Liberty's Kids Fan Fiction / Power Rangers Fan Fiction ❯ LIBERTY'S KIDS: Power Rangers REVOLUTION ❯ Fight to the Finish! ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Later Episodes)
In Ebenezer's floating Palace, over the months, our little evil genius had discovered a theory that if was successful, would he be able to crush the rangers once and for all.
His family had a special heirloom called… “The Crystal egg. Which had been in his family for generations, passed form Father to son.
In his great study in myths and legends, Ebenezer discovered that if the egg was whole, on a day when Sun would be in perfect alignment with the stars, without the planets or moons in the way…
The Egg would be able to grant the holder any wish he desired. But the was one drawback.
Ebenezer did have the egg with him, but it had a few fragments missing. Fragments that were last known, to be lost in Colonial days, which he found.
However, a part of the legend said that if the crystal egg were shattered, only by making a sacrifices of two life forces would the egg fragment return to the egg and complete it once more.
Which means, Unless Ebenezer found two souls to sacrifice, by the end of the week before the alignment… The egg would remain useless, and his master plan would be all in vain.
But Ebenezer wasn't as licked though. He already knew of the perfect way to get what he wanted. Either way, he couldn't lose.
“Tom… Sakura!” he said deeply. “Your loyalties to my legions have most gracious. However, in the past the both of you have made countless mistakes!”
Tom, and Sakura growled and gritted their teeth!
“… And not only have on many occasions you spent more time arguing; Neither one of you have not succeeded in ridding us of the Power Rangers. This has disturbed me far enough!”
“My lord, Ebenezer…” Tom spoke up. “Please… let us explain.” Added Sakura.
“SILENCE…!!” Ebenezer yelled. “This is your last chance! You will both attend this mission together. The Power Rangers must be destroyed once and for all!”
“If the both you fail… then as punishment, I shall dispel everything that ever had given to you!”
This made Tom and Sakura growl even worse. If the Virus was removed from Tom's body, he'd be nothing but an empty corpse again.
Sakura was originally a plastic figurine; A collectors item that was brought to life as a human creature by Ebenezer's Viral formula.
Now that Ebenezer was powered with his own magic, what was to stop him from changing her back into a doll again.
“I wish you both luck.” Ebenezer replied. “Remember, it is their the Ranger's lives… or yours!!”
James and Sarah were sitting on a bench outside the Print shop looking up at the stars.
“James…?” Sarah asked softly. “Would you hold my hand?” James went all red at the fact that Sarah just asked him to hold her hand.
So he took her hand gently into his, and they went back to their star gazing. They made out a few pictures.
Swans… People they knew… Sarah even found a picture that looked like the American flag and the United Kingdom's flag as one.
“Oh, James… wouldn't it be so nice if the fighting all had stopped?” Sarah asked. “And both sides became peace loving.”
James smiled and told her he felt the same way sometimes. “Yeah… it sure would be neat.” He said.
As the night went on, Sarah and James suddenly found themselves staring into each others eyes.
“Your… your eyes… they're so…!” but he could seem to find the words he was looking for, and Sarah couldn't believe what was happening next…
Their faces were moving slowly toward each others. They moved closer, and closer. Their eyes began to close. Their lips had barely touched…
“Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!” two sinister voices seemed to echo from the sky, breaking the moment for James and Sarah.
They looked up and saw two huge images in the sky. “Tom… and Sakura!” James said under his breath. Sarah trembled in fear.
“Attention, Power Rangers!” Tom hissed, “We have come to challenge all six of you to a duel!”
The Rest of us ran outside and could already tell by the look of those images, there was going to be trouble.
The images then show us directions to what looked like Ebenezer's old island hideout.
“We've fixed up the island especially for the battle.” Said Sakura, “All six of you, and only you will meet us there! One-o-clock, tomorrow night!”
“And refusal is not an option!” Replied Tom, “You will show up and battle us… Otherwise…”
Their eyes glowed red, and in a single clap of their hands, the entire city began to burn up in flames, and all the people in it.
