Love Hina Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Care for me... Please ❯ “I want to get to know you.” ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Two: “I want to get to know you.”
The Hina girls were in the hot springs, complaining about the fact that they were being forced to live with SIX boys now. Naru sat in the springs, tightly gripping the towel around her chest, making sure that she wasn't exposed to wandering eyes. She looked back and forth from each girl and checking her surroundings carefully, making sure they were not being watched.
“I don't even feel safe in these springs.” She complained. Mitsune lent over a rounded rock, she looked over to Naru in a cavalier fashion.
“Well, I don't mind those boys bein' here.” She replied.
“I still don't like it. Those boys could be watching us right now.” Motoko said, strictly stating her point in the issue. Shinobu just lifted her hands to her chin like usual, almost as if she was about to speak up. Just as she was about to talk Mitsune replied to Motoko's statement.
“Perhaps Tyson would, but I don't know about that Maxi doin' it.” She said.
“Well, I am still against the idea, they are still boys and we can't say they all won't because we don't even know them.” Motoko stated, being right as usual.
“I think we should make sure that they leave.” Naru suggested, stating a threat of war against the boys.
“But… uh… you can't just do that.” Shinobu shyly stated.
“Oh really! Why not?” Naru asked, rather harshly. Shinobu backed off, a tiny bit scared.
“Well… because it's all arranged and… they're guests.” She said, fearing pain. Naru put her hands on her hips.
“I do not mind those boys here. It gives me time to tease them with my robots.” Koala said, joyfully.
“Yes, and it is a bit nice having company from the opposite sex around.” Mutsumi said.
“You don't like one of them, do you Shinobu?” Naru asked, Shinobu backing off a little more, putting on a blush.
“No, it's not that, it's just… uh…” Shinobu replied, not really wanting to tell them.
“Well, I can't blame ya sugar. That Maxi is pretty hot.” Mitsune said. Shinobu hastily walked over to the side of the spring. She got out.
“I'm sorry…” She said. “I have to go.” She walked past the hanging towels, holding on to the one around her body and she walked into the room, crying softly. She was rubbing her eyes and bumped into someone. She looked to see who it was, holding her towel tighter, just to make sure it didn't come down, humiliating her and giving sneak previews. It was Kai. Kai held onto Shinobu's shoulders as she hit him to make sure she didn't fall over and hurt herself.
“Is something wrong?” Kai asked, quite soothingly. Shinobu blushed from lack of clothing. She was completely embarrassed. She looked up into Kai's eyes, which were filled with concern and worry.
“Oh, no… nothing's wrong. I need to go change.” Shinobu said, stepping away from Kai's grip. Shinobu and Kai were right next to the staircase, just on the other side of the banister. Shinobu walked around Kai and around the banister and straight up the stairs. Tyson was tiptoeing along the side of the banister, behind Kai. Kai noticed very easily and slammed his fist into the side of the final pole of the banister.
“What do you think you are doing, Tyson?” Kai asked, harsh and cold-like.
“I was uh, just going to the bathroom… yeah, that's it. Just going to the bathroom.” Tyson lied.
“And you need to creep around… why?” Kai asked, turning to face him.
“I uh, need to go.” Tyson said, hastily walking off in the other direction. Kai grabbed a hold of Tyson's collar and slammed him into the floor.
“Stay away from Shinobu and the other girls. Hillary isn't enough for you?” He asked, coldly.
“Yeow… my back.” Tyson complained. Kai walked over to his bag, lying on the side of the far-east wall. He opened it and inside was all sorts of things, but most unusually there was a rather large bell. He pulled it out along with a ball of long string and a hook. He took these objects over to the side of the door with hanging towels, which led to the springs, where most of the girl were. He got the tiny hook and pushed it facing upwards into the top right hand corner. He walked over to the table in the middle of the room and picked up a pair of scissors that happened to be there. He had forgotten that Tyson was still there still recovering. He walked back over to the hook and other equipment. He picked up and cut a reasonable sized piece of the string ball and tied it through the small hole in the large bell, he brought the string around and tied it together to form a hoop. He lifted the bell, causing it to activate and make a racket, and hung it on the hook. The hook supported it rather well, considering the size and weight difference. But the ringing caused some curious females to wonder what was going on.
The girls looked towards the towels.
“Wonder what that is.” Mutsumi said.
