Mai Otome Fan Fiction ❯ My Past ❯ Akane Soir ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: Akane Soir
A young girl with cropped brown hair wearing a high collared black uniform, around the neck and the wrists there was white lace and the dress almost touched the ground; sat in the library sitting over a stack of books determined to keep her 4.0 average. Across the room a young man with spiky black hair walked into the room not watching what he was doing and tripped on a book cart falling onto his back. “Huh?” The girl said then looked around seeing the knocked over cart then the boy and she stood up and helped him up “Takeda-kun, were you staring at me or Kerry Gordon?”
Takeda spaced out looking up at the girl realizing he was at her feet and could see up her skirt, “Stripes.” The boy mumbled then his nose began to bleed as he smiled not aware that the girl realized what he was looking at.
The girl blushed as she remembered she was wearing striped underwear. “Takeda you prev!” She said as she hit him with a book from the rack.
Takeda shook out of it, “Akane-chan! I am not a hentai!” He said as he wipes his nose on his sleeve and handed Akane an envelope with the symbol of Garderobe on it “Father Greer sent me to give this to you.”
“Takeda do you know what this is?” Akane said looking at the letter flipping it over several times.
“I didn't open it I swear!” Takeda said holding his hands up. He had held it up to the light trying to read it but couldn't make anything out.
“I trust you Takeda but this is from Garderobe! I'm scared to open it.” Akane said still holding the letter tight seeming to nearly to be bouncing.
“Garderobe? You're going to be an Otome?” Takeda said as he looked off, he knew she had applied and even remembered when Meister Gallagher had come to interview her and a few other girls. “What a waste.” Takeda mumble then started to think about Akane's thighs and the panties he just saw but doesn't show any sign of it aside from a small trickle of blood from his nose that he didn't notice.
“A waste?” Akane said looking at the letter and not him, “Takeda if this says I got in this is a lifetime experience.”
“Huh?” Takeda said then shook his head again; I meant you would be able to be with a man right? Those Otome are like nuns of the earthen age right? They can't be with men or it makes it so they can't be Otome right?”

It is a sacrifice I would have to make yes.” Akane said blushing.
“I pity the man who falls for you.” Takeda said he wasn't the only boy on campus that had a crush on Akane Soir. He looked at her then turned to start to walk away.
“Takeda...” Akane said looking down and opens the letter reading that she got in then screamed and ran across the room tackling Takeda from behind “I got in!” She said then squeezed him tight.
Takeda tried to breathe, “Let me go!” He said gasping “Just because you've joined the spinster club doesn't mean you have to kill me!”
“But I'm happy aren't you happy for me?” Akane said as she hugged him tighter her breast pressing into his back.
Takeda blushed, his nose beginning to bleed even more, “Uh huh, now can I breathe again?”
“Oh sorry, I hear you are going into the priesthood.” Akane said letting him go though the spiky hair boy didn't turn around trying to stop his nose from bleeding.
“Not by choice,” Takada said wiping his nose again a wad of paper shoved up both nostrils, “I'd rather spend my life on a beach in Aries.” He said then was glad his nose was plugged as he thought about all the girls he would see wearing almost nothing at all on the Aries' beaches.
Akane giggled knowing exactly what was going through his mind, “What would you do in Aries?”
“I-I haven't thought of it yet!” Takeda said stomping off in the other direction.
Akane was glared at by a nun sitting at a desk with all the nose she and Takeda were making “Sorry.” Akane said then ran back to the table grabbing her books and running off.
(Soir Manor, Cardair)
Akane sat on a sofa in her parent's house wearing a formal dress as her parents floated about the room seeming anxious. “Mama why are you so nervous?” Akane said.
“Be quiet dear, just don't say anything. Don't speak unless you are spoken to.” A woman said.
“Mizuki try and relax a little.” Her father said pacing as well.
“Ishiru, you aren't relaxed either.” Mizuki said. “Fiar Grosse has come here how many before? Think about it once when Tae was about to go off to Garderobe and once when she was kicked out.”
