Macross Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Kare wa Pilot (My Boyfriend is a Pilot) ❯ Take Flight ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Watashi no Kare wa Pilot (My Boyfriend is a Pilot)
: Macross Frontier
Couple: Alto/Ranka
Summary: Ranka's life was as normal as could be on Frontier, until she met Saotome Alto.  Time passes and she falls in love, but will this be a blessing or the end of Frontier altogether?  AU.
Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure/Horror/Drama
Rating: R (does NOT apply to ALL chapters)
Warnings: sexual situations, violence, blood, gore, and language.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Macross Frontier, it belongs to Shôji Kawamori. This is purely fanmade for entertainment purposes only.

Music: All songs inserted with the exception of Aimo, the Nyan-Nyan commercial, and Sheryl's songs are written by me.

~...~ = singing


Chapter Three: Take Flight
(Special “Blu-Ray” release!)
Somehow, in the mere early hours of morning the next day, word had spread through the school that Alto had asked Ranka out.  And how it happened to reach their ears, he didn’t know.  Perhaps it was the fact they’d held hands walking into school.  But soon it reached Michael and Luca’s ears.  To them, they’d only heard he’d asked a girl out, not who it was.  But it didn’t help that Alto continuously declared himself as her boyfriend to the on-looking boys that continued to stare at her with hungry eyes.  Then he left her in the technology class to surf the web.  When he entered the first period classroom, he received stares and glares from girls and boys alike.  He sat down.

Michael smirked.  He was sitting at his desk like usual, then he looked at Luca for confirmation and received a nod, which made him shocked.  “Is it true?” he asked Alto, leaning over his shoulder.  Said boy looked confused, quirking an eyebrow.  “You asked a girl out?”  He received a nod.  He crept over and whispered, “who?”

Alto felt the urge to smirk with victory as he pointed to the seat beside him, silently giving the hint.

“Ranka-chan?” the boy spoke with shock.  He looked at said seat.  He was slightly amazed that Alto had finally asked a girl out.  The boy had digressed three days ago that he would not bring it upon himself to ask a girl out.  But he did.  But he did mentally admit that he’d never seen him so interested in a girl before.  Once or twice he’d seen the boy randomly flirt with a girl, but never give her a phone number or even show sexual interest in her, not even personal interest.  But this girl had not only received his phone number but his attention.  He outright stated he was dating her.  “I’m shocked.  I didn’t put it by you to be the committed dating type.”

He turned his head swiftly, locks of blue landing on his shoulder, “was it not you who said ‘all men eventually want a woman in their lives’ before?”

Michael faked hurt, “that was a burn.”

“Well, Ranka is the one I want.”  Admitting that caused blood to rush to his cheeks.  He turned away.  “Besides, ain’t I the only person who doesn’t apply to your ‘men eventually desire a sexual relationship’ theory?”

“Not her,” he suddenly choked out with a glare at the front of the class.

Alto blinked and followed his eyes.  Then he paled.  ‘This is not happening!’

There stood Sheryl Nome, waving at him from the front of the class, a smirk on her face and bright cheerful eyes, name written on the board.  She climbed the stairs and stood before Alto.  Since Ranka was still not in class, her seat was bare.  She immediately assumed it was empty and attempted to sit when he placed his bag on it.  “Hey!”

“That seat is taken,” he spoke, quite rude too.

She broke a fuse at that.  “Says who!?” she yelled at him in frustration.  Why was he the only boy on Frontier who didn’t just die to be near her?  She suddenly recalled his face appearing on Galaxy once before in a play.  Now recognition clicked with a smirk.  “Now I remember you: Princess Sakura!”  She received a glare from him in return.  “Who would possibly sit next to a girl like you?” she asked deviously.

Before Alto could shoot off, Michael spoke up, “Ranka-chan, his girlfriend, takes this seat.”

Sheryl looked up at the blonde with disgust, “that green-haired girl from before?”  She failed to see Ranka walk into the classroom or near her seat to sit down.  Even the small ‘excuse me’ was overruled by the conversation taking place.  “That green-haired girl can kiss my ass!  I’m taking this seat, honey.”  She winked sweetly at him and pushed his bag onto the floor, moving to sit.  And she fell right on her ass.  Looking up from the floor, she glared at him, “don’t you know how to treat a lady with respect?”