“Well duh, it's a peeper. Lets go find this `tom.'” Naru said as she began to walk towards the side of the spring. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her.
“But ya might be exposin' yerself to those boys.” Mitsune stated, giving a very good point. Naru pulled back the towel and saw Kai. She went red in the face and went to punch him. Kai, without looking at her, grabbed her flying fist and held it where it was captured. He didn't even look at her.
“I knew you were a pervert!” Naru yelled accusingly at Kai.
“Prove it.” Kai said, very coldly, still not looking at her.
“You were watching us.” Naru said. Kai let go of her hand and she pulled it to her side, whilst using the other to make sure she did not drop the towel and actually exposing her entire body.
“I most certainly wasn't.” Kai said. “I am stopping Tyson from spying.” Kai bit off another two pieces and long string and attached them both one the pendulum of the bell and let them drop. One of them was rather small as the other was long that it was dropped onto the floor.
“How, by putting up a bell?” She mocked.
“Exactly. When you girls are done, I am going to connect it somewhere in there too.” Kai said, he turned his back to Naru.
“What's it going to do?” Naru asked, curiously.
“When you girls want to go into the spring, you ring the small string once, allowing me to clear the other boys out of the room and staying out myself. Then I'll give you exactly 5 minutes to get in it. After which I will come back in and guard the room from invasion as it were, and make sure no one gets free videos. Then when you get out you ring the bell twice and I will leave and give you the time you need to get out and away from wandering eyes.” Kai explained to her.
“How do we know YOU won't peep?” Naru asked.
“Very good question… but the truth is… I have no interest in your sexual appearance, nor am I with any other girl. I've no reason to look at you girls bathing.” Kai said, meanly.
“Jerk! You're still looking at me in the nude.” Naru lectured.
“For your information, you came out on me and I have not looked at you once. Go back into the springs or get changed, you're boring me and I've no time to waist talking to someone like you.” Kai strictly, horridly stated. He walked over and sat on the sofa, picking up a solid vase on his travels and launched it at Tyson, who was drooling with his excitement at his free flash movie. The vase collided with his head and took him completely out cold and landed unharmed on the floor. Naru hastily walked back into the spring because the cold breeze freezing her.
“So what was it?” Motoko asked.
“It was Kai.” Naru said, taking off the towel and putting it on the side of the pool, exposing her breasts to the warm waters of the springs.
“Was he peeping?” Kaolla asked, seeming happy if he did.
“I don't know, but he hung up a bell.” Naru said.
“What for?” Mitsune asked.
“Apparently, when we want to get in, we ring the bell, he will give us five minutes to change and get in whilst keeping the others out. Then once we are in, he guards us from the other room and makes sure we get out privacy, then we ring the bell twice and he leaves, letting us get out.” Naru explained. “Sounds fishy to me.”
“I like the idea of a guard.” Mutsumi said.
“I hate the idea! He could be the biggest pervert of all of them!” Motoko yelled standing up. “I am getting out, he could be watching us right now!” Motoko stomped off, completely covered up. She slowly walked into the area where Kai and unconscious Tyson were. Kai had a blindfold on and was humming quietly. “So now you mock us!” Motoko yelled at him.
“How am I mocking you? I know you are the tomboyish type, who doesn't like the idea of being watch, and hence the fact the bell isn't ready; you want to get out as fast as possible. So I am making you fell as though it is impossible for me to see you even though I've no intension to.” Kai insulted.
“You son of a bitch! Air splitting sword!” Motoko yelled as she pulled out her blade she always has and swung for Kai. Kai stopped the blade with one hand, jumped up and kicked Motoko in the stomach and causing her to fall backwards. He let go of the sword and it went with her. She fell to the ground and her cover was completely removed. Keitaro walked in. Motoko looked at him as he her. Motoko went red in the face. “Keitaro! DIE!” She yelled as she struck him. The pressure of the air blew Keitaro down the corridor.
“I need a better life then this.” Keitaro said, swirly eyed.
“You jerk! You exposed me.” Motoko yelled at Kai as she recovered herself.
“Screw you, bitch! You were the one who attacked me remember!” Kai yelled back. He retook his seat and Motoko rushed upstairs, knocking Shinobu on her butt. Shinobu stood, ignored it and brushed herself off. She continued her journey downstairs. She walked over to blindfolded Kai.