As she spoke both tensed up a car with the flags of Cardair pulled up to the house and a driver got out letting out a woman in an Meister uniform with a shawl over her head got out. She entered the house and took the shawl off handing it to Akane's father as if he were a servant.
As Fiar enters the room her mother tapped her hard on her shoulder and Akane stood with her hands folded before her. Fiar walked right past Akane's parents and seemed to inspect Akane walking back and forth finally stopped in front of her. “Hmm, I expected a better domicile. Not at all where I would expect to find my potential replacement living. But then again this family has already produced one failure. You,” Fiar said as she pointed to Akane's father and mother, “I cannot be bothered to remember your names. Leave me with the child. You as well I think she can get though a few questions without her leash being pulled. Leave us.” Both her parents bowed to Fiar and Akane stood there nervous her hands clinching tight. “Do you have idea who I am child? Let's start with that.”
Akane bowed her head respectfully to Fiar, “Grosse-sama.” Akane said she had seen Fiar before on TV and had been in the other room when Tae had been interviewed by Fiar and when she had come back after failing out of Garderobe.
“Well, at least you remember your own line. I am of the 290th Moon class of Garderobe. Tell, me, why is it you think you should go to Garderobe. You are far too soft to be an Otome. Just like your sister. Fiar said as she raised her voice. “Look at you! You flinch as if I was your headmistress! You are to be a solider! Otome are more then just pretty flowers, more then just robes and elements, more then an obsession for little girls to become.”
“I want to learn Grosse-sama. I want to learn to be a soldier. I have the highest average at my school but there is so much I want to learn.” Akane said.
Fiar started laughing, “You want to be scholar? Then go to a university. Cardair has many schools or for family can afford to send you abroad. There you will be able to have men. Really I don't think one like you could handle the temptation.”
“I can't become what I want at the university. I want to serve my country. How can I do that at the university? And I don't even have a boyfriend.” Akane said starting to get irritated but wise enough to keep her manners.
Fiar took several steps forward inches away from Akane's face seeing her flinch again and smiled, “Then tell me, tell me what drives you. Or are you like the torrents that fail out every year, only 10 out of every 200 girls become Otome, 10! That's 5%”
Akane quietly spoke looking at the ground “It's in my blood...” She said her great grandmother had been Otome along with her sister. That sister being Fiar Grosse's great grandmother making Akane her second cousin.
“So you are going because you have to? If so then you'll fail. Just like your pathetic sister. Where is she now a house wife? After wasting your parents money and Garderobe's resources.” Fiar said.
“No one is making me Mama doesn't even want me going after Onee-chan failed out, I'm going because I want to.” Akane said.
Fiar scoffed “You're going because you are a little girl who wants to carry a GEM because it's in her line. You have no right, you are disappointing. It's people like you that become noting but flowers. What will you do when you get to Garderobe? Die from obsession? Will you fall under the spell of the Graceful Amethyst? What a disgusting abhorrent example! It's Otome like her that give the illusion to hopefuls like you that being an Otome is to be pretty and swing your element around to send people into awe! I despise her and I will despise you if you choose to go with such flimsy reasons.”
“I want to go to serve my country! I'm not going to be some stupid politician's wife! Playing the pretty trophy wife at cocktail parties and hosting charity events that most of the people there are only there to make themselves look good. That's what women in this country of noble birth become isn't it? I love Cardair as much as I love my family and I want to do everything I can to help it. And that means becoming an Otome.” Akane said as she reached into her pocket pulling out the letter holding it up before Fiar. “It doesn't matter what you say I'm going I've already been accepted!”
Fiar her face turning into a smirk, “Garderobe will be hearing of my rejection of you. After that I wash my hands of you. I'm done her bring me my shawl I know you two are standing in the doorway listening to my every word.”
Akane didn't seem to pay attention when her parents walked back into the room embarrassed at being caught, “I've already been interviewed by Sara-Onee-sama. I have her recommendation.”
Fiar took her shawl from the Ishiru and put it back on, “Keep in mind child, it is not that figurehead Kruger and her merry band that make the decisions. All it takes is a few words and the country will give your spot to someone else.” She then turned to the parents, “I warn you, if you make another one of your failures dishonor our name again I will have you all thrown in the prison,”
(Two days later, Transport station)
Akane stood at the transport station with her parents next to her carrying a small suitcase. Her parents standing next to her Mizuki crying and Ishiru with his arm around her, “Be careful to not ruffle any feathers dear.” Mizuki said.
