Mahou Sensei Negima! Fan Fiction ❯ The Dreamer ❯ To Stay With Sunshine ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
-----Author’s note: I do not own Negima!, but the ideas and any other characters are my own.-----

Negi unlocked his door, quickly ushering Asakura and Connor inside. The girl lowered herself to the ground, but Connor grabbed Asuna’s desk chair and swung it out into the middle of the room, which he dropped onto.

“C-Connor-san, I don’t think Asuna would like you sitting in her chair.....” Negi mumbled uncomfortably, finding it hard to make eye contact with his new coworker.

“Just call me Connor, and she can deal with it. I’ll sit on the floor when she licks it clean for me,” The arrogant teen muttered casually, waving his hand back and forth as he rejected the idea of relinquishing the seat.

“E-Excuse me?” Asakura stuttered, staring at the teacher with a look of utter shock on her face. “You can’t talk like that to him, or Asuna! You’re a teacher, right? Why don’t you try and act like one?”

In response to the girl’s words, Connor spun in his chair, lifting his boots up onto the desk. His smirk hidden by his coat, he muttered, “That goes for you, too, Blaze.”

“Connor, please,” Negi spoke, giving the older teen a sincere look, “We need to be serious.”

Allowing the smirk to fade away, the older teacher pulled his legs off of the desk, but stayed in the seat. “Alright, I know. So what is it you want to talk about? I can’t tell you anything you don’t already know, and there’s nothing you can tell me.” Connor’s eyes fell on the girl a couple of feet from him. “You, too? What the hell do they want you dead for?”

“I don’t know.....” Asakura admitted quietly, “I’ve never gotten into anything that would count as a reason to want me dead. Negi-sensei is the biggest trouble I’ve ever gotten into, and it’s been nothing but good, so far.”

“Good? Yeah, ok. I’ve heard of your class’s exploits, kid. You need a few lessons in discretion,” Connor snickered as he turned his attention to the blushing ten-year-old.

“Let’s.....let’s just ask Chamo-kun if he knows anything. Chamo, are you here?” Negi asked, looking around for his little furry ally.

“What’s a Chamo? There’s nobody in here, kid.”

Asakura popped open Konoka’s drawers to find the little white ermine snuggling with panties and bras. “I found the little pervert,” She laughed.

After prying the little animal from the forbidden comforts he so loved, Chamo jumped across the room and onto Asuka’s desk.

“The hell?” Connor muttered, standing up. “What is that thing, a freaking white rat?”

Chamo raised a paw, showing the teen his masterful finger. “Thanks for the input Mr. Tall, Dark, and Emo. Who is this joker, aniki?” The perky ermine asked, flicking a cigarette to life with a match.

“This is Connor, Chamo-kun. He’s a new teacher here. He saved Asakura-san and I from some thugs in masks. Actually, that’s what I need to talk to you about,” Negi explained quickly.

“I’m not a Goth,” Connor muttered, sitting back down.

After a slight nod from Negi, Asukara flicked her tape recorder on, rewinding it to the beginning for Chamo’s benefit.

“Sorry aniki, I don’t know anything about this,” Chamo admitted with a frown as he lit a fourth cigarette. His little mind was racing, and a shot of nicotine was all he could think of to help slow it down. That and maybe a nice bludgeoning to the forehead. “I didn’t even sense anything was off. That’s scary.”

“Well, as enlightening as that wasn’t, I have things I need to take care of,” The new teacher stated, rising to his feet.

“Wait, I have a favor to ask,” Negi jumped in front of the man in black.

“What is it?”

“Could you.....could you please help me watch over my students?”

Connor laughed, though it was mostly hollow. He couldn’t laugh too much at a kid asking for help, especially in a serious situation. “Why should I help you watch over a bunch of ditzy girls?”

Asakura growled, but didn’t say anything.

“Look here, ass-wipe!” Chamo jumped up and latched onto Connor’s collar, staring at him straight in the eyes, “You’re gonna help aniki, or I’m gonna spill your secret all over the campus, internet, and newspapers everywhere!”

“You don’t know anything about me, so.....”

Chamo scrambled up onto Connor’s shoulder and whispered something into the teen’s ear. Connor’s eyes widened a little bit as he swallowed hard. “You feeling me now, Goth-boy?” Chamo asked, a nasty smirk covering his tiny face.

