Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Strawberries ❯ Bloom ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: See Chapter One.

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“X” Spoken words
‘X’ Thoughts

Lemon Content Warning.

Love Hina:

Wild Strawberries.

By: Hawker _748

Chapter Two: Bloom

“How long are you going to do that?” an exasperated Naru asked Keitaro.

“What am I doing wrong?” Keitaro replied, looking back at his study partner with an innocent expression.

“You haven’t stopped flexing your leg, and it’s getting on my nerves…”

“Sorry Naru,” Keitaro said sheepishly. “It was just so frustrating being in that cast so long, I guess I’m happy to be able to use it again. No more crutches, no more hobbling, no more itches I can’t scratch, and you shoulda seen the black hairs that were on my leg when-”

“Stop!” Naru interrupted him. “WAY too much information Keitaro… But I see your point.”

“But I wish you could have told me that Tokyo University wasn’t in session before I made myself look like an idiot…”

“Didn’t think a student would forget about summer,” Naru replied evenly.

Keitaro let out a soft sigh. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be a distraction, we’re trying to study here.”

“It’s all right, just don’t kick the table. By the way, how’s Shinobu’s studying going?”

“She’s doing fine,” Keitaro told her.

“So we’re going to have another Tokyo University student here?” Naru mused with a sly grin. “It looks like everyone here wants to follow you Keitaro…”

“It-it’s not like that!” Keitaro stammered. “Shinobu just wants to go to a good school, and I wanna help her…” He briefly recalled the kiss Shinobu had given him when they’d finished their study ‘date,’ and he felt guilty that he’d been comparing it to the kisses he’d shared with Motoko’s mother. Shinobu had said that she knew how he felt for Naru, but even he wasn’t sure what he was feeling.

A day hadn’t gone by since his encounter in the woods behind the Aoyama residence that he hadn’t thought about it at least once. Keitaro’s thoughts ranged from simple recollection, to guilt over his lack of control, to ponderings of why he’d let himself get swept up in the moment.

Most of his musings were done at night, when he was laying on his futon, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. The memories were the most intense then, and if he closed his eyes, he could almost feel the warmth of her body pressed up against his own. Keitaro always tried to push those thoughts aside, even though they were pleasant, but his mind invariably returned to them, probably just for that reason.



“You all right?” Naru asked. “You were kinda zoning out there…”

“I’m fine. Sorry, must be a little more tired than I thought,” he explained.

“Then get some more rest.”


“Excuse me?”

“Let’s go for some coffee…”

“We have tea right here Keitaro,” Naru pointed out. “See?” She held up a half empty cup.

“We’re students now,” Keitaro reminded her. “So we should start drinking coffee… Isn‘t that what university students are supposed to drink?”

Naru smiled faintly and shook her head. “Why not? I’ll get my coat and we’ll head for the teahouse.”


“Whaddya mean ‘no?’ I thought you wanted coffee.”

“I do, but let’s go somewhere other than Aunt Haruka’s for once…”

Naru looked up over Keitaro’s shoulder. “She doesn’t look too happy to hear that…”

Keitaro blanched, and tried to protect his head with his arms. “I’m sorry Aunt Haruka, I didn’t mean it!” He crouched down, cowering, waiting for the harisen to strike. It was a few seconds later when he heard Naru chuckling that he cautiously opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder and found no trace of his Aunt. “That wasn’t funny Naru,” he groused. “I nearly had a stroke…”

“And you said it wasn’t funny,” Naru replied, a satisfied grin on her face. “C’mon Keitaro, lets go get that coffee.”

Keitaro found that he couldn’t hold onto his annoyance, and a smile found its way to his face. “Wanna try that new coffeehouse a couple blocks over? The one with the fancy coffees?”

“You mean ‘overpriced,’ right?”

“I’ll buy.”

“You will? Okay, we’ll go there.”

“Then we’re off…” Keitaro and Naru walked out of the landlords room and made their way to the front door, before they headed out on a sunny day for their beverages.


“C’mon Naru, let it go, it’s no big deal…” Keitaro implored.

“Well, why did he have to say THAT?” she asked him.

“He was just telling the barista your order,” Keitaro explained.

