Loveless Fan Fiction ❯ spanked? ❯ Seimei spanked? ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Loveless, because if I did there wouldn't be war, all the world leaders would be watching Loveless!
Thank you for the enthusiasm. And spanking is a `tame' activity? I think it'd be rather traumatizing for any kid his age. And I'm surprised you like that line so much. I was cracking up over one of my puns. (Soubi, on the other side of the same hand…) get it? `on the other hand' is now `on the other side of the same hand'. !!! Yes!!!
Soubi: *allows self to be pet* Its not only his fault. *glares at SchuldigLiebe*
SchuldigLiebe: I can get away with it though, because people like me. ^___^
Seimei: That's debatable…
Yeah, OOC and all… then again, people tend to act a tad different when they're being spanked. I've finally gotten an idea, but it doesn't involve Ritsuka… yet….
I decided to update… lol, thanks for the compliment, I'm sure its quite a task reading everything I write though. (I posted the latest chapter of Schuldig's Punishment if you didn't yet see). Ritsuka might get to spank Soubi sooner or later, does anyone have suggestions? And this chapter is for you, Soubi gives Seimei the biggest `wallup'of his life! But there isn't angst.
*pats your head* Meine sklavin. *kiss kiss* Nile and I have already been discussing when I'm going to spank you. He says he wants to watch, but I wont let him stop me once I've begun. *twisted grin and wink*
Can't imagine why you'd read this… but I got the inspiration for some of it from stories on your site.
SUMMARY: Soubi gives Seimei the biggest spanking of his life! Yes, that's right, Soubi Agatsuma SPANKS Seimei Aoyagi.
WARNINGS: excessive us of the word `spank', yaoi, lemon, sex. AU. Major Soubi abuse. Long lead in, sorry, I wish I could just skip right to the action.
PAIRINGS: Soubi/Ritsuka
JUST SO YOU KNOW: If you get bored half way through don't stop reading! Ritsuka makes an appearance at the end and its too good to miss!!!
TITLE: Attitude Adjustment
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Soubi was cleaning the kitchen quietly, checking the clock once more with a sigh. He'd managed to clean most of the house out of pure boredom, now he was just finishing off the counters.
Ritsuka would be home sooner or later, and he simply could not wait. They had been planning a while for this evening. The Aoyagi parents would be out; giving the two what was left of Friday, and all of Saturday to do what they wished.
The door opened and Soubi stood up, hoping to see his young love entering the house. Instead Seimei came in.
The tall man gracefully shed his coat, be was as thin and beautiful as he had ever been. An angry scowl marred his features, but Seimei was the only man who could ever glare so hideously and look fucking sexy doing it.
Soubi watched him stomp angrily into the kitchen, drying his hands before folding the rag and putting it in a drawer.
Seimei watched the quiet blonde and demanded, “Where are my parents?”
“They left for the evening, and tomorrow. Supposedly celebrating their anniversary.” Soubi replied.
Seimei muttered something under his breath before demanding, “Where is Ritsuka?”
Soubi answered calmly, “He will be home shortly, Seimei-san. He wanted to walk home Yuiko-san.”
Seimei nodded to himself then walked to the cabinet. He pulled open the door and stared at the mostly empty shelves, “Where are the cups? I'm thirsty! And there are no cups!”
He bit his tongue before mentioning anything about Seimei's mother's incompetent cleaning. Soubi instead answered, “They are in the dish washer. I'm about to unload it now, you'll have your cups shortly.”
Seimei seemed so offended he nearly hissed, “You can prepare my drink yourself.”
Soubi sighed and opened the dishwasher, “What would you like?”
“Give me tea.” Seimei demanded, sitting down in a chair.
The blonde started preparing the tea and asked, “Is there any particular reason you are so irritated this evening?”
“You think I sound angry?” Seimei demanded.
Soubi fell silent, he hated answering questions like that, they were all tricks. If he said yes, then he'd be the vent of Seimei's anger for a while. If he said no, he'd be questioned on why he had asked.
Seimei eventually stated, “Damn idiots today. Broads and bastards, they all piss me off.” He paused then demanded, “Where is my tea!”
Soubi rolled his eyes and poured tea into a cup from the kettle. He hated having to be around Seimei, but he tolerated it with the knowledge that Ritsuka would soon be home with plenty of time to spend with him in front of the T.V. with a bucket of pop corn.
The blonde delivered the drink to the man. Seimei took a long sip and visibly relaxed. He looked up with his piercing eyes, pining Soubi with his gaze like needles pinning a butterfly.
“I occasionally miss you Soubi. Being able to order you to attack all the screw-ups that piss me off… Things were so much less stressful then.”
Soubi remained quiet for a long time. He had been quite successful in forcing himself to forget the many people he'd been forced to attack and sometimes kill simply because they'd irritated his master.
Soubi finally did ask, “What have these… civilians guilty of invoking your wrath done this time?”
Seimei gave a deep chuckle, a dark and thick sound that still chilled Soubi to the bone, then he started to tell the story.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ div>
Soubi stood in shock for a moment. A traumatic day? Hardly! It was a typical day with typical people. Even on a moody day the most it would elicit from him would be an impatient sigh. Even Ritsuka might only shake his head and say `how troublesome'.
It was beyond the blonde how Seimei could feel so taxed after virtually nothing. Where had this guy been? One would think he'd never been exposed to life outside his home.
