Love Hina Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters Most ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimers: Firstly, I do not own Love Hina. That joy belongs to Ken Akamatsu, TV Tokyo, etc. Secondly, I do not own Harry Potter. Those beautiful works and characters belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., Scholastic Press, etc.

Synopsis: This story occurs one month after the return of Keitaro and Naru from their wedding and honeymoon at the end of Love Hina Vol. 14 manga. Keitaro's identical brother Koga returns from England to Hinata House after finishing his magical education, for which he was disowned by his parents. Several characters from Harry Potter appear.

Note from Author: This is my first fic, hope you like it. Questions, comments, and light flames can be sent to

Chapter 3: Reunion

Keitaro flopped down on the couch, with Naru at his side. Su looked at him curiously.

"You feelin' okies Keitaro?" Keitaro looked up slowly, as if a great weight had somehow been set on his shoulders. He nodded slowly, speaking thickly, like a bag of cotton had been stuffed down his throat.

"Yeah, I'm fine Su. Hard to believe I haven't spoken to my brother in over 14 years." He looked at Naru and smiled weakly. "So much has changed in my life, I graduated Tokyo U., I got married. I wonder what's changed for my brother. I wonder if he's gonna be the same as when I last saw him."

"Don't worry big brother, everythin's gonna be fine. Besides, wait 'til he gets a load of Mecha-Tama 35!" With that, Su punched a button and the newest of Su's designs rose up from the floor and aimed it's rifle at Keitaro who took off running and screaming for his life. Su fired the ice beam at Keitaro, who ducked. At the same time, a loud squealing sound was heard from outside, along with an explosion. As Keitaro kept ducking ice beams, to the sound of Su's hysterical laughter, the front door opened and Seta Noriyasu got iced over. Haruka came in behind him and glared at Su, who meekly put the remote controller away and turned off Mecha-Tama. Haruka sighed and pulled out a flamethrower and began defrosting Seta. As soon as Seta was freed from being a human ice cube, he came over to the two of them.

"Hey Naru, part-timer." They smiled and thought to themselves that if there was one truth in the universe, it was that Seta would remain as unflappable as ever. As Naru and Seta spoke, Keitaro called Haruka over hurriedly. He whispered the news of Koga's return to her and the cigarette fell from her lips.

"Koga's coming back? Is he coming here?" Keitaro shrugged,

"I dunno, Su took the call, I was out with Naru." She turned to Su,

"Su, when did Koga call?" She thought for a second,

"Maybe 3 hours ago. Said he'd call back from the plane." She bounded upstairs, only to return five seconds later chasing Tama-chan down the stairs.

"Myuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tama-chan sailed out the door, leaving a defeated Su behind. Su despairingly went back upstairs..and started designing MT-36.

Somewhere over the Italian Alps, Koga Urashima was finishing off an excellent meal of roast duck with cranberries, asparagus, and roasted red potatoes with garlic and onions. For dessert, he had a light lemon ice. He enjoyed the way the bite of the citrus cleansed his palate, and he really didn't believe that the dessert should be heavier than the rest of the meal. Well, now that he had had dinner, he figured it would be a good time for him to call Hinata House back. He went to the phone and slid in his phone card. It rang twice and was picked up by Naru,

"Hello, Hinata House." He sighed,

"Still no Keitaro...damn." He cleared his throat, "Is Keitaro Urashima there?" Naru blinked,

"Koga?" He and Keitaro blinked simultaneously.

"Yeah, is my brother there?" Her mouth felt dry,

"Wow, I'm talking to Keitaro's brother." "Yeah, he's right here. I'm Naru, by the way, Keitaro's wife." Koga tried to clean out the nonexistent wax from his ears.

"Y--you're my brother's wife?"

"Mm-hmm." Koga's voice hardened,

"Get that little prick on the phone." She stiffened and was about to tell him off, but something in the voice made her think twice.

"Keitaro, your brother wants you on the phone." She handed the reciever to him dangerously.


"You jackass! You got married?! When? How? Did you drug her!?"

"Of course I didn't drug her you arrogant little shit!" Haruka and Seta watched with interest. Naru just sighed and looked at Keitaro. "Of course I love her, she's the most important thing in my world!" Koga breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his usual easygoing manner

"Good, I was just testing you. The last things I want you making are irrational decisions." Keitaro's face went slack. "Now listen bro, and grab a pen and paper. I'll be landing at Narita Airport at nine a.m. at the British Airways gate in the international terminal. I want you to pick me up. Can you do it? Good, oh and by the way, bring your wife." He hung up and went back to his seat.

