Mai-HiME Fan Fiction ❯ What we do for love ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )
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Natsuki woke up, feeling more refreshed than usual. She felt a pang of immense joy when she thought of her still sleeping partner. `Today's the day. Nothing will ruin this. Absolutely nothing.' She stretched once more before walking into the kitchen to prepare a breakfast in bed surprise for Shizuru.
As she began cooking, she heard footsteps behind her. “Shizuru, go back…oh. Good morning, Shizuka.” Natsuki had never seen Shizuka up this early, so the surprise was genuine. “Well hello, Natsuki. Up a tad bit early I see, and making breakfast, no less. What's the occasion?” Natsuki half grinned before waving it off. “There's no occasion. I just wanted to do something special for Shizuru, that's all.” Shizuka nodded once before returning to the living room. If Natsuki had cared more about Shizuka's responses, she would have noticed the snake like smile that adorned her face. `Oh Natsuki, you're good. But you see; I'm better. You won't get away with this.'
About an hour later, Shizuru emerged from the bedroom, a disheveled mess. Shizuka and Natsuki looked on as Shizuru made her way to the couch in a zombie like state. “Shizuru…are you alright?” Natsuki frowned, questioning her partner. “Why the hell am I so damn tired? Where's my breakfast? Why is this room a mess?” Natsuki sighed knowingly. This appeared to be one of Shizuru's off days, something not many people knew about. It seemed that being perfect did in fact have an affect on Shizuru. Unfortunately, the only person to ever be around her when this happened was Natsuki. The only thing you could do was agree with everything she said, and when possible, stay the hell out of her way. It usually passed within a few hours, so Natsuki was thankful she'd be gone nearly all day. Better to let her mother deal with it anyway.
“Hey Shizuru. I think it would be a great idea for you to spend some time with your mom. Go out to eat and stuff, shop, see a movie. You know… fun, girly type things.” Shizuru looked up at Natsuki with a blank expression. “And where exactly will you be?” Natsuki shifted in her seat. “I have things I need to get done. But I need you to be home later on. I have a surprise for you.” Natsuki saw Shizuru gain some of her humanity back, and sighed thankfully. “Sure…whatever you say, Natsuki. What shall we do today, Mother?” Shizuka smiled wryly. “Don't you worry about that, darling. I have things planned.” Natsuki rose to give Shizuru a hug, grabbed her coat, and headed out the door. “I have an idea, Shizuru. Let's go to the mall.”
Natsuki was the one who was late this time. When she arrived at the mall, Yoshitaka was already waiting for her. She smiled once more before greeting him. “I'm so sorry I was late. Shizuru was in one of her moods. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.” Yoshitaka grinned before shaking his head. “Don't worry about it. I know how women are. They are terribly confusing creatures. So, kiddo…are you excited?” Natsuki inhaled heavily, and blew it out with just as much force. “You have no idea how nervous I am. I just want to get it over with.” Yoshitaka nodded once more. “Let's shop a little bit first, then we'll eat, and then get what we came here for.”
After shopping around for what seemed like hours, Shizuru began to complain about being hungry, and the two decided to stop into one of the many restaurants the mall contained. After ordering their meals and beverages, Shizuru and her mother began small talk, until they heard a familiar voice. Shizuru looked up to see Natsuki walking in with a man on her arm. A man she didn't recognize. Shizuka tensed up, knowing that this was the moment she had been waiting for. The truth was finally being revealed. “Mother... who is that man? What is he doing with Natsuki?”
Shizuka sighed softly before meeting her daughters' eyes. “I didn't want to say anything until I was sure. Now this proves my theory. I saw Natsuki here with that man the other day. They seemed very…close.” Shizuru had to force her gaping mouth shut. “Mother, this can't be right. Natsuki would never…I mean, she loves me…she wouldn't…” Shizuka reached across and grabbed her daughter's hand when she saw tears in her eyes. “Maybe it isn't what we think. We'll follow them…and see for ourselves.” Shizuru sniffed slightly before nodding.
Natsuki had to cover her mouth to keep from spraying her cousin with her drink. It had been so long since she had seen him, and she had forgotten how much fun they always had together. After quieting down, the air became serious. “Alright, Natsuki. It's time. Are you ready?” Natsuki groaned softly. “As ready as I'll ever be. Let's go.”
Shizuka and Shizuru ducked to avoid being seen by the two, and got up quietly when they had left, and began following. “Mother, where are they going?” Shizuka strained to see the sign of the store in which the two had just entered, and inhaled sharply when she made it out. “It appears to be a jewelry store.” Shizuru felt her legs nearly collapse, and leaned against her mother for support. “Can we please leave? I don't think I can handle this anymore.” Shizuka hugged her daughter fiercely, and nodded against her. “We'll get an explanation out her when she returns home.” The two held each other, one for support, the other out of protectiveness, and made their way home.
Natsuki and Yoshitaka emerged from the store, vehemently discussing what was now in Natsuki's hand. “It's beautiful. I think she'll love it.” Yoshitaka smiled down at his cousin. “I know she will. Now go home. It's your job to finish this.” Natsuki looked at him with a serious expression. “Thank you so much for your help. Without you, I never would have been able to pull this off.” He smiled gently before hugging her. “Don't thank me. Just go to her.” They parted, and Natsuki hurried to Duran.
Shizuru laid down on the couch, dried tears on her face, listening to the sounds of the pouring rain. A storm had started, and by the sounds, it was a strong one. She stiffened slightly when she heard the door open, and sat up straight. “Oh man, that's one crazy storm. I don't remember hearing a forecast for rain. Shizuru…I have something I need to ask you.” Shizuru clenched her kimono tightly, to keep from breaking down again. “What is it, Natsuki?” Shizuru heard a rumpling from a bag, and exhaled when she saw Natsuki kneel down in front of her. “Shizuru…will you-“
The sound reverberated through the entire apartment, so much that Shizuka rushed out to see what had happened. For what seemed like an eternity, there was no sound, until Shizuru's crying echoed through the halls. “I saw you…I saw you with that man…I...” Shizuru stopped once more before getting up and rushing outside into the pouring rain and monstrous thunder. Natsuki sat there, a red welt appearing where she had been hit. The two words she muttered were left for only the elements to hear.
“…marry me…”