“I’ll talk to the headmaster about backing you up, kid,” Connor quickly conceded. “Since I’m taking Haruka’s position, it wouldn’t seem too off for me to be spending some time with you. Besides, since we already know one of them has been targeted, there’s a good chance that some of your other students have been, too.” The older teacher set Chamo onto the desk, and made for the door. He glanced over his shoulder before closing the door behind him, “I’m doing this because it needs to be done, not for you, you little rat.”

Chamo laughed as the teen closed the door.

“What did you say to him, Chamo-san?” Asakura asked happily. She didn’t like this new guy very much, and was glad to see him upset.

“That’s a card I’m not gonna play today, sister. Just rest assured in the fact that I’ve got him well under hand. Aniki, I’ll see what I can dig up on the Magi-net, you take care of everything else!” Chamo shouted, hopping over to the loft, where his little computer awaited.

“Ok! I’ll.....what should I do, Chamo?” Negi dropped the ball, his mind pulling up a big blank.

“Why don’t you go see Evangeline? If she doesn’t know what’s going on either, she can at least help you get ready for beating off these clowns!”

Asakura sighed, “I don’t think you said that right, Chamo-san.”


Ku Fei’s fist slammed into the crying mask, shattering it and sending the cloaked man soaring away. The Chinese girl spun to meet a second attacker, the kick thrust at her deflected with the flick of her wrist. She brought her elbow down on the man’s knee, following up by palm shot into his chest, sending him to the ground hard. A broken leg and a couple of ribs should be enough to keep him down.

“What? Is all?” The blonde asked happily, turning around to find well over thirty men in crying masks staring her down. Some of them were up in the trees, giving her an automatic disadvantage because she couldn’t track all of them at once. “Who is you guys?”

“Death,” One of the men replied, raising a hand. All of them charged at this signal, ready to overwhelm the girl with sheer numbers.

Ku Fei now regretted coming out to train in the middle of nowhere. She was at least a mile from civilization, so she’d have to go this one solo. Well, as long as they couldn’t use magic she’d be fine.

The master of martial arts ran in to meet her attackers, instantly swallowed up in a flurry of black wisps and fists. The one cloaked man lowered his hand, watching the girl beat his men away one at a time, a stupid grin plastered onto her face as she did so. Maybe she didn’t realize that this was serious. The man knelt down, slapping his open palms onto the warm earth.
Ku Fei swung a leg up into one of the men, bending over to slam him into the enemy lunging at her from behind. The two tumbled to the ground, grunting with each bounce. Before another move could be made, a thick vine shot up out of the ground and bound the girl tightly. She was lifted into the air, and swung in a wide semicircle. She smashed through a tree, then was thrown up into the air above the canopy of leaves. A little stunned, she managed to flip and control her flight enough to be going down feet first.

“Is no fair! I no can do that!” She exclaimed, bracing for falling through the trees. Before she cleared the treetops, a stream of black burst through the leaves, making a beeline for her. Her face went blank as she realized there was no time to do anything.

The force from the impact sent her far above the treetops. The spinning girl became a tiny dot to the men below, almost blending in with the newly rising stars as the sun finally dropped below the horizon.

Ku Fei began the long plummet towards the earth, her pleasant smile no longer visible as the trouble she was in finally became apparent. Hundreds of the black magic streams exploded from out of the treetops, solidifying her worries. She gathered energy into her hands, ready to deflect as many of them as she could. The beams arced in the air to rain down from above her, driving her ever faster towards the rapidly approaching earth.

With her back to the ground, Ku Fei continued to fall, using precise timing to smack away the black magic as it came within reach. The girl’s hands became a blur as she continued to counter the magical onslaught, now crashing through the trees as she moved. Her arm struck a branch, throwing her pattern off, allowing the magic the hole in her defenses that it needed. The waves of shadows spilled down over her, carving out a gaping hole in the ground as she finally hit.

The lead man of the attackers approached the small crater, dispelling the cloud of dust with the wave of his hand. He jumped down into the hole, grabbing the barely conscious girl by the hair. In an effortless motion, the cloaked figure leapt out of the hole, holding his trophy up proudly for the others to see. “Master will be pleased. We have one less enemy, after this.”

Ku Fei coughed up a little blood, but forced a smile. “You guys fight dirty. Thirty beat one nothing be proud about,” She stated in her broken Japanese.