“I give respect to those who earn it,” he spoke with a death tone.  At noticing Ranka, he stood and smiled warmly at her.  “Good morning, Ranka.”  He received a blush and a small nod, hair rising slightly with her emotions of happiness to be acknowledged.  He adored that.

Sheryl got to her feet and shot ice daggers at the confused girl.  ‘I can’t believe some nobody gets more attention from him!’


In a split second, Ranka’s head was cocked to the side, a bright red mark on her cheek from a hand.

Sheryl stood with a defiant look in her eyes, hand out.  When the shock ended, her offending hand was gripped by the wrist and forced behind her as her attacker slammed her into the table with brute force.  “Ow!” she screeched.  She saw Alto looming over her with angry eyes.  “What the hell’s wrong with you!?”

He glared down at her with pure hatred then lifted his eyes to Ranka’s face, noticing the red hand mark.  “How dare you hurt Ranka?” he shot, removing her from his hold and pushing her harshly out of the way.  He pulled Ranka into his arms quickly.  She rested her head on his chest, confused, and scared, tears on the rims of her lashes.  “No matter if you’re a girl or not, hurt my girlfriend and I will hit you back.”

The idol got to her feet and scowled.  “You have some nerve.”  But she didn’t attack again, merely climbed the stairs and sat down by herself in the back.  ‘A mere nobody…!  What is so special about her?’

Alto sat them down and checked her injury.  She was blushing thickly with their closeness, hair rising, which made it harder to tell the injury from her lit cheeks.  But he felt no awkwardness right now.  Her comfort was more important than that.  “Are you okay?” he asked with worry.  He received a small nod but saw the little tears in her eyes.  He stroked her cheek with two soothing fingers, attempting to relax her so the pain would pass.  ‘That bitch practically marred her cheek!’

Michael had watched the whole scene with shock.  He had moved to protect Ranka as usual when Alto had suddenly moved like insanity had bitten him.  It seemed the two of them both got something substantial from one another: whilst he gave protection, flight, and courage to her, she gave him reassurance, love, and purpose.  They balanced each other.  His eyes narrowed at the idol in the corner who was still steaming.


When lunch came around, they all entered the cafeteria.  Ranka carried a small box with a homemade lunch whilst Alto approached the line for food.  Just as she approached the table she sat at yesterday, a foot came out and tripped her.  She landed on her face with a loud thud.  At the sound of her high-pitched cry, Alto came running, leaving Michael with his money for the food whilst he cared for Ranka.  He rushed to her side and helped her up, glaring at the attacker, whom was once again Sheryl.  Once he helped her to the table, he grabbed his food from Michael and sat down beside her.

She opened her box and then sighed with depression.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he stared at her watery eyes.  That confidence he had given her seemed to slip away the more she was bullied by her idol.  He wanted to loan her his wings, give her the strength to fly, and watch her bloom in that sky; but she needed to permit that strength first.

She stared at her food and frowned.  “I don’t like it when the food touches cause it tastes weird.”  Now his eyes landed on the food.  It was now all in one big lump in the center.  This was likely caused by the fall.  Her head lowered and bangs covered her eyes, “I’m a klutz.”

He looked down at his food, then at hers.  Surely his wasn’t as delicious as hers, but for her, he’d give it up.  Quickly, he swapped the food.  He pried apart the chopsticks and dug into her food, chewing it with a small smile.  It tasted a lot like her cookies.  ‘Welcome to heaven,’ he thought with a smile.

She looked at the food before her with indecision.  She’d been shocked when he’d swapped with her.  It was generous of him.  Still, she was unsure.  But as he took a bit of it and lifted it to her mouth, she turned her head away.  “I don’t know.”  But he still held it out for her.  When she finally accepted it, she tasted it, and she liked it.  With a bright smile, she grabbed the fork from his hand and began to chow down on the food he’d given her.  “Thank you, Alto-kun!” she exclaimed with gratefulness.

He blushed thickly but nodded.  He returned to eating his own food without a remark.

Sheryl watched from a distance and scowled.  Her hand was squeezing her spoon so hard that her knuckles were white.  He was pampering her!

Michael smiled brightly at the scene.  “She is the best medicine for him.”  He didn’t see Luca and Nanase look up in shock at the remark.


