Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Motoko's Secret ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Motoko's Secret

by Ammaranth (bED)

Chapter 3

In the splashing sounds of the Hinata hot springs echoes the impermanence of all things. And just then, Keitaro Urashima was feeling very impermanent. A samurai maiden prizes her sword and her honor above everything else. Keitaro had already seen Motoko’s sword before -- many times (usually on the receiving end) and her honor was without question. And as of that moment, he’d also seen everything else. EVERYTHING. And it was about to be “or else.”

“Urashima, you pervert!”

But when Motoko lunged forward to kill Keitaro, she realized that this meant coming up out of the water, and giving him an even better view. So she did what would normally be unthinkable to any samurai warrior. She retreated. And submerged herself up to her neck.

“Why you -- Urashima, I’ll get you for this”, she grumbled, and considered whether it might not be worth it to let Keitaro see her. It would only be for a few moments, and afterwards, he’d be dead.

“Motoko”, Keitaro said, turning to face the other way. “You may be acting like missing that tournament is no big deal, but you’ve been practicing for it for months. Deep down, I know you’re really upset about it.”

Motoko didn’t know what to do. Her first reaction was to get angry (that was the way Motoko usually responded to most things.)
“How DARE he presume to know my feelings”, she thought to herself. But then it occurred to her that, in spite of her inner protests, he was right. No matter how much she might try to deny it, she WAS upset, and being seen through (not to mention “seen” in other senses) by Urashima only made her feel worse.

“Keitaro”, she said, sinking even further, until the water touched her chin. The softness of her voice, and the fact that she’d used his first name, startled him. He didn’t know what to say. “I always knew this day would come . . .” she went on. “My sister Tsuruko always told me that our family’s sword techniques were very powerful. They’re much too dangerous to use in things like tournaments or contests. Tsuruko warned me that one day, I would outgrow such things. I just . . . didn’t expect it would be so soon . . . that’s all.”

“Motoko . . .” Keitaro said softly. “I’m sorry. Look -- it’s not like you to give up. Somehow we’ll find a way to --”

“Keitaro, that girl could have been seriously HURT -- maybe even killed . . . I think the coaches are right. Maybe I shouldn’t be in that tournament. Maybe that’s what’s best for everyone”, she said, lowering her eyes, and turning her head away from him.

Keitaro looked at her. He couldn’t say for sure, but he thought she was crying. He clenched his fist.

“Well you may have given up, but I haven’t! Besides, I’ve got a plan!”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I do!” Keitaro said, surprising even himself with his sudden new found confidence.

“Urashima?”, Motoko asked, shocked by his sudden resolve.

“Good news!”, Naru said, as she and Kitsune came walking in. “The hospital called. Seki’s fine. The x-rays were all negative. They’re keeping her overnight, just for observation --”

Naru froze. She looked at Keitaro. Then at Motoko. Then back to Keitaro again.

“What the hell’s going on here!?”

Kitsune giggled.

“I think Keitaro was making a few observations of his own. Damn, Motoko, why didn’t I think of this myself?”

“What are you getting at?”, Motoko said as she turned away, blushing beet red at the idea that maybe she did not mind the fact that Keitaro was looking at her.

“You pervert!”, Naru shouted.

“Naru, I can explain!”

“What’s to explain!? You were peeping on Motoko in the hot springs!”

“But YOU were the one who told me I should try to talk to her!”

“I didn’t mean in the BATH, you IDIOT!”

“Wait a minute now”, Kitsune said, trying to push her way in between them. “I couldn’t help but overhear y’all’s conversation --”

“You mean you were eavesdropping on us?”, Keitaro demanded.

“Well, I guess that is ONE way of putting it . . .”, Kitsune thought, “But before this goes any further, I’m interested in hearing just what Keitaro’s plan is.”

“Fine”, Naru said, folding her arms and turning to face the other way.

Keitaro went on.

“Motoko, do you remember the time that you lost that duel, and had to act more feminine for a week?”

“Ugh! As if I could ever forget!”

“At the time, you complained that when you were dressed like a girl, your sword technique suffered, right?”

“Must you remind me of my past humiliations? I feel bad enough as it is--”

“Well back then, it was a bad thing, but for right now, it might be a very good thing --”

“What do you mean?” Motoko asked, suddenly becoming very suspicious.

“If your technique becomes less powerful whenever you look or act more feminine, then all you’d have to do is wear some more girl-ish clothes, and that way your attacks wouldn’t be so dangerous.”

