Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ My Love, Return To Me ❯ Love and Marriage ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Rayearth is not mine, thank you very much! But I had dreams it was! Damn, if only dreams could come true.

A.N: Last time:

. . .

"I know I hurt her," Lantis snapped. "But, she wanted me, and didn't care if it meant the downfall of Rodundria! The other magic knights didn't care either, and I don't even know who you are!"
Mokona glared at Lantis. "You don't deserve to know who I am. It would be a mockery to tell you."

They glared at each other for several minutes.

Then Mokona turned to Primera. "You wanted Lantis, and you hurt someone in the process. I hope you get caught in your lies, Primera." He turned to Lantis. "And I hope your heart breaks the way Hikaru's is as we speak. You will never hear of, or speak to her again." He spat on the ground in front of Lantis. "You couldn't even honor Eagle's last wish. You were his friend. Someone he didn't even know respected him, and the magic knights enough to make it come true."
With that, he vanished from the chamber, a twister of fire marking the spot where he had been, then vanished.


. . .

Hikaru, The voice said. Hikaru. . . I will protect you now. I promise you, I will love you.

It sounded like Eagle, someone that she did love with her heart, almost as much as she loved Lantis.

But, she knew it wasn't. It was someone different, someone new.

Someone who stroked her inner fire to life.

Mokona. . .

Chapter Nine:

Love and Marriage

Hikaru was warm in Mokona's arms. She knew he would protect her, and he would love her. She never doubted him for a second.

She opened her eyes, and knew without looking that they were still in the realm of dreams. Hikaru was without clothing, and she knew Mokona wasn't either. The warmth from his body, made afire burn in her belly.

She turned around in his arms, her short hair framing her face.

He was sleeping.

She smiled, and reached a hand out to cup his cheek. His eyes were closed, and he was smiling softly. Oh, how he looked o much like Eagle in his sleep, with his hair mussed, and his body sleep warm. He looked so at peace.

She watched his eyes flutter open, his silvery eyes, whirlpools of mercury that burned as he watched her. She stood there, with the heat of his gaze, and watched his lips curl into a delicate smile.

Hikaru. He whispered, though his mouth never moved. Are you alright?

Hikaru smiled. I am Mokona. I'm glad you're my friend. You're always so kind to me.

Mokona looked away for a moment, a oink tinge to his cheeks. Well. . .You know, I like you. You're my best friend, and I want you happy.

Hikaru studied him for a moment. He seemed so flustered, and he wasn't holding her close anymore, oh no. He was holding her shoulders at arms length.

She felt a warm ache in her belly. It was a pleasant feeling that she liked. And when he finally looked at her again, his gaze was locked on her lips.

Hikaru. Mokona said her name, in a bare whisper. And he pulled her to him, his eyes still on her lips.

She opened her mouth to say something, but Mokona's lips fastened on to hers in a tender kiss.

Her eyes widened as she felt the invasion of his tongue, of his taste, of his scent. He was warm, hot, a fire as his arms held her. His taste was warm, like a heady wine. He had the essence of sandalwood. Oh! What a sweet smell. . .

When he left her, she kept her eyes closed, unaware that she had done so. Mokona too, afraid that she was going to push him away.

They both opened their eyes at the same moment.

Mokona's fingers went to his lips. He could still taste her, her sweet taste of chocolate, and her scent invaded his nostrils. The smell of sunflowers on a summer day. Her heat never left him, he still held her in his embrace.

They stared at one another. Ruby eyes to silver.

With smiles, they tentatively reached for each other, intent on another tender kiss. . .


Umi's scream woke them up.

Hikaru, nestled in a cocoon of warmth, hadn't heard her friend's distressed cry, or if she had, she ignored it, to comfortable in her bliss to open her eyes, much less, roll over and see what's the matter.

Clef's laughter, and Ferio's huffs of indignation jolted Mokona to a sitting position, fully aware that Hikaru was now in his arms, and not on his body. But he immediately wished he could have just gone back to sleep like Hikaru.

Umi was being held back by a weak-from-laughter Clef, and an extremely worried Fuu, who was being sensuously attacked by Ferio.

Umi's words pierced Hikaru's haze though. "We're supposed to have a triple true white wedding!!!!"

Hikaru opened her eyes, and glanced at her friend and muttered, "I'm still a virgin, Umi."

Umi didn't believe her. "You're both naked under a sheet, in a hut, with no chaperones, and in a bed! And you expect me to believe you're still a VIRGIN!?"

Clef wrapped his arms around Umi, and whispered in her ear.

Umi was satisfied, and pointed at Hikaru. "Let me see the sheets!"

Confused, Hikaru grabbed the sheets, Mokona following behind her to hide his nudity, and both of them left the bed.

Umi ran over, and check the bed sheets, the pillows, and the pillowcases. She looked at them and said with a dangerous edge in her voice. "I have confirmed she is a virgin." She pointed at Mokona, using a challenging stance. "If you deflower her before our wedding, I'll tell Masaru, Satoru, and Kakeru!"