“Um… Kai.” She started shyly. “Would you like to go for a walk with me?” Kai lifted his blindfold off of one eye and looked at her blushing face, her rosy cheeks and her short dark blue hair.
“Okay.” He agreed normal toned. He stood, took off the blindfold, throwing it on the sofa and grabbed his blader's equipment. He walked over to Tyson, still out cold and dragged him by his collar. He and Shinobu walked out of the Hinata apartment. Kai lifted Tyson and hung him on a random hook. Tyson awoke.
“Where… where am I?” He asked. Kai looked horridly at him.
“This'll teach you a lesson. I'm warning you Tyson, leave those girls alone. He warned.
“Oh yeah! What're you gonna do?” Tyson asked nervously, trying to put on a tough face.
“Oh… I am the least of your worries if you do.” Kai smirked. “But I'll be I the cue to kick you ass if you don't leave them be.” Kai walked off with Shinobu. Tyson decided to tease.
“Shinobu and Kai, sitting in a tree, doing what they shouldn't be…” He sang. Kai stopped, bent over and picked up a rock. He stood up straight and threw it behind him. It flew into the air and came back down in Tyson's face, taking him out again. Shinobu brought her hands up to her chin and water filled her eyes.
“That's not funny.” She whispered to herself.
“Ignore him, he's a loser.” Kai said harshly. Shinobu was taken back.
“Oh… ok.” She said, getting a little afraid of Kai's change of tone. Kai looked at her scared face, looking at the ground.
“Hey…” He said, going back into nice mode. “Where do you want to go?” He asked her.
“Uh… how about… the arcade?” She asked, half-heartedly.
“What… for my sake or because you really like the arcade.” Kai asked.
“Well, I don't like it that much.” Shinobu replied.
“Please don't do that to me.” Kai asked, rather nastily. Shinobu became worried that she angered Kai.
“I'm sorry, we can go if you want.” Shinobu said, hoping it'd changed his mood.
“Please, Shinobu… it was you who asked me to walk, not the other way around. The decision is entirely yours. And please don't be afraid of me. My life has gone through enough of that. Being feared… being hated… always being rivalled. It sucks and I hate everyone who hates me. But I have plenty of fans, who not liking me for who I am, but what I am. A beyblader. Second best on the planet. Everyone coming up to me and challenging me to matches so easy it's boring. I've no real friends in the world, Shinobu. Can you be my first ever true friend?” Kai asked. He looked as if he was about to cry. Shinobu looked at him and delayed for a few seconds. But she smiled.
“Sure. Friends?” She asked.
“Friends.” Kai replied. He wiped his eyes dry. “Can you do me a favour as a friend?” He asked.
“What?” Shinobu asked.
“Don't tell anyone what I just did, or the fact I nearly cried. My life's always been like that.” Kai said.
“Okay. I won't tell.” Shinobu promised.
“What's that?” Kai asked, looking over to a games place.
“It looks like a doll shooter.” Shinobu replied.
“Do you want one, token of our friendship.” Kai asked.
“Yes please.” Shinobu replied, calm but excitedly. They walked over. Inside the booth was a fattish man and behind him was several stuffed toys.
“Okay, you wanna play?” The man asked. Kai nodded.
“I want to make a deal with you.” He started.
“What's that?” The man asked.
“I am better using this.” Kai said, pulling out his beyblader and launcher. “I will pay double, plus I will step back an extra three spaces if you let me use it instead of the gun.” Kai offered.
“Fare deal, fine.” The man agreed. “It costs twenty yen a go, but you will owe me forty.” (I don't know about yen, but I think this should be right. Correct me if I'm wrong.) The man said. Kai asked one more question.
“How many shots per round?” he asked.
“Six.” The man replied.
“Fine, then I'll take six shots. Every prize I win, give to the beautiful young lady there.” Kai said, referring to Shinobu, who blushed deeply. “Shinobu, choose one of the toys, your favourite one and I'll get it for you.” Kai promised.
“Uh… that one.” Shinobu said, pointing. Kai saw, paid the man and took three steps back. He pulled out his ripcord and placed it in his teeth, he pulled out his launcher and lifted it high. He pulled out his blade and connected it to the launcher and grabbed the cord and pushed it through the hole in the launcher. He pointed it towards the toy and launched it. It collided with a cute turtle. The turtle fell to the floor and the blade returned to Kai. The man picked up the toy and gave it to Shinobu, who giggled in delight.