Seimei sipped at his tea, seemingly ignoring the blank stare. He suddenly snapped, “Quit gawking and make yourself useful!”
Soubi jumped slightly at the sudden harshness. Seimei thrust his cup forward, “There are herbs at the bottom! Have you never learned how to strain tea? Let me give you a hint, you don't dump the bag of spices into the water!”
Concealing his glare, Soubi took the cup and poured more tea, this time taking great caution in avoiding any herbs from slipping in.
When he returned and offered the drink to Seimei again he sighed, “I don't believe any of these people's infractions were great enough for you to be this disturbed… I mean… they were honest mistakes… and some of them weren't even mistakes! They just annoyed you because they were pet peeves! They can't help that.”
Seimei's glare persuaded Soubi to stop talking. The two stared at each other for a long while, silently.
Before movement could be registered Seimei had stood, dropped his cup and backhanded Soubi.
Soubi's expression was blank, his mouth was slightly ajar with shock.
Seimei bellowed angrily, “How dare you!” He backhanded the blonde again. “You think you can correct me?” another slap, “Me? What the hell makes you think you have the right to correct me in ANY area of my life?” another slap.
Soubi suddenly snapped out of his trance and caught Seimei's hand mid-swing, abruptly interrupting what would have been a very long, very abusive lecture.
Agatsuma's mind was working a mile a minute as Seimei glared at him. Soubi somehow landed on a memory of how his parents had scolded him for being rude to an elderly woman.
He briefly contemplated scolding Seimei, before realizing that he wouldn't get a word in edge wise over Seimei's arguments.
An idea moved through the blondes head and he sat down in the cushioned chair that Seimei had previously enjoyed.
Seimei pulled on his captive wrist, his angry lecture resuming once again. That is, until Soubi pulled him down over his lap.
The blonde quickly pinned the long legs beneath his right leg, balancing the hips of the man on his left leg. He gathered Seimei's hands and held them to the base of the man's back.
As soon as he recognized the position, Seimei fought and squirmed to get out of the hold.
Soubi calmly loosened the man's belt and unbuttoned the pants, slipping the material down the boy's long and slender legs, exposing the untouched rear beneath.
Seimei kicked and twisted, screaming, “Unhand me you bastard! I demand that you desist immediately!”
The blonde calmly rested his warm palm on the exposed rear, eliciting slightly more desperate protests, “Soubi! Stop this! Let go of me now.”
Soubi took a calming breath and stated, “Seimei, I'm not doing the because I'm cruel or get some type of amusement from this. I'm doing this as punishment, and only to help you become a better person.”
Seimei tried to roll off the leg beneath him, without success, “This isn't fucking funny Soubi! Let me go!”
Soubi restrained himself from quieting Seimei with a reprimanding spank, he instead continued talking, “So, I'm going to spank you, Seimei, in hopes that you'll think out how you treat people from now on.”
Seimei whipped his head around and glared at Soubi, “If you touch me I will make your life hell, Soubi.”
Soubi stared back at Seimei for a moment, slowly realizing that this stillness was nearly painful for Seimei. The man knew he wouldn't be able to fight or talk his way out of this, and laying over his ex-slave's lap with foreboding punishment in mind was almost worse than the spanking itself.
Agatsuma moved his eyes from Seimei's face to his rear, pulling back his hand and landing a hard blow to the soft flesh.
Seimei gave a small grunt of pain before swearing loudly and kicking.
When the hand landed again Seimei dug his heels into the ground and tried to rear up, the hand at the small of his back preventing the action.
The strike hit where his thighs and rear joined, and he thrust himself forward, almost out of Soubi's lap.
Another stream of curses followed by twists and struggles.
Seimei kept from cursing this time bye sinking his teeth into Soubi's leg, the meaty part of his calf.
The blonde flinched but did not say anything, he assumed that the dark haired man would get tired of biting before anything bad happened.
Ending with a vicious clench of his teeth, Seimei let go of his hold and screamed several more curses, kicking his legs more violently than before.
The legs swung higher, occasionally managing to hit Soubi's arm.
Soubi stopped for a moment to threaten, “Stop kicking and being so noisy! If you keep fighting me I'll spank you longer. Trust me, Seimei, I will not feel guilty is Ritsuka comes in and watches you getting your ass spanked by his slave!”
Seimei turned enough to glare over his shoulder, “Put me down Soubi! I've had enough of this!”
Soubi's sighed, “I don't think I've gotten my point through yet, unfortunately.”
The blonde swung back his hand and hit, the smack of flesh hitting flesh reverberating around the room.
The next strike was just as harsh, reddening the pink flesh.
Seimei howled and cursed, but avoided some of the obscenities used previously. Though he also continued to kick, he now only kicked out of pain, rather than with intention to hurt Soubi.
The spanking continued and Seimei eventually quieted down and stopped kicking so much.
Soubi contemplated if the spanking should be over. He certainly felt he'd proved his point, though it hadn't lasted nearly as long as any of the spankings he'd ever received from Seimei.
Finally, the blonde stopped. He placed his hand on top of the burning red ass and rested it there, hoping it would calm Seimei slightly.
Seimei was silent and motionless, not reacting to the situation at all.
Soubi let go of the hands and pulled up the pants, moving his leg off of Seimei's and allowing him to stand up.
