Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ Magic Knight Rayearth: Medieval Mystery Series ❯ And Then There Were Two. ( Chapter 11 )
Magic Knight Rayearth, Medieval Mystery Series...Part 11.
I've gone and started a new section of this story, which will contain chapters 11 through 20, I hope. It seemed to be getting a little too long for one section, and it lets everyone know when I've posted a new section. I know it's slow, but thanks for putting up with the wait.
Name: Thoughts.
Name: Speech.
(Later that night after sunset, the halls of the castle were lit up with the light of a thousand torches. Fuu shivered as she walked by an open window. A cold wind was blowing.)
Fuu: The weather's changed so suddenly. hmm...
(Putting down her tray she reached out to close the shutters. For a moment, she surveyed the black land before her.)
Fuu: Why do I have this feeling of danger? It's strange...
(She shook her head and closed the shutters, hoping no one was left out there on such a cold night. Of course there was nothing dangerous out there. The feeling of fear was just some silly trick her mind was playing on her. Picking up the tray of food again, she continued down the hall towards the study of Master Clef.)
Fuu: Master Clef certainly works a lot of late nights. He must be doing something very important...
(Approaching the library, she knocked on the door and waited for an answer. There was none. After a second try, she slowly pushed open the door, which was ajar a bit anyway, and peeked inside.)
Fuu: Hello? Is anyone there? Sorry for any intrusion, I just...
(She stopped as she realized that the room was empty. Even more surprising was the amount of books she saw lined up along the shelves. Old books, new books, fat ones, thick ones, Fuu had never dreamed so many books could possibly exist. It was a moment before she could collect her thoughts and remember her errand. She walked across the room to the desk that stood in it's center.)
Fuu: Looks like Master Clef is still working here. If I leave it, he should find it when he gets back.
(She put the tray down on the desk, and then paused and looked around the room again. It had been so long since she had read anything, she wondered if she could even remember how. Slowly, she wandered over to the bookshelf to her right and cautiously traced her hands along the titles...)
Fuu: "Myths of Cefiro," "Legends of the Past," "A Chronological History of Society" ...
(She read the titles out loud to herself. Delighted to find how easily they came to her. Almost automatically, she reached out to remove a book from the shelf, simply to brows through it, but stopped.)
Fuu: Stop it! If you start day-dreaming again, they'll kick you out!
(She let the book go, but didn't leave. Instead, she looked up at the massive shelf longingly. Then something hit her.)
Fuu: These books should be in alphabetical order, but they're all over the place. How could one find anything in this mess?
(And with that, she set to work.)
(Outside the castle, the guards in the front gate played cards to pass the time. Suddenly, the noise of approaching horses were heard . Within minutes, the group had rushed outside to do their duty.)
Guard: Halt! Who goes there?
(The horses slowed to a canter, and soon advanced into the torchlight. The guards recognised Lantis and his sombre apparel, almost as black as the night itself.)
Lantis: Send a page to tell master Clef that I have returned. Tell him I have found the magic knight.
(Within seconds one guard was chosen, and ran off in the direction of the castle. The sight of Lantis' dark face on this dark night was enough to turn their blood cold. After a minute, a second rider came into sight. I young girl, her red braided hair swaying in the wind.)
Lantis: Bring this girl to meet master Clef. Treat her with the most respect. She is the magic knight, a saviour of our kingdom.
(He suddenly turned to go, but Hikaru stopped him.)
Hikaru: Aren't you coming Lantis?
(Lantis looked at her, and was quiet for a moment.)
Lantis: I have business to attend to elsewhere.
Hikaru: Oh...
Lantis: What about you? Are you sure you want to go through with this?
Hikaru: Yes, I do. I realise there's a chance I might die...But, if it means that I can save even just a few people, then I can also protect the happiness of the people that love them.
(She suddenly smiled.)
Hikaru: Besides, I promised my family that I'd save Cefiro and come home soon, and I won't break that promise, no matter what.
(Lantis said nothing, but continued to stare, quietly, darkly. Hikaru thought that he seemed like a man, almost without hope.)
