MARS Fan Fiction ❯ When She Cries ❯ Paved with good intentions ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2 'Paved with good intentions'

Lunchtime usually meant making money at basketball for Rei, but today he had been stuck listening to another lecture from the principal. When he wasn't being yelled at by him, it was his father’s job. How nice that everyone wanted to participate in that interaction.

“Further more, your father only wishes that you get a good education so that you can make something of yourself. So, if you could try to make some sort of effort, you wouldn’t need to be here all of the time.” Rei gave the man a nod and a yawn. The elder man slapped himself in the forehead.

“Can I get our of this here now? I have some ‘studying’ to do if you wouldn’t mind.” he said sarcastically, sitting up for the first time in the whole 15 minutes he had been there. “You shouldn’t do that if that hurts you know.” His principle rubbed his forehead and slumped his shoulders. Rei took that as the signal to leave. He grabbed his blue and black duffle bag and left the cramped room.

“Geez, do I always need a lecture? Just because I’m not a brainy-ach like the rest of the school doesn’t mean I don’t know how to do anything. It’s not like I don’t that lecture enough at home, it surrounds me at school too.” he muttered. He leaned against the wall for a moment collecting his thoughts when he saw pig tails bouncing away from his view. His heart skipped a beat. “Wonder where that little kitten is running to..” he said to himself. He followed her as she ran up the stairs with surprising speed.

Once reaching the top of the stairs though, it took him a minute to find her. She was just like a shadow moving on the outskirts of the big groups of people. She just didn’t want to be seen and Kami granted her wish. He held himself back when a jock and a flirtatious wannabe babe ran into her and did nothing about their fault. They just kept walking away. He watched in fascination as she said nothing but picked up her papers and then kept walking to her destination.

Just as before, she held her head down as she walked. She seemed to be saying, ‘ If I don’t see them, they won’t see me.’ When she turned into a classroom, he stopped and looked where his ‘little kitten’ had led him. It was a hit in the gut as he took a whiff of the air and smelt the oils and pastels. The art department.

‘She’s an artist. Well… I guess I could see that happing. She certainly is quiet enough to be one.’ He scraped his feet against the floor, trying to decide whether or not he should go in. ‘What would I say, hey look, I followed you like some lost kid because I am that curious monkey, George. Yeah, that would go real well.’ He ran his hair through his blond locks. He waited for a moment more, then went into the classroom.


Kira was a very distracted human being at the moment, and a very late one at that. She had been thinking to much at the library and couldn’t seem to concentrate on what she needed to be focused on. What was going through her mind was Rei Kashino. The guy who never spoke to anyone unless he already knew them or wanted something. Sure he had wanted a
pencil (which he forgot to give back, not that it mattered anyways) but he could have asked anyone for that. He had pulled on her pigtails for Kami’s sake! He was aggravating, but she found that she didn’t mind so much. Why get mad at someone just for being themselves?

There! She was doing it again! She had been in the library looking at books when it started to happen and even now as she was trying to get to the art room to get to work on her ocean draft. ‘He hadn’t even cared that everyone had been staring at us like we were from Mars or something.’ She thought furiously. She tried to focus her thoughts on her sketches on some aquatic life for the ocean stuff but it just wasn’t going her way. Plus, who was he to make her, the freak!, blush as much as she did in front of the class where even the teacher noticed and commented. ‘He even made me smile, the jerk!’ She breathed in and out paused for a moment before the next corner. ‘Get focused Kira! You have never been this worked up in so many years, don’t ruin yourself now! The only emotion you ever need to feel is on canvas, that is the only place it belongs where it won’t be shredded even if someone hates it.’ She breathed in and out once again and turned the corner that passed the principals office which led to the stairs. From there it lead to her salvation.

