Medabots Fan Fiction ❯ Medabots: Reflections ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Medabots: Reflections

By: Lord Archive

The characters found in this story do not belong to me, but to NAS/Kodansha, TV Tokyo.

This story is connected to Medabots: Impossible and is the unedited version of chapter 7. While it is not necessary to read Medabots: Impossible to understand this story, there are spoilers contained in this story for that series and it is recommended that you do not read this part until you've read up to chapter 6.

NC-17 - This fanfiction is rated NC-17 for sexual content. Readers of 17 years or younger are not permitted to read this.

This fanfiction contains depictions of consensual sex between fictional characters. While they are depicted as being under the age of consent, they do not exist and cannot commit any real crime.


Arika stared at her ceiling. She briefly wondered how this had all happened, but that was squashed by the simple fact that she knew all too well why it had happened.

It began simply enough with a kiss.

After the Rubber Robos and Dr. Meta-Evil ruined the Japanese-sponsored World Robattle Championships, the robattle ranking system had been removed. The only way to become a top-ranked medafighter then was to win in tournaments. In order to represent Japan, Ikki had to defeat Genkai and his modified Red Run in the semi-finals of the Japanese Nationals. Ikki needed all the luck he could get, so on impulse she gave him a kiss for luck. She _had_ intended for it to be on his cheek but she somehow ended up planting her lips right onto his.

Arika pursed her lips at the memory. Ikki had been so distracted by the kiss, he lost. BADLY. She had felt the loss was completely her fault, though Ikki never blamed her for it.

She had then been distracted from her guilt by one of the girls in her class, who had seen that kiss, saying she should be careful as a girl could get pregnant by kissing a boy. Arika had quickly waved that off, retorting there had to be more to it. At the time, though, she didn't have any proof of that.

Being the journalist that she was, Arika set out to get the proof she needed to learn how girls got pregnant. She knew that answer wouldn't come from her mother. Ever since she started having periods when she was ten, she had a strong feeling her mother was keeping some important things from her. An Internet search on pregnancy had proved how right that assumption had been. While there were several medical pages that explained how a baby was conceived and what happens to the baby and the mother during pregnancy, there were also hundreds of sites that also showed and/or explained the process of sex in pornographic detail.

Arika wished she had spent more time on the medical pages and less on the porn sites, but her curiosity led her to the latter. And, well... one of the links was to a fan-made story based on an anime she really liked. The characterization was almost nonexistent. Plot? What plot? It wasn't very realistic with the girl figuring she was pregnant the following day from weight gain. However, the writer obviously spent a lot of time doing, well, second-hand research, because the sex scene was very detailed and was beyond arousing.

It didn't hurt that she was fingering herself off while reading it, either.

The story gave her an idea, though. An idea she should've done more research on, but she had to do it....


Mrs. Tenryo was ever a woman of habit. She did the same things pretty much at the same time of the day and/or week. It came as no surprise to Arika that during one of her visits with Ikki that his mother left to go shopping.

"Take care," Arika called as Mrs. Tenryo left. The young girl then turned and sighed at the depressing sight of Ikki slouched in the corner of his room.

After the kilobot battles last year and the Rubber Robos the year before that, life had been rather normal. Friendly sparring and heated tournament battles were the extent of the robattling Ikki and Metabee had to do. It had been rather peaceful and everyone took it for granted that Ikki would be off to the World Robattle Championships this year. But he had lost. He had been distracted by a rather passionate kiss from his childhood friend and couldn't focus on the final match and lost the tournament and a spot as one of Japan's representatives in the championships.

Arika wasn't about to let him mope around any longer. She had to do something to help him, but how would she begin her... 'apology?'

Well... perhaps that was the way.

Amazake pressed her fingers nervously together. "Ikki... I'm sorry about the tournament...."

Ikki looked at her with dull eyes. "It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was," Arika retorted. "My kiss for luck ended up distracting you. If I hadn't kissed you...."

The digital clock seemed to take forever to count the seconds while the girl waited for some kind of reply.

"Why did you kiss me?" Ikki finally asked.

"I told you. It was for luck," Arika replied.

"You never kissed Zuru or Kouji like that," Ikki returned.

Arika huffed. "I don't like them the way I like you. They're just friends."

"Aren't we just friends too?" Ikki asked.

Arika frowned. "Ikki, we're more than friends, aren't we? We've been together for as long as I can remember. This isn't something I give to a mere friend."

With no further warning, the young girl leaned over and cupped the boy's face with her hands and drew him into a kiss. As she peeked through her eyelashes, she once again saw his shocked expression. Unlike the last time, though, she didn't jump away, but deepened her kiss. Ever so slowly Ikki began to relax. Instead of pulling away from her as she feared, he eased himself into returning her passion and embraced her in a hug as well.

