Love Hina Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Care for me... Please ❯ “What’s Wrong?” ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Six: “What's Wrong?”
Shinobu woke up. It was the first day of school since the summer holiday was over. Shinobu got out of her bed, he stomach was churning and she wasn't feeling too well. But she tried to ignore it. It's a bad omen to miss the first day back. Shinobu put on her school skirt and shirt. She left the rope on her skirt loose because it didn't help the feeling in her stomach. She walked past the upstairs bathroom and heard a dreadful noise. It was Mitsune who had more than just a hangover. She was vomiting and it didn't make Shinobu feel better either. Shinobu moved away as fast as she could. She went downstairs and Naru was on the sofa with a wet towel on her head.
“Oh… this is it!” She moaned. “I think I'm dying.” She cried. Shinobu walked into the kitchen. So she wasn't the only one feeling bad. Kaolla ran in.
“Hallo! Shinobu, it is time for school. Let us go, let us go.” She roared cheerfully. Shinobu nodded, breakfast didn't seem like a good option. “Let us go, let us go!” She cheered some more.
Shinobu and Kaolla started their journey. Shinobu rubbing her aching belly.
“What is wrong, Shinobu? You have a belly ache?” Kaolla asked.
“Yeah, it's not that bad. I'll be fine. It'll pass. I just need to sit down.” Shinobu said, sounding as if she's about to vomit or cry. Kaolla looked around.
“There are some chairs!” She called cheerfully. She and Shinobu walked over and sat down. A man walked out of his house.
“Hey!” He roared. “What're you doing, those are mine.” He complained.
“I am sorry mister, my friend is not well and needed to sit down. We won't break anything.” Kaolla said. Shinobu was breathing rather heavily.
“Oh, the poor dear. Is there anything I can do?” Asked a middle aged woman. Shinobu nearly cried.
“I… am going… to be sick.” She said as she swallowed and held her mouth. The woman ran indoors and soon after returned with an empty bucket. She placed it under Shinobu's chin and out it came. Shinobu cried for a bit as she vomited into the bucket. Kaolla, even as strange as she is, had to look away. Shinobu finally finished and the woman got her some water. She rubbed Shinobu's forehead.
“You don't have much of a fever.” She said.
“Thank you.” Shinobu said. She stood up wobbly.
“No dear, you should rest.” The woman said.
“I'm going to be late for school.” Shinobu said, worriedly.
“You shouldn't be going to school like this.” The woman replied.
“I have to. I think it's bad luck to miss the first day of school.” Shinobu said, stubbornly.
“Well, as long as you're sure.” The woman replied.
“Thank you.” Shinobu said. “I will repay your kindness one day.” Shinobu and Kaolla walked off.
“Kids these days, so reckless.” The man said.
Shinobu was feeling slightly better, having got that off her chest… or out of her gut. She and Kaolla walked into the gates of the school.
“You should go home, Shinobu.” Kaolla said.
“No, I'm fine really.” Shinobu said, trying to put on a smile.
“That's not what I saw. Fine, but I am telling you teacher about it.” Kaolla said. The two walked into the building, Shinobu's stomach churning again.
“I think I need to sit again.” Shinobu said, with a tone similar to earlier.
“You are not going to barf again are you?” Kaolla asked. “Even I hate to see that.” Kaolla said.
“Please, let me sit!” Shinobu cried. Kaolla searched again.
“Benches!” She cried out. She led Shinobu over to the benches. Shinobu said, took deep breaths and tried to refrain from puking again. “Shinobu. You wait here. I'll go get the doctor.” Kaolla said. She then ran off into the school.
Kaolla ran straight into the nurse's office.
“Miss Nurse!” She yelled. The nurse turned to face her.
“What is it, miss Kaolla?” She asked.
“Shinobu Maehara is ill and needs your help.” Kaolla replied.
“Bring her here and I'll have a look.” The nurse said.
“She isn't well enough to move.” Kaolla said.
“It's that bad?” The nurse asked.
“Yes, now lets go!” Kaolla ordered. The nurse grabbed equipment and walked out with Kaolla to Shinobu. By the time they arrived it was too late. Shinobu had barfed all over the floor. She was breathing heavily and crying. The nurse ran over to her.
“Shinobu, are you okay?” She asked.
“No!” Shinobu replied, whilst crying.
“Perhaps you should go home.” The nurse said to her.
“No… it's bad luck… to miss the first day…” Shinobu objected.
“Okay, but lets get you too my office to let you rest.” The nurse said. She helped Shinobu up and led her to the office.
Shinobu lay down on a bed, on her side.
“I'll contact you're teacher and tell him where you are.” The nurse said. She placed a large bucket next to the bed, on a table. She contacted the teacher.