She passed by the ‘playboy’ of her thoughts without even a glace and raced up the stairs with her tails flying over her back. She hadn’t even noticed him or the look he gave as she swept by. She kept her head down when she reached the upstairs hallway and avoided all that came into her view as much as she could. It was easier to live life when you weren't noticed. She came to a small problem when a jock and some frooffy girl walked into her line of vision and couldn’t be avoided. He and the girl sent her papers and pack flying. Without any sign of noise, Kira bent down and picked up her belongings. They hadn’t even stopped to help her but, she had no qualms. Why hate all the jocks for running into someone who didn’t wish to be found. That would be hating all those who never notice their shadow. She stood back up and was relived to see her classroom, her world waiting for her in few steps.

She quickly to the doors of salvation and slipped in. The smell of paints and the sweet wood from pencils came to her noise making her tense body relax somewhat. She made her way over to her ‘home’ of a work area and seated herself. There were only a few students in the art room for lunch and only so few were actually working on their projects. The art teacher, Ms. Sauna, was at her desk currently speaking with someone on the phone. It seemed serious. Kira smiled inside and sent her feet moving toward her stage, her world, her canvas. She knew that Ms. Sauna would talk to her when she could about the art scholarship and some of the latest competitions that could result in being her finals to qualify for the scholarship. In order to have this scholarship she needed to win at least 3 top artist competitions of the company and all entries must be different. So even though she loved to paint just to paint, it became her ambition to work harder. It was this or no college. No college would be okay, but she wanted to advance, become something that was more then she thought she could ever do.

For her first contest, she thought she would loose instantly because she had seen many of the artworks being in the same area of design. Like what they felt about their town. Many had drawn what they had seen out their windows (she notices many had draw windows and window framing for their designs frame) and some that did indeed have words. Her teacher had not mentioned the theme to her by accident. But all was well. Her portrait of Tokyo Tower won it by a landslide. She had fallowed the rules without knowing. The piece showed dark clouds with the underbelly of them booming with city light just like she saw outside of her window. The upper half of the clouds though had shaped themselves into the gleaming Tokyo Tower and was shimmered by the stars in the sky with the tiniest glimpse of the moons rays hitting it. Kira had smiled that day with much happiness. She had shook hands with many artists but no friends came out of it. Never did.

Her next win though had been much easier on her nerves when she came up with the piece. She made sure she understood all the rules and followed them well. The theme of this competition was ‘Fantasy’. They were to make art using dreams and legends. With this piece she had made a dark but enticing forest. God like animals were created in areas, some in a transformation stage of becoming in a state of human like form. Dragon-like wings were at the top as if it were a spirit protecting the forest. Greens and reds were her most favorable colors the piece to play with. When she had won that contest, she had also been awarded “The Inspiration” award. She had managed a small smile with that art show too.
“Kira,” Her thoughts were interrupted with her teacher trying to talk to her. “ we were wondering where you were at. Why were you so late?” she was asked. Ms. Saun was a great art teacher and like Kira very much. Out of the whole world, she trusted this woman the most. Around this woman, she could speak. It may have been the fact she was an art teacher, the paints or the sharpening of pencils but in this classroom she was home. Deep down though, Kira knew she loved this place because it reminded her of her father’s old room. He had been an artist too and Kira just felt the connection to him any time she picked up a pencil or paint brush.

“I’m sorry for being so late, I was lost in a book at the library and didn’t realize what time it was.” Kira finally sat down into her seat placing her bag down but turned around to speak with Ms. Saun.

“That’s alright. It’s not like you have to be here. Just miss you around when your not here.” she winked at Kira. “I guess I’ll just ask you about this next competition later.” She gave Kira another smile. “It’s lunch, so I am just here to work with whoever needs or wants it alright? Class will begin in 25 minutes.” People had already started asking for her asstance and she walked away. That was Kira’s opening to get a good start. She swirled back to face her easel. She had two extra hours so she would come here to paint and it kept her safe from the world outside. She had her next class in her and then after school she had art club. It really wasn’t that she was totally obsessed with the art world, she liked to read and watch movies, but it was more of a safe heaven for her. A place to hide.