Aoyagi instantly bolted upright, glaring down at the blonde with pure hatred and anger. He reached forward and grabbed a clump of Soubi's hair, wrenching him forward. Seimei drew back a hand and slapped the blonde several times, holding him still with the hand imbedded in his hair.
When he stopped he pulled Soubi forward abruptly, hissing at him, “You probably think I'm going to spank you now don't you?” The blonde concealed his fear well, Seimei continued, “But I'm not that forgiving.”
He swiftly turned and started for the doorway, pulling Soubi after him by his hair, “Fortunately for you, I've decided to let you live.” He announced back to Seimei, “I'm such a humanitarian.”
Soubi tried to pull against him, resisting the doorway or anything that could make this public. Seimei pulled harshly at his hair, dragging them both outside and down one of the streets.
Soubi held the arm attached to his hair and dug his heels into the ground. Seimei spun around and slapped him again, pulling him along while he was still too shocked to respond.
The blonde looked back hopefully at the open door, hoping that Ritsuka might suspect something had happened, and would hopefully come in search of him. Though it was a hope that might as well not be made, as it was unlikely to happen.
People on the streets stopped and stared in shock as they saw the two men, one angrily pacing down the walk, the other being resentfully dragged along.
Soubi threw pleading glances to them, and whenever eye contact was made, the person would quickly divert their gaze. Soon, everyone simply looked away, pretending they didn't see a thing.
Ritsuka rounded the corner, walking to his house with a little faster pace than usual. As he started towards his house, smiling at the thought of all the fun he and Soubi would have, he noticed some people further down the street.
They were hardly distinguishable, but he could almost swear one of them looked like Soubi… and the other one? Could it be? Seimei?
He walked with a small frown forming in curiosity, then the two vanished around a corner.
Ritsuka shrugged and walked up the pathway on his lawn to his house.
The cold was beginning to set in, and Soubi wished he had his coat or scarf by the doorway, so that he might grab it before leaving. Seimei, however, seemed to be in such a rage, he didn't notice the cold.
After what seemed like forever, Soubi was pulled through a doorway, warmth instantly wrapping around him.
Soubi took in the warmth happily, and resumed his struggle with Seimei so he could see where they were.
The hand in his hair forced his face back to the ground when he tried to fight against it however.
The struggle didn't last long, however, because Soubi's head was soon used to push open another door before he was then thrown to the ground of the room.
Soubi looked up from his place on his hands and knees to see his Sensei, gazing over his desk at him, reclining in his large chair.
“Ah, Soubi, what a pleasant surprise.”
Seimei spat from the doorway, “Hardly!”
Ritsu-sensei feigned concern, “Is something wrong?”
Seimei thrust a finger at Soubi, “If you call THAT well-trained, then you are horribly mistaken!”
Ritsu shifted his gaze down to Soubi, licking his lips at the thought of disciplining the boy. However, he informed, “Seimei, he is no longer your slave.”
“But he is my subordinate!” Seimei snapped.
Ritsu nodded, “Correct. Although you can't be expecting the same loyalty and obedience from him as you had when he belonged to you.”
“Did I say I was?” Seimei spat.
Ritsu sighed, “No… Care to inform me of what happened?” he looked towards Soubi, expecting him to confess.
Seimei beat him to it, “He spanked me!”
Ritsu's eyes widened almost comically, “Spanked? He- he what?”
Aoyagi nodded, “He spanked me! And I find this completely unacceptable!”
Ritsu nodded, “Understandably so.” Though his words seemed to be on business, his eyes repeatedly looked over Soubi, then Seimei, then back again, as if trying to reenact it in his mind.
Seimei went on a rant, yelling angrily as Ritsu continued trying to picture the scene. Upon picturing it, he decided he wanted to see it, but he highly doubted he could get Seimei to let Soubi spank him again, so, he would go for something far better. He interrupted Seimei, “So you wish to spank him?”
Seimei yelled, “If I wanted to spank him I would have! I brought him here so he could get a spanking he'd NEVER forget!”
Soubi's eyes widened horrified as he realized Ritsu would be participating in his punishment.
Ritsu's eyebrows raised, he hadn't thought this would come out so well. He pretended to contemplate it for a while before nodding, “I suppose it would be proper. Lock the door.”
Seimei moved back to the door, he turned the key and removed it, walking across the room to deliver it to Ritsu.
He'd brought Soubi in for punishment from a stronger hand (Ritsu's) enough times to know how to keep the blonde from attempting escape.
Ritsu stood and opened several drawers of his desk. Seimei walked around it to gaze at the instruments of discipline contained. Aoyagi's face instantly beamed, and he looked like a child in a candy shop.
Ritsu smirked in satisfaction and stepped away, allowing the man to chose whichever he liked. He looked at Soubi, “I suggest you remove your clothing.”
Soubi stood, “I have not disobeyed any orders-”
“You defied me! Whether I am your master or not, you are never to question me or raise a hand to me!” Seimei interrupted.
Ritsu smiled, “I suggest you remove your clothing. If I am forced to, your punishment will only last longer with `disobedience' added.”
Soubi threw one last glance at the doorway, confirming he couldn't escape. With a heavy sigh he unbuttoned his shirt and folded it neatly.
“Pants Soubi, don't forget your pants.” Seimei stated, still skimming through the tools in the drawer.
Soubi toed off his shoes and socks, then slipped down his pants, folding them and laying them on top of the shirt. With much hesitance, he removed his underwear, placing them on top of the stack of clothing.
