Mai Otome Fan Fiction ❯ What happens at Garderobe, stays at Garderobe ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What happens at Garderobe, Stays at Garderobe

Arika Yumemia frowned, the reddish brown haired girl looking around the library's storage room in dread. “I have to sort all the non-filed books?” she whimpered, dressed in the distinctive clothes of the bearer or the Blue Sky Sapphire.

The back section was covered in piles of journals, novels and other books, all donated to the library at different times. The collection had originally been sorted apart from the rest of the library in a small storage room, but the Headmistress Natsuki Kruger had become concerned over the possibility of vital knowledge being hidden away in the journals and other documents. It had to be said that the journals of Sergay Wang had been vital to the solving of the recent crisis with Yuna, for instance.

Maria Graceburt shook her head as she hid a smile from the despairing young woman, “It's not quite that bad, Arika. We don't expect you to do it all in one day, and where possible I'll send you some students to help.”

Arika gave the pile of books another pained look as she said, “All right, but if Mashiro calls for me I'll have to leave.”

“Of course,” the white haired Maria nodded, turning away and leaving the room.

“Mashiro, please call,” Arika muttered to herself. Sadly, no call was to be had and with a despairing sigh she set down to work.

Thankfully, Irina Woods had provided Arika with something to help her. The small hand-held computer had the ability to record titles and outlines, so all Arika had to do was to decipher the titles and read enough to get a sense of what it was about.

“Private Journal of Una Shamrock,” Arika read out the tile and date of the dusty book, “a former head of Garderobe. The bits I've read indicate she was very bitter over being removed as Headmistress, but there might still be useful information there.”

Arika set the book aside, feeling a odd twinge at how much Una had disliked her mother. Maybe it was innocent of her but Arika hadn't really considered the possibility her mother was not universally loved. It was a very strange experience reading a book by someone who thought that Rena had in fact ruined her life

'I wonder if Miss Maria left a journal here?' Arika mused as she dug through the pile. Sadly, no journal came up, and Arika decided Maria had done one of two things: she still had her journal or had taken steps to make sure it only appeared after her death.

The next several books were the fiscal records of that era, and Arika tagged them for Youko to look through. There were some geneologies of several kingdoms including Artai, and Arika was faintly surprised to learn that Nagi's father had been one of eight children.

“Guess that's where Nagi got his competitive streak from,” Arika muttered to herself. It might also explain the poor condition of Artai itself, if the brothers had gone to war for the crown....

Several columns had their journals in the next section, and Arika was faintly relieved to see her mother get some better treatment there. The three women mentioned their defeat by Rena, of course, but did so in an admiring not bitter way. They also went on to distinguished careers as Otome, both at the school and beyond it.

Picking up a thinner tome Arika read, “Private journal of Elliot Chandler.” She opened the book only to see a photo drop out, one that she had to snatch at before it hit the floor. She held the picture up, looked at it then nearly dropped it again in surprise.

Rena Sayers smiled a little reluctantly in the image as a blond haired woman in black held on to her, her smile warm and happy. Turning the photo over Arika saw some handwriting on the back: 'Rena Sayers and Elliot Chandler, Windbloom.'

“Wow,” Arika murmured, opening up the book to read. A few moments she closed the book with a snap, a fierce blush coloring her cheeks. Apparently Elliot had a very intimate relationship with Rena, one she felt comfortable with putting into writing there.

Closing the book Arika set it aside, making herself concentrate on sorting as many books as she could in the time she had planned. As the bells of the school announced lunch Arika tidied up the remaining books and picked up Elliot's journal, carrying it with her as she hurried off.

Queen Mashiro was younger than Arika, as well as noticeably less developed, but she had a wisdom beyond her years. When something worried her or Arika had a problem, talking it out with Mashiro usually lead to a solution. Or at the very least, Mashiro helped her better understand the problem.

“Arika,” Mashiro smiled a welcome, her long light purple hair shimmering in the sun. “You're earlier than I thought you'd be.”

“I ran into something kind of interesting,” Arika said, brightening as she saw Aoi rolling in the cart with their lunch.

Aoi smiled at them as the brown haired maid said cheerfully, “I fixed a mixed lunch for you both, as well as some extra juice for Arika.” She chuckled as she added, “I know being around books leads to a dry throat.”

“Thank you,” Arika beamed as she proceeded to gulp down some of the juice.

“Don't choke,” Mashiro cautioned before also thanking Aoi. Once Aoi was gone Arika and Mashiro set up their meals as she asked, “What did you discover?”

Arika sat down beside Mashiro as she passed the book over, “It turns out my mother had some very... interesting friends.”

Mashiro blinked at the picture, then her cheeks went red as she flipped through choice bits of the story. “Wow,” she muttered, “I'll never look at the official portrait of Rena the same way again.”

“That's part of what bothers me,” Arika admitted as she ate, “stories like this could really hurt the image of otome... and who knows what else is in that library?”

“Hmm,” Mashiro nodded, taking a drink. “But do you have the right to say that people shouldn't know the truth about otome?” she asked.

“I don't know,” Arika sighed.

“The world sees a certain image of the otome,” Mashiro mused, “but that image is only part of the reality. There's also the rivalries and conflicts, the strains and the secrets that many otome feel they have to keep.”

“Like how no one talks about Natsuki and Shizuru,” Arika nodded her understanding.

“Or even Chie and Aoi,” Mashiro agreed. “It seems to me that reading these journals might make other otome feel a little less alone in their feelings.”

Arika nodded, “You're right.”

Mashiro grinned suddenly, “Besides, I want to see if we can find a journal for Shizuru. Can you imagine what her school days were like?”

“Mashiro!” Arika blushed, imagining how the charming and beautiful woman must have carried on as a student.

Mashiro winked as she asked Arika, “Do you think we could borrow a few of the more... interesting journals?”

“Mashiro, you're a bad influence on me,” Arika sighed.

“It's mutual, I think,” Mashiro countered as she picked up a sliver of food and offered it temptingly to Arika.

“Hmm,” Arika sighed happily.

“And think of what we could learn going through those journals,” Mashiro teased. 'Better than that book Shizuru gave me,' she thought with a smirk.

“Mashiro,” Arika sighed, knowing she would give in eventually.

“Could we start with Elliot's?” Mashiro asked, batting her eyes.

“Oh, all right,” Arika gave in as they both peered over the book.....

To be continued....

Notes: This is sort of a 'framing device' as the previous chapters are 'journals' that Arika and Mashiro are reading. I'm still thinking of writing a chapter or two more, eventually, since I haven't covered several Sifr characters as well as a Otome or two.