Mai Otome Fan Fiction ❯ My Past ❯ Chie Hallard ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Past
Angel Della Notte
(Capital, Aries)
An older man with a gray hair wearing a dark grey suit walked down the street flanked by several other men as they chatted. The streets were crowded so the group thought nothing of it when a young boy around thirteen with black shaggy hair covered by a cap bumped into the man. They thought nothing of it until the older man noticed his wallet missing and the boy running down the street. “Thief,” The man said turning around. “There, that boy there get him, he stole my wallet.” He ordered pointing after the boy running down the street.
The four men with him nodded then took off after the boy, “Don't worry General Boman we'll catch the little punk.” One of them said as the boy turned into an alley.
As he ran the hat blew off his head his shaggy hair falling out revealing it was really a girl she ran as fast as she could coming up to a fire escape where a younger girl looking nearly the same as her stood. “Shie!” The girl on the ground said getting her attention then threw the wallet at her.
“Got it Chie! Hurry up you've got four of them all your tail.” The younger girl said being able to see down the alley.
“Nothing I can't handle, get out of here.” Chie said continuing down the alley as Shie climbed into the window not being seen or so she thought neither of them seeing one of the men breaking off and running into the building. Chie sprinted down the alley turning quickly into another alley and running into a chain link fence which she easily climbed.
The men were right behind her stopping at the chain link fence one of them pulling out a gun and firing off a round barely hitting Chie in the arm knocking her off balance but she kept running, “What the hell are you doing? It's just a kid.” One of the men said pushing the gun down and climbing the fence. They ran down the alley right past a series of trash cans into the next alley seeing it was a dead end. “Damn it you made us lose him.”
“Where the hell did that kid go?” The one with the gun said putting it away pulling out a radio, “This is Captain Lucas I need two squads to Devonshire and State right now tell them to be on the look out for a boy about thirteen with black hair he's wounded in his right shoulder. The punk stole the general's wallet.” As he spoke into the radio they heard one of the trash cans fall over and the fence rattle. They ran back down the alley seeing Chie running back the way she had come. The three men tried to follow but Chie had knocked all the cans over on both sides of the fence and by the time they cleared them she was gone. “Damn it!”
“We've got eyes on a boy matching that description on Haltom and Stanford.” The radio chimed. “He's running north towards the Hexagon.”
“What? That's four blocks over this kid is quick.” Captain Lucas said then talked into the radio. “Get him I'm going to make an example out of this kid.”
(Hexagon, Aries)
Chie ran as fast as she could hoping to lose the men in the crowds around the parliament building but it seemed every time she turned a corner there was another guard chasing after her. The last count she had there were at least ten people after her. She cut across the park seeing a large crowd of people gathered around the driveway to the Hexagon. It was hard to push through the crowd but she made it to the clearing in the center running past two women one of them with short brown hair and glasses while the other had long blonde hair and was wearing a green dress. Chie knocked into the woman with short brown hair both of them tumbling to the ground. She quickly pushed herself up and was back in the crowd her shoulder aching. “Yukino are you alright?” The woman in the green dress asked helping the brown haired woman up.
“I'm fine thank you Haruka.” Yukino said dusting herself off and noticing there was blood on her shirt.
“You're bleating! Yukino! I'm going to get that little punk!” Haruka said starting to chase after Chie but Yukino stopped her.
“It's bleeding Haruka and this blood isn't mine. I'm fine let's just go inside.” Yukino said urging the blonde inside.
“Madam President are you alright?” Captain Lucas said running up.
“I'm fine Captain. I imagine you are looking for that girl that just ran into me?” Yukino asked.
“Girl? It was a boy Madam President.” Captain Lucas said.
“No, it was a girl I'm quite sure of that.” Yukino said pointing the way Chie ran, “Anyway she went that way.”
“Lucas to all patrols the culprit is heading west from the Hexagon and might be a girl instead of a boy. She just assaulted the President I want her caught now!” Captain Lucas said into the radio.
“I wouldn't go that far Captain it was more like she bumped into me.” Yukino said reaching into her pocket to look at her watch but it was missing. “She stole my watch…”
“That watch belonged to your father!” Haruka said trying to run after Chie again but was stopped by Yukino yet again.
“Don't worry about it Haruka. I think she needs it more then me. Come on lets go inside.” Yukino said dragging the blonde inside.
(One Hour later, Shopping District)
Five men ran down the street turning into an alleyway, “She's heading into the alley on Weston Street block the other side!” The leader of them said into his radio.
Chie ran down the alley knowing if she could get to the other side there was an old sewer that lead into a maze of waterways that she could easily lose these men in. She sprinted ahead mere feet away from the drain when she was suddenly stopped by someone grabbing her collar. “Got you street rat,” Captain Lucas said holding onto her collar tightly. Chie stomped down on his foot and slipped out of her coat punching him in the groin before turning and running down the other way of the alley meeting the five men that had chased her into the alley.