“I asked or a large skim-milk, decaf, cappuccino,” Naru reminded him. “Why did he have to say, ‘one large ‘Why bother?’”

Keitaro took a sip from his extra large black to hide his grin, and keep himself from admitting that he felt the same about Naru’s coffee as well. Swallowing, he turned to face a fuming Naru. “Just relax, drink your…coffee… and enjoy the day.”

“Fine,” Naru grumped, taking a sip as well. She forced herself to calm down, not wanting to hold onto her anger over something so trivial. She subtly glanced over at her companion, watching him in profile. ‘You’re…different Keitaro,’ she thought. ‘Can’t put a finger on what it is, but you’ve changed.’ If pressed, the best she could have come up with was that he was a little calmer, but that would have been an oversimplification.

“Naru, I want to tell you… that I love you!”

Naru remembered Keitaro’s confession when he was in the hospital. It had taken her completely by surprise, and she was still thinking about it months later. She hadn’t responded to it at all; hell, she hadn’t been able to turn around and face him, but that hadn’t meant that she hadn’t been affected by it.

Now that she thought about it, Keitaro hadn’t said a single word about the incident since it happened, it was like it had never even occurred. ‘And he seems fine with that,’ Naru realized. ‘He’s not avoiding me, or trying to bring it up, he’s just being…friendly. Come to think of it, this doesn’t even feel like a date, it feels like I’m out with Kitsune. Though if that were the case, these’d be Irish coffees, and she’d have ordered more than one…’

Naru’s thoughts were interrupted when the voice of Frank Sinatra began crooning, as Keitaro fumbled for his cell phone. “Fly me to the Moon?” Naru asked, raising an eyebrow at Keitaro’s ring tone.

Keitaro ignored Naru’s question as he looked at the display screen; he didn’t recognize the number on the display. Hoping it wasn’t another wrong number, he opened the phone and held it to his ear. “Hello?” After a few seconds his eyes widened and he stammered “K-Kensuke…?”

“Kensuke?” Naru mouthed silently.

Keitaro covered the phone with his hand. “An… old acquaintance,” he told her, before he resumed the conversation. “It’s been a while Kensuke. Didn’t expect to hear from you… Yes, I’m fine, thanks… What? You’re in Nagoya? Tomorrow? I-I think so, but… I see… I’ll talk to you later Kensuke. Bye.”

“Who was that?” Naru asked as Keitaro pocketed his phone.

“An old friend. It’s been a while. He travels overseas with his job, but he’ll be in Nagoya tomorrow. He asked if I could meet him for old times sake…”

“What’s he do?”

“M-machinery sales…”

“Sounds interesting. You going to see him?”

“I-I’m not sure, it’s kinda unexpected,” Keitaro admitted.

“Go on, see him,” Naru urged. “Hinata House won’t collapse if you go away for a day…”

“You really think I should…?”

“Of course…”

“I-I’ll think about it,” Keitaro murmured. The remainder of the walk back to Hinata House was a comfortable silence, broken only occasionally by the quiet sounds of sipping as Keitaro and Naru both finished their coffee and discarded the cups before they reached the teahouse at the base of the hill.


Keitaro had never visited Nagoya before, but the directions had been simple: take a left when he exited the train station, walk three blocks, it’s the grey building on the corner. The instructions had been easy enough to follow, and Keitaro was now walking along a hallway on the third floor, looking for a particular door. Finding it, he swallowed nervously, took a deep breath and knocked softly on it. “Kensuke, it’s me.” he was thankful that there was no one there to witness what was happening.

“Come in Kimiko,” a decidedly feminine voice called out. “It’s open.”

Taking another breath to steady his nerves, Keitaro opened the door and entered, closing the door behind him and locking it. He turned around, idly noticing the surprisingly reserved décor of the love hotel, until his eyes locked onto Chiharu Aoyama, who was sitting in one of the simple armchairs next to a small table. He looked at her nervously, feeling his palms start to sweat, and he said the first coherent thought that came to his mind. “W-who-who’s Kimiko?” he stammered.

“Kimiko? She was a friend of mine when I was a little girl. I figured it’d be safer to call you that on the phone than ‘Keitaro.’” Chiharu explained. “Where’d you get ‘Kensuke’ from?”