Hikaru: I...I want to thank you...for bringing me here...
Lantis: That's not necessary...
Hikaru: It is...because...I think it is. Anyway...I want you to have this.
(She reached back and gently untied the ribbon from her braid, and tied it to the clasp of his gauntlet. Lantis said nothing.)
Hikaru: I don't know why, but I get the feeling we'll meet again...Take care of yourself, Lantis...
(There was a pause as Lantis regarded her for a moment, a little confused as to why she would be doing this. Could it be that, she knew, or understood why he was leaving? Impossible. He reared his horse and rode back into the blackness. Hikaru rode on, passing through the torch lit gates and on to her destiny.)
SD Umi: HOW DARE THEY! Telling me I can't leave! Well I'll show them. That brute with the sword, that stupid kid, that...Clef...sorcerer. Grrrrr!
(She was angrily ripping her sheets to strips and braiding them into ropes. After completing this, she tied them to a bed post, and was just about to descend when the door was opened by Clef and Presea. They stopped and stared at each other a moment in surprise.)
SD Clef:...What...What are you doing! Don't you realize how dangerous that is? It's a hundred meter drop on the other side!
Umi: So what? It's no more dangerous than sitting here waiting for you to stick me in front of some army so I can get slaughtered. No way! I'm going home!
(In response Clef whacked her on the head with his staff.)
SD Umi: Oww! What was that for?
Clef: !!I'm trying to knock some sense into that thick head of yours!!
SD Umi: Why you!!
Presea: Hey hey, break it up you two! That's not why we came here!
(After a moment's struggle, Presea managed to pry Umi off of Clef's throat. Umi sat on the ground and rubbed the lumps on her head.)
SD Umi: Owwww....
SD Clef: Cough...cough....
SD Presea: Boy, for childish behavior like this, you should both be punished. Hmm, how should I do it...
SD Clef: ...Just ..."cough"...don't start...
Clef: Let's try this again. I'm sorry about the way we started off this afternoon, and I want to see if we can start over again. My name is Clef, master sorcerer or Cefiro. Who might you be?
SD Umi: Mnnnnnn!
(Clef clenched his teeth as Umi stuck her tongue out at him.)
Page: Master Clef! Master Clef!
SD Page: EEP!!
Page: I-i-i-it's Lantis. He's returned to the castle, and he's brought the Magic Knight with him. Sh-She's waiting in the courtyard...(don't hurt me)....
Clef: ... Presea, come with me.
Umi (in shock): There's another magic knight?
Clef: ...and I guess you'd better come too. Just so that you don't do something stupid.
SD Umi: Mnnnnnnn! (sticking tongue out)
(When they finally reached the courtyard, Clef was surprised to find Lantis no where around. The Magic Knight however...)
(She sat calmly on her horse, the torches dancing in the wind behind her, and flickering shadows across her face. On her left hand glinted the Escudo gem. Clef thought she certainly looked like a knight of fire, but again, so young! He looked back at Umi, comparing the two. There was certainly no mistake. Swiftly he stepped forward as the young knight dismounted.)
Clef: Magic Knight, I presume...
(The young girl stood there, looking slightly overwhelmed. Clef didn't know what to say. He didn't want things to end up in a mess like last time. He thought for a moment, choosing his words carefully...)
Umi: Are you a magic knight as well?
(Umi stepped up past clef, completely ignoring the sorcerer. She walked up to Hikaru and eagerly grabbed her hand.)
Hikaru: Yeah...
(Umi nodded.)
Hikaru: YAY!! I'm Hikaru Shidou, what's your name?
Umi: I'm Lady Umi Ryuuzuki.
Hikaru: Y...You're a Lady? Whoa!
Umi (laughing): Oh, it's not such a big deal. I guess I'm a Magic Knight now, just like you.
Hikaru: YAY!! I'm glad we'll be fighting together, I didn't want to save Cefiro alone. What type sword do you use?
Umi: Actually, my father's taught me fencing since I was little.
Hikaru: Fencing! That's so cool! My father taught me broad sword kendo.
Umi: Really?....(blah blah blah, yack yack yack.)