Arika reluctantly, but gently broke the kiss. Her face flushed with embarrassment. "Don't think of this as being an apology," she told herself more than the boy.

"Wha?!" Ikki called out in surprise as Arika unfastened his shorts. Without giving him time to protest, she yanked down his lower clothes and released his boyhood to the open air.

This was not the first time Arika had seen his penis. She had seen it on a few different occasions. Though she had expected it to have grown larger than it was now. She also thought he would've developed hair around his sex like her own had when she started puberty well over a year ago.

Ikki moaned as Arika took his tool and caressed it with her soft and warm hands.

As Arika leaned closer, her eyes confirmed what her fingers told her. Tenryo wasn't completely bald down there as a few strands of hair were growing.

The boy's eyes then bulged our in surprise as his meat was suddenly engulfed in the deliciously hot and wet interior of the girl's mouth. He groaned as she began to suck on him, her tongue undulating against the underside of his shaft.

Arika let her tongue explore him, tasting him. She had expected the saltiness as she had licked her own skin before, but she prayed the bitterness wasn't what she thought it was.

Ikki began to stroke the girl's hair as he felt her mouth muscle lavish attention on him in ways he was only just realizing girls could do. The way she licked his dick was amazing. And when her tongue pushed aside his foreskin and she sucked on the head of his cock he damned near blew it.

Arika guessed he was about to orgasm and began to bob her head up and down on his shaft. She thought she was taking him deep enough into her mouth and moving fast enough for the boy; however, his hands gripped her head almost painfully as he forced her to deep-throat him hard and fast. She almost threw up from gagging on his length.

With a shuddering grunt from Ikki, hot goo showering the back of her throat and Amazake learned that the fict she had read lied. Ikki's cum was bitter, gross and disgusting. It was not her 'favorite drink' just because it was Ikki's sex juice. She pulled away from him and spat out his spunk into the trash. She vowed that would be the last blowjob she'd ever give Tenryo.

Ikki didn't seem to notice Arika spitting up his juice as he was splayed out on his bed with a large grin on his face. The girl wiped her mouth using her shirtsleeve and then frowned seeing the boy's now incredibly small penis. You'd almost think he was a girl, especially considering his balls had somehow retracted into him. She scowled as the hentai fict she had read suggested he would still be hard and ready for more. She certainly was.

Arika climbed onto Ikki's bed and laid next to him. She looked into his glazed eyes while fondling his spent tool. Slowly the boy returned her deep gaze, but his penis was still shriveled. There had to be a way to get him going again.

Arika flushed in embarrassment as she figured out what should do the trick. It had BETTER do it, or she just might kill the boy. She got up on her knees and unclasped the buttons on her coveralls. She smiled as Ikki's eyes were glued on her. Not wanting to obstruct her own vision, she quickly pulled off her shirt. But when it came to her bra, she teased him. She unfastened it quickly enough, but the giggled shyly as she eased off the cottony covering. Even as the bra fell off her and upon the stunned boy, he didn't get to see her bare chest as her hands blocked his view.

Ikki wanted to see Arika, wanted to see her so badly. He raised his arms and pulled her obstructing hands away by her wrists. He had seen her bare chest before when they were much younger, but there was something very different with the way he was looking at her now.

Arika let out a moan as she felt his hands caressing her chest, but then smirked as his hands weren't the only things reacting to her display. His limp penis was beginning to grow for her. As he fondled her chest, she stroked his tool, unminding of his sticky cum on it. While Ikki's unskilled groping of her chest made it hard to pout, she did when he was still being limp. But if it grew just showing him her chest....

Arika pulled away and grinned with a red face. "Ikki... how would you like to see ALL of me?" With his nod she guided him off his bed. She then laid down with her legs dangling over the side. "Want to do the honors?"

Ikki's hands twitched as they moved to the girl's sides and he gripped her coveralls. He nearly yanked Arika clear off the bed with the force he tugged on them.

"Ikki...." Arika scowled at him slightly as she scooted back so that most of her was on the bed again.

"Sorry," Ikki replied instinctively, though he didn't seem very apologetic as he stared at the only thing Arika was wearing, besides her socks. He looked at her as if he had never seen her undressed like this, let alone nude.

After Ikki failed to move for a minute, Arika prompted, "Go ahead, Ikki."

Ikki nodded dumbly as he leaned over her and touched her panties, damp with her desire. He pulled the portion covering her crotch and stared at her glistening, puckered sex lips. He traced his finger over her special entrance and slid his finger right into her dark brown, wild growth bush.