Sarah and Henri were completely flipped out. Moses and James hid their eyes in anger. “GRR… STOP IT, YOU VILE VILLAINS!!” I yelled.
Tom and Sakura then snapped their fingers, and the flames vanished, but the buildings were actually never on fire to begin with.
“Ha… that was only an illusion!” said Sakura, “But if you don't show up, we'll burn the city to ashes!”
“This time… FOR REAL!!” added Tom. Then the two images vanished, and left us with a real problem to face.
Later on…
We were all inside the Print shop trying to figure out what we should do. “We can't just waltz right in there!” Sarah. “It's a trap I know it!”
Henri agreed with Sarah “Besides… we cannot all just leave, what if the pull a double cross on us and attack the city?”
I just put my fist down. “Look… we can't risk it!” I said. “You heard what they said. They'd burn the city as promised, and even my Re-animator wouldn't get us out of this one!”
James and Moses were on my side, and so was Vlad. “You dudes do what you want, but I'm going there tomorrow as promised!” he said.
“If you're going, then so am I!” said Moses.
“Me too!” said James.
Finally it was worn down to Sarah and Henri. Henri decided to come for the sake of the city, but Sarah was still not sure.
She knew she had to do this, but it was just that they'd be facing against Sakura, and her cousin in fight to the death. She knew Tom was evil and couldn't be helped, but she still wasn't sure.
“It's alright Sarah!” said Vlad, “Look, you don't have to fight, but you do have to come with us.”
Sarah knew he was right, and decided she was in, and would fight if it was the only way necessary to beat our enemies. “You can count on me!” she said.
From his bedroom door, Dr. Franklin nodded his head at what he saw and heard. United they stand, together they fall.” He said in his head. “Those are the finest words that a team can share in times of battle!”
Tom and Sakura were finally ready, all that remained for the rangers and I to show up, and at that moment we all morphed and on our way to the island.
We all took naps that day to conserve our energy, as it was late at night, but still, none of us had any idea of what to expect in this battle.
Finally, the Island was just up ahead, and it didn't look any different or dangerous from the last time we were there, but never the less, we all proceeded with extreme caution.
Vlad still hovered about on his Strata Cycle, but he couldn't see anyone else on the island. It was then decided that we had to speak up.
But just as I was ready to yell out, we all heard those wicked laughing sounds of Tom and Sakura. The both of them were hovering just ahead of us.
“Welcome, Power Rangers.” Tom sniggered. “So glad you could come such a fine evening isn't it?”
We all stood our ground and stared the villains down.
“It's such a shame that some of you are still so young.” Said Sakura, “You haven't even had time to enjoy the high standers of life! Now it will all be over!”
I pointed up to the villains, “We're not the ones who will fail. We never have, and never will!”
“That's right…” added Sarah. “Whether family or not, Tom. You've only been working for evil and you must be stopped.”
“That goes for you too Sakura!” said James. “I've met lots of ladies, but you're the kind that gives the word “Lady” a bad name!”
The other ranger nodded din agreement. “Down with Tom and Sakura!” we all cheered together.
“Enough pretty speeches Rangers!” said Tom. “It's time for battle!” added Sakura, and the two villains shut their eyes and concentrated.
Then they reached from behind and pulled out a pair of oddly shaped flutes. The blew a few notes, and the whole island began quivering
Suddenly, the mountain exploded sending boulders all over the place and into the sea. When the dust had cleared, their stood two gigantic robots much like our Megazords.
Tom and Sakura seemed to be controlling them with magic of the flutes, rather than piloting them by cockpit.
The Zords had no weapons at all, but did not need any as they were both so very big, they could squash us all in a heartbeat.
“Now that we have our own zords to command, this promises to be your last battle ever!” said Tom.
“Oh, yeah… we'll see about that!” I said. “Soldier Zords, Front and Center!” we all cried out.