“F-first thing that came to mind…”

“I see…”

A long silence hung over the room for a few minutes, neither party comfortable with speaking. With a sigh, Chiharu eased herself out of her chair and turned towards Keitaro. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”


“When did your cast come off?”

“C-couple days ago…”

“Weren’t expecting me to call you, were you?”


“Wish I could tell you why, but I’m honestly not completely sure myself,” Chiharu admitted.

“Y-you’re not sure…?” Keitaro murmured.

“I told you, I love my husband. But with you… There’s something about being with you, some feeling that I can’t explain… I’ve thought about it, and I tried to push it out of my mind, but I can’t. Some part of me really wants to be with you,” Chiharu finished with a rueful shake of her head.

Keitaro listened to Chiharu’s allocution, idly noticing the simple white sweater and dark slacks she was wearing. It wasn’t exactly a glamorous outfit, but he realized that she still looked beautiful, with her long hair in the same ponytail she’d had when they’d first met. The unease and discomfort in her voice pushed Keitaro to let his own doubts come to the surface. “Are-are-are you sorry I came?” he asked. “I-I’ll just leave, we can both go home-”

“I am, you know?” Chiharu interrupted, making Keitaro flinch. “Part of me just wishes you’d hung up when I called…” She then let out a deep breath and closed her eyes for a few moments., before she locked her olive eyes on Keitaro. “But-but I think I’d be even sorrier,” she added softly, “if you hadn’t shown up…”

Keitaro felt butterflies in the pit of his stomach as he looked at Chiharu, his head starting to spin. He heard his heart beat once.


A third time.

Then, in a sudden, mad rush, Keitaro and Chiharu were in each others arms, frantically kissing, and holding onto the other tightly. They made their way slowly to the bed, trying to keep close to the other while not tripping the other up. Keitaro felt his legs touch the edge of the bed and he slowly sat down, pulling Chiharu down with him, still kissing her deeply.

Once on the bed, Chiharu rolled onto her back, Keitaro easing himself on top of her, now trailing kisses down the side of her neck. He left a path of kisses from one side of her neck, then under her chin, then the other side of her throat, before he began to suckle her right earlobe, prompting a shuddering gasp from Chiharu.

“Kei-Keitaro… I-I’ve missed you…” Chiharu whispered softly into his ear, as she slid her hands down his back, reaching the edge of his t-shirt and pulling it upwards.

“I’ve missed you too,” Keitaro breathed, before he pressed her lips back against Chiharu’s, opening them to let her tongue into his mouth. He moaned into her mouth when he felt her warm fingers gently brushing against his bare back when she pulled his shirt towards his head. Keitaro broke the kiss long enough to get his shirt over his head, desperately trying to pull his arms clear of the sleeves, before he resumed kissing her hungrily, his tongue dueling with Chiharu’s.

Chiharu ran her right hand through Keitaro’s short hair, as she slid her left hand up and down Keitaro’s bare back. Keitaro was laying on top of her, between her legs, and she could feel a distinctive hardness rubbing up against her and she pushed herself up against it, causing a warm, slick feeling between her legs. Chiharu briefly opened her eyes when she felt Keitaro reach down and lift the edge of her sweater, but she closed them again when he slowly hiked it up.

Willing his hands not to shake, and hoping that he’d successfully wiped all of the sweat off of his palms, Keitaro pulled Chiharu’s sweater higher and higher, uncovering her white bra and bringing the garment to her throat. He broke off the kiss and gently pulled the sweater over her head, before he let it fall to the floor without a second thought. Bringing his hands to the clasp at the front of the bra, Keitaro fumbled with it for a few moments before he was able to open it, uncovering Chiharu’s breasts, then lowering his lips to the left one, greedily suckling the nipple, which went rigid between his lips.

Chiharu groaned at the sudden stimulation, grasping Keitaro’s head and holding it tightly, as well as pushing her hips up to rub up against his hardness. She could feel that her panties were already damp, and she whimpered when Keitaro released her left nipple before he resumed his efforts on her right one. Reaching down with her right hand, she slipped it between the two of them and began to massage Keitaro’s erection through his pants.