Arika writhed in pleasure as he explored her nether regions. This felt so much more intense than the times she had fingered herself to bliss, yet the tidal wave of orgasm seemed to be so very far away. She closed her eyes and road the waves of joy that her best friend was giving her.

It wasn't long before Ikki grew tired of the interfering undergarment and pulled it off her, laying the girl's full natural beauty out for him alone to see in all her wondrous glory.

With her panties gone, Arika wondered how long it would take Ikki to get to the final stage. She slowly opened her eyes to look at him, but then they widened in shock as something large, hard, and deliciously hot was shoved straight into her love hole.

Arika moaned loudly feeling the sudden intruder push its way inside her. Again the fict lied considering no pain registered to her when her hymen broke. She writhed as her body grew accustomed to being impaled by Ikki's member, uncertain if his continued presence inside her was uncomfortable or pleasurable.

Ikki began to pound himself against her hips while Arika's mind bemoaned the further inaccuracies in the fict. He didn't ask if 'she was sure about this' or even if she wanted to go this far. Though she had planned to go all the way, she missed the tenderness and romance of being asked....

Who was she kidding? Ikki and romance went together like ice cream and salt. Romance from him was the last thing she should expect. Any further misgivings she had were being washed away with each thrust of Ikki's hips slamming against hers.

Ikki grunted as he felt his penis slide inside the girl's tight velvet vice. The sensation of her pussy was beyond what he had ever done to himself and even her mouth. The way every millimeter of his sex was being touched by her hot inner flesh was beyond belief. Even how his foreskin was pulled back so the head of his cock could fully touch her inner body added intense delight the likes of which he had never imagined.

Arika groaned in her lustful desire for yet even more pleasure as Ikki continued to move inside her. Never had she felt so wonderfully full in her life. The rapture of being pleasured by him and giving him the same seemed to give her meaning for her life. That she was intended to be his. That all her life was waiting for this moment just to be with him like this. To be with the boy she had always loved.

Ikki was rapidly growing tired, but he couldn't stop now. He knew he had yet to reach the heights of pleasure and wasn't going to stop until he achieved that. He leaned forward, placing his weight on top of Arika to help reduce the strain on his legs from standing. He was close, oh so very close to his final destination.

Arika was at a loss of breath with her lover's weight on top of her. But she was beyond caring, beyond thinking. All she cared for was their shared carnal dance. The way he moved inside her, bringing joy to both of them. If time could stop, she would do that now to live an eternity of bliss with him.

Sweat beaded over Ikki's whole body as he forced himself to continue plundering his childhood friend's special toy box. He strained to keep himself together as he pushed his toy into her, over and over again. He knew he couldn't keep this up much longer, but he had too. Had to make this last as long as he possibly could. A noise escaped out of his mouth from deep within his gut as his love wand jerked and spasmed inside the girl, dumping his life seed deep within her.

Arika gasped for breath as Ikki rolled off her. Despite that he was no longer filling her, she could still feel his phantom length buried inside her and more importantly his hot cum. Proof that she had fully pleasured him.

Arika glanced at Ikki as he slipped into sleep. She smiled tenderly at him. Yet again the story she had read lied. She hadn't screamed in orgasmic fits. She didn't even cum once. She knew what it felt like from self-exploration, but despite this being the most pleasurable experience of her life-- she hadn't reached the 'stars and heaven.' Yet, somehow, she was satisfied. Though her body was longing for just a little bit more, she didn't need to finish it. This had been about him, not her. She wanted to give him ecstasy. He had better return the favor later, but right now what they had shared was enough for her.

"HEY, MRS. TENRYO, WELCOME BACK!" Metabee's voice echoed loudly in the air. "WHY NO, MA'AM. I DIDN'T BREAK ANYTHING!"

Arika's hair stood on end. Ikki's mother was back already. She looked around the room and the evidence of what they had done hung thickly in the room. She shook her lover and whispered harshly into his ear. "Wake up, your mother's home!"

Ikki wearily looked at her. "What are ya doin' in mah bed?" He then blinked and jumped with a loud "EEP!" as he noticed her state of undress.

Arika quickly pounced on him, covering his mouth. "Quiet. We've got to do something about our mess before your mother comes to check on you."

Ikki nodded. While he grabbed his discarded lower garments from the floor and put them back on, his task was made more difficult by the fact he couldn't take his eyes of the girl getting dressed in front of him.

Arika slipped her shirt on over her bra and made a face as she looked at the stain of his cum by her wrist she had put there when she had wiped her mouth earlier. She wanted to do something about the stain now, but that was easier to hide than being half-naked if Mrs. Tenryo came into the room. Her moist panties weren't any better, but at least those were kept out of sight after she put on her coveralls.