On the desk lay a variety of punishment devices, each one made Soubi inwardly wince.
“Soubi.” Ritsu called, pulling the blonde out of his trance, “Wouldn't you like to help us select what we're going to use on you?”
Soubi remained silent, glaring at the man. There was no way he'd stand side by side with Seimei and Ritsu, determining which device was best-suited for use on his ass.
Ritsu stroked the front of his oak desk and called, “Come here Soubi.”
Resentfully, Soubi came forward, deciding that if he was cooperative he could get out of this sooner.
The teacher stroked Soubi's rear, pretending to be sizing it up and determining what to use on it. “Since Seimei will be spanking you first, he can decide what he wishes to use.”
Seimei dawned a wicked grin, he brushed his hand over the various supplies finally stopping over a paddle.
Seimei held the paddle up to Soubi's face, “What do you think of this one? Do you like it?”
The paddle was a little longer than foot, and about eight inches thick. There was a long handle attached to it, which allowed the spanker to spank the spankee with a long swing and heavy supply of momentum.
Japanese characters were painted all over the paddle in different fonts, sizes, colors etc, but they all said `naughty'.
In the corner were Ritsu's initials, engraved into the wood in a professional and sophisticated manner.
Soubi remained silent, growing a small blush as he stared at the `naughty' paddle.
“It is what I'm going to punish you with, Soubi.” Aoyagi stated with a vicious smirk. “Are you excited?”
Soubi blushed and turned his face to avoid answering.
“Lean over the desk.” Ritsu instructed as he moved Soubi to stand with his legs a couple feet away from the desk, his hands placed on the rim, to help him keep his balance.
Ritsu stepped back, admiring Soubi's frame and smooth rear. A sick grin twisted across his lips as he stared at the creamy, unblemished skin, thinking about how red and pained looking it would become.
Seimei stood in position, twirling the paddle and getting the feel for it, “You'll have to excuse me, its been a while since I've spanked him.”
Ritsu chuckled, “Quite alright. I've never disciplined him by spanking him, or even paddling him for that matter.”
Seimei stated his opinion as fact, “Spanking and paddling are the same thing.”
Ritsu moved a shoulder, in an elegant sort of shrug. He turned his eyes back to Soubi, reminding the other of the task at hand.
Seimei questioned, “Are you ready?”
The blonde slowly nodded with a sigh, “Just… get it over with.”
The dark haired man hit the blonde's head with the handle, restraining himself from hitting too hard, in which case he might pass out, and then the fun would be over.
After Soubi recovered from the bit of shock and pain induced, he tightened is grip on the handle, pulling it back, “Any last words, Soubi?”
Soubi thought for a moment before answering, “I'd put you over my knee and spank you again to straighten you out any day.”
Soubi didn't respond, he was somewhat surprised when the hit didn't hurt as much as he thought it would have.
Soubi was almost relieved when he could feel that strike, it at least informed him that his ass still had nerve endings.
A tingling sensation lingered for a moment after this strike landed.
This strike heated his rear slightly, and caused a dull throb.
When this strike landed on top of the dull throb of the last, it hurt a little more, causing him to wince slightly.
This one hurt! Though the strikes were all done the same, when the strikes built up they began to hurt much more.
Soubi tightened his muscles, trying to work away the pain.
Soubi took a few calming breaths but pulled away at the last second before the next strike hit. With the momentum lost, the paddle hardly patted his rear, though he still hissed at the touch.
“Soubi! Stay still!” Seimei admonished.
Soubi nodded in consent but found his hips thrusting forward again, just in time to miss the strike.
“Don't make me restrain you.” Ritsu warned.
Soubi nodded slowly, suppressing a small wine as he moved back out his hips hesitantly. An awkward moment occurred as Soubi repeatedly rocked his hips forward, almost spastically, as Seimei swung, halted and pulled back to swing again.
Ritsu had begun to chuckle, amused somewhat by the situation. Never had he thought spanking or paddling a disobedient subordinate could be this difficult for anyone.
Finally, Seimei swung and Soubi rocked back in unison, resulting in a dead on hit.
Soubi made a small cry of pain and surprise as the sudden harshness of pain. Ritsu laughed, though he masked it (hardly) by covering his mouth with his hand.
Seimei lowered the paddle with a glare, “I'm tired of this one.” He tossed the paddle back onto the desk in a huff.
Ritsu rolled his eyes and walked forward and gripped one of Soubi's firm cheeks in one of his hands, as if to judge the warmth of level of abuse. “Then would you like to try another?”
Seimei turned to search Soubi's features. He answered, “No, I'd like you to take care of him now.” He smirked when he saw Soubi's horrified reaction.
Ritsu finished groping Soubi's rear and stated, “I'd say the warm up is over.” He looked down at the rear and laughed, “You have my initials written all over you.”
Ritsu leaned on the desk and motioned with a small grin, “Pick your poison.”
Soubi recognized the line, but didn't understand. He looked at Ritsu with a questioning gaze.
“It's my turn to spank you. However, I tend to be understanding in these situations, so I'm allowing you to pick whichever device you want.” Ritsu explained.
Soubi looked at the variety of tools with trepidation. His eyes landed on a paddle that looked a lot like a ping-pong paddle.
Deciding that nothing else looked any more friendly to the situation, he picked it up. He turned it over in his hand and his eyes widened.