“Hai mama,” Akane said standing her there still holding the suit case rocking a little worried about what Fiar had said but so far her spot to Garderobe had not been removed.
“Never mind what she says my little neko. You'll do fine.” Ishiru said sensing what his daughter was thinking.
“I'm going to prove her wrong papa.” Akane said, “I won't quit and they can't kick me out I'm going to be the best Otome ever.”
“Don't worry about her dear, your transport is waiting. You will be laid over in Aries for a few hours tomorrow and we were unable to get you a private cabin so...” Mizuki said.
“It's ok I'm going to have to share a room for the next year might as well get used to it.” Akane said as she kissed them both on the cheek as the station manager called for everyone to get on. “I love you mamma, papa.”
“See you in the winter dear.” Mizuki said as Akane got on the transport and sat by the window looking out not really thinking of anything as they drove towards Aries.
Spacing fully out not paying attention to the time “It is now 11:00 PM all passengers are regulated to not move from their cabins. Next arrival is Aries in 7 hours. Please enjoy your sleep. Good night!” The Stewardess came around and Akane ordered a drink from her then lay down on the sofa and pulled the blanket over her taking a drink of her tea then falling asleep. “We have arrived in Aries. Due to a car shortage some of the cabin passengers will have to share their cabin with another passenger. Sorry for the inconvenience.” The conductor said as there was a knock at the door and then a try of the door revealing it is still locked and then another knock.
Akane heard the knock and stretched then stands opening it her hair a little messed up. “Ano, there were no open cabins, may I come in?” A young man with brownish blonde hair said smiled sheepishly.
Akane wiped the sleep from her eyes realizing who it is, knowing who it was, “Prince Kazuya!”
“Please don't say that here!” Kazuya said quickly looking around the hall then stepped in and closed the door, “And I'm not in line to actually be a prince, only of the Argos line dies off.”
“Hai, forgive me.” Akane said as she brushed her hair down stepping back. Kazuya sat down and looked out the window as the train starts to move again. Akane sat down across from him and looks at him blushing and then out the window “Ano, why are you going Windbloom?”
“I'm going to university there. I needed to get away from Aries, all my fathers spies found me again.” Kazuya said looking away from the window briefly and then back.
“Hiding from your royal duties?” Akane said giggling.
Kazuya flushed, “It's not like that! I'm not a prince! If I was I would have never been able to leave Cardair.”
“Why does your father send spies after you?” Akane said.
“He wants me to come back and start parading girls in front of me.” Kazuya said.
“Not interested in girls?” Akane said giggling some which make Kazuya blush even more.
“No! It's ...” Kazuya said trailing off.
Akane giggled even more then got a little more serious, “I imagine you just want to do something on your own.”
Kazuya seemed to be full of light, “Exactly! I'm sick of being treated like a noble!”
“It was nice at Saint Garden but the Soir family is well known in the Capital. My older brother and sister went there and my little sister will next year. I can't help but think I was treated different because of my family.” Akane said looking at Kazuya.
“Soir, aren't they the lower branch of the Grosse?” Kazuya asked trying to place the ties of the noble families hoping he had got it right.
“Very distant but yes,” Akane said holding her hand out to shake. “Akane Soir.”
Kazuya held his hand out, “Kazuya Krau-xeku.” He said shaking her hand but mentally felt a shock by touching her lingering not letting go.
“A pleasure to meet you, maybe we'll see each other around.” Akane said making no move to pull her hand back.
Kazuya shook himself loose and let her hand go smiling, “Perhaps, what are you going to Windbloom for? I forgot to ask.”
“School as well.” Akane said.

“University? You would be a freshman like me then.” Kazuya said smiling and glad that they would be attending the same school.
“It's my first year but I'm not going to the university” Akane said a little disappointed that she wouldn't be going to the same school but they would able to see each other hopefully.