Disengaging from Chiharu’s chest with a gasp, Keitaro grit his teeth as he felt himself on the verge of climaxing. Not wanting to go off so quickly, and worried about making a mess in his underwear, Keitaro eased himself onto his knees and undid his pants, pushing them and his boxers down and off, allowing his erection to rise freely. Deliberately moving from between Chiharu’s legs, Keitaro returned his mouth to her breasts, now running his tongue along the edges of her areolas.

Moaning as Keitaro’s tongue gently brushed against her sensitive nipples, Chiharu reached down and took hold of his manhood, feeling it throb gently in her grasp, and giving it a long, slow stroke. Chiharu heard Keitaro start to pant as she languidly slid her hand up and down the length of his engorged shaft, and he began to feverishly lick and suckle at her nipples, even gently sawing his teeth along them. Sparks of pleasure were shooting up her spine when Keitaro suddenly broke it off and let out a strangled cry, and she felt him stiffen as he came, firing off two jets of his seed on the bed sheet, shuddering involuntarily at the release.

Keitaro slumped against Chiharu, sweating and weakened, and feeling ashamed of himself. He didn’t know a lot about sex, but he was sure that his endurance was pathetic, and he silently promised to make it up to her. Keitaro took a moment to get his wind back, and with an apologetic, almost sheepish look, resumed his efforts on her breasts, feeling better when she let out a contented hum.

Keitaro gave each nipple one last, final kiss, before he began to kiss his way down Chiharu’s stomach, going around her navel three times, then reaching the waistband of her slacks. With hands that were trembling only a little, Keitaro undid the button and pulled down the zipper, before he gently eased them down Chiharu’s legs, silently thanking her for lifting her hips to make it easier. When they were off, Keitaro stripped of her socks, and then hooked his fingers into the hem of her white panties and carefully pulled them down, allowing his fingers to brush against her lovely legs.

Chiharu may have been petite, but she was undeniably beautiful, with the same complexion as her daughters, a toned, lithe body that defied her age, and only a few wrinkles, that along with the streaks of silver in her raven hair, served only to give her an incredibly mature beauty that took Keitaro’s breath away. He took a few moments to admire her, hungrily running his eyes all over her, before he crawled towards her, ready to try to make up for his so far shameful performance.

Keitaro began to kiss Chiharu’s legs, starting at her right thigh, then switching to her left, alternating kisses and slowly working his way up. As he approached the fragrant junction between Chiharu’s legs, Keitaro took a breath to steady his nerves, the heady scent flooding his senses, and gently placed a kiss upon her glistening lower lips. Nothing untoward happened, so Keitaro did it again, this time running his tongue along the edges of her lips, finding the taste unusual, but not unpleasant. When Chiharu moaned softly, Keitaro felt emboldened enough to slowly ease his tongue inside of her as far as it would reach.

Glancing up when Chiharu cried out softly, Keitaro saw that a blush had appeared on her cheeks and that her eyes had an unfocused look to them. He began to lap inside her tight, warm passage, tasting her deeply and feeling her secretions starting to coat his cheeks and chin. Her thick patch of pubic hair was also streaked with silver, and they tickled his nose as he continued to reach his tongue inside of her.

Noticing what he supposed was her clitoris swelling out from under its fleshy hood, Keitaro carefully brought his right hand up and gently pinched it between his thumb and forefinger. He was astonished when Chiharu cried out and forced her hips up against his face and brought her hands to the back of his head in response, pulling him tightly against her. He increased the pace of his lapping, attempting to drive his tongue even deeper, before he pulled it out, making Chiharu whimper in frustration, before he took her left labia between his lips and sucked on it, repeating this with the right one.

By now Chiharu was writhing beneath him, holding onto his hair tightly, and unabashedly grinding herself against his face, openly panting and moaning. “F-faster Keitaro… Deeper… Ohhh…don’t stop…please…” she practically babbled, her eyes glassy and her mouth open. She moved her legs so that she was gripping his back, pulling him even tighter against him.

For Keitaro, the way Chiharu moved and the sounds she made, were the most arousing things he’d ever experienced, and he could feel his own body reacting to it. He moved himself to his knees, so he wasn’t resting on his now returning erection.. Moving his lips, he took Chiharu’s clit between them and suckled it briefly, before he sawed his teeth along it. He hissed in surprise and pain when Chiharu let out a throaty cry, pulling his hair, and digging her heels into his back as she climaxed. A torrent of wetness surged against his face, and he wasn’t able to lap up all of it, and a trickle of it ran down her slit and onto the bed.

