Love Hina Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Care for me... Please ❯ “…You’ll pay for this!” ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Five: “…You'll pay for this!”
Shinobu woke up and looked around, she sat up and looked around the dark room. She walked over to her door; she still had the same clothes on as before. She opened the door and walked out. She walked towards the stairs. Her eyes were nearly shut, looking rather lame. She walked down the stairs with her arms slumped down she walked through the kitchen, where Mitsune walked over to her and put her arms around her. Shinobu waited.
“Are you okay, Shinobu?” She asked. Shinobu grabbed Mitsune's and threw them violently off of her. She then went to the fridge. She got out some ingredients. Mitsune looked at Shinobu very worriedly. Never before had Shinobu been so violent. Shinobu made herself a jam sandwich and walked into the front room. Naru looked at her.
“Shinobu. You must be hungry. You've been in your room for two days.” She said. Shinobu ignored her and sat down. The news was on.
“…And that is why soap has been considered hazardous. On other news, Kai Hiwatari was arrested for rape on a member of the Hinata apartment. The great beyblader was suspected of raping young Shinobu Maehara. Johnny McCoy reports.” Said the news reporter.
“…Thanks Tom. I am standing outside the prison where Kai Hiwatari was taken. With reports from the Beyblade Battle Association the situation has come as a complete surprise to the creator of the game, Mr Dickinson. He has informed us that the tournament in England will have to be postponed even longer, so now it will be a long extra seven months before the tournament may be brought back. I have with me today the champ of all beybladers. Tyson Granger. Tyson, Kai Hiwatari was your leader, am I right? How do you feel knowing you leader is a rapist?” Johnny asked.
“Well, I must say me and the rest of the BBA are very surprised and disgusted that one of our members would do something so perverted. I feel as though I want to go in there and rip his heart out.” Tyson said.
“Since you're leader is now most likely no longer a part of the BBA, who will take over as leader?” Johnny asked.
“Well, that is an important issue between me and my team. But by the looks of things it's most likely going to be me.” Tyson said.
Chains rattled violently as Kai tried attacking the television in his cell.
“F%^%^£ TRAITOR!!!” He cursed, violently. “I'll get you for this Tyson. Just you wait.” Kai threatened.
Shinobu turned off the television. Naru complained.
“I was watching that. Oh, I guess you don't want to see it. I thought you might want to see your rapist suffer.” Naru said.
“It isn't true.” Shinobu whispered to herself. She walked away letting the plate fall to the floor. She went and sat on the stairs of the Hinata apartment outside. Someone came and sat next to her. Shinobu faced away from the person.
“So…” He started. “Can you tell me the full story? I'll never believe that Kai raped you. It's not in his character.” He finished. Shinobu looked. It was Ray.
“…” Shinobu stayed silent.
“Well, what really happened? Did he rape you? Or did you do it out of love? Or did nothing between you happen?” Ray asked.
“Love…” Shinobu said. She nearly cried again.
“I see. Shinobu… I am on your side. Okay. I will do my best to help Kai. Okay?” Ray offered.
“Okay.” Shinobu replied.
“I won't tell the others, that's something you need to do.” Ray said as he stood and walked indoors.
Naru was watching the news some more. A camera was showing Kai being transferred to another room, reporters trying to get answers. Eventually, Kai turned around and thumped the camera and the screen went fuzzy.
“How violent. He can't take the fact he was busted.” Naru said to herself.
“Busted for something he didn't do.” Ray said as he entered.
“What?” Naru asked.
“I refuse to believe Kai would rape Shinobu. I recon nothing happened and Tyson's being a moron.” Ray lied.
“Well, I don't know you all very well, so…” Naru started.
“You don't know Kai would do that. So you have no right throwing accusations where they're not needed.” Ray lectured.
“You can't lecture me!” Naru yelled.
“Well, I am. Get use to it! I won't let you insult my team!” Ray yelled.
“Whatever!” Naru said as she went to her room.
Later on that day, Mr Dickinson arrived and started a meeting with the BBA revolution.
“Now… Kai has been arrested, therefore the team needs a new leader.” Mr Dickinson said. “But I need everyone to choose a vote.”
“Well, I think I should be the leader. But Max or Ray would be a good choice too.” Tyson said.
“I think Tyson should also.” Hillary said.
“What! He started this damn mess! He doesn't deserve it!” Ray yelled.
“What are you saying Ray?” Tyson asked, in a threatening way.
“You started that damn rumour and Kai was arrest cause of it. You also caused us another seven months of waiting for the next tournament. I don't know about you, but to me, that isn't leadership material.” Ray yelled.
“Kai got what he deserved. No one has the right to rape another.” Tyson yelled back.
“Tyson! I told you to keep it hush-hush between us until we could discover more information. But no you have to flap you big mouth.” Hillary yelled at him.
“You knew about this, Hillary?” Max asked.
“Yes. I saw Kai leaving Shinobu's room… and I saw her without clothes. But it was just a suspicion. I figured she was raped and seeing as how…” Hillary began explaining.
“HOW DARE YOU THINK THAT!!!” Yelled Shinobu who walked in. “THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!!! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!” Shinobu then ran away.
“She is really annoyed about this.” Max said.
“Did Kai rape her?” Mr Dickinson asked.
“No! I don't believe he did.” Ray replied. “As for our leader problem. I say Kai!” Ray said. Then he left.
“So, Kai. What forced you to molester such an innocent girl.” The psychiatrist asked.
“Wanna… repeat that question…?” Kai asked, evilly. The two were sat either side of the tower being monitored trying to get evidence out of Kai.
“What forced you to molester such…” Kai then exploded and leaped over the table and stuck the man down. He began thumping away and officers rushed in to restrain Kai. They did so and he was in a rage as he tried to get his hand back on that psychiatrist. Kai was injected with a tranquilliser. Kai was then taken back to his cell where he was chained to the wall once again.
“Tyson…” Kai dreamt. “I'll make you pay…” Kai woke up. “YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!!!!”