“…Hello… this is the nurse. I have Shinobu with me… yes… yes; I just thought I'd let you know. She'll be there shortly… if there is any trouble, like if she is still not well, I suggest she go home.” The nurse said. “Okay… okay, bye.” The nurse hung up and walked back over to Shinobu.
“Okay… I spoke to your teacher, he says to rest and when you feel well, you can go to class.” She said. Shinobu weakly nodded. She rested her eyes for a bit.
After about an hours sleep, Shinobu was better and back in class. She was fine for the rest of the day. After school concluded, Shinobu was walking home with Kaolla.
“So… you sure you okay now?” Kaolla asked.
“Yeah, I'm fine.” Shinobu replied.
“Well, Okay. If you're better, you can cook dinner for us!” Kaolla said, hopefully. Shinobu giggled.
“Okay.” She said.
They got back to the apartment. The two of them walked inside and Haruka was there with Shinobu's parents.
“Mother and Father? What are you doing here?” Shinobu asked in surprise. Her mother ran up to her and held her in her arms.
“Oh… I knew it was stupid to let you live here.” She said. Her father walked up.
“Shinobu. I'm sorry this happened to you.” He cried. “We're going to sue Kai for every penny they have for this.” He promised.
“But I don't want to sue him.” Shinobu yelled.
“But… he deserves what he's getting. We have a right to sue for what he did to you.” Father said. (If anyone can give me Shinobu's parents names. It'd help.)
“He didn't rape me!” Shinobu yelled.
“What?” Her mother asked.
“I love him!” Shinobu yelled again.
“Stop protecting him.” Her father yelled at her. “He is nothing but a rapist. A molester.” He said.
“You don't even know him. He won me prizes. He brought me presents. He protected me against Tyson. Tyson is more perverted than Kai is.” Shinobu yelled at her parents, crying.
“He wanted to earn your trust so he could rape you at the best chance and he did.” Her father said, sure of himself.
“No, No, NO!” Shinobu yelled, frustratingly shaking her head. “I took it. I took it all. I did with him willingly.” Her parents jumped in surprise. “He never raped me. I loved him, he loved me. We did it out of love. It was like an accident. We got out of control.” Shinobu said.
“STOP IT!” Her father yelled. “Now you lie to protect him!” He yelled. “My daughter is not capable of such dirty actions. You're coming home with me.” He yelled.
“Oh no I am not!” Shinobu yelled back. “And if you force me, I will hate you so there.” Shinobu said. She then ran off to her room.
“Shinobu!” Her mother called.
“That Kai! He's corrupted her. I'll make him pay for this!” Her father said.
“But what if she were telling the truth?” Haruka asked.
“She can't be! Our daughter would never commit such an act at her age.” Shinobu's father roared.
“Yet, it's not like her to lie either.” Haruka said.
“She is lying.” Said Shinobu's father.
“Or she could be telling the truth, only it's not the truth you want to hear and you make out it's just a big lie.” Said a male voice. They all turned to look. It was Ray. “I believe Kai is innocent. I believe those two were in love and that's the reason they went all out. Afterwards, Kai got a little worried and left her room, only the commotion they made caused Hillary and Tyson to investigate and saw him. That is my theory. That is why Kai was arrested.” Ray explained.
“Okay, boy! This is my theory. Kai went into my little girl's room, ripped her clothes off and raped her! How's that for a theory?” Shinobu's dad roared.
“You loser! How dare you even say such a thing!” Ray yelled back. “Kai would never do that, not if his life depended on it. There has been a reason Kai never fell in love before. Because of this, because he feared this'd happen.” Ray yelled.
“What? He fears that his cock would take over and he would rape a girl?” Shinobu's father roared.
“Alright, pal! You are really starting to piss me off! You'd best back off or I'm going to have to hurt you!” Ray threatened.
“Boy's calm down.” Haruka said. “It's like talking to children.”
“He is a child!” Yelled Shinobu's dad.
“And you're an embarrassment!” Ray yelled. This caught the father off guard. “You're a joke, some dad! You won't believe your only daughter! You make me sick, you know!” Ray yelled.
“How dare you speak to me that way!” Shinobu's dad yelled back.
“Hey! You not my father! I'll speak however I like!” Ray yelled. “I've not time for this. I've got to prove my friends innocence.” Ray said as he walked off.
“Yeah, that's right! Back off!” Shinobu's dad yelled at him.
“At least I've got the guts to back off, you messed up, poor excuse of a father!” Ray said as he exited.
~~~The next day~~~
Shinobu opened her eyes and studied her surroundings. She got out of bed and her stomach was churning again.