“Colonel Zord… Ten-hut!” cried Vlad.
We raised our Morphers into the air, but nothing happened. Our Zords didn't appear anywhere. We tried calling them again, but still nothing!
“Ha, ha, ha, ha… Just a little precaution I took!” said Sakura as she held up a Ninja scroll. “As long as Our Zords are equipped with these little babies, summoning your Zords will be quite impossible!”
“Oh man… that can't be good!” cried Vlad. “How are we supposed to fight those things without the Zords?”
“I don't know…” cried Henri as he pointed on as the two Zords began to charge toward us. “But when you find out… LET ME KNOW!!” and he sprinted off.
We all sprinted off in different directions, Half us chased down by Tom's Zord which was called, Tormentor! It's specialty was Brute strength.
Sakura's Zord was called, Ninjorina, and it's specialty was speed, and boy it could move fast alright. Much faster than our Zords.
We were barely able to outrun them because they still weren't too fast, but they could still walk and leap great distances.
“We can't just keep running like this!” said James. “Maybe we should try our blasters!”
“I don't know… but it's worth a try!” I said. “Rangers, Weapons ready!”
We all withdrew our swords, guns, and Vlad powered up his Future Defender. “Ready… FIRE!!” Half of us fired at Tormentor, and the rest of us fired at Ninjorina.
Small sparks did fly out from the two Zords, but neither one of them was singed or even flinched.
“Ha, ha, ha… Not good enough, Rangers!” Tom chuckled, then blew more notes on his magic flute. Tormentor nodded his head and slammed his huge fist to the ground.
The ground trembled and shook, and forced us all off our feet. “Ha, ha, ha… And there's more where that came from!” hissed Sakura, and she tooted on her flute.
Ninjorina began charging toward us. “Let's move!” I cried, and we all scattered about again.
The best we could do was stay behind Tormentor, as he couldn't spin around as fast to attack us, and stay in parts of the island that seemed d to have more roughed up terrains to slow Ninjorina down.
Yet, we knew we wouldn't be able to keep this up forever. After all it was Robots against Humans, and Machines couldn't really get tired.
“Yo, I got it!” said Vlad. He explained to us that if we wanted to summon our Zords we'd have to find the charms on the two Zords and destroy them.
“Easier said than done!” Said Moses, “Those things are always on the move. How the heck are we going to find them?”
Vlad just gave us all a thumb up. “You distract them, I'll explore them!” he Jumped on his Strata-cycle and rode up a little higher where the Megazords couldn't reach him.
“Hmm… Pathetic Ranger!” thought Sakura as she kept on tooting her flute. “Does he really believe me to be that gullible?”
The rest of us remained below, and figured a way for the Megazords to keep still. We all ran in various directions with the two Zords in the center.
The two Zords couldn't follow us all at once, especially with no weapons to use. The Zords looked one way and then another, but every we got in their sights we jumped somewhere else.
Suddenly, Vlad could see them. The two Ninja sutures on the Zord's backsides. If he could just rip them off…
But the moment he got even close to the one on, Tormentor, the suture on Nijorina's back fired a beam of electricity straight at him. He tumbled about trying to balance his bike.
“Whoa… what the heck was that?” he cried.
“Silly Ranger!” Sakura called. “I knew that if I told you about the Sutures, that you'd go after them.”
“Therefore, we added an extra little precaution!” added Tom. “The Sutures are in linked in a telepathic wave that reacts whenever they are in danger.”
“Attack one suture, and the other one will defend it!”
Vlad whipped out his future defender and tried to shoot at the Suture again, but the blast was blown off by the other suture defending it, and knocking Vlad down.
“Vlad, you okay?” I asked as I helped him up. “Yeah, I'm okay, but the Strata-Cycle needs rest now!” Vlad answered and he shrunk the bike down to model size, and put it back on his bracelet.
“Man…!” Said Moses, “Who would've thought just two pieces of paper could be so troublesome!”