“Dang,” Chie shouted then quickly jumped catching onto a fire escape pulling herself up. She tried to find an open window but they were all locked and she soon found herself on the roof. She ran to the edge and looked at the next building over seeing it was a good fifteen foot jump and then looked back to the way she had came up seeing Captain Lucas and the five men walking towards her.
“It's over street rat give up. There is no way you are going to make that jump.” Captain Lucas said.
She looked over the edge to the other building then back to Captain Lucas moved back about ten feet then took off running to the edge and jumped. As she jumped Chie realized her mistake that she was nowhere near clearing the jump and was facing a six story drop to her death. That was until she saw a green blur coming at her then felt like she had just been hit by a transport. When she realized she hadn't hit the ground she opened her eyes seeing that she was in the arms of the blonde woman she had ran into earlier. “You've got guts kid but that was just stupid.” Haruka said landing next to a limo. She set Chie down who immediately tried to run off but she felt a metal glove grab her collar. “You aren't going anywhere get in the car kid.”
Chie was pushed into the car and found herself sitting in one of the fanciest cars she had ever seen. Haruka sat down in the car next to her as it drove off Chie looking around seeing Yukino and General Boman in the car with her. “I'll be taking my wallet back.” General Boman said holding his hand out.
“I don't have it.” Chie said smugly.
“I take it your partner has it?” Boman asked but Chie didn't say anything. “And President's watch?”
“President?” Chie asked looking at the woman. She had seen Yukino Chrysant on TV a few times but when she had run into her she didn't take the time to get a clear look. It was pure instinct that she taken the watch. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked down at the pocket watch seeing a `C' etched onto it. “Shit.” She said holding it out for Yukino.
“Watch you mouth kid.” Haruka said hitting Chie on the back of the head with her gloved hand she still being in her robe.
“Ow do you mind? That hurts.” Chie smarted off.
“Haruka you can dematerialize.” Yukino said as Haruka nodded and her robe disappeared.
“Huh? Are you an Otome?” Chie asked.
“Am I an Otome? I'm Haruka Armitage the Continental Topaz!” Haruka said.
“And you child gave us quite a chase.” General Boman said. “What is your name?”
“Chie, Chie Hallard.” She said not really sure why she was giving him her name.
General Boman nodded the name Hallard sounding familiar. He had a clerk several years ago a sergeant named Hallard. The man's wife had died and he took to drinking, last he knew the sergeant at been demoted several times though he had to admit the girl looked somewhat like him. “It took two hours and twenty men to catch you. That is something you can't teach. I have a proposition for you.”
“Not interested. You've got your watch back let me go.” Chie said noticing the Limo stop at a light and reached for the door but Haruka had a firm grip on her collar.
“There still is the matter of my wallet and you are a criminal. You can either take my offer or the only place you are going is prison.” General Boman said.
“Fine what is your offer?” Chie said letting go of the door handle as the car started up again then knocked Haruka's hand off her collar.
“I want you to work for me.” General Boman said.
“I'm not going to be your little errand girl.” Chie said crossing her arms.
“Not exactly what I had in mind. Tell me Miss Hallard what do you think of Meister Armitage?” General Boman said.
“What does this have to do with me?” Chie asked.
“I'm offering you a chance to be an Otome that's what it has to do with you.” General Boman said.
“What do I get out of this deal?” Chie asked. Before General Boman could answer Haruka's radio chirped and she switched it on but the volume was too low for anyone but her to hear it. She leaned across the limo and whispered in Yukino's ear who then told the driver something.
“You stay out of jail, get fed three times a day, and have a bed to sleep in.” General Boman said as the limo stopped again.
“No thanks. I'm no one's lap dog.” Chie said looking at Haruka who didn't look pleased at her comment.
“You don't have the wallet that much we are sure of. One of the guards saw you throw it to a girl that looked quite a bit like you. What do you think will happen to Shie if you go to jail?” Yukino asked.
“How do you know her name?” Chie asked as the door to the limo opened up and Shie was pushed in.
“Onee-chan!” Shie said lunging across limo into her arms Chie wincing when Shie hit her shoulder.
“I agree and you make sure Shie is taken care of and both our records disappear.” Chie said.
“Agreed, welcome to Delta Squad Miss Hallard,” General Boman said holding his hand out.
Chie reached out and shook his hand holding Shie with her other hand as Yukino nodded, “Let's get you two to base cleaned up and fed.” Yukino said.
(Six months Later, Hexagon)
“Haruka, did Hallard get on the transport without any problems?” Yukino asked looking out the window of her office.
“Yes, Yukino” Haruka said sitting in the chair in front of the desk looking over a report.
“And the younger Hallard?” Yukino asked.
“It took a while to find the records on them but it seems they were taken from their father four years ago after he became abusive. They were placed in foster care but ran away a year and half ago.” Haruka said.
