MARS Fan Fiction ❯ When She Cries ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay. I am sad. No reviews. I wish to cry but I guess it is expected. I don't know how to update and I know that drives everyone insane. So I hope to be forgiven. Here is your next chapter but it's not tooo long so I appologize!
Chapter 3 "When I'll of my hopes were dying..."
Rei breathed hard as he ran to take a shot. Doing a lay-up with no one able to catch him, the basketball rolled around the rim once before going threw the white netting. He moved high fived Tatsaya with a loud hit and then moved his long hair from his face. He forgot to 'borrow' a hair tie from a fan today and Harumi, Tetsuya's girlfriend, wasn't around to steal from.
"Man Rei, why don't you join the basketball team. You would be the star of the show!" asked one of the sophomores. It was his first time playing against the tall blond and he was jazzed up from seeing him fly around the court beating his team.
"Don't you know Taki, that Rei's has only enough dedication to his motorcyle or his flirting with the week's girl? He hasn't enough to have any dedication to a team unless it's racing." Said Tatsuya. He was Rei's best friend and even though he didn't approve of his girlfriend habits, it wasn't enough to keep him away.
"Hey Rei, Rei. Hello?" His friend wasn't paying attenchin. He was leaning against the wall with his eyes glued to the entrance of the court. Rei couldn't take his eyes off of his little kitten who's curiosity had led her here to him. She looked like a shadowbut her walls of well kept emotion seemed to be cracked. Neverousness rolled off of her in small waves that were building with every step she took tward him with her eyes downcasted. "Oh, come on Rei, everyone knows not to mess with your bike. You would beat the shit out of them. " The guy was oblivious on what Rei's real attenchin was at not seeing the shadowed kitten walking their way.
"Nah, I know. I just don't know how anyone can keep their hand off her." He stood up striaght and ran a hand through his sweaty blond hair. He wasn't sure what his comment really was about, the bike or the kitten. "I'll be right back, why don't you guys play three two for a while. I need to take care of something." He ran over to the girl who was at the other end of the court by the basket, looking at a lost for being there.
"Hey, do you think he is interested in that quite girl over there?" the sophmore Taki asked. The young one was filled with questions. Tetsuya didn't responded but the Jr. that was on his team did and in a way that made even Tetsuya cringe.
"What?! that freak? You've got to be kidding me? She doesn't like men and wouldn't care if Rei was after her. She thinks she too good for any guy. She may be cute, but she is just a plain freak. Come on let's get some practice before the king of the game comes back to whip us all." The scopped up the still orange ball and played.
"Hey kitten, What are you doing here? Don't you have like art club or something right now?" They had moved more toward the enterance of the court so they wouldn't be bothered by anyone. All she had said to him was a small 'hi'.
"I just, I wanted to ask you something." she was so quiet and the nervous rays were seen with the tight grip she held the art bag strap. She seemed really hesitant but at least her head wasn't down at the moment.
"Are you going to say something or are you going to stand there looking pretty all day?" He said, getting a little frusterated. He relized the mistake in his words as a flaint blush appered on her pale cheeks and her head went down to admire the courts hard surface.
"It's just that... I just wanted to know...if maybe... maybe..." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "COULD I PLEASE BORROW YOUR BODY!?" she shouted. Rei fell over with the shock of her voice and the ball on the court stilled without notice to the boys. Kira looked sick.
'Never have I been so loud or said anything so embarrassing before in my life. I am going insane.' She watched as Rei got up and laughed a moment, waving to his friends to motion everything was okay and to go back to playing.
"W-what-t I meant to ask-k was if I could paint you." Kira tried to ammend. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." She turned to walk away but a hand touched her wrist and was a silent command for her to stop, to come back and face him. She did turn back around but kept her head down in embarassment.
"I wouldn't mind getting an artist like you to paint me, Kira." Her head snapped up in surprise.
"But you haven't even seen any of my drawings. How do you think I'm good?" she said. He smile widley. It made her think of a five year old holding onto a secret.
"Have you seen your notebooks? Or the back of your homework assignments? You do samll things all over them. I figure that if you can draw that with as little time as we have and make them look that good, why wouldn't you be able to paint me?" She smiled and erupted in blush. "I just would want to know why would you want to paint a guy like me? I am just a racing troublemaker." he laughed.
"It's just that when I see you, these beautiful colors show up. I love looking at them and my heads just want to paint them. I don't have money or anything to give to you, but your welcome to have the painting when I'm done with it." He looked deep in thought. Then when she was begginning to get unrelaxed again he spoke up.
"Well how about this, an exchange for the painting I promise to do something else. Your artwork is far to good just to give away to even the model." he paused to watch her confusion. "I'll protect you!" She looked stunned. "That all I am really good for anyway." He looked to the side. Kira tried to find her voice.
"What would I have to give you an exchanged for being my model, Rei?" She liked saying his name as it rolled lightly from her lips. He got that smirk again.
"Just a kiss will be payment enough for me." She was shocked. He wanted to kiss her? ' Why would anyone want a kiss from freak?'
"A kiss? Are you sure?" Kira asked. He nodded. "O-okay." She didn't know if it was a good idea or a bad idea. Looking at him, he held excitment in her answer and it was hard to say no.'Hardly anyone has ever touched me and now I am letting him kiss me. My first kiss...' He placed a finger under her chin to lift her face and took a step forward. She leaned upward not sure of her actions but followed his. His finger moved to his full palm holding her cheek as his lips began to decend onto hers. She closed her eyes, waiting, and as they touched, a shock ran through her body. Warmth flooded threw her body as they connected. She moved closer, closing the distance, placing a hand near his shoulder. 'If this is soft kiss, I would mind it for the rest of my life.' she thought. They stayed connected for a moment longer before backing a way from each other slowly. Kira pulled her hand back from him as he did from her and put her hand to her lips. The warmth was still their lingering from the shock.