“There has to be away to overpower them!” said Sarah.
Vlad's head suddenly popped up. “Maybe there is!” he said, but before he could explain it, the Megazords began to charge us again, so we scattered off.
“Ha, ha, ha… they can't avoid the Zords forever!” Tom thought as he tooted his flute.
As the battle continued on Vlad seemed to be working on a little something with two little piece of metal. What the heck was he up to? Whatever it was he had to hurry.
Finally it was ready. He leapt out from behind the bushes. “YO, TIN HEADS… OVER HEAR!!” he called.
The Megazords turned. Sakura and Tom agreed. If he wanted it, they'd give it to him.
The two Zords moved forward, and Tormentor took the first strike, but instead of dodging the blow to the side, Vlad leapt right up onto the arm and began scaling the Zord on up.
“What in the world is he up to?” Sakura asked. Then we all saw Vlad flip from Tormentor's head and pitch to small pieces of metal at the Sutures.
“What is he doing?” Tom asked.
Suddenly, Sparks began flying out from the backs of the Zords right where the Sutures were.
“Vlad…!” I called. “What have you done?”
Vlad told us about the two little pieces of metal he was fiddling with, by rubbing them against his sword while it was slightly powered up, the became small magnets.
The Zords being metal were the perfect place to set them right on the sutures, which would send the electrical beams back and forth and burn the sutures to a crisp.
Sure enough the Sutures fell right off of the Zord's backs, in flames. “GRR… Curse you Ranger!” growled Sakura. “I'll get you for this!!”
She and Tom tooted on their flutes and the Zords began charging us again. “You may have gotten through our shields Rangers, but there's not time for you to summon your Zords!” yelled Tom.
He was right too… the island still didn't have enough space for us to avoid their Zords long enough to summon our own.
Even if we could, Tom and Sakura were whom we really wanted to get at, not the Zords. There had to be a way to get them and the Zords at the same time.
“Not to worry, I `ave a plan!” said Henri. “MEGA BATTLE BLUE!!” and his armor appeared. “That is better!”
“Henri what are you doing?” Sarah asked, but Henri was already busy shoot his aqua blaster, full power, into the air, and before any longer, the entire island was covered in a thick mist.
Tom and Sakura looked one way, and then another. “This Fog!” cried Tom, “I can't see a thing!” added Sakura.
They tried to command their Zords to search for us, but they couldn't see us either. They didn't have any cockpits or things to detect us.
Tom and Sakura looked at each other, and nodded. They would have to clear up the mist themselves. Tom used his Whirl-Wind sword spin, and Sakura used her Ninja fan.
The mist did clear up, but it was too late. There in the midst of things were the General Megazord, and the Colonel Megazord, side by side.
“You two underestimated us!” I said. “Now the fight's even!”
“You said it, bro.” said Vlad, “Now lets kick us some Mega-butts!” The Megazord's stared the dark ones down, and charged into battle.
Tom growled under his breath and played his flute for Tormentor to go get us, while Sakura dealt with Vlad.
We were matched Zord for Zord, but we were still outnumbered in brute strength. Our Saber did do a little damage to Tormentor's chest, but not enough to weaken him enough to destroy.
Ninjorina and Colonel Megazord were evenly matched as they both used speed based attacks.
“Man… this isn't getting us anywhere!” cried Vlad.
Suddenly, Ninjorina pulled a fast one and stropped our Megazords of their weapons.
“No, they've got the saber!” cried James. “And the Colonel Zord's Staff!” added Sarah.
“Ha, ha, ha… Miss your weapons that much, Rangers?” asked Tom.
“Here's a little taste of them for you!” added Sakura as she and Tom commanded the Zords to go wild.
Tormentor slashed at General Megazord from all ends, while Ninjorina used the Staff to rough Colonel Zord even more.
Then the two evil Zords even used our Weapons killer moves and really hit both our Megazords hard, and we fell over.