“Have we found somewhere to place her?” Yukino said.
“There is one family membrane we were able to find.” Haruka said still looking at the report.
“I think you mean family member Haruka.” Yukino corrected.
“That's what I said. Shie Hallard has been placed with an Aunt in Northern Aries.” Haruka said.
(Transport Station, Windbloom)
The transport pulled into the station as Chie stood on the deck looking out at the City of Wind. She wore a pair of dress slacks, a white silk button up shirt and a black blazer. She tugged at the tie around her neck it barely hanging around her neck. These clothes were a gift from her new employer and she had to admit were a far cry from what she was used to, just six months ago she had been wearing a pair of ragged pants, a shirt that was three sizes too large and a stained jacket. She looked down at her shoes the sun reflecting off the shine of them. How many years had it been since she owned a pair of shoes that actually fit and didn't have holes in them? The transport stopped at the station rocking to a stop causing the girl to grab onto the rail to steady her. She walked over to the ramp following the other people on the ship onto the dock. There she stopped and reached into her pocket pulling out an acceptance letter. She read it again for the fifth or sixth time that day still amazed at what it said. Sticking it back in her pocket she walked out of the station looking at the wide city before her and didn't realize it until she bumped into a woman. The woman was carrying a large basket and lost her balance dropping it. “God I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going.” She said bending down to help gather up the contents of the basket.
“No I'm sorry this basket is so big I couldn't see over the top of it.” The woman said. On closer look she was around the same age Chie maybe a year older looking fourteen or fifteen. She wore a maid's uniform and had long brown hair pulled into a braid.
“Here let me help you up.” Chie said standing then helping the maid stand. She stared at the maid but you really couldn't tell if it was her or the city she was looking at.
“First time in the City of Wind?” The maid asked.
“Yea,” She said then held her hand out. “Chie Hallard.”
“Aoi Senou. What brings you here?” Aoi asked shaking her hand.
“I got a scholarship.” Chie said reaching down and picking up one last item that fell out of the basket. It was then that she realized the basket was filled completely with candy. “You got a sweet tooth?”
“It is for Mashiro-hime. Her birthday is in a short while.” Aoi said taking the last candy and putting it the basket. “A scholarship? I almost forgot the school year was starting. Doesn't it start tomorrow? Getting a late start? Most student arrive a week or two before the year starts.”
“I got notice of my scholarship last minute.” Chie said. She was the last of the group her employer had sent out the others having come to the City of Wind a week before. “Mashiro-hime, the princess?”
“Hai, I'm her maid she often sends me on errands like this.” Aoi said.
“Ah I see well it's good to meet you Senou-san.” Chie said looking back out at the city. “I guess I should get going so I can get settled in my dorm and be ready for class tomorrow.”
“Ah I see good day Hallard-san.” Aoi said reaching down and picking the basket up. She looked over to Chie seeing she hadn't moved. “Let me guess you don't know where you are going.”
“Hehe I guess I don't.” Chie said reaching into her pocket as she remembered seeing a map of her acceptance letter.
“Which academy did you get a scholarship for?” Aoi asked as Chie handed her the letter. “Garderobe? You are going to be an Otome?”
“Yeah I guess I am.” Chie said not really sounding amused.
“You don't really seem that thrilled about it.” Aoi said.
“It's a job.” Chie shrugged.
“It's more then just a job. Here let me show you the way. Garderobe is near the palace.” Aoi lied as she started to walk down the stairs still struggling with the basket.
Chie stepped up next to her taking the basket, “Let me carry that for you.”
“Oh you don't have to.” Aoi said
“It's alright; consider it payment for showing me around.” Chie said falling into pace with Aoi.
“Well thank you. So where are you from?” Aoi asked.
“Aries,” Chie said as they walked through the city. Chie could see what looked like a school ahead of them but the only thing that looked like a palace was in the other direction. “Are you sure this is on your way? I don't want to inconvenience you any.”
“I hear it is very pretty there.” Aoi said then lied again, “I have a few more places in this district I need to go it's not out of the way.”
“Yeah Aries is. Have you ever been?” Chie asked looking at the maid and smiling.
“No,” Aoi said.
“So what about you are you from Windbloom?” Chie asked.
“Yes, I've lived in the palace my whole life. My mother was the queen's maid.” Aoi said as she stopped at an intersection. “Follow this road until it forks then take the path on the left. Good luck at Garderobe Chie Hallard.”
“Thanks, and thanks again for walking me here.” Chie said handing the basket over to Aoi, “Any chance I'll be able to see you again?”
“Perhaps,” Aoi said smiling then continued to walk down the road.
“She's cute.” Chie said then put her hands in her pockets feeling a few sheets of paper or rather money. Another strange feeling, for the first time in a while she had clean clothes and money in her pocket. She watched maid walk away and a smile came to her face, “She's really cute. I hope I do see her again.”
The End…..