SD Clef: Um, hello? I'm supposed to be talking here. Hello?
Presea (Putting a hand on Clef's shoulder): Let them talk. The gems have bound their destinies together, it's best if they become fast friends.
Clef: (sigh)...Perhaps you are right. Can you take care of them Presea? I have work to finish in the library.
SD Presea: Humpf, there you go again. Really Clef, what you need is a good rest.
Clef: Maybe, but I can't do that until after this is all over, for Cefiro's sake.
Presea: (sigh) I know, but promise me you'll at least get six hours of sleep tonight. We'll all be in deep trouble if you get sick from over working yourself.
Clef: I promise. Good night.
(With a smile, he walked back into the castle. Presea thought he looked far too old for a man of only 20 years.)
Fuu: There, All finished.
(She gazed around the room at the newly re-arranged shelves. She had even managed to leave space for the books that had been left on the floor, however she hadn't dared touched them in case they were in use. A small smile of pride swept across her face.)
Clef: Oh, hello there.
(Fuu jumped as she heard his voice behind her. Slowly she turned around, and faced Master Clef, realising she could get in a lot of trouble for being there. She hoped he wouldn't notice her work.)
Fuu: G-good evening Master Clef. I just came up here to bring you some dinner. I hope it's still warm.
Clef: Thank you, but I thought all the servants had retired almost an hour ago. Is the kitchen still open for some reason?
(Fuu didn't answer. Instead, she backed away from Master Clef as he walked towards his desk, surveying the surrounding shelves. To her horror, he walked up to one, and began scanning the titles, his brow furrowed.)
Clef: Who...When were these books re arranged like this? ...Was it you who did this?
(Fuu looked at the ground and felt her face burn. She liked it here. She didn't want to be kicked out. However, Fuu knew that lying wasn't her strong point, so slowly, she nodded.)
Clef:! They're arranged by genre, as well as alphabetically. How did you know where to put some of these books?
(Fuu twisted her apron in her hands nervously.)
Fuu: Well, you see, my father was a scholar who kept a lot of books. My mother always used to make me arrange them in order as a part of my chores, so it just came naturally to me, I guess.
(Clef looked at her for a moment. She was obviously quite nervous about being here, but she also seemed to know a great deal about books...)
Clef: Did you ever read any of your father's books?
Fuu: Oh yes. I read lots of them. Mostly fairy tales and myths mind you, but I did read some history and philosophy, and other such things.
Clef: Really? Do you recognise any of these books?
Fuu: ...well...
(She walked up to one shelf and lovingly pulled out a thick leather bound volume titled "Legends of Cefiro." )
Fuu: I think, I remember...I read this one until it was to the point of almost falling apart. My favorite story was this one, about three girls who made a wish into a well. They wished for the power to end the war and suffering between their three countries, and together their wills created a new country called Cefiro.
Clef: ...! May I see that?
Fuu: Of course, it's your library...
(Much to the surprise of Fuu, he snached the book out of her hands and quickly skimmed over the first paragraph of the story.)
SD Clef: Of course! All this time I've been looking in the history books when I should have been looking into the legends and myths of Cefiro. How stupid I've been! That's why they're called "Legendary" Magic Knights....ugh...
(He sighed in frustration and relief at the same time, his sudden change in mood leaving Fuu scared stiff. After a moment, his face softened as he looked up from his book at her.)
Clef: What department do you work for now?
Fuu: The kitchen.
Clef: Hmmm, we've been desperately needing a librarian for some time now, and you've definitely proved yourself more than worthy. Would you like the job?
Fuu: A...are you saying I could work here? Y-yes of course!
Clef: Excellent! I shall tell your director. Would you be able to start tomorrow Miss...
Fuu: Oh, I'm Fuu...and yes, tomorrow would be wonderful!
Clef: Perfect. Well then I suggest you go and get some sleep Fuu.
Fuu: Thank you Master Clef.
(And after a second longer, she turned and walked out the door, barely able to contain her excitement. Clef smiled a moment, and then sat down, poured over his book, and ate his dinner.)