Though it was small and its affect wouldn't hurt as much as some paddles, its use would. In curly, cute writing across the front wrote `ATTITUDE ADJUSTOR', the very presence of the word being a horrible mocking joke at the expense of the spanked bottom it would be used on.
Ritsu suppressed a chuckle, “Interesting choice you have there.”
Seimei, who was sitting in a chair pulled a bit further behind the desk, demanded, “Soubi, show me what you chose.”
The blonde resentfully turned and walked to Seimei with the paddle in hand. When he stood in front of Seimei, the dark haired man observed the paddle with a hint of amusement.
He reclined back into his seat and motioned for Soubi to go back to Ritsu.
Agatsuma turned to see Ritsu holding out his hand expectantly. He grudgingly walked forward and placed the paddle in the man's hand.
Ritsu took it his right hand, and put his left arm out, his elbow hugging his hip, “I want you bent over my arm.”
Soubi glared at the arm and opened his mouth to protest when a sharp pain erupted on the center of his rear.
He yelped and arched. Ritsu reminded, “Bend over my arm. Disobedience will only be met with more discipline.”
Soubi contemplated this for a moment before taking a deep breath and leaning over the hand, the cold palm and finger pads pressing against his stomach.
The hand shifted and pulled him forward, when Ritsu's forearm was beneath Soubi's hips, it lifted, pulling the male's hips and rear up for easier access.
His strong arm swung back before crashing down, spanking on of Soubi's exposed butt cheeks.
Soubi lurched slightly, and an identical hit landed on his opposite cheek.
Soubi winced and tried to restrain himself from making any sound as the paddle landed twice, once on each cheek, where the previous hits had landed.
The strikes continued to land, over the same two areas on his rear.
*SMACK* one on the right.
*SMACK* one on the left.
*SMACK* one on the right.
*SMACK* one on the left.
*SMACK* one on the right.
*SMACK* one on the left.
He felt the two round circles on his sit spot steadily grower warmer and warmer, till they started growing hotter and hotter.
*SMACK* one on the left.
*SMACK* one on the right.
*SMACK* one on the left.
Each spank hurt more than the last, though the effort was the same, the pain built on top of the last spank hurt more and more.
*SMACK* one on the right.
*SMACK* one on the left.
*SMACK* one on the right.
In the back of his mind, Soubi could hear Seimei commenting on the redness of his rear, and Ritsu commenting on it as if it were a common conversation topic.
Occasionally Seimei would compliment Ritsu on the spanking and Ritsu would graciously say that he owed it all to his `instrument' and `lovely ASSistant'.
Needless to say, Soubi was hardly amused by ANY of the jokes.
*SMACK* one on the left.
*SMACK* one on the right.
*SMACK* one on the left.
After a while fat tears had worked their way from Soubi's eyes and had fallen to the floor, marring the otherwise smooth color of the carpet.
*SMACK* one on the right.
*SMACK* one on the left.
*SMACK* one on the right.
Soubi squirmed, wishing that if nothing else, the paddle would at least land somewhere else, giving the two round abused circles on his rear a rest.
*SMACK* one on the left.
*SMACK* one on the right.
*SMACK* one on the left.
He begged God, or who ever else might be listening, that the spanking be close to over, though the quick pace offered no relief in sight.
There was talking in the background. Then, as if on queue, the spanking stopped.
Seimei brushed his fingers over the vibrant red, “Its so red, I can only imagine how much it hurts.”
Ritsu nodded, “I can assure you, he won't be stepping out of line for a long time.”
Seimei nodded distantly, not really caring whether or not Soubi stepped out of line, he was too amused with the painful red to care what Soubi had done to deserve it.
However, he did start to trace back the events and recall what the blonde had done to deserve this spanking. And upon remembering he stepped back and ordered, “Spank him again.”
Ritsu chuckled, “I'm not done yet, I just had to stop for an addition.”
Seimei continued, as if ignoring the statement, “Spank him over your knee next.”
Ritsu released Soubi and walked around his desk. He plopped down in his seat and fished through a drawer, pulling out a ginger root.
He then pulled out a small knife and pushed his chair out from behind his desk to give himself more room.
He slid the knife down the side of the ginger, taking off the bark as well as thick knots until a cylinder about an inch thick and two and a half inches long was left.
“There we go.” Ritsu announced as he finished modeling the ginger.
Seimei watched curiously, as Soubi watched fearfully. He walked behind Soubi, pushing him over the desk and spreading the reddened cheeks with his forefinger and thumb.
“This is a ginger root.” Ritsu explained as he tested Soubi's entrance with a finger, “Beneath the bark is a natural lubricant, so no preparation is needed prior to insertion.”
He quickly inserted the column of ginger into Soubi's rear. The blonde hissed and jumped forward as the cold, firm, vegetable invaded his private regions.
Ritsu patted Soubi's rear, “Decide what you want me to use next. Perhaps another kiddy paddle?” He then turned and walked back to his chair and sat down, making sure that Soubi's face was in full view.
Seimei stared at the small bit of the ginger protruding, “What is it for? I didn't think you were such a sadist to do things without a purpose.”
Ritsu chuckled and grinned, “The root secretes a fluid that tends to irritate the skin. It won't cause damage, it just feels horrid.”
Seimei looked impressed, “That's it?”
Ritsu pushed his thin glasses up slightly, “The burning sensation caused by it will make him rather incapable of flexing those muscles.”