“Micro pressure is in the reds!” cried Sarah, “We can't last out much longer!”
“Vlad… Vlad, you okay?” I called into the radio. “I'm alright… but who knows for how much longer!” Vlad answered.
Tom and Sakura laughed the most evil, most sinister chuckle hey ever had made. “YOU'RE FINISHED POWER RANGERS!!” they shouted to us.
We tried our controls but the Megazords could barely even move. Suddenly, We all heard the sound of Tom and Sakura's flutes playing, and their Zords began charging up again.
I smack my helmet, “Oh, of course!” I said, “How stupid can you get!”
Vlad, heard my words. “Mykan, you thinking, what I'm thinking?” he asked. “Yes…” I answered. “Let's move!”
“Mykan!” cried Moses, and then everyone saw me outside. “
Vlad… are you two crazy?”
But we didn't pay attention to them, We finally figured out how to get the Zords and Tom and Sakura where we needed them.
We stayed behind our Fallen Megazords, where we couldn't be seen. Vlad then summoned up his Strata-Cycle.
“Strata-cycle, Trans-Armor mode!!” he cried. and his bike separated into its sections, and Vlad was wearing his Mega Armor.
I concentrated, and the glowing ball appeared in my hands. “Lord of the Red!!” I cried, and then I was in my armor-suit again.
Vlad and I both used our wings to fly into the air, Leaving the Rangers confused and worried at the same time.
“Mykan… Vlad… Come back!” cried Henri.
Tom and Sakura chuckled as their Zords finished powering up. They were about to order them too attack, when they, themselves were attacked from behind.
There was Vlad hovering behind them. “Hey, Losers!” he teased, “My Megazord's down, but I'm not!”
“Easy pickings!” Tom snapped and began firing his shots at Vlad. Sakura joined him, but Vlad kept on dodging them all.
“Hey big shots… I'm over here!”
Vlad just stayed where he was and distracted both the villains into shooting him, but they didn't realize that I was slowly creeping up from behind.
My Wings and my golden sword weren't the only special things about me. I was the Lord of the Red, I had the power to do lots of things… including reversing spells.
Now that Vlad had the villains distracted, I quietly pulled out two magic sutures of my own, and they began to glow as I concentrated.
“I call the power of red Fireball CHARMS!!” and the two papers stuck themselves onto the Villains backs.
“What was that?!” cried Tom. Then suddenly, he and Sakura went all numb and slowly descended to the ground.
“What's… Happening!” cried Sakura. The magic charms I had placed on them was draining their powers, and that wasn't all.
Their own Megazords dropped our weapons, turned away from our Megazords and start moving towards them. Tom and Sakura tried their flutes, but with no result.
The two villains began to run for it. “GRR… What is this?!” Snapped Tom, “Why are they coming after us?!” added Sakura.
The other Rangers saw everything. “Alright, Mykan and Vlad.” Cried Henri. “I don't believe it, their geniuses!” added Moses.
Vlad and I watched on as the two Zords dropped our Megazord Weapons, and grasp both Tom and Sakura in their fists and held them tightly.
“Well, that takes care of them!” I said, “But How are going to get rid of them? The Megazords have lost all their power!”
“Not quite yet.” Said Vlad, “Lets go back, and I'll explain it then!” with that settled we deactivated our armors and headed back.
Once back inside our Megazords, Vlad told us… “While I was in the future repairing the Zords, I gave them the ability to combine!”
“Combine?” asked James, “You mean like Sarah and I when we fuse?”
“Right on.” Said Vlad, “If we combine the General Megazord with the Colonel Megazord, we'll have a brand new machine with ultimate power!”
“Alright… let's do it then!” I said, and we all began downloading all remaining power to the transforming controls.
“Colonel-General Megazord, Power up!!” we all cried out in sync.
Vlad's Zord then separated just like his Strata-Cycle did in Trans armor mode, and began combining with our General Megazord.