"Wow..." she spoke. Rei smilled but looked as equally shocked as she, even though he tried to hide it. She relized she spoke allowed and blushed.
"So we going to do this painting thing or what?"He asked still shaking a bit. Kira looked at him with clouded eyes.
"Oh... well I didn't plan to do it today. I meant maybe would could get a good start on it tomorrow. Is that okay?"
"yeah, no problem. You going home now?" She nodded. " Want a ride?"
" Oh, no. Thanks, though. I have to legs and two feet. I can use them." ' I can't believe we kissed. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, tomorrow." She started to turn away again to leave but Rei hollered at her one last time. "Hey can I borrow one of your hair ties? I promise I'll make it up to you."
"Umm... sure." She was about to pull at the ends of one but he beat her to it with a gental pull. He pulled his own hair up into a low hair tail and winked at her. She didn't want to look to crazy and took out the three other ties allowing her hair to fall freely as it didn't hardly do that anymore.
"You should wear your hair down more often, it's really beautiful." Kira gulped, waved and left the basketball court with one last thought on her mind, ' What have I started?'
6666still going!!6666
Kira walked down the narrow sidewalk to her apartment where she and her mother lived. It was about a mile and a half from the school but Kira walked it all four years of highschool and was used to it by now. She was about half way home before she heard the footsteps behind her. They were getting closer.
"Tomorrow after school again?" Tatsuya asked. He twirled the ball on his finger before he bounced it once and stuck it in his own duffel bag. " I think the cash will be higher since some guys from the western school are coming over to play ball and then there is their star player rummered to come with. He wants to play you."
"Depends on something with Kira. She is doing an art project and wants to use me for a model." Tatsuya was stunned. Rei hated anything with him being the subject. " Look, I know everyone thinks she's a freak but she's a lot tougher then we give her credit for. Plus she said something about wanting to paint my colors. Hell, this could be cool."
"Okay, maybe you could ask for a break and come down for a quick game." Rei strapped on his black belmet while bouncing his head.
"Sounds like a plan." He got on his bike and started it. He noticed he needed to fill the tank and planed on stopping at the near gas station."See ya!" he kicked the stand up and started on his way.
About 3 minutes after leaving the court he stopped at a gas station to get a quick fill up. 'Didn't think I would be this low. Damn it.' He filled the tank, walked inside, paid and was about to leave when female figures caught his attenchin. They were leaving the alley way and one had dropped a glass beer bottle that shattered to pieces. Not one of the woman looked back. He decided it wouldn't hurt to check it out. It would keep him away from home much later so it would be worth it.
The first thing he noticed when he reached the cramped area was blood. It was splattered on the walls and trash cans like a blown up paint can. Rei was uneasy and would have turned back to get help when he noticed a small black art bag near one of the large dumpsters.
'Kira!' He started looking around the area and found a small blood trail leading deeper into the alley. He followed to a point of large bags pilled atop of one another. A small hand had found itself laying out the mess signalling to anyone that someone was under all of the trash. "Hold on Kira! I'm coming, I'm coming."He started to through the bags off of her behind him, hitting the wall and rolled away. He reached her and it took all of his control to hold back the vomit that was trying to come up from his mouth.
The girl was covered with her own blood. A ruff cut that started from her left shoulder through cloth and fesh endend to the right side of her stomach; missing both of her breasts but threw the valley making it very painful for her to breath he expected. She had another cut along her wrist of her right hand and it looked very brusied. 'She at least fought her attackers..' he thought. She had one large bruise starting to form on her left check and a spill of blood coming from her month. Surprizingly the worse injury on her face was a gash on the left side of her forehead. Her clothes were ripped up pretty bad, showing scratches and brusies forming underneath her jeans and shirts. Her shoes and socks were missing and the bottoms of her feet were covered in glass.
"Fuck Kira,what did they do to you?" If it wasn't for the small up and down motion from her chest, he could swear that she was dead. " He placed a gental hand on her face to move her matted hair away from her nose. "Dammit!" he put his other hand into his back pocket and grabbed the cell phone he never used unless he really needed it. It was one of those times. He dialed for help.
"Hello? yeah, there has been an attack!"..."No this is not a fucking prank call. My name is Rei Kashino and if I don't get some help I am going to sue your ass."..."Thank you now listen. I am about a two thirds of a mile away from Eastern high, north at the club gasstation. A girl has been beaten up and need mediacal assistance."..."Well I would ask were she is all in pain but she's a bit uncounsions."..."Look I need someone here now! She has lost a lot of blood."..."Thank you!"
He put his phone into his back pocket and carefully put his arms under the broken looking girl. She didn't make a sound as he moved as carefully as he could to pick her up into his arms. Her head fell back but he was able to support it with his head quickly making her head rest against his shoulder. "It'll be okay, helps on the way." Once he knew he was safe to start walking, he got out of the alley and headed towards his bike. He looked down and eased himself down onto the pavement. She whimpered so quietly he almost didn't her it. Out in the lighter area, she looked worse and from the movement, her clothes were even more torn then her thought. He slipped out of his jacket and very slowly placed it on her.
"Don't go anywhere okay... helps on the way Kira, don't give up on me..." he whispered into her hair.
How was that for a chapter!? don't kill me please. Chapter four is already being worked on so please hold the killings till later. thank you.