Seimei raised his brow, “His ass muscles?”
“In lay man's terms yes.” From the slightly disturbed look Seimei gave, Ritsu decided to just show the man.
Soubi could hardly concentrate on any of the paddles, the burning in his anus was distracting him greatly. Though it had started off cool and slowly moved to warm, it rapidly started irritating his sensitive skin, forcing him to loosen up.
“Please, take it out.” Soubi begged to no one in particular.
“Soubi? Are you done? We're getting rather anxious to start your spanking.” Ritsu stated.
The blonde looked over the paddles and caught himself before reaching for a small one.
He decided that if he was going to be spanked, he would be spanked with dignity! Agatsuma picked up a formidable looking paddle and walked towards Ritsu.
The short walk proved to be very uncomfortable due to the pain caused by the column of ginger still inserted in his rear. As a result, he was almost relieved when he arrived by Ritsu's side.
Ritsu held out his hand for the paddle. Soubi put it in his hand, and for the first time, took a moment to look at it. He was disturbed to find he'd selected what could have possibly been the worst instrument on the table.
It was a thick wooden paddle, about a foot long and six inches wide. 6 holes were carved out of it, placed for better aerodynamics, allowing it to travel faster to deliver a heavier and harder blow.
The tall man took Soubi's hand and pulled him over his knees, patting the pink and reddened rear amusedly.
Ritsu strummed his fingers on Soubi's exposed ass as if deep in thought, “Seimei, don't you want to see?”
Seimei's chair wasn't far, he stated, “I can see pretty well from here.”
The teacher pointed to the ginger, “You can see the effects from here.”
Grudgingly, Seimei got up and stood by Soubi, leaning over to see his ass. Though the entire rear had been covered in red and pink, a great amount was as white as Soubi's usual pale flesh.
“Amazing what they can hide with just a little bit of effort. Yes?” Ritsu asked.
“Hide?” Seimei questioned.
“Subconsciously of course, he held his muscles and hid quite a bit of his naughty little rear.” He patted the bare end, “With the ginger inserted, he cant hide it. Giving me the perfect opportunity to spank all of his ass.”
“Please, it burns! Take it out! Please!” the blonde sobbed.
Ritsu patted his bum, “Now, now. I still have to spank you for being naughty.”
Soubi groaned in trepidation. Not only was he getting spanked by his teacher with his former master watching, he was going to feel the burn in places he hadn't even known were there!
He bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut when the cold surface of the paddle pressed against his rear.
Ritsu asked, “Are you ready?”
Soubi took a deep breath and nodded.
Agatsuma could feel the chill of air drifting over his exposed and already heated rear. A silence as still as death passed through the room.
The paddle lifted off his rear and Soubi cringed, grasping Ritsu's leg tightly as he grimaced and bared himself for the pain.
Soubi's mouth opened in a silent yelp as the oak wood paddle connected with his bared rear.
Soubi arched and kicked a leg up as the surface landed hard against his butt. He tightened his grip on Ritsu's clothed leg.
Soubi quietly cried out as he was rocked forward yet again.
The surface connected on the curve of his rear. Soubi hissed and tightened his grip, trying to hold on to whatever he could.
The blonde twitched and gasped as the strike overlapped with an older hit, creating a sharper sting. He gritted his teeth and kneaded his fingers into the cloth.
Ritsu suddenly hissed and landed several sharp strikes.
Soubi squirmed and made a short cry of pain before cutting it off, holding on tighter and grimacing in anguish.
Ritsu demanded, “Let go of my leg Soubi!”
Agatsuma instantly released his hold on the pants. He opened his eyes for a moment to realize that one of his nails had managed to make a small rip in part of the seem, indentures and wrinkles from where the rest of his fingertips were still remained.
He frowned for a moment in sympathy at the pain it must have caused before forcing sympathy for such a vile man out of his head.
Ritsu rested the paddle on Soubi's rear again, although intimidating, it was reassurance that he wasn't going to suddenly land a hard spank and catch him off guard.
“You can hold my ankle.” Ritsu suggested.
The blonde's hands wrapped around the ankle gratefully, holding on as if it were a handle bar. Soubi took a loud, deep breath, preparing himself and informing Ritsu he was ready.
The paddle landed again just as firmly as before, cracking against his rear.
Seimei commented, “The spanking is making his ass almost as red as the blush on his face.”
Soubi didn't have to see Seimei's face to know what there was a sick grin twisted across it.
Soubi grunted, “No really, feel free to keep it to yourself.”
“Don't provoke the hand that spanks you, Soubi.” Seimei chided.
Though the two other men laughed, Soubi glared at the floor. Yet another joke he found utterly no amusement in. (How could that be? Jk jk)
The blonde twisted his hips again, trying to work off the rapidly heating burn of pain that spread over his rear and upper thighs.
The solid spanks landed onto Soubi's rear, staining it redder with each strike. He did his best not to vocalize his pain or move, knowing that it would merely give Ritsu an excuse to punish him further.
“Sensei, please stop.” Soubi begged, hoping for mercy.
“I can't stop, Soubi, until you've learned your lesson.” Sensei stated.
Soubi looked to Seimei with a pleading look in his eyes, “Please, Seimei-san…”
Seimei dawned a wicked look and knelt by Soubi.
Seimei took a deep breath and stated, “Soubi, I'm not doing the because I'm cruel or get some type of amusement from this. I'm doing this as punishment, and only to help you become a better person.”
