Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ WHEN A MAIDEN FALLS IN LOVE ❯ The number 89 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2
The next morning Mick entered the teahouse with his two suitcases and a few boxes with Keitaro's help “Morning Miss Kitsune.” Mick greeted politely as he walked up the stairs towards his new room
“For crying out loud Mick, it's just Kitsune none of that Missy shit kay?” Kitsune answered handing some change to a customer.
“Sorry just a habit.” Mick replied. Mick slid open the door and plonked his gear on the floor along with Keitaro “So Keitaro what you studying at Tokyo U?” Mick asked wiping his brow.
“Archaeology, it's pretty cool get to go around the world, dig holes, get chased by crazy armies led by Su.”
“Huh?” Mick gave a utterly confused look.
“Long story.” Keitaro replied
“You and your fiance' seem happy, you make a great couple.” He complimented rummaging in a suitcase.
“Thanks, so what about you anyone special?” Keitaro said getting out a spare futon out of the cupboard and centring it in the middle of the floor .
“I've had a few girlfriends but they all had commitment issues, load of shit they just didn't like me.”
“Ha ha ha.” Keitaro chuckled.
“What's so funny?” Mick said getting out a shaving kit from his suitcase.
“You better watch the girls here. Especially Kitsune.”
“I bet she's already plotting to get you in the sack.”
Mick went instantly red “Nah stop yanking my chain will ya'”
“No joke, I think Su likes you to.”
“Su's only 16 ain't that illegal?”
“Yeah but Kitsune is in her twenties and my bets are you'll be another notch on her bedpost.”
Mick just gulped as a sweatdrop formed on his head.
“Why are you so shy, you said you've been with girls and Kitsune is attractive.” Keitaro queried, he liked being the more experienced guy he felt like Seta giving advise.
“Well I want a proper relationship, not just you-know. I've made that mistake too many times.”
“How may have you slept with if you don't mind me asking?” Keitaro asked leaning on the wall.
Mick mumbled something but Keitaro couldn't hear.
“Come again.” Keitaro asked hand cupped around his ear.
“Eighty nine.” Mick whispered
“EIGHTY NINE WOMEN!!!” Keitaro shouted clearly shocked by Mick's count. Mick ran up to Keitaro and put his hand over his mouth “Keep it down will ya' don't want the whole of Hinata to know.” Mick shouted at the Tokyo U student.
A couple of hours later Mick had finished unpacking his stuff he smiled, his laptop was on the desk. Poster of famous films and music stars on the walls, a TV with a PS2, he had asked Kitsune if he could stick a punch bag in the backyard to keep fit. He sighed “All done.” When he closed is drawer with his journal in it. He turned to walk out the door but found someone blocking his way, Motoko in her training clothes and sword sheathed in her hands “Oh Miss Aoyama you scared me there.” Mick chuckled.
“Just to let you know I can see through your little game Irishman.” Motoko said with a blank expression.
“Game?” Mick asked shrugging his shoulders.
“You lay one finger on any of the girls and you'll have to contend with me.”
“Miss Aoyama I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. This is the cheapest room around here and the route to the university is easy.”
“Hmm, if you say so. But let us not forget the number 89.”
Damn it Keitaro why'd you have to open your mouth!!! Mick thought.
“You make impure advances on any of my friends and you're a dead man.” Motoko warned as she turned on her heal.
“Actually Miss Aoyama I don't think it's any of you god damn business who I date.” Mick snapped.
Motoko turned back to the towering man, her eyes displayed shock no one had ever stood up to her before apart from her big sister. “It's unwise to anger me Michael Dailey.” She growled back.
“Is that so.” Mick answered a display of defiance was seen on his face.
Then out of nowhere a cute fifteen year old girl's face popped around the corner of Mick's door. “Hello professor.” Shinobu chimed startling Mick and Motoko “Oh hi Motoko making our new guest feel at home.”
“You could say that.” Mick said with a cocky town “Miss Aoyama is a very welcoming person.” Motoko shot a glance of hate before she walked out leaving Shinobu and Mick.
“Professor Dailey would you like to come for dinner at the dorm tonight.”
“I'd love to Miss Mahera.” Mick answered “Oh and don't call me professor I prefer Mick.”