During math class, Alto abruptly excused himself without much of an explanation.  He literally ran out the door without even asking about the bathroom.  It left the teacher baffled but that was the last thing on his mind.  He raced to the S.M.S. building as he remembered it and entered their main building.  He was shocked to know there was a recruitment place for such a secret military-type base.  He rushed to the information desk, “my name is Saotome Alto.  I am here to join the S.M.S.”  The person immediately nodded and handed him the paperwork.  He sat down and ran through it.

It seemed to take hours to run through all the information they required.  It seemed impossible to just leave his past behind on the charts.  He merely wanted to give simple information and leave but ended up giving his whole background history before he handed the papers in and began his long run back to school.

When he reached the school, it was already his last class.  He walked into the room and sat down before laying his head on the desk in fatigue.  He lifted his eyes to a very concerned Ranka, whom was leaning over him.  He merely smiled at her so she wouldn’t worry.  But despite that, she didn’t even question him.  He still saw concern in her eyes till the day ended.


After school, he offered to walk her home.  Since they lived so close, it was easy to spend time together this way.  He looked at her with a frown.  “About earlier, I had a matter of importance to attend to,” he spoke, “dealing with that pilot who died the other day.”

“His memorial,” she nodded, understanding.

He shook his head with a small frown.  “They say that people in the S.M.S. don’t actually get funerals or memorials.  Once they’re dead, they’re never remembered.  That’s kind of sad.”  He didn’t see her eyes fill with worry nor her stop in confusion.  He stalled too.  If he’d just turned, he would’ve seen her horrified face and thought twice about speaking next.  “I’ve thought about joining.”

She tensed.  He turned to her with wonder, as if hoping she’d be happy.  Her form was trembling with fear, hands shaking as she lifted them to cup over where her heart laid.  “W—Why?” she asked breathlessly.

His eyes went slightly wide with confusion.  She was obviously against the idea of him being a soldier.  His eyes lowered with shame.  “I want to protect you and others too.”  He held a hand over his heart with pure devotion.  “I have strength and heart and I can give my power to others to help defend life.  Is that not the most noble thing I can do in life?”  He didn’t know why it was important to him to gain her approval first.

She shook her head in defiance.  “Onii-chan used to be a pilot too.  And he got injured.”  She sobbed and thrust herself into his arms, holding him as hard as she could.  “I don’t want to lose anyone I care about!  I don’t want to lose you!”

He accepted her embrace.  “I have a dream too, Ranka.”  He smiled as her tear-filled eyes lifted to meet his own.  “I want to fly in a real sky.  Even if I don’t reach that dream, at least I can fly in outer space.  At least I can use a Valkyrie.”  Her eyes spoke that she understood his reasoning now.  He wanted to say ‘I was here’ to the whole universe.  He wiped her tears away.  “You can fly too.”

She stared at him, “Alto-kun.”

At last he noticed that someone was following them.  At the sight of pink strands rushing behind a pole, he knew who it was.  He glared at said person.  “I thought only stalkers followed people.  Now stuck-up idols do too.”  He watched the woman walk out into the open with daggers in her eyes.  “I don’t feel like dealing with you again.”  He gripped his girlfriend’s hand – whom blushed thickly – and turned to walk away.

“Aren’t we both professionals?” she winked at him, making him stall.  This was nothing like the other day when she’d called him an amateur.  She looked at Ranka, whom was attempting to hide herself behind his form.  “What a pitiful girl.  Why do you like her so much?”  She ‘tsked’ him in a playful manner.  “What do you think she can do?”

Finally, he turned to her with a competitive glare, “sing.”

“Ho.”  She looked at the girl.  “Better than me?” she boasted.

He refused to let Sheryl push Ranka around.  His girlfriend had powers she hadn’t even noticed yet.  He just had to help her harness them.  “Ranka, grab a mike and show this girl what you can do.”

Her eyes snapped to him, then widened.  She flushed at the determination in Sheryl’s eyes.  Both wanted her to move.  She merely hid behind him all the more, confused and embarrassed, too afraid to move.

Sheryl was slightly relieved at this, as she had gotten a sample of said girl’s voice yesterday.  But a smirk lit her face.  “See?”  She flicked said girl on the forehead, then blew a kiss at him when Ranka backed away, pained.  She closed in, lips inches from his own, and he blushed thickly at her forwardness.  “She’s not gonna defend her helpless boyfriend from a sexy idol like me.”  Her eyes were devious at this, staring into his confused ones.