Soubi turned his head, lowering his gaze to the ground, embarrassed at having his own words repeated to him.
Seimei grinned maliciously, “So, I'm having Ritsu spank you, Soubi, in hopes that you'll think out how you treat people from now on.”
Soubi cried out in anguish as the paddle struck at the base of his rear where his reddened cheeks met his thighs.
The spanks continued to land in quick succession on the junction of Soubi's rear and thighs, where he was much more sensitive to pain.
Soubi started to kick his legs again, the motion being more like a spasm of pain than an effort to break free or fight off the weapon of pain.
Ritsu watched the muscular rear he loved so much as his paddle spanked consistently, landed with a brutal `whack' that often rocked the boy forward and made him quiver in pain.
Finally Soubi released a long cry of pain and anguish, throwing his head back and screaming towards the ceiling.
Ritsu chastised Soubi, though he actually loved the sound of Soubi's screams, “Don't cry out. I trained you not to. You cannot show pain, Soubi. Just grit your teeth and bare with it.”
Soubi reflexively coiled again, his head pointing to the ground again when he clenched his teeth. Unfortunately, Ritsu's still tender thigh had been in the way, and a sensitive bit of his skin got caught between Soubi's perfect, straight teeth and strong jaws.
Ritsu gasped and cried out in pain as the merciless teeth dug into the tender flesh of his thigh.
Out of pain he threw the paddle at the ground, the amount of force actually making the wood splinter and crack between the holes, ruining the paddle.
Soubi hadn't noticed a lot of this, still absorbed in his own pain. A hand embedded in his hair and yanked hard.
The blonde let go, crying out as his hair was violently pulled.
“Damn it! You bit me, Soubi! You fucking bit me!” Ritsu yelled as he used his free hand to hold his leg.
Soubi whimpered, “I'm sorry.”
Ritsu growled under his breath, “You're ass is grass.”
“I have a suggestion.” Seimei stated.
Ritsu and Soubi both looked up to see that Seimei now held two more instruments from the desktop.
One was a thick black leather strap, creases in the leather exposed how it was folded before used to strike the rear beneath it. The other was a ball gag.
Soubi repeated, “I said I was sorry.”
Seimei ignored him, stepping forward and pressing the ball against his lips. When Soubi refused to accept the gag, Seimei pinched his red ass.
Soubi yelped and the man took the opportunity to press the gag into his mouth. The blonde reached up to pull it out but Seimei stilled him, admonishing, “Keep that in, I wont tolerate you biting me again.”
The blonde seemed un-persuaded until Seimei commented, “Ungrateful. You should be thanking me, Soubi. I could just let you scream until a student or other teacher came in to investigate.”
Soubi lowered his hands and lowered his head again in embarrassment at the thought of such horror.
Ritsu took the thick leather strap in his hands; it was a little more than 4 feet long and 6 inches thick. He folded it 3 times and griped the heavy material.
He pressed the material against Soubi's rear.
The blonde made a small whimper around the gag as he felt the material against him. His ass was so sensitive he could feel almost ever detail of it, much to his distaste.
The leather left his rear for a moment as it raised up…
Ritsuka continued jogging down the street, breathing heavily. He glanced up at the building he'd lead himself to. If he remembered correctly, it was Soubi's school. With another heavy breath, he started running up the pathway towards the stairs.
Once he was inside he asked the secretary of the main office, who was at the entrance, “Have you seen a blonde and a dark haired man with ears, both in their 20's, come by here?”
“Ah yes, silly boys, they seemed to be having a bit of a tussle. But the fellow with ears seemed to know what to do, he brought the other to Ritsu-sensei's office.”
“Which office is that?” Ritsuka demanded.
“Its just down the hall. He usually has the door locked, but he's hardly ever doing anything of importance so we had the lock removed. Just give the door an extra shove and it'll come right open.”
Ritsuka nodded and turned, running down the hallway again and skidding to a stop before the door. “What the…”
His cat ears twitched as he heard a repetitive `SMACK, SMACK, SMACK' coming from inside the room.
He turned the knob and pressed against the door. It didn't budge, so he threw what little weight he possessed against the door, pushing it open.
Nothing could have prepared him for what was inside. Soubi was face down over Ritsu's lap, receiving a brutal spanking from a thick leather strap. Ritsu was administering the spanking with vicious force. And Seimei leaned against the desk with a wide and amused grin on his face.
As soon as the door swung and hit the wall, Ritsu shoved Soubi off his lap, standing and glaring at the doorway.
Seimei bristled, and yelled, “Ritsuka!”
Ritsuka's eyes fixed on Soubi, who at least managed to land on his feet (hands and knees) like any other cat, “Soubi! What happened?”
The dark haired youth dropped the jacket and scarf he'd carried for Soubi and ran across the room.
He fell to his knees next to the man and put a hand on his shoulder. Ritsuka's other hand removed the ball gag in his mouth and tossed it away, “What happened to you?”
Soubi turned his head, allowing hair to block Ritsuka's gaze on his face.
Ritsu knelt and placed a hand on Soubi's back, he removed the ginger with the other hand, tossing it into the garbage.
Ritsuka didn't notice anything other than the fact that some strange man's hand was near HIS Soubi's rear.
Ritsuka stood up, pulling Soubi up with him, “Don't touch him!”
Ritsu raised his brows, slightly surprised Ritsuka was so protective.