Hikaru swallowed. "Oh! I have to tell them!"

Faster than any of them realized, she had dressed herself, and Mokona, and flew out the door with a quick, "Ja mata!"

Fuu, Ferio, Umi, and Clef were still in the whirlwind of confusion, when they themselves packed up, and left to tell their families of their fiancées.


Fuu's parents, her older sister Kuu and Kuu's family, took the announcement well.

Fuu's mother, a lady wearing a white blouse with a forest green skirt, and an emerald brooch smiled at Ferio. Her eyes were a deep green, her hair the same blonde as her daughter, but was braided over her shoulder. "I'm glad she found a young, and intelligent man to make me some more grandchildren."

Ferio laughed as he gave Fuu a look that said clearly, And I can't wait till we start trying to make those children. Obviously meaning something else, Fuu blushed.

Fuu's father, a dignified man with dark brown hair, and light green eyes studied Ferio. He wore a long sleeve top of white, with dark pants. "As long as he makes you happy Fuu."

Kuu was smiling, tears threatening her dark green eyes. "Oh Fuu!" She said with happiness. "I'm so glad you're deciding to marry! And this handsome man no less! Why," She said looking at him. "He looks like a prince!" Her husband, an American with auburn hair and gray eyes smiled down at Fuu and Ferio. "Pray you find happiness, sweet little sister with your charming prince."

Fuu and Ferio shared a smiling glance.

Fuu's nephews came next.

They were only six and four. One had the red hair of their father and green eyes of their mother. The other had a mix of red and brown hair, and gray green eyes.

"Aunty Fuu," the oldest, Kyuu said. "Can I have a baby boy cousin?"

Fuu blushed, Ferio laughed. "Sure you can." Ferio said. "And we'll try until you get one." This made Fuu even redder, to Ferio's delight.

The second one, Drew, toddled up to Ferio and said. "Are you my uncle now?"

Ferio looked over at Fuu. "Yes," He said happily. "I am your uncle."


Umi's parent's were ecstatic.

Umi's mother was crying as she smiled at her daughter. "Oh, Umi! I am so glad you're getting married, and will have children! Oh! We must start the wedding planning! Wedding!" She looked over at her husband, a smile on her face. "I remember when we got married, my love."

Umi shook her head and smiled, and glanced over at Clef and burst into laughter. His face was one of complete confusion, and Umi couldn't help but love him for that. She leaned in to whisper to him.

The moment her breath touched his ear, Clef turned to look at her. She still his movements. "Clef, I love you. And my parent's love each other too. Do you think we'll be like that for the rest of our lives?"

Clef looked over at her parents who were lost in their own world of love. He turned to Umi, pulling her close, he said. "I will love you for the rest of my life, and after this 'wedding night' I won't keep my hands off of you."

Umi's father was detached from his wife as she picked her daughter up and began chattering about wedding dresses, tuxedos, flowers, the guest lists, and whether or not Hikaru and Fuu would get married with her. He stared at his future son in law, and noticed the longing in his eyes as Umi left, and smiled. He stood up, and walked over to the cupboard where he hid his brandy.

He made a glass for Clef, and one for himself. Handing one to Clef, he said. "I want to have a bundle of grandchildren."

Clef looked up, his face astonished.

"Girls and boys if you don't mind." He continued. "Although, I hope your first one is a boy. Not that girl's aren't wonderful."

Clef listened intently, smiling as his father in law ordered his grandchildren. I will make sure to keep that in mind.


Mokona wondered if Ferio and Clef were having this hard of a time.

He had just defeated Hikaru's three brothers, all of whom were now laughing about it, and teasing Hikaru about her new love.

Hikaru's blush, and the smile he saw in her ruby gaze made the fighting all worth while. He was exhausted, and thankful when she began to remove his gear, and wipe his face.

Kendo was a lot like sword fighting, And he had caught on easy because of watching Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu fight. He knew those skills would come in handy! Although, if he just magicked them it would have been a time saver.

Satoru was the oldest. He sat in front of Mokona, and waited for his sister to move to the side. When she did, Mokona saw him smiling.

"When are you planning on marrying?"

Hikaru answered the question. "Umi's doing the planning, but when she sets a date, we'll tell you."

Satoru nodded. Masaru was next, he dropped beside his brother and said. "Are you going to treat her right?"

Mokona knew Clef planned on bestowing their magic unto them once more, and knew that Hikaru was more than able to kick his ass if he ever did something stupid. "I will take great care of Hikaru."

Kakeru pointed his kendo sword at Mokona. "Will you make plenty of nephews and nieces for us to spoil rotten?" he demanded.

Hikaru and Mokona looked at each other. "We'll make lots!"



Okay, I edited this chappie, thanks James. You know who you are, thank you for making this fic better, and feel free to correct any of my other fics. I've tried some, but. . .

Anyway, thanks a bunch, fren! (READ ON!!)