“Ohh!”, Kitsune said. “That IS a good idea! You know, I still have that maid outfit -- and the skirt is short enough, it just might get you some extra points with the judges.”

“I am NOT fighting in a kendo tournament in a MAID OUTFIT!!”

‘No one ever said it had to be a MAID outfit!”, Keitaro shouted.

“Although that is a good look for you”, Kitsune added. “I’ve got this little feather duster you could borrow --”

Motoko growled.

“Now hold on a minute, Motoko”, Kitsune drawled, “Keitaro just might be onto something here.”

“What do you mean?”, the samurai girl asked cautiously.

“Well, you have been training all summer for that competition. It would be a shame fo you to miss it.”

“Yes, and?”, Motoko said, looking at the fox girl sideways.

“And Keitaro does have a valid point. Whenever you dress more like a girl, it does seem to mellow you out quite a bit.”

“Yes, AND?”

Kitsune smiled, making her eyes disappear.

“No one ever said this article of feminine clothing would have to be something anyone else could see.”


“P -- P -- P -- PANTIES!?”

Motoko’s face was as red as her hakama pants. They were at the mall, standing in front of a lingerie shop.

“Yep”, Kitsune said. “And look -- they’re having a two for one sale!”

She grabbed Motoko’s arm and drug her inside before she could run away.

“Kitsune! I don’t shop at places like this! Everything is so -- so lacey -- and frilly -- and just not me!”

“How do you know its not you if you don’t try it out?” Kitsune drawled. “Hmm? It’s high time that you started acting like a young woman, and stopped wearing those awful granny panties --”

“I DO NOT WEAR GRANNY PANTIES!!”, Motoko growled. She said it a little -- make that a LOT louder than she’d intended, and was now painfully aware of the fact that everyone in the store had turned to look at her.

“Motoko”, Kitsune went on. “You’re a very attractive young lady. But your underwear look like something out of the feudal era.”

“Feudal era!”

“Do you even own a bra?”

“I, uh --”

“You can’t just keep binding yourself. Those things need the proper support. You wouldn’t want them to get all droopy and saggy, now, would you?”

“Droopy? Saggy?” Motoko recoiled in horror. Even a samurai girl can feel fear. “All right, all right. But did you have to bring everyone with us? And why is Keitaro here!?”

“Well we have to have a MALE opinion.”


But Kitsune was already pushing her along.


Meanwhile, Shinobu’s attention had been drawn to a certain outfit -- a black teddy made almost entirely of lace. It was very form fitting -- it had to be stretched to fit over the mannequin -- which was about Shinobu’s size. She noticed on the tag that the upper portion was a bustier, and guaranteed to give one a fuller, more pleasing figure. There was a garter belt with it -- also of black lace, with little hearts shaped into it. It supported a pair of black stockings. For accessories, the display recommended a pair of black silk gloves, and, of course, black stiletto heels.
As she stared, her vision became cloudy, until she could imagine the scene that would follow:

“Shinobu, I’m here to help you study”, he’d say, as he walked through the door. He wouldn’t see her yet.

“Sempai -- I’m ready for you.”

"I brought you a book on math, and one for English. English was always so hard for --"

Then Keitaro would see her.

And he would freeze.

“Teach me, sempai -- teach me everything there is to know --”

She was so caught up in imagining this little scenario, and making sure all of the details were right, that she didn’t notice when Suu came bouncing up behind her.

‘Oh, hey, Shinobu! Were you imagining wearing that for Keitaro?”

“Huh? Wha -- Of course not!”

“Oh well -- want to see what I found?”

“Sure”, Shinobu hastily agreed, more than willing to change the subject.

Suu held up a pair of red panties.

“Look! It says these ones are edible!”

“Eyah!”, Shinobu shouted.

“Do you have a recipe for panties?”

Shinobu hid her face, which was quickly becoming as red as the panties in question.

“If she did, I’ll bet Keitaro would be one of the main ingredients”, Kitsune drawled, winking one of her eyes while nudging Suu with her elbow.

“Why are you so mean to me!?”, Shinobu protested, tears welling in her eyes.

“Aw, we’re just teasin’ ya,” she said, when out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Motoko, pressing herself against the wall, and trying to slink away. But samurai girls aren’t ninjas. “Gotcha!”, Kitsune said, grabbing her by the back of her collar. “I think I’ve got everything we need for our little show.”

“Show?” Motoko said, her tiny voice pleading for mercy as Kitsune drug her away.

“It says these are strawberry”, Suu went on. “I wonder if they have them in banana?”