The door opened and a small murmur started to erupt around her but she paid it no mind. She was focused on how the hell she was going to create that color. She placed her brush behind her ear and reached for some paints that were on a counter right behind her easel. She poured some into a dish and took a small wood piece she liked to use, to begin mixing the colors she used. ‘Dark midnight blue mixed with a blood red. Yeah, add a bit more white to make it light. Okay… little more red…’ she thought to herself. Perfect.

She didn’t realize that someone was behind her until she heard the drop of a bag, breaking her painting trance. “Hey, you do good work.” said a voice. Kami, she knew that voice. It was smooth and deep. “Now I know where you hide, little kitten.” She turned around with a paint brush still in her hair and the perfect color still in it’s trey. Rei, the guy who just didn’t see her invisible magic trick, was standing there in front of her waiting for the next act.


It wasn’t like he was stocking her or anything. She was just so interesting to be around. She gave him a look of interest herself when she turned around that melted into shock, but both looks were locked quickly back up into herself.
“Why Kitten?” she asked in a small voice. It threw him for a spin. He hadn’t thought about what he had called her. ‘Great, now she really is going to think I’m a stocker.’ he thought.

“What do you mean?” He was worried what she would say to the nickname.

“You called me kitten, and well… I want to know why.” she asked innocently. Her eyes leapt up to him like fire to paper. Flickering against him, waiting to see what would burn.

“Well, you are so quiet and innocent to everyone that sees you; the rest of the time you become invisible and just avoid everyone like a cat slinking in the shadows.” He paused waiting for a reaction.

She was deep in thought for a moment but then gave anther shrug of her shoulders. “I guess your right. It’s just that I have never had a nickname before.” She raised her free hand up by her ear and grabbed the paint brush. ‘She looks nervous somehow, maybe even frightened, why? She has such beautiful smiles that could throw a guy off a cliff yet she hides them. Why?’

“Why did you follow me? Is there something you want?” she asked turning back to her canvas. He was disappointed that she didn’t keep looking at him.
“Your just such an interesting person. Quiet, shy but tough, just like a kitten.” Rei smirked, once again a look that girls sighed for. Sure enough he heard a few in the classroom. She looked at him, nodded and then went looking back to her work. “I actually really should give this back to you.” he said quickly. He didn't understand why he was so nervous. He was the most popular guy in school, especially when it came to girls. “I thought you might want it back just in case you needed it for things like this.” ‘Nice one Rei! Now she doesn’t think your stocking her, she thinks that you’re a complete moron.’ She looked at the pencil then back at him.

“You can keep it if you want. You still have the rest of today at school to work with. Who knows? You might have some luck getting things done in all your classes today.” She gave him another small smile that made Rei light up. He cherished it, knowing that he was seeing something not many others had the privilege of seeing. He wanted to know everything about her but he needed to be careful not to push her to fast.

“Umm… thanks.” Rei looked at her with excitement. “I guess I’ll see you later, Kitten.” With that he took off. ‘I really will see you later Kitten, you are much to much to let you slip by me.’


“ ;Kira, I want you to be careful around that boy. I know that he is a nice guy but just be careful alright?” Ms. Saun asked. It was the end of the day and the art club was just getting done and people slowly were trickling out of the classroom. Kira was disappointed with herself. She had been stuck on the fact she had a nickname from a person she had little contact with.

“No worries, Ms. Saun. Even if I was interested, he wouldn’t be looking my way.” Kira said shyly. But as the words passed threw her lips, her eyes wondered to him playing basketball outside making her really think if it was true.

“Well, putting his attitude aside, I think you should ask him to model for you.” Kari looked back at her like she just asked her to marry the guy.

“But you just said-”

“Oh, I know what I just said, but he has a great modeling body. Students in the art department have been trying to snag him for years but he just doesn’t want to be drawn. You have a small connection to him so I think you should try. Think about it.” She winked with a secretive smile. Kari stood there stunned. She was truly glad that no one was left in the room. She was blushing madly. ‘Could I ask him to model for me?’ she asked herself. ‘Could I?’


Hey guess, sorry I haven’t updated this fic. I just couldn’t find where I had placed the written stuff I had done first. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