“Next one, Shinobu.” Kai said. Shinobu looked at all the toys.
“That one.” She said pointing to a purple soft bear. Kai aimed and fired, that toy was then given to Shinobu. The gap between Kai and the toys was huge; the man was impressed that Kai won both toys. Shinobu pointed to a stuffed Cat doll. Kai shot it and won it. He then won a fluffy dog, making four and then a soft octopus making five and his final target was a Christmas hat bear. The man was so impressed he gave a free prize to the two. Shinobu's last toy was a been bird. Kai and Shinobu walked away from the game place. Shinobu was holding her seven new toys. She looked at Kai.
“Thank you, Kai.” She said, blushing.
“No problem. It was easy. If Tyson bothers you, ignore him. If he really irritates you, tell me and I'll sort him out. Okay?” Kai offered.
“Okay.” Shinobu said smiling. Shinobu remembered something. She wanted a new sketchbook. Kai thought about something.
“Shinobu, I need to do something. Will you wait here please?” Kai asked.
“Sure, what's wrong?” Shinobu asked. Kai ran off.
“You'll see.” He called out to her.
He ran over to the nearest bookshop.
“Keitaro told me something about Shinobu, I'm going to get her a little present.” Kai told himself. He rushed inside and in the instant everyone looked at him. He was acting cool and in his beyblader reputation style of acting. Everyone ran over.
“Oh wow! It's Kai!” “He's like the best of the beybladers.” “Will you marry me?” Yelled all his fans in the shop. Kai ignored them all and walked past them all. He stood at the desk. He asked for a particular item.
“Ah yes, you can take it half price.” The big fan of an owner said.
“Thanks, but no thanks. I will pay the usual price. I'm a great beyblader, perhaps even the best… but I want no special treatment just because I am.” Kai strictly told her.
“Very well. Here you go. That's seven hundred fifty yen.” Kai paid the lady and took his bagged item, walking past the fans once more.
“He's so cool” “I love him” “He's so admirable” were the comments this time. Kai left the building and ran off towards Shinobu. Upon arrival she was with a bunch of people. They were reporters. Kai walked up.
“Young lady, we saw you with the great Kai. Are you and he an item?” One asked. Shinobu blushed, replying,
“Uh… well, I…” She replied before interruption.
“Are you related in any way?” They asked.
“Well… not really…” Shinobu replied.
“Do you want to marry him?” they asked again.
“Um… that's a bit personal.” Shinobu replied. Kai interrupted.
“Alright, cut it out.” He said.
“Kai, would you like to make a comment to your fans about your romance life?” they asked.
“How about no.” Kai said rudely. “Her answers if you want will be… `Perhaps'… `No'… and `None of your business.'” Kai said. “Anything else?” He asked, arrogantly.
“Will you give us a demonstration of your beyblading technique?” they asked.
“No.” Kai replied. He walked over to Shinobu. Some girl fans came up to him from nowhere.
“Kai, if you're not dating her. How about me?” One asked.
“Forget her, what about me?” Said another. Shinobu was getting angry. She, without thinking, jumped up on her tiptoes and kissed Kai dead lip lock. Kai was taken by surprise but figured this'll drive them all away, so he joined in. The girls moaned and walked away, but the reporters were even more anxious to discover the truth. Shinobu pulled away from Kai and blushed, turning away from him in embarrassment. The reports began throwing more questions.
“So you two are an item, how long have you been dating?” one asked.
“Can you give a statement?” another asked. Kai became so annoyed he eventually spoke.
“This isn't an official interview.” He yelled at them. “Will you go away and arrange a proper meeting?” He asked, calming down.
“Of course. Get on the phone to Mr Dickinson.” They said, walking away.
“I'm sorry, Kai. I shouldn't have done that.” Shinobu apologized.
“I don't care, it gets the other uglier girls away. Besides, if I had to choose one of those girls… I'd kill myself. I'd have you far more than those girls. Hey… don't feel bad. I got you something. Keitaro told me you like drawing sometimes. Didn't know if you'd like it or not. Got it anyway.” Kai said, handing her the bag. Shinobu opened it to see a notebook.
“Oh… thank you.” Shinobu said. She and Kai walked up to the apartment.
“By the way, no one needs to know until the press.” Kai joked.
“Okay.” Shinobu replied.