae. It made him wonder then - the morning seemed to have happened a year ago. So many events in such a short time…
“Where did you get the food?” Kyota asked after taking the first bite. The meat jelly was really good, tasty, recently made. The hot potatoes smelled wonderfully, making him nostalgic for his mother's cooking.
Amae wasn't sure if Kyota's eyes started watering due to the steaming bowl of potatoes that was almost right under his face or for some other reasons which he knew the other male had more than plenty.
“One woman brought it to me a few minutes ago,” Amae answered after a pause. “She was very happy that her husband had recovered from his wounds. I have just washed his blood away from my face,” he added tiredly. “To tell the truth, it's…” he only shook his head without finishing it.
Kyota held out the water-skin back for Amae who took it and capped. He sat down next to Kyota. He watched the older man eating the meat jelly while his thoughts took path toward the mystery that he thought was Kyota and Wolfram's relationship. He couldn't really understand it. He couldn't understand how Kyota could have borne to be next to Wolfram all this time. He was new to their relationship, but from what he had seen, he couldn't understand how Kyota could not want anything in return for all that he had given to Wolfram. It didn't seem that Kyota had been expecting anything from Wolfram and that went much deeper than the relations between a superior and his underling.
His mind suddenly returning to Kyota who meanwhile had finished eating, Amae startled. “Huh?”
“How is he?”
Amae got up and started busying himself with the dishes. “He might last until morning. He's much stronger than I thought. Must be the Mazoku blood.”
Kyota watched Amae pouring the rest of the potatoes into the bowl with the meat jelly. Then Amae sat down again and started eating the leftovers. It was obvious that Amae hadn't had dinner either; he must have been busy with treating wounded soldiers.
“He's stubborn.”
Amae raised his head from the bowl. “Don't have any illusions, Kyota. He'll be dead by tomorrow's noon.”
The blue-haired man rubbed his forehead, pulled his legs up and lowered his head onto his knees, sighing. Amae was cruel. Couldn't he have left any hope to him?
In silence of the tent being rustled by the evening winds and voices drifting around them, Kyota watched Amae finishing what was left of the potatoes and the meat jelly. The former concubine didn't seem to have much appetite, forcing the last of the potato into his mouth with a frown on his face. After finishing it, he pushed the bowl away from him.
Amae took several gulps from the water-skin then lay down to rest for a moment. He turned to his side to stare at the oil lamp then closed his eyes. He still had plenty things to do, like going to check over Wolfram and washing dishes, but the tiredness was overcoming him. He startled as a minute later, an arm wrapped around his midsection. Kyota pulled him back to his body. The older male's long sigh tickled his nape under the braided hair. He tensed, waiting but Kyota seemed to be simply content with the closeness.
A few moments later Amae turned around. Kyota had his eyes open at the shifting. They stared at each other's blurry faces then Amae closed his and pressed his mouth to Kyota's.
“Amae…” Kyota muffled into the kiss, unsure.
Amae pulled away a little. “It's okay; I think we both need it,” he muttered.
Kyota seemed unsure at first then nodded and leaned to the younger male to return the kiss. Amae answered it and it turned into a long play that was sating but at the same time left them hungering for more. Soon there was no shyness in them, both of them quite assured in their actions.
The clothes left their bodies with no hurry and were draped onto the ground near the sleeping-bag. In the half-light of the oil lamp, the two of them slid to the ground next to their clothes to study and explore each other's body.
Kyota hadn't imagined it all like this. When he would think about it, he had always thought he'd attack Amae like a starved animal. It was nothing like that. It was because this time the base for sex was not only release but also escape into a comfort zone and even a bizarre kind of mourning.
He liked how Amae felt - firm but yielding to his touch, returning it in the same quantity he was getting. He wasn't sure how it would develop further but during the prelude Amae seemed to slip into the submissive mode. Kyota wasn't sure how much of it was subconscious or how much of it was planned as not to sharpen their newly originated relationship.
When Amae suddenly pushed him back to the ground and appeared on top of him, Kyota thought that he had been mistaken. Then he saw Amae produce a small jar of oil. It was the same oil that he had used for his sunburnt legs. When Amae spread it onto his palm and ignored his own erection, starting to stroke and lubricate his, it was clear that he hadn't been mistaken, only that the position was going to be the one giving control to them both.
Although the feeling of uneasiness grew, he ignored it, but he faltered when Amae turned around, facing away from him. Kyota held the other by his shoulders and steered him back when Amae took him into his palm and intended to lower himself onto him. Amae's back and shoulders tensed under his hands. A moment later Amae shifted to the side to look at Kyota.
“Do you think that being the king's concubine I would be allowed to carry any diseases…?” Amae asked, frowning at him. “Of course, I'm clean.”
Kyota lowered his eyes, frowning, too. He could have guessed that but he still had to ask. It didn't really go as he had planned, the atmosphere turning awkward. Kyota's further thoughts were cut away by his shaft pressing against a constricting entrance. Then he was through.
First thrusts were shallow, only to make Amae's body familiar with the intrusion into his body. The later ones deepened until Amae was able to take him whole without discomfort.