“Still talkative? Let me fix that,” The man muttered, carrying Ku Fei away. As he walked, he swung the girl head-first into a tree, breaking her through it. He snickered when he heard the Chinese girl whimper a little. A couple more ought to do it. He approached a second tree, and swung her towards it. Ku Fei swung her weight with him, throwing her captor off balance. Her feet grazed the ground, but that was all she needed. She pulled her head out of the man’s failing grip, and snatched up his arm. She spun with him, smashing him through the tree this time. She continued to spin with him, though, slamming him into a large tree that refused to break from such an attack. She could hear the men behind her rush to help their leader. She was at least going to get in one more solid attack before going down, though. She didn’t give the man before her enough time to catch his breath. The dark-skinned blonde balled up her fist and slammed it into the man’s stomach so hard the tree burst apart.
She fell to her knees, unable to do any more. The guy who had treated her really bad was now buried in a mountain of splinters, so she was satisfied. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, expecting a lot of hurt to come her way. All she heard, though, was a couple of quick shouts accompanied by the sound of a blade whistling through the air.

She tried to turn around, but a firm hand on her shoulder stopped her. “You don’t need to see,” A strong voice assured her.

Ku Fei made the assumption that she didn’t really want to see what mess now sat behind her. “Who you?”

The man stepped around the exhausted girl, helping her up. Ku Fei looked up into the man’s shining blue eyes, her heart jumping up into her throat. “Connor Gavet. I know, a weird name. I’m not Japanese though, so I don’t want to hear it.” Connor looked the girl over, letting out a faint sigh as he saw the black and purple aura surrounding her. She was a target, too. He began to lead her back to the campus.

“I-I not Japanese either! I Chinese!”

“Oh? And what’s your name, Sunshine?”

Ku Fei felt her face explode into a dark shade of red at him calling her ‘Sunshine’. “K-Ku Fei,” She replied sheepishly.

“Ku Fei....? You’re one of Negi’s students, right?”

“Yeah! You know Negi-bozu?”

“Sort of. That’s right, you’re the yellow idiot,” Connor mumbled, looking at the class roster which the headmaster had given him.

“Yellow baka ranger! I-Is a study group.....sort of,” Ku Fei replied quickly, not wanting to make a bad impression. “But why you have that?”

“I’ll be replacing Haruka as your PE instructor, and I’ll be giving Negi a hand from now on. After all, how’s a ten-year-old supposed to keep an eye on 31 teenage girls? Sounds a little impossible, to me.”

“C-Connor-s-sensei?” Ku Fei stuttered, unsure if she was lucky that such a strong guy was going to be her teacher, or unlucky because now he’d end up seeing how stupid she really was.

“I don’t do the honorifics thing. Just call me Connor, and I’ll just call you Sunshine. It’s no problem,” The new instructor mumbled.

“How you find me way out here?”

“How could I not find you? I just hope that the other teachers can convince the students that the magic being thrown into the air all over the place really was a new kind of fireworks. Plus, I could follow the sound of a couple of trees falling over. It’s not like you guys were trying to keep a low profile.”

“I don’t need you save me,” Ku Fei stated, trying to make her teacher think she was tough.

“I saw what you did, I know you don’t need my help. I just thought I’d save you the time near the end,” Connor humored her.

“How much you see?”

“I’d say.....the second half.”

“Why you not help sooner?!” Ku Fei exclaimed, though she quickly shut up. She did just say she didn’t need his help.

“Don’t worry, Sunshine, I wouldn’t have let anything bad happen to you. Oh!” Connor stopped walking. “I think you should take the lead from here.”


“It says here on your name, and somebody called Kaede, that I’m supposed to stay with you, for now,” Connor stated, folding the roster up and sticking it into his pocket. He waited a few seconds for Ku Fei to keep moving, or even to say something, but she seemed frozen.

“You alright, Sunshine?”

“C-Come th-this way!” Ku Fei began to lead her new teacher to her dorm room. She could hardly walk straight, whether it was from the fight or from what she had just heard, she couldn’t tell. Having Negi-bozu stay with her would have been great, but this guy? She was already thinking about all of the long, sweaty, exhausting, and incredibly fun training sessions they would be having.

Connor restrained a sigh as he stuck his hands in his pockets. Sunshine seemed nice enough, but he couldn’t recall ever having signed up to babysit a bunch of hormone-happy girls. Sleeping in the same room with them seemed overkill, but what he had just seen helped him to realize that whoever the enemy was, they weren’t playing around. He’d just have to be careful not to let any of the girls like him too much. That would be a complication he didn’t need. How did Negi deal with this kind of life, he couldn’t help but wonder.

-----Author’s other note: Feel free to review, letting me know that somebody out there is reading. Hm.....also, feel free to drop any suggestions, too. No promises I’ll listen, but who knows? If I like the idea, I may just use it. Thanks for reading.....-----