Ranka watched the scene play out and felt her heart stabbed.  She sat back, allowing the other girl to manhandle her boyfriend, and her eyes lowered with shame until they caught sight of a music shop nearby.  She immediately rushed to it and grabbed a mike.  She held determination at last, then, as she saw Sheryl, her resolve wavered.  The words came out stuttered, ~baby, what are you waiting for?  I am here.~

He heard the voice and perked up.  “Ranka?” he spoke, taking in the sight of her trembling form.  Sheryl seemed to as well.  He took this moment of distraction to pull away from the overconfident idol.  ‘She’s trying to fly,’ he thought with a warm smile.

~I am still waiting for you.  (Don’t you) want my heart and want my love?~ her words stuttered, making the crowd giggle at her.  She felt helpless.  But as she looked up at the sky, she remembered his paper airplane.

In that moment, she could practically hear his voice in her mind, telling her to fly, to soar in his sky with the wind beneath her wings.  She felt wind float underneath her arms as if they were wings, gliding upon the skies, and she reached out with her heart into the vision.  It gave her strength and resolve.

Opening her eyes, she felt that power flow out.  A band joined her from the nearby music shop. ~I said “no” to a false love.  I want a true love that soars!  (You’re) beautiful!  (Please) excuse me!~  Her voice was radiating throughout the entire city now.  The crowd stopped and actually listened to her.  She failed to notice, as her heart was centered only around Alto. ~I’m wishing for, lalala, possibilities!~

Sheryl was shocked.  “That song…” she whispered lowly, narrowing her eyes at the girl, ‘that’s my song, just modified.’  Now she resented this girl.  The crowd was interested in her music and she knew she had to do something.

~Point.  I don’t care.  Point.  Are those fake?~ she threw her hand to the air, as if dismissing that lyric.  Her eyes locked with Alto’s, whom was quite taken with her version of the song. ~Point.  Our hearts are one.  And my love soars high now!~  She shot up, letting her words flood the town. ~What ‘bout my heart?~  That one lyric flowed aimlessly through the town over and over again.

A man rushed through the city, following the sound of that addictive voice, and soon his eyes landed on Ranka, whom was still singing her heart out in the center of the large crowd.  Those eyes widened behind the sunglasses.  “Her!”

Alto held a smile on his face as he watched her.  ‘She’s blooming in the sky.’  And it made him happy.  Her career may be the world he ran away from, but for once, he felt happy approaching such a place.  It was her dream and his curse; but the roles were reversed now.

~Tell me what you desire, it’s all yours!  It’s so fantastic to be with you, my love!~ she smiled at the crowd as she prepared to end the song.

But Sheryl butted in, grabbing a mike and flicking the girl on the forehead. ~Let me know what you want, I would give you!  How fantastic to be with you, my love!~  She smirked as the crowd became interested in her, ignoring the glare from Alto.  Her eyes turned to him deviously, melting his anger with confusion, ~darling, submit to me, hear me?~ she asked as she approached his form, a hand stroking along his chest, going way beyond even friendship, her lips closing in on him. ~No you, no life, no; I’m serious!~  She giggled at his lost expression. ~(I) need your heart and need your love.  Oh yes!!~  Her lips were almost on his as she spoke, ~give me a sweet kiss!~

Alto nearly turned beet red at the lyric.  He attempted to push away, trying not to seem too pushy, but he wasn’t comfortable.  “Sheryl, stop.”

Ranka almost felt that courage leave, but she was aware that he wanted to hear her sing and not Sheryl.  And that meant her song was more potent to Alto than Sheryl’s.  She walked forward, ~I want a love with no lies!~  She immediately pushed herself between the idol and her boyfriend, relieving him. ~There’s only one shot to excite me!  (The) wonderful,~ she turned to him with a bright smile, ~charming you!~

He flushed thickly at her words.  He had to inwardly wonder if she was serious.

~I need to, lalala,~ her hands took the shape of a heart and landed upon his face, which tensed slightly, ~have you!  Hear me sing my love!~

Despite his reaction, he wasn’t frightened or confused, just shocked that she was singing at him.  He felt like the center of attention and – even though he hated acting – he liked this kind of attention.  It fueled an attraction in him he’d long forgotten.