"Koga...Koga." He tapped the hook a few times before slamming the phone down on the cradle. "Dammit he hung up on me!" Seta leaned close to Haruka,

"Who's Koga?" Haruka leaned closer,

"Tell you later." Keitaro turned to Seta,

"Can I borrow the van tomorrow?" Seta looked at him inquisitively for a minute,

"Something wrong part-timer?"

"No, just need to pick up my brother at Narita airport tomorrow at nine." Haruka leaned close to Seta,

"That's Koga." Seta nodded,

"Sure Keitaro, just don't bring it back in any worse condition then you find it." said Seta with a wink. Keitaro looked at the dented heap outside,

"I doubt it'll be a problem." With that, the respective couples went to their rooms for the night. In Keitaro's room, the sounds of him rummaging through some of his older things could be heard. He knocked on the Liddo-kun that blocked the hole to her room through his roof. Naru slid it aside and pulled him up and kissed him passionately. Breaking the kiss, Keitaro showed her a photograph. "This is me and Koga, four months before he left." She took it and looked,

"Holy crap, identical twins!" Also, there was something else she couldn't put her finger on. One was sitting on a swing, the other was wearing a black shirt and finishing a Coke while leaning on a tree. "Which one is you?" Keitaro looked and answered,

"The one on the swing." She stared and then realized, Koga just looks cooler. He had this laid back vibe that resonated off the photo, even after 15 years. She felt a cool breeze run off her shoulders, then looked up at the hole Keitaro had made...after she punched him through it that is. "I think we might have to spend the night in my room." She smiled at him,

"I think you're right." They both slid down the hole, Naru after Keitaro. He looked up to see that she was naked under her robe. They shed their clothes and got into the futon. The rest of the night was every bit as exciting as their honeymoon had been. Testing the limits of their lovemaking potential, glorifying in the excesses of their physical existences, wasting not one second of their time together. After one such session that night, Keitaro held Naru in his arms and wondered aloud,

"I wonder what'll happen when he gets here? I mean, how will everyone else react to another man in the Hinata." Naru contemplated for a moment,

"I think they'll be fine with it, as long as he's not a you." She reached below his waist and gave him a good squeeze for emphasis. He smiled and kissed her softly. To his surprise, Naru got up, walked to the wall, and shoved two fingers into it, eliciting a yelp of pain from Kitsune who happened to be watching through two holes in the wall. She got back in, kissed Keitaro goodnight and promptly fell asleep. Keitaro soon followed suit, followed by Koga, who happened to be gliding peacefully over Istanbul.

Koga awoke at 7:30 Tokyo time, just in time for a nice continental breakfast and a copy of Wall Street Journal. Granted, he made enough money as an Auror for The Ministry, but some Muggle money never hurt anyone. After finishing his bagel and cream cheese with lox, he went to the airphone and called his broker for a few buys, sells, and conversions. After finishing his daily business, he went back to his seat and drank his orange juice.

Keitaro awoke at 8:03 a.m., shook Naru to wake her up, and the two of them showered, dressed, and took Seta's van to the airport. Arriving at 9:25, they stood in the arrival terminal for a few minutes before Keitaro announced his rampant need to go use the restroom. Naru sighed irritably and waved him off with a smile.

At the coffee bar across from Naru, Koga sat and watched his brother take off for the restroom. He chuckled and shook his head, nothing had changed since he last saw Keitaro. Always before something major, he usually spazzed out or had to go to the restroom. He closed his eyes and sighed before walking up to the bar and ordering three cappucinos to go. He paid and walked up to Naru, handing her a cappucino.

"Hey. You must be Naru. I'm Koga, nice to meet you." He shook her hand politely. "Might as well sit down and wait for the great Keitaro to reappear." They sat down on a bench and sipped their coffees. "How long you been married to my brother?" She looked at him in surprise, Koga and Keitaro were identical twins, except for Koga's expensively tailored Savile Row suit, slacks, shirt, and tie, they could easily be mistaken for each other.

"Um, one month." She eyed him curiously until another feature caught her attention, a small scar above Koga's right eyebrow. Koga nodded,

"So how'd you two meet?" She took a deep breath and recounted their history together, from their meeting when she was two and a half, up to their wedding and honeymoon. It was just after they'd finished, that Keitaro came jogging up to them,

"You see Koga anywhere?" Koga rolled his eyes to Naru then grabbed Keitaro by the chin and turned his face to him. Keitaro made a sound like a squawk and a choke and fell back. He pulled Keitaro back up and gave him a monstrous bear hug.

"L-long time bro." Koga had tears running down his eyes, as did Keitaro. Keitaro hugged him back, crying.

"Too damn long."