The straight black hair was streaming down Amae's back, reaching and brushing over his lower stomach each time the younger male would slide up and down his cock. The thick mass was captivating and Kyota reached for it. He grabbed and pulled a handful making Amae's head snap back. The concubine grunted in surprise, his body tensing. He didn't protest but it didn't seem that he had liked it and so Kyota let go of it. Most of his bedfellows liked rougher play but Amae's reaction left him with presumption that the younger male didn't appreciate this kind of sex.
Feeling Kyota let go of his hair, Amae relaxed and continued to rock backwards and forwards. He suddenly felt glad that he wasn't facing Kyota, for the scowl wasn't coming off his face. He closed his eyes and tried to push that rough pull on his hair and Kyota's frown out of his head. He should have expected that and it had been his own fault anyway.
Amae's rocking was delicious and bringing Kyota closer with each up and down movement. Amae was quite quiet but it was probably due to the fact that they were surrounded by others in the tents of the staying soldiers. He had to also bite back a greater half of his own moans.
Feeling that he was almost there, Kyota pushed the younger male forward, slipping out of him and moving to kneel. He palmed himself, giving a series of sharp and hasty strokes until he was coming all over Amae's lower back. When it was over and he was breathing again, Kyota slumped down onto the sleeping-bag. He tugged Amae back to him and then pushed him to the ground.
Kyota was surprised and a little disturbed to find the younger male only half-aroused but decided to leave it for now. Instead, he slid lower to that half-erected member and licked at its crown. He wasn't sure why it had surprised Amae so much that the other jerked and gasped in unexpectedness. What else could Amae expect him doing down there..?
Amae seemed to appreciate his efforts and he had brought Amae to his climax quickly, the younger male's back arching off the sleeping-bag, his hips trying to push into his mouth as far as it would go.
While Amae was still catching his breath and regaining his senses, Kyota found a cloth and cleaned them up as much as he could. When he was done, Kyota rolled them both to their sides, and covered them with another sleeping bag. He soon put out the oil lamp and settled for sleep.
Amae could hear Kyota's breathing slowing down and then turning deep and even showing that the older male was asleep. In the darkness and silence of barking dogs in the distance and walking soldiers around their tent, he stared in front of him. He had needed the release but it hadn't been fulfilling. This was not the first time when he felt so dirty and disgusted with himself. But this time there was no anger, no guilt, no regret, only passive dirtiness and disgust. He wondered if this was what Wolfram had meant when he had told him that running away wasn't a good idea. There was no way to hide that trail that was dragging after him from his very first whorehouse. Maybe if he had run away into a completely different circle of people instead of staying here where everyone who knew Wolfram was bound to also know who he was… He was still the same whore, only now being even lower than that a simple common soldier. Was there even a point in him running away? He was selling his soul again, this time only for the hope to have a roof above his head. Things were fucked up. Literally.
Not managing to fall asleep, in the end Amae got up silently. He lighted the oil lamp again. Taking his tunic he shook the sand out of it. He hated sand. Even if they stayed on a grassy land, it still somehow came from the dunes that were farther. It was everywhere and he would find it in all imaginable and not places. Sometimes it seemed that even food had the taste of sand.
He dressed and left Kyota sleeping. Wolfram's rash breathing was heard as soon as he entered the tent. Amae walked over to him and lowered the oil lamp to the ground.
The blond was getting worse rapidly. With Wolfram fading, also faded his security, wellbeing and hope to ever go to Shin Makoku.
Moving closer and laying down beside Wolfram, Amae pressed his forehead to the blond's. The two of them were helpless now. No, he was useless, and Wolfram helpless.
Kyota woke up in the middle of the night when his bladder threatened to burst. He groped around carefully as not to wake Amae up but then found out that Amae wasn't at his side anymore. After leaving the tent and going to see Wolfram he found Amae there. The man was curled up at Wolfram's side, sleeping. One of his hands entangled in the blond's hair. After hearing him approach, Amae startled and turned to him. The concubine stared at him with drowsy eyes then laid his head down again.
“He's really bad,” he muttered and Kyota could hear defeat in his voice. “I'm afraid he might just leave now...”
From Amae, Kyota turned to look at Wolfram's pale face. He had known that. And he knew that Amae had also known that as soon as he had seen the wound. It didn't matter how it was tearing at his heart - he couldn't change it any.
“Can you do anything to help him?” Kyota muttered, knowing the answer perfectly.
Amae shook his head. “No. It's over.”
“Then let's go back.”
At first Amae wanted to protest but then got up. With his head lowered, he followed Kyota out of the tent. Kyota was his better option after all. Wolfram was done.
It was early in morning, Yasai was watering horses when he suddenly realized that the everyday murmuring sounds of the waking up camp had somehow turned into an unusual humming sea, waves of which seemed to roll and the roaring sound increase gradually until they reached and drowned him in their wake. Separate, rough granules of sand reached his ears from the bottom of the waving sea:
“He came alone…”
“What is he looking here for?”
“Who is he?”
“For real?!”
“Are we under attack again?!”
“What does he want?”
“Looking for someone?”
“The blond?”
“Who is he?”