Sheryl was disgusted by the public display of affection and his reactions to them.  He seemed to see no one in the world but her.  It infuriated the idol. ~3. Hey, I count down.  2. Are you ready?~ she pointed the mike at Alto, whom tensed with fear.

~1. I can’t wait.~  Ranka was not about to give up her boyfriend.

She glared at Ranka until they landed back-to-back, fighting with each other for who would finish the song. ~0. Let my love be heard!~  Sheryl took an opportunity when Ranka’s eyes met Alto’s and a blush coated her cheeks to push the little girl to the ground harshly, cutting her from the picture. ~What ‘bout my star?~  She had won.  When it was over, she walked away, her fans all coming before her and requesting autographs.

Ranka sat up slightly and felt beaten.  Her eyes were slightly teary with shame and pain.  How could she fail?  He’d placed so much confidence and courage in her and she’d let him down.  She looked over at the winner with failure.  ‘I’m not as strong as Sheryl-san.’  She looked at the mike near her.

“If you keep saying those things, believing you can’t do anything,” he spoke as he stood, looking out at the world, “then you won’t!” he yelled as he threw the plane into the air, giving it strength to fly on the current.

Her eyes widened at the remembrance.  He’d given her courage, strength, and love.  ‘I cannot just give up!’ she resolved as she stood.

Meanwhile, Alto stared, concerned, not knowing if he should comfort her.  He’d made a mistake to put so much confidence in her skills after barely just meeting her.  But as he watched her stand, he gave her a confused look.  Was she upset?

She wanted him to only see her. ~Now I hear your voice,~ she started without anyone noticing, suddenly attracting their attention, even Sheryl, and Alto was stunned that she still had fight left, ~saying “come here” to me who is lost in loneliness.~

That purple-haired man was stunned as the girl before him sung with such love and hope.  ‘Yes, the Songstress of Hope!’

Sheryl was destroyed at the sound of the old song that she’d tried times over to master.  “Impossible… Do You Remember Love by Minmei…”

~Now I can see your figure walking to me who waits with closed eyes.  My heart was clouded by tears, until yesterday…~ she smiled as she gazed at the newly formed crowd that was interested in only her voice.  Her heart was clear, her mind full of love for the boy whom was now watching her with bright gold eyes, happy to hear her soar again. ~Do you remember when our eyes met?~

A flash came of the first moment they’d met, how his head turned to her, the sparkles around his face, even the confusion in his gold orbs as he took notice of her.

~Do you remember when our hands touched?~ she asked.

A flash came of when he’d reached his hand out to her.  “Grab my hand!” he’d yelled with such worry and yet, at the same time, care.  Then he gripped her wrist strongly, attempting to save her from the beasts.

~It was the first time I departed for love.~  She placed a hand over her heart and looked at him with sparkling eyes.  His own held understanding.  He could recognize her desires were the same as his. ~I love you so.~  She met his eyes with that one lyric and he blushed thickly. ~I’m not alone now.~  She shook her head with a small blush, staring at him. ~You’re here with me.~  And the song ended.

He stared at her with understanding.  ‘Yes, I’m here.’

The audience around clapped, destroying their moment.  They were all very impressed with Ranka’s performance.

Alto held a warm smile as Ranka perked up, eyes wide and glassy with happiness at what she’d accomplished.  “I knew you could soar, Ranka.”  He gave a slight glance to Sheryl, whom was fuming with anger at the winner, then looked back to his girlfriend.  She deserved that fall.  He watched his girlfriend jump in happiness and approach him.  ‘We have the same dream: to fly in the sky.’  But as she took his hands and smiled brightly at him, he blushed, wondering, “Ranka?”

“I did it, Alto-kun!” she cheered, ignoring the confused crowd.  “I flew!”

He smiled slightly and nodded.

Sheryl crushed the poster in her hand.  Even her fans were now raiding Ranka for autographs.  With a puff, she turned and left without a word towards either winner.


When the crowd left, one last person came up to Ranka, a man in his early thirties.  Immediately, Alto stepped in front of her for protection against the possible attacker.  But as he held out a card and bowed with hat in hand, he stepped aside.  “You are an amazing singer.  A Songstress of Hope!”  He held his hand up to the air, pointing to the sky, and her gaze followed it, “I can see you soaring through the universe!”  Ranka stared whilst Alto was in disbelief.  Said man cupped her hands in happiness, “I can make you a star!  Let me handle your debut!”

