Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ Only You I Desire ❯ Prince's Celebration ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Only You I Desire

By: E-chan Hidaka

Edited by: Alley Cat

Disclaimer: I do not own MKR. So please do not sue me because I don't have any money to give.

Author's notes: This is my first MKR fanfic. So if you see any spelling error or grammar error please forgive because grammar and spelling are not my strongest points.

Couples: F/F, L/H, C/U, and others

Genre: Romance/Drama/Adventure

Setting: Alternate Universe

Rating: R due to foul language and sexual content


Chapter One// Prince's Celebration

He sat there lazily waiting patiently at his throne. He ran his hand through his wild forest green hair. He was dressed in a white silk rob with gold lines. How handsome the prince looked. His golden eyes shined with pride and mystery. His family and friends was throwing him a wonderful party since now he was twenty years old.

It was his sister Princess Emeraude and her lover the Priest Zagato's idea to throw him one. He looked upon his sister who was in the arms of her beloved. They did not look anything alike. She was beautiful like an angel that was descent from the heavens themselves. She had a lovely peach compellation without scars, unlike himself on his face. She had long sun kissed blonde hair that passed her bottom. He could see why the Priest Zagato fell in love with his sister. Zagato was a tall handsome man. He had long dark raven hair and soul searching sapphire eyes.

Ferio looked at the man next to Zagato. It was Zagato's younger brother Lantis. He was a quiet man who kept many secrets within him. He had short raven locks and mysterious sapphire eyes. He was a very good swordsman. He swore to protect the prince and princess with his life, what a good friend he became. Then standing next to Lantis was a good friend of his, Eagle, who was the best friend of Lantis. He had pale blonde short locks that almost looked white in the sun, and remarkable emerald eyes.

"M' lord, your gift will be presented soon," a man said to him. He looked at the man who had spoken to him. It was his close and good friend, the master mage himself, Clef. Clef was his advisor and the power mage of his palace. He eyes was clear as the ocean waters, and his hair was a silk lavender mane. He was strikingly handsome as well.

"I'm hungry," whined a young man.

"You just ate five minutes ago Zazu," another young man pointed.

"So what, Ascot," Zazu retorted.

"You two pipe down," A man snapped at them. Then another man let out a joyful laugh. Lafarga, another great swords man like Lantis. The two young lads sent him a hateful glare.

"Yes, Geo," they both quickly replied. Ferio couldn't help but laugh at his two young friends. He shook his head remembering what it was like to be a teenager. Zazu and Ascot were both sixteen and three months a part. They were the best of friends, but sometimes they acted more like brothers than friends. Geo was another good friend, and very good mechanic.

Then suddenly the doors to the royal main halls opened. Two lovely young ladies stepped in with long silk materials following them. They were both equally beautiful. One of them had long beautiful blonde locks and stunning green eyes. She was dressed in a two-piece silk see-through material. The other one had golden brown colored skin with powder pink hair and crimson ruby eyes. She was dressed more revealing than the other. They began to dance sensually across the royal hall's floors. They captivated their audience with their soft and rich movements.

Next another pair of ladies appeared at the door and entered. The first two ladies moved aside and watched the following two that entered. They were also beautiful. Both had that golden brown tanned skin, fiery reddish-brown hair, and memorizing brown eyes. They danced with the sound of bells. With every step they made a soft melodic ringing of the bells made. The two new ladies danced right in front of the prince. They both rotated their hips tantalizingly.

Ferio watched the two beauties in front of him. It seemed like they hypnotized him as they dance for him. Then the ladies with the silk material moved into the center of the room throwing their silks into the air, and magically the silks changed color into a bright red. The audience was awed in amazement as they saw the enchanting transformation. The ladies who were belly dancing in front of the prince had changed beat to a faster rhythm. The other ladies began to clap their hands to a smooth but fast beat.

A fiery red head emerged into the room barefoot. She walked slowly swaying her hips to the beat and the sound of her partners. All eyes were on her. She was a pretty little thing. She had her eyes closed, as if she were bewitched by the music, as she was belly dancing. She looked so untamed and exotic. She had long crimson tresses nicely braided in one. She was dressed in a gorgeous red satin lowed cut dress and it had slit on both sides showing her well-formed womanly legs. She had an ankle bracelet on her right ankle and it shined with gold and rubies. Her arms were decorated with golden bangles.

Her four partners picked up four velvet red sheets and wrapped it around her petite waist. They were all standing in a perfect square formation and she was in the middle. They began to sway together in sequence. Afterward she touched each velvet sheet with her slender hand; fire burned the connection to her partners, and they delicately fell on to the marble floor and now she was surrounded by fire. Eyes widen in wonderment from the audience. She danced against the fire. Moving her body with excitement as her partners stood up and began to clap louder and dance in formation once more. The fire burned with such passion around the fiery lady until it consumed her.

The audience remained silent hoping the young lady was fine. Then she walked out of the fire without any burn marks. The fire followed her every moved. The princess grasped in surprised. "She wasn't injured," she whispered to her beloved. He nodded in agreement. Followed by her partners they draped a see-through pink silk over her while they dance around her. She finally opened her eyes showing her mystic ruby eyes. She looked upon the audience and one caught her eye. Eagle looked at the fiery goddess. Then saw her gaze was lock onto his best friend Lantis. A pang of envy struck his heart. Lantis looked at her as she looked at him. She blew a kiss to him and she vanished into thin air. Lantis looked at the pink sheet in bewilderment.

The pink silk fell to the ground and mystically changed into a puddle of water. The water began to shape into a human body and she became visible. She had long blue locks that cascaded down to her waist. She was dressed in a light blue dress. It had only one-spaghetti strap at the top, and the material had splits in each side that went up to her thighs, showing her lovely long peach legs. She had alluring azure eyes as it reminded everyone of the midnight sky. She was one of those rare beauties. She was tall and looked like one of those pixie faeries.