Dinnertime came, Mick and Kitsune were walking up the stairs to Hinata house. “So how'd you like it here?” Kitsune asked
“It's pretty cool the people are friendly…well.” Mick answered thinking about his meeting with Motoko.
“Well what?” Kitsune asked being nosy about Mick's views.
“It's nothing.” Mick answered he was sort of regretting fighting with motoko talk about getting off on the wrong foot .Mick thought.
“Hey Mick what's this I hear about you having 89 girls?” Kitsune laughed.
“I am so going to kill Keitaro.” Mick sighed.
“You should make a nice round number like 90 and I know you want it.”
“No! No!.” Mick gasped, luckily he spotted the residents of the dorm at the top the stairs “Oh look it's the guys best not keep them waiting.” Mick wormed his way out of that situation preety quickly.
“Hey it's Kitsune and Mick.” Naru greeted waving from the outdoor picnic table.
“It's the famous 89 man.” Su squealed swinging from Motoko's neck.
“Oh jesus.” Mick whispered shaking his head in embarrassment.
Dinner consisted of lasagne and other Italian dishes, Shinobu had started to experiment more in the kitchen tonight she did Italian. “That was great.” Mick complimented handing the plate back to Shinobu, she blushed and giggled as she collected the plates with SU. Motoko was sitting across from Mick, her face showing an emotion of disgust at the man God it's just like when Urashima first came here, except this guy's got a spine he's got to much ego the sword master thought as she poured herself dome water out of the jug.
“Yo Motoko, what's up with ya',” Kitsune asked opening another can of beer “You gotta face like a smacked arse.”
“Nothing is wrong.” Motoko answered quickly.
“Say Mick how are you going to get to Tokyo U every morning?” Naru enquired sitting confortably on Keitaro's knee.
“My motorbike should be here tomorrow I had to hire out a container to get it shipped over.” Mick answered.
“Hmm.” Motoko sounded.
“Something you wanna' say Miss Aoyama?” Mick asked in a cocky tone.
“Motorbikes are stupid machines.”
“How'd you figure that?”
“Their nosy, ugly and can only fit two people on, wouldn't a car be better?”
“Well you see I like riding my bike it's a great feeling the rush and the thrill.”
“My my simple minds are amused by the most simple things.”
“Ouch.” Naru commented
“Simplicity is king.” Mick said leaning back on his chair.
“No one got anywhere being simple.” Motoko threw back
“Why'd do things have to be so trivial? I mean take a look at yourself.” Mick instructed.
“What do you mean by that?” Motoko barked hand ready poised to sheath her sword.
“Your trivial, well one are a grand teacher at a Kyoto dojo, another is you hate men, you take care of your friends, you have a short fuse, you're a ronin and according to Kitsune you write romantic tales. Now if that ain't a trivial personality I don't know what is, so you say I'm simple. Truth be told I am but I'd rather be simple then trivial.” Mick recited as if he knew Motoko was going to call him simple.
Motoko felt the dumbstruck feeling that she got at the teahouse, she was speechless, Mick had just dissected her entire personality, Motoko didn't know whether to cut the man in two or apologise for her rudeness.
“And this round goes to the new guy.” Kitsune cackled.
“He got you good Motoko.” Keitaro commented.
For the rest of the evening Motoko was in a foul mood, she had never been defeated in a match of words by a man, let alone a cocky man. Motoko was sitting with Su who was munching on desert, she watched Mick and Keitaro on the balcony obviously laughingabout something. I have to get him to leave I can't stand this fool Motoko thought he must have some dirt on him now way would he move half the world away from his home to live in a teahouse apartment, THAT'S IT!!! Motoko turned to Su who had just finished her ice cream “Su I have a proposition for you.” Motoko offered brushing back her hair from her face,
“What?” Su asked leaning on Motoko's shoulder
“I will give you my desert for the next two weeks if you can find some dirt on Mick.” Motoko instructed.
“Cool! I can be Kalloa Su super spy. I've got a load of stuff I can spy on him with.”
“Great, but Su this must be a secret ok.”
“Okies!” Su beamed. Motoko looked at the laughing Mick trying to figure out why she was so wary of him.