She stared, taken aback.  Then the word hit her.  “My debut!?” she exclaimed.  She looked to her boyfriend, whom was smiling, as if knowing it would happen.  “I’m…” she stared at the man with a small blush, “ah… who are you?”

Said man looked shocked, “but of course, where are my manners?”  He bowed and took her hand, kissing the back of it in an old fashioned greeting, “Elmo Kridanik at your service, Miss.”

“I’m Ranka Lee,” she introduced herself.

He looked up at Alto and recognition hit him.  “You’re Princess Sakura!”

Alto immediately paled, stiffening with disgust.

Ranka looked at her boyfriend, confused.  “Princess Sakura?”


The rest of the walk home was quite silent.  Neither knew what to say.  For Alto, he was excited for Ranka’s debut, as he hadn’t quite planned on that, but knew if she sang out, someone was bound to scout her.  For Ranka, she was still wondering just who Elmo thought Alto was.

She stared at her boyfriend’s back as they walked.  ‘Did he say Princess Sakura?’ she wondered.  That name sounded awfully familiar yet she couldn’t seem to place it.  But the first thing that came to mind was: “a sex change?”  She had said it quietly but he heard it, and he stopped cold, making her hit his back.  “Ah, sorry.”

He turned to her with confusion.  “What about a sex change?” he questioned.

She flushed and looked down.  “That man – Elmo-san – called you Princess Sakura.  It sounds familiar.”  She blushed, hair rising in embarrassment, as she’d finally figured it out.  “That must’ve been one of your roles.”

He burst into laughter, holding his stomach as it flowed through.  “You are fascinating, honestly!”  He stopped after a few more quakes and wiped his eyes of the small tears.  “Yes, it was.”  He looked up at the house and felt sadness creep back in.  “We’re here.”

She looked at her home with a sad smile.  “Yeah.”

He suddenly leant down to kiss her cheek when she turned her head to speak, causing their mouths to collide in an awkward kiss.  He pulled away quickly with a thick blush.  “Sorry!”  He once more attempted to kiss her cheek but she deliberately moved to collide their mouths again, but this time, it was a soft kiss, and he didn’t move.  He absorbed what he could of the moment, then pulled away.  “Have sweet dreams, Ranka.”

She smiled and nodded, climbing the stairs, “you too, Alto-kun.”

He waited for her to enter the house and lock the door before he moved.  His fingers touched his lips with shock a few houses down.  Her kiss still tingled on his lips.  ‘Her lips were so soft…’ he silently thought to himself.

Inside her house, she slumped to her knees, face lit red like a stop sign, merely a shell of the human being she was, and she was utterly shocked.  That had been her first kiss.  “Alto-kun kissed me.”  She smiled widely, still red, and hugged herself, rolling around on the floor.  She quickly got up and entered the downstairs bathroom, looking in the mirror, and that was when she finally pressed her fingers to her lips.  “He’s so gentle even though he seems violent to others.”  She blushed slightly, hair risen, “I think I’m falling in love with him.”


Luca Angelloni finally gathered his wits that very same evening as they were about to leave the club for the night.  He dared to approach Nanase.  He couldn’t quite figure out how he’d gained this confidence except perhaps watching his senior do so encouraged him.  And since Alto was with Ranka, he wasn’t a threat any longer.  He stood proud and tall, even though he was shorter than her.  “Nanase-san,” he attracted her attention, “would you have dinner with me?”

She was shocked at the invitation, as he usually just walked her home and then left, but then a smile touched her lips.  She grabbed her belongings and then closed the locker, nodding, “sure.”

So he took her to a fancy restaurant.  It was a little bit over his spending limit but he ordered small and let her make the large orders.  When the waiter took their menus away, he gripped her one hand before she could go to the bathroom to freshen up and caught her shocked eyes.  “Nanase-san, I like you a lot!” he spoke loudly so she could hear him clearly.  At the admission, her cheeks turned pink.  “Would you do the honor of being my girlfriend?” he finally asked his main question.

For a moment, she just stared, completely blown away by his confession, then that shock died and she nodded with a warm smile.  Her other hand came over to grip his two shaking ones with assurance.  “I would love to, Luca-kun.”

At that answer, Luca’s eyes brightened.

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