Now the General Megazord could wear different parts of the Colonel Megazord as body armor. Boots, Torso, Shoulder pads, Helmet, Gauntlets…
The Best feature was, two extremely large cannons rested upon the shoulders, one on Each of the Gauntlets, and our dropped weapons had combined into a super powerful Trident.
Vlad joined us inside our new, improved cockpit. “Well, what do you all think?” he asked.
“Wow! The Power levels… They're going crazy!” cried Sarah.
I grabbed Vlad and gave him a novelty, brotherly hug. “Ha, ha… you little genius you!” I said.
“Hey… come on now!” Chuckled Vlad, “Now than… let's kick us some Mega butts!!”
Our New Megazord's eyes lit up, and we began proceeding over to the opposing Zords. “Tell us… how did you do this to us!” cried Sakura.
“Because…” said Vlad. “What you two got in strength, you don't got in smarts!”
“Sarah…” yelled Tom, “You wouldn't dare kill you own cousin would you?!”
Sarah wasn't falling for it this time. “The cousin I knew and loved… is dead!” she sneered. “And you are no cousin of mine!”
“You underestimated us for the last time, you two!” I said angrily, “Now, after all this time… we will topple you and you Zords!!”
Tom and Sakura still couldn't escape.
“Super Trident… Extend, and grab!” cried James. The Trident began to glow, and then it extended its sharp end and grabbed both Tormentor, and Ninjorina.
“Beginning, Hammer throw phase!!” cried Henri, and the Megazord began whirling the two zords round and around. My, Tom and Sakura were sick to their stomachs.
Finally, we tossed the zords up high above, into the air. “Alright… Charge weapons to full power!” I said.
We retracted the Trident and it, as well as all our cannons began glowing angrily. “Lock on target… FIRE!!!”
The Megazord launched five different colored energies into one humongous white blast which flew straight up towards he Zords.
Tom and Sakura shook themselves out from her dizziness, but suddenly it started to get warmer.
They looked down and saw the Blast coming right at them. “… NOOOOO!!!!” The Zords were hit and EXPLODED in a giant ball of fire in the sky!
Meanwhile, in the Sky fortress
Ebenezer's face turned beat red, as Tom and Sakura reappeared before him, both in very bad looking mess.
“Ugh… My Lord…!” cried Tom, “We… have important information for you!!”
Ebenezer started angrily at them both. “Tom… Sakura…” he said very deeply. “You have failed to destroy the Rangers!”
“But Master…” cried Sakura, “We've been watching the Rangers… We know… where they… are based!”
“I will hear no excuses!!” bellowed Ebenezer. “BEGONE… BOTH OF YOU!!” his hands began glowing and he fired two blasts at his minions.
Tom and Sakura whimpered in pan as the virus was extracted from Tom's body, and Sakura's magic was drained away.
Tom's flesh withered away, and his skeleton collapse into dust, and Sakura was nothing more than a small plain plastic doll again.
“I may not have destroyed the Rangers today!” Said Ebenezer as he gathered their life forces. “But with these two energies… my crystal egg is now complete!”
“Hmm, mm, mm… Once the Sun is in alignment with the stars, and my wish is granted; I shall annihilate the Rangers and then… THE WORLD… TA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!”
Little did Ebenezer realize that Malakar had been watching his through a crack in the wall. “You… traitor!” he said under his breath. “We shall see about that!”
Meanwhile back at the Print shop
We all were pleased that both Tom and Sakura were finally gone, but Sarah still felt uneasy about destroying cousin's body.
We just decided to give her some time alone in her room, and let her recuperate
“Poor, Sarah!” Henri sniffled. “Is she going to be alright?”
“Yes…she will” I answered, “Any time now!”
Malakar has created a disguising Virus, Mysterio who disguises himself as the Rangers and frames them for doing dirty work.
“I always knew those Rangers were menaces!”
“King George… I come to you for a bargain to crush the Rangers!”
Can the Rangers clear their names, but do it while avoiding capture?