Chiharu continue to writhe against Keitaro’s face for a few minutes as the waves of her orgasm swept over her, before she regained some control and released him, breathing hard as she struggled to get her wind back. She released her grip on Keitaro’s head, and he lifted it up, twisting it to work out the kinks in his neck, then returning it back to kiss her thighs, and lap up the last remnants of her wetness.

Keitaro looked up over Chiharu, taking in the sweat that coated her body, and the fatigued look on her face and he realized that these made her even more beautiful in his eyes. His erection had returned, and he yearned to slide it inside her, but he contented himself with slowly kissing his way up her heaving body, tasting her perspiration as he went. As sensually as he could, Keitaro placed his lips all over Chiharu’s stomach, going around her navel several times, and working his way up to her breasts, deliberately slowing down when he reached them. With calculated slowness, Keitaro kissed the lower half of her mounds, never doing more than grazing against the areolas, even when Chiharu began to fidget in frustration. He worked his way to the very top of her breasts, still avoiding the most sensitive areas, before he finally gave in and gently took her right nipple into his mouth.

The faint whine Chiharu let out excited Keitaro even more, and he had to keep himself from simply ravishing her breasts. Forcing himself to keep it slow and sensual, Keitaro suckled one nipple, then the other, until Chiharu’s chest was slick both with her sweat and his saliva. Releasing the right nipple, and giving it one last kiss, Keitaro resumed kissing his way up her body, running his lips along the length of her collarbone, lapping up the perspiration that had pooled there. He could feel his manhood brushing up against Chiharu’s thigh as he reached her neck, kissing his way up the left side, reaching her lips, and the two of them shared a deep, languid kiss.

When Keitaro broke the kiss, Chiharu reached up with her left hand and softly caressed his cheek, and she took hold of his erection in her right hand, attempting to guide it to the opening of her warm passage, when Keitaro shook his head. Before she could ask why, Keitaro reached up and undid the ribbon that held her hair in a ponytail, then he smiled down at her and nodded. Allowing himself to be guided to the entrance, Keitaro pushed himself upon his hands and slowly eased his hips forward, gasping at the heat when the tip of his prick slid into Chiharu, and then carefully easing himself inside her as far as he could.

Once Keitaro had bottomed out, he held still for a moment, savoring the indescribable heat and tightness, then unhurriedly easing his hips back, feeling Chiharu grip at every inch of him when he moved. When only the head of his prick was inside Chiharu, Keitaro drove himself back inside, watching her face to make sure he wasn’t being too rough, and then pulling back out when he’d sunk in as deep as he could. He repeated this in a slow, steady rhythm, even as Chiharu began to moan and push her own hips up in time with his thrusts, her hands around his waist, pulling him down, and clearly wanting him to pick up the pace.

Keitaro closed his eyes, as he found that watching Chiharu’s face when he felt her warmth and tightness surrounding him was too much stimulation, and it was exciting him to the point that control became difficult. But even with his eyes shut, Keitaro could hear her groaning, her breathing becoming shallower, and the sloshing sounds that they made as they moved. Her pores had opened wide, and the scent of her musk was filling the room, another sensual assault on Keitaro’s senses. But even if he’d been able to block all of that, there was still the powerful, almost overwhelming feelings he was getting as he continued to drive into Chiharu, more intense that anything he was capable of inducing in himself.

Keitaro could feel the sweat running down his face, dripping off of his nose and chin as he moved, getting into his eyes, the salt making them sting. Opening his eyes and blinking, Keitaro saw Chiharu’s face contorted, her expression either agony or ecstasy, her face flushed, her eyes unfocused, her rapid breaths coming through her open mouth. He saw a few drips of his perspiration drip down and splash onto her face, mixing instantly with her own sweat. Keitaro gritted his teeth, as he felt the first, faint stirrings of his own release, and he tried desperately to push it back, but he’d have more luck emptying the Pacific with a shot glass.