Ritsuka helped Soubi across the room, where he deemed that the blonde was a safe distance from his brother and the weird older guy. Soubi put his palms out and lay against the wall, catching his breath.
Ritsuka spun around, showing his face, cheeks turning red with anger. It was obvious the boy was quite flustered, “You can't touch him! Who are you! Who are you to Soubi! How do you know my brother!”
Ritsu answered, “I'm Ritsu. I'm Soubi's teacher, I trained him on his abilities as a war craft. I'm the person who gave Soubi to your brother.”
Ritsuka stomped around the room, picking up Soubi's pants, shirt, undergarments, socks, and shoes, constantly shaking a finger at Ritsu and yelling, “You can't touch Soubi like that! He doesn't like it! He doesn't want you doing that to him!”
Seimei gave a sadistic grin, “Are you sure?”
Ritsuka stomped, revealing a protective side he hadn't yet acknowledged, “Even if he does like it, I don't! I don't want anyone touching him like that! I wont let anyone do that to him!”
He turned and brought the clothes to Soubi, still yelling back at the others, “He didn't deserve it! Soubi is good and neither of you have the right to punish him.”
Ritsu informed, “I'm his trainer, I have the right to discipline him however necessary.”
“What was `necessarry'?” Ritsuka demanded angrily, helping Soubi get his arms through the sleeves of his shirt.
“It was necessary that we spank him.” Ritsu stated.
“We?” Ritsuka yelled, horrified.
Seimei nodded, “I had to spank him too.”
Ritsuka spun around, allowing Soubi to button his shirt on his own, “He doesn't like you spanking him! What did he do to deserve that!”
Seimei answered grimly, “He spanked me.”
The boy yelled angrily, with an almost pouty angry look, “It serves you right! You're inner child does need a spanking!”
Seimei's eyes widened and this and Ritsu had to cover his mouth with his hand to keep from laughing too loudly.
Seimei fixed his glare on Soubi, “He needed to be put back in his place.” His gaze wandered to Soubi's reddened back end, “Which we did rather successfully I'm sure.”
Ritsuka took Soubi's letter jacket and held it up to block either of them from looking at the blonde while he was dressing.
“Well I think your both dirty!” Ritsuka stated, “And you shouldn't have ganged up on him like that! It's wrong!”
Ritsuka's glare was so focused on the two men across the room, he didn't notice Soubi bending over to pick up his pants, ass waving in the air, or when he pulled up his pants and dropped them, having to stoop over again to retrieve them.
However, after a little while Ritsuka noticed the men's interest seemed to have waned. He looked back to Soubi and lowered the jacked to cover his reddened but beautiful rear.
Ritsuka shrilled, “Don't look!”
“Just admiring our handiwork Ritsuka.” Ritsu stated.
“Not on him!” Ritsuka demanded, “Never look at him again! He isn't yours! He's mine! So you can't touch him either!”
Seimei scoffed and replied, “I had to have him disciplined, Ritsuka.”
Ritsuka protested, “If he's bad I can punish him! I'm his master!” He turned to see Soubi dressed, he put the jacket on Soubi and fetched the scarf, wrapping it around the blonde's neck before tucking it into his jacket.
He lead Soubi to the door and walked out, poking his head back in just long enough to finish, “Soubi is mine. He belongs to me, and he's my responsibility! So you cant ever touch him or hurt him or… anything again!”
With that he turned and left, pulling Soubi along by the hand.
In Ritsuka's room, Soubi lay face down on the bed, stripped of his clothing.
The dark haired cat boy returned to the bed and sat down on the side, he touched Soubi's back and said, “Is it okay to touch now?”
Soubi looked over his shoulder, confused and pained, “Touch?”
Ritsuka showed him the lotion, “I want to put lotion on it, it'll make it feel better.”
Soubi was silenced, surprised the 12-year-old in front of him wanted anything to do with the spanking he'd received from Seimei and Ritsu or the aftermath of it.
Ritsuka squirmed in the silence, “Look, it has Aloe Vera, it'll help it heal, or something.”
Soubi smiled slightly and rested the side of his face on the pillow, “Why?”
The boy squirmed, feeling like his efforts were unwanted, “Because you're my responsibility… and I want to take care of you… and I wanted to help you feel better.”
The blonde smiled again, “Thank you.”
Ritsuka blushed slightly and squeezed some of the cream onto his hand, gently massaging the cool liquid onto Soubi's still red rear, “Well, its only right! I mean-”
“Ritsuka?” Soubi cut him off.
“Yes, Soubi?”
“Just say your welcome.”
Ritsuka went silent for a moment, never very good at accepting compliments or `thank yous', “Y-you're welcome, Soubi.”
There was a silence that passed in the room before Ritsuka stammered out an apology, “I'm sorry I didn't sooner… I just… I don't know… I wish… I could have… I wish I could have saved you sooner.”
“It's okay.” Soubi stated.
“But they spanked you.” Ritsuka argued.
“It would be worse if you hadn't came for me at all.”
“Then I'm came.” Ritsuka stated.
Soubi nodded then questioned, “Why did you come for me Ritsuka?” It didn't seem like much of a question, but remember, this is Ritsuka we're talking about, the embodiment of apathy.
Ritsuka took a moment to think about it then smiled, “Because, Soubi, I am your savior.”
(this story is 39 pages long! I better get a review from every one of you damn it!)