“I don't know of any other school in Windbloom, forgive me,” Kazuya trying to think any other schools in Windbloom other then the university.
“Garderobe.” Akane said her hand feeling in her pocket for her acceptance letter.
“Otome, I see then.” Kazuya said looking away disappointed.
“You seem disappointed. Who knows maybe someday you will become a prince and I'll be your Otome.” Akane said as she reached out putting her hand on his.
“It's just someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be forbidden from falling in love.” Kazuya said as he looked back over looking into Akane's eyes.
“Otome aren't forbidden to fall in love. There have been many that have.” Akane said thinking about the stories her mother had told when she was a child about her great grandparents and hold they had been together for nearly ten years before they were married and another four before she had retired.
“Oh, I thought... never mind,” Kazuya said blushing.
Akane blushed really dark and was quiet, “We can't have sex though...”
Kazuya looked away, “That's what I meant.” Then saw outside the cabin of Winbloom forgetting that they've be talking for hours.
“It looks like we are almost there. Look the City of Wind is so pretty!” Akane said following his gaze and seeing the city, “I've never been here!”
“I've never been here either,” Kazuya said then noticed the transport pull in and heard an announcement to disembark. “Mind if I walk you out? I think there will be someone out there waiting for you.” Kazuya said seeing a car outside with the flags of Garderobe on it and a Meister in a purple uniform.
“Ano, I don't think there is my acceptance letter has a map on it,” Akane said then let him help her up but didn't let go of his hand, “I wouldn't mind having you as an escort.”
Kazuya led her out of the transport and both saw the woman dressed in the Meister uniform, her light colored hair pulling in the wind and her crimson eyes fixated on them.
Akane paused and leaned over to Kazuya whispering “That's Shizuru Viola the Graceful Amethyst.”
Kazuya let go of her hand, “She's probably here for you. You should go. I'll see you some other time hopefully.” Kazuya said started to walk away.
“I hope so.” Akane said then took his hand and pulled him to her then leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.
Shizuru watched as Kazuya turned bright red then left and got up behind Akane without her noticing. “Akane Soir?”
“Hai?” Akane said turning around seeing Shizuru surprised she hadn't been paying attention to anything but Kazuya she quickly bowed, “Meister Viola-sama.”
“Onee-sama is fine. I have to get you back to the principal and she is an impatient woman, we mustn't keep her waiting for too long.” Shizuru said then led her down the stairs and into a waiting car.
“Hai, Shizuru-Onee-sama,” Akane said then got in the car and sat with her hands folded in her lap “Forgive me for asking but why are you picking me up? Don't most new students report on their own?”
“The top three corals we pick up. You are number three due to your exams.” Shizuru lied she had gotten a phone call from Ein Lu asking if she could pick Akane Soir up at the transport as a favor from her own Onee-sama Fiar Grosse.
“I was marked number three? Out of fifty students?” Akane asked surprised her acceptance letter only stated that she had been within the fifty students selected to be at Garderobe and that she would be assigned a number at the start of the school year.
“Hai, the number one arrived last week with her government sponsor and I'm told the number two will arrive next week. A girl from Aries named Chie Hallard was number two and another from Artai named Juliet Nao Zhang made first. Hallard is a bit of a charmer from what I've heard and Zhang is self determined if anything.” Shizuru said.
“I see. Thank you Shizuru-onee-sama,” Akane said glancing out the window as they drove up idly thinking about the man she had met on the transport.
“I'd forget about that nice looking boy.” Shizuru said seeing the gleam in Akane's eyes.
“Kazuya-san?” Akane asked being pulled from her musing.
“Take it from some who knows, you don't need that kind of a distraction during your studies. It will only hurt him when you graduate.” Shizuru said thinking of how distracted both she and Natsuki were and how afraid that they would be sent to opposite sides of the world.
Akane looked over at Shizuru wondering what she was thinking about, “I barely know him. He seems like a nice boy.”
“Well, keep him that way, you'll be better off.” Shizuru said as she opened the door when the car came to a stop but she had a feeling that Akane wouldn't be keeping her distance from the would be Cardairian Prince and part of her wished them happiness but she feared it wouldn't happen.
The End…