Clenching his teeth, and with his eyes tightly closed, Keitaro felt his back arching, and he could hear himself starting to cry out, his body now moving on its own, driving frantically into Chiharu. With one last, desperate thrust, Keitaro hammered himself deep into Chiharu, his back arching, and a scream tearing itself from his throat as he fired off three spurts of his warm essence, some of it splashing against her cervix.

Chiharu’s eyes rolled back and she threw her head to the side, a shrill cry escaping from her lips as Keitaro’s warmth rushing into her pushed her to her own orgasm. She gripped Keitaro tightly and held him as close to her as she was able, feeling his now tense body start to shudder as the euphoria passed, and he began to slump down onto her, his endurance completely spent. Chiharu ran her hands through his hair and over his back as he lay on top of her, breathing like a winded racehorse, unable to do anything until he caught his breath.

Keitaro pushed himself back onto his elbows after a few minutes, and Chiharu pulled his head down and kissed him gently on the forehead. He eased his now flaccid member out of her and collapsed on the bed next to her, their heads on the same pillow, as they stared into each others eyes, their breathing slowly returning to normal. After several minutes of intimate silence, Keitaro finally spoke. “What-what… happens… now…?” he wheezed.

“I-I don’t know…” Chiharu admitted softly. “This IS wrong you know… We shouldn’t have done this…”

“Then-then what-”

“We-we should leave, never see each other again…” Chiharu replied. “But-but I don’t want that… I-I feel something special when I’m with you, and-and I don’t want to let that go…” She let out a sharp breath. “I’m a selfish old woman… Wanting to be with you like this…”

Keitaro reached up with his right hand and caressed Chiharu’s cheek, staring into her eyes. “You’re not old Chiharu. And-and I don’t think you’re selfish… Or-or I am too…”

“What-what do you mean?”

“I-I-I want to see you again too…” Keitaro confessed.

Chiharu looked deep into Keitaro’s eyes for a few moments, searching for any sign of deception, but there was none. “You-you know what that means Keitaro…”

Keitaro nodded faintly. “I understand…”

“We won’t be able to see each other often,” Chiharu warned him. “I’ll have to be the one to call you. And NO ONE can ever know, especially my husband…”

“I-I’m actually more worried about Motoko,” Keitaro admitted. “But I wasn’t planning on telling anyone anyway…”

“You-you’re really okay with this?” Chiharu asked in wonderment.


Chiharu moved over and placed her head on Keitaro’s chest, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her for almost ten minutes, neither of them wishing to break the silence. Finally, Chiharu lifted her head and gave Keitaro a quick kiss on the lips. “We need to go…”

“You’re right… But we need to get cleaned up first…”

“Then join me in the shower, and I’ll wash your back for you…” Chiharu told him with a twinkle in her eyes.

“That’ll work,” Keitaro replied with a faint smile. The two of them made their way to the bathroom and entered the shower, eventually taking turns washing the other. Keitaro found that this experience was almost as erotic as what had happened on the bed. Afterwards they both dressed and decided that Keitaro would leave first, and Chiharu would go half an hour later. Giving her a final kiss, and making sure that there were no traces of her on his clothes, Keitaro walked out of the room and headed out of the hotel, exiting into the afternoon sun. he made his way to the train station and caught the train that would take him back home. He spent most of the short train ride looking out the window with an enigmatic smile on his face.


“I’m home!” Keitaro called out as he entered Hinata House.

“Sempai! Welcome back! How was your day?” asked Shinobu.

“It was fine Shinobu.”

“Ah, welcome back Keitaro,” added Naru, as she came into the room with Kitsune. “How’s your friend?”

“Kensuke’s been busy.”

“With what?”

“His job…”

“What does he do?”

“Sells machinery.”

“What KIND of machinery?”

“Never mind Naru,” Kitsune cut in. “Keitaro’s a guy, and they don’t talk about things like that,” she added with a smirk.

“…you’re right…” Naru grumbled. “But are you going to see him again?”

Keitaro thought about the talk he’d had with Chiharu before he answered. “Yes… I believe I will…” he then walked up the stairs towards his room before anyone noticed the smile he felt appearing on his face.

To be Continued…

Author’s Notes:

None, except that this was pre-read by Rx7.