“Not again.” She complained. “How long is this going to go on?” Shinobu moaned. She stood and changed, again leaving the rope loose. She walked down stairs and towards the kitchen. But she didn't feel like eating. Naru was chucking her down the toilet, if you know what I mean. Shinobu left quickly going for the door. Max came along with Ray. They were in school clothes.
“Hey Shinobu.” Max said. “We have to go to the school you're at. Would you show us around? We're just starting today.” Max asked nicely.
“Sure. But… I am not feeling to good. Can we stop if I need to?” Shinobu asked.
“Yeah, of course. But if you're not well you should stay home.” Ray said.
“I'll be fine.” Shinobu said, smiling.
“You sure?” Max asked.
“I'm sure.” Shinobu replied.
“Okay, then. Let's go.” Ray said. And the three left the building.
On the way to the school, Max, Ray and Shinobu spoke about Kai and the incident.
“So… you did it with him… he didn't rape you.” Max asked.
“No… everyone has it wrong. I loved him.” Shinobu replied.
“You not as shy as usual.” Ray said.
“Well… I don't feel like I need to be around you two. And I don't feel well enough to be shy.” Shinobu joked.
“Fine. That's cool then.” Max said.
“You can't tell my class mates about this. If they found out it'd go round the school before you know it. There will be rumours all the time, like I'm a prostitute or something.” Shinobu pleaded.
“Don't worry, we're not Tyson. If he doesn't know, no one will.” Max said.
“Speaking of Tyson, he is coming right now.” Ray said. Tyson was running up. Tyson stopped next to them.
“Guys… wait up.” He said, catching his breath. “Can… we… take a break?” he asked.
“No.” Shinobu said, acting like Kai.
“Yeah, Tyson. Shinobu's the one not feeling well, yet she got up on time. Take your own break.” Max said, nastily.
“What's wrong with you guys?” Tyson asked. “Hey, Shinobu. You're going to show Max and Rei around right. Can you show me around too?” Tyson asked.
“How dare you?” Shinobu started, turning to face him angrily. “You spy on me and then get Kai arrested. Then you ask a favour. You even touched me inappropriately. You sicken me.” Shinobu spat. She then walked off. She walked past the gates of the school and her stomach started playing up again. She felt ill. Perhaps it was one of the things you get after a serious of traumatic events. I mean in Shinobu's case. Naru gets Keitaro, She gets spied on in the springs, Tyson touching her breasts, making love to Kai and he gets arrested for rape, and now he parents are trying to gain money out of it. Shinobu went over to the benches and sat down, swallowing constantly trying to keep the sick down, waiting for her belly to stop twisting. Max walked over.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“I'll be fine in a minute.” Shinobu replied. She waited for a while, but her efforts were in vain as she threw up almost hitting Max's shoes had he not back-flipped out of the way.
“I sort of doubt you'll be fine any time soon.” Ray said walking up. Hillary and Kenny came over.
“Hi guys, yuck!” Hillary said, noticing Shinobu vomiting. “Is she okay?”
“What do you think?” Max asked, sarcastically.
“Well… should we get the nurse?” Asked Kenny.
“Good idea.” Tyson said. He looked around and saw three girls. “Hold up.” He said. He ran over to the girls. “Excuse me.” He said, they looked at him.
“Oh wow! It's Tyson!” They yelled.
“Hi girls. Uh… my friend over there is ill, could you tell the nurse? I wouldn't know where to find her.” Tyson said. The girls giggled.
“Okay.” They said, they ran off. Tyson went back over to the others. Max holding Shinobu's shoulders.
“No, Shinobu. Sit down. You're not well.” He said. She was obviously trying to go to class. Soon the nurse came out.
“This is the second time in two days. Come on. To my office.” She said. Everyone went to the office. “Lucky for you your early. Class doesn't start for another half an hour.” The nurse said. Shinobu was put on the bed again. This time on her back. The nurse came over. She placed her hands over Shinobu's lower belly and put a little pressure on.
“Oh…” Shinobu said, “That was surprisingly pleasant.” She finished.
“Hmmm... Maybe you have a bug.” The nurse said. Shinobu sat up.
“That feels much better.” She said.
“That's good.” The nurse said.
“Maybe I should come here everyday until it stops.” Shinobu said. “All virus's go away eventually.” Shinobu said.
“You might want to get a check up.” The nurse said.
“Naru has a similar effect. So far both of us have done the same things.” Shinobu said.
“Okay.” The nurse said. “Run along now. And lets hope it goes away okay?” she finished.
“Okay.” The group said, then they all went off.
“That treatment seems familiar… but what was the cause? Oh well.” The nurse continued her work.