She began to dance gracefully across the room. It was like she dancing upon water itself. She moved her arms with such grace. She flicked her left wrist that wore silver bangles and it made an angelic jingled that rang through the royal room. She stared at her audience with her eyes. It sent chills down everyone backs. Her blue bangs brushed the tops of her eyes as she tilted her head a little to the side. Then she lifted her right hand as if she reaching for the sky.

Suddenly a clear liquid started to form in her palm; it was a small sphere of water. She gracefully twirled right in front of her audience. Her pretty blue hair trailed behind her as she moved from corner to corner of the room. She brought her right hand in front of her face and blew on the sphere of water. Swiftly, the water spread all over the room and turned into little blue butterflies.

The little butterflies twirled around everyone. They all sighed with admiration at the beautiful butterflies that flittered around them. Softly, one of the butterflies landed on top of Ascot's nose making his eyes cross. The blue dancer giggled as she saw Ascot's eyes cross. It sounded so lively as she giggled. The master mage watched his water nymph with every move she made. He felt so enraptured as she moved towards him. Wait why did he think this lady was his? He didn't know her, yet why does it feel like he already knows her, from long ago.

She walked towards the master mage with such elegance. He looked at her with curiosity. She stood in front of him. They looked into each other's eyes with intensity. She lifted her left hand to his face and cupped his chin in her palm. She smiled sweetly at him. Her face was so close to his face. She began to whisper something softly into his ear only enough for him to hear. "As you wish…" Clef looked at her. He remembered that phrase from somewhere. He had said that phrase to someone before. He remembered now, he had said 'as you wish' to a little girl long ago. Was this her now? Clef was about to speak, but she pressed her index finger against his lips.

Then a little white dove with a green ribbon trailing behind it came entering the room. All eyes were on the dove. Clef looked back at the girl again, but she was gone, and so were the blue butterflies. Clef searched all over the room with his eyes. She was nowhere in sight. He looked down to his right foot where there lay a beautiful blue rose. He picked it up carefully scared to break it. He sniffed the rose and it smelled like the summer ocean breeze.

After the white dove flew all over the royal hall, it landed in the middle of the room. The four girls who were dancing with the red head before were now carrying big green and white feathers. They placed the feathers over the dove gingerly. Those same girls who were dancing in front of the prince had begun to swing their hips so the bells around their waist would make a soothing ring and sweet flutes began to play. They lifted one feather at a time and there lay a gorgeous lady on the marble floor. Her eyes flatter open showing her harmonious jade green eyes. Her golden blonde-brown curls framing her angelic heart-shaped-face, making her look like the goddess of love. She pulled her upper body up leisurely from the floor.

Ferio gasped at the enchantress. Never had he seen such beauty like her. It was like the god had molded her himself. "Master Mage Clef, what is the name of this belle?" Ferio asked his friend.

"I'm sorry m' lord," Clef replied back. "I only know her stage name Jade Winds." Ferio sighed. He looked upon her. The color of her skin was a pale. It looked as white as snow. She stood up from the floor. She dropped her forest green satin cape; as it descending to the ground, she began to dance in her white and light green silk dress. Her green silk top wrapped around her mid-waist, showing her cute little bellybutton. Her skirt was a mixture of green and white silks.

A small breeze came blowing into royal hall. As she continued to dance the breeze seem like it was caressing her softly. The wind abided as it gently glided through her hair. Her silk skirt began to flap up, as the winds got stronger. She closed her jade green eyes as she let the music of the gentle bells and flutes play. She twisted her hips sensuously, her hands caressing her own body with pleasure then running her slender hands through her hair. Ferio gulped hard. She looked so intimate and innocence at the same time as she danced. He watched her every move feeling the need to run his hands all over her body.

She disappeared then reappeared in front of Geo. She danced around him and again she distilled. She next appeared in front of Lafarga. She twirled before him and vanished like the wind. Now she was in before the prince himself. She swayed her body back and forth. She looked into his golden eyes and whispered to him, "happy birth to the prince of Cephiro…" He was about to reach out to her, but she seemed to fade away. Then they notice the room was silent. The dancing girls had disappeared. They were nowhere to be found.


He sat at his studies. He knew her from his dreams. He got up from his study table and walked towards the French doors that led to the balcony. He opened the doors and was greeted by the warm summer breeze. He looked out to the ocean. How it shimmered in the moonlight. He closed his sea blue eyes and began to imagine the water goddess in front of him. "As you wish…" the soft voice rang in his ears. He quickly opened his eyes, but saw nothing except the ocean and midnight sky.


A couple doors down, the young prince was pacing across his room. Why can't I get you out of my head? I must see her again. But how and when can I see her angelic face again? I crave to see and listen to her soothing voice that calls out for me. Ferio you mustn't think so vulgarly about the young lady like that. He scolded himself. But I cant' stop thinking of her. "Uh! I think I'm going crazy!" he yelled to himself.


"Lantis are you going to sit there all night?" some one had asked him. Lantis turned and face the person who was talking to him.

"Did you say something Eagle?" Lantis questioned his best friend who stood in front of him.

"Apparently you did not listen to a word I have said to you." Eagle said shaking his head.

"I'm sorry Eagle, I've just been thinking." Lantis replied. Yeah, you were thinking about the little red head. Eagle thought to himself.

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To be continued…

Author's Rambles: Is this good? I know there a lot of descriptions in this chapter. But I want you get the feel of the atmosphere. I had this idea for a while and I decided to type it up. I hope you guys liked it. Please review it and tell me if you like it. I need reviews continue this fanfic. If not I'll just take the fanfic out.

A note to the Editor! Thank you!