The quickly formed crowd of soldiers started separating, and Yasai saw a tall man of quite hefty build wade forward. He wasn't all that sure why the entire commotion was, but immediately felt drawn to the man. It seemed as if he was emanating some unexplainable power. Yasai couldn't explain what it was but there was something…something that felt…really weird, that kind of power he seemed to emanate, especially when the man was really young - just in his twenties. His looks were similar to those of local people: black hair of average length, dark eyes. But the man's skin was fairer.
But it was those dark eyes that captivated one's attention. It seemed to draw one inside with that exceptional power. Then Yasai realized what that power was - it was invoking feelings of trust and safety. It was…it was as if one could tell that behind this man he would be as safe as houses.
“Where is von Bielefeld?” the man addressed the crowd. His dark eyes scanned the faces around him then someone pointed at the tent that stood separate from the rest and he started walking in the shown direction.
Confused, Yasai's eyes followed the man's retreating back. He was astonished to see the blond stagger out from his tent. His shirt puffed out from the bandages underneath it, the blond looked like death itself. He looked around as if searching for something. Wolfram was weak - for all he knew the man was on the brink of death, not managing to recover from his wound.
Then the blond's eyes set on the newcomer. Then Yasai was surprised by the blond's facial expression - even, if ghostly pale, he had never seen the blond looking at anyone like that. The look in his dimmed emerald eyes… He knew that Faraya would have killed to have the blond looking at him like that… There was so much feeling in Wolfram's eyes while the dark-haired man was approaching him. Yasai didn't ever think that the blond could look at someone like this and it was something he wasn't able to grasp now while watching those emerald eyes flitting all over the man's face feverishly.
Yasai watched the dark-haired man approach the blond who was now shakily holding on one of the poles that were supporting the tent. The guards, who were at the tent tensed at first then, as the blond didn't seem to mind the stranger, ignored him.
“Jesus, Wolfram…” The stranger wrapped his arm around the wounded blond's waist to support more of his weight. “You look awful. What the hell has happened to you?! Let's go into the tent, now.”
Wide-eyed, Yasai saw the blond lean into the dark-haired man who then wrapped another arm around Wolfram and pressed the blond head to his chest. Even from here he could see that the blond was shaking like a leaf, his hands gripping at the larger man's arms. It must have cost the blond all his strength to make those several steps out of the tent.
The dark-haired man said something again then stroked the locks tenderly and lowered his head to kiss them. Now the blond was shaking so much that Yasai thought he would faint. Then the stranger whispered something into the blond's ear. Wolfram shook his head for no then Yasai was astonished to see a glowing green light starting to seep from the dark-haired man's palm into Wolfram's chest.
After a minute of simply holding the blond in his arms and spreading that light, the dark-haired man carefully hefted the blond into his arms. Holding the blond tightly in his embrace the man turned back into the tent Wolfram came from.
Once inside the tent, Yuuri laid his husband down carefully. He started unbuttoning Wolfram's shirt to see the wound. “Is it bad?” he touched the bandages carefully, spreading the healing majutsu.
Wolfram smiled up at him. “It doesn't matter now,” he muttered.
Yuuri frowned at him, confused. “You don't look well, Wolfram.” He pressed his palm to the blond's forehead. “You are feverish and…” He grew worried as Wolfram didn't say anything just looked at him with the same soft smile on his pale face.
“And still, it was you who found me after all,” Wolfram chuckled. His face contorted at the pain in his chest it caused.
Yuuri increased the amount of the healing majutsu. “It wasn't easy, I tell you…” he sighed. “You shouldn't have followed me here. And the war… We'll have a serious talk about it.”
Wolfram gave a weak nod. “I'm sorry. Now I know I shouldn't have followed you. I made a mistake and will pay dearly for it.” He closed his eyes for a few moments. “You can stop it, the healing majutsu, - it doesn't really work; don't waste your power.”
Wolfram opened his eyes to see Yuuri's horrified face. As far as he knew his husband, Yuuri was about to start panicking. But he had to say several things before that happened. “Talk with Docharo about the situation - he knows everything about the current Ekara's ruler; I have no doubt that you'll get rid of him easily,” Wolfram said, his voice strained.
“There's another thing - I promised Amae to take him to Shin Makoku, do that instead of me, okay? He's a little younger than you, but he's a good kid. A little too loudmouthed, but you like them loud, don't you?” Wolfram smiled up at him. “If Kyota doesn't choose him, even if half-Mazoku, he'll be a good addition to you. You'll just have to work on his self-esteem a little.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?!” Yuuri found that he couldn't breathe anymore. Those couldn't be his husband's words. Wolfram would never… “Wolfram!” What the hell was his husband talking about?!
Forgetting all about carefulness and caring only about speed, Yuuri grabbed the blond into his arms. “Jesus fucking Christ, Wolfram, couldn't you just open your stupid mouth and say that you are on a brink of death, you stupid asshole!” he yelled. He cursed again after seeing that Wolfram had lost his consciousness. He just hoped that it was because of pain.
He shot out of the tent and started forming the gate. “Inform Docharo that I'm taking him to the hospital!” he shouted to the stupefied guards before disappearing in a whirl of water.