Once again dressed, Arika looked around the room and pushed Ikki aside as she straightened his bed. She then frowned. While their little activity hadn't left any major stains, to a neat freak like Mrs. Tenryo-- the fresh cum on the bedspread would be noticeable enough. She grabbed some tissue paper to wipe up the white goo, but managed to smear it more than clean it. The girl whispered in serious tone, "Ikki, how will we cover up these stains?"

Ikki blinked at her before registering her question. He blushed as he looked at what the girl was talking about. Proof of what the two had done mere minutes before, yet seemed like a dream. But Arika was right. They needed to cover the stains. He then smirked a little. What better way to hide a small mess....

Arika didn't know if she should be happy or worried when Ikki adopted his confident attitude once again. When he grabbed the bottle of soda pop on the desk and began shaking it, she took a defense step back, causing her to trip and fall onto the bed.

"This will get the stain on your shirt too," Ikki commented as he sprayed the girl and his bed with dark brown soda.

"GAH! IKKI!" Arika lunged at the boy, sending both of them sprawling on the floor and spilling yet more soda pop onto Ikki and the floor.

"Got the stains, didn't I?" Ikki asked with a smirk.

"Why you...." Arika trailed off. She was tempted to strangle the boy, but that would be no fun later. Instead she began to tickle him. As his laughter escaped his lips, he returned the favor to her.

"My! What a mess!" Mrs. Tenryo called out.

Both of them froze and looked at the matriarch in fear. Before they knew it, she had both of them standing.

"Ah, Mrs. Tenryo...." Arika tried to think of a good lie to say to the woman.

"You shouldn't let a tickle fight get so out of control," Mrs. Tenryo admonished in a pleasant tone. "But, thank you for cheering up Ikki. Though now both of you need a bath."

Arika was rather confused when she proceeded to drag both Ikki and herself to the wash room. Her face flushed as Mrs. Tenryo striped Ikki naked in the time it took for him to say, "MOM!" The woman then followed suit with her, and sent the now-stunned girl straight into the bathing room wearing nothing but a blush.

"M-MOM!" Ikki cried out again.

"What?" Mrs. Tenryo asked innocently. "You've bathed together before, so there's nothing you haven't seen before. And you both have to wash off all that soda quickly, or it'll get very sticky. Not hurry up and get cleaned while I wash your clothes." With that, the mother shut the bathing room door and started up the washer.

"I'll wash first," Arika told the boy as she took to the stool. There wasn't any point arguing with Mrs. Tenryo at this point. The woman was right that there wasn't anything they hadn't seen, just not how right.

After Arika finished soaping herself up and washing herself off, she stepped into the furo's water to soak and then looked at the boy whose eyes never left her body. "Ikki, you have to wash up now."

The boy nodded dumbly and did as she told him. It wasn't long before he too was clean and entering the large water basin where the girl was waiting.

Arika was getting extremely self-conscious under the boy's constant gaze. "Is something wrong?" she asked with a hint of fear.

"Ah, no. NO! Nothing's... wrong...." Ikki trailed off uncertainly.

"Then why are you staring at me?" Arika questioned.

"It's just, um...." Ikki scratched the back of his head uncertainly. "Why did you, um, well, you know...?"

"Why did I have sex with you?" Arika whispered on the off chance Mrs. Tenryo was eavesdropping.

Ikki nodded with a deep blush.

Arika pursed her lips. "Lots of reasons, really. I wanted to make it up to you for causing you to lose the tournament, but the truth is... I did it because I... love you."

"You... love me?" Ikki questioned in wonderment.

Arika nodded with a deep blush. "Yes. Do you... love me?"

Ikki splashed water around as he fidgeted. "I, ah, guess... I do. Never really thought about it."

Arika grinned devilishly. "You better be more certain next time, or this is the last time you'll get to see me like this." She then leaned across the bath and kissed the boy.

Ikki chuckled a little after Arika pulled away. "Who knew love could feel so good?"


That afternoon, a letter came to Ikki inviting him to compete in the World Robattle Championships hosted by the country of Kenya. Victor had probably pulled a favor as the World Champion from the host country to get Tenryo into the competition. But Ikki didn't care HOW he was going, just that he WAS going.

After their first time, they didn't have sex all that often for some time. They had let their other passions take up their time. Sometimes weeks passed between making love.

When they did make love, though, there was always something different about it. Between Arika's curiosity and Ikki's penchant for not doing what one expects, their sexual exploits were hardly normal.

Thinking back to all the things she had done with Ikki, there was one thing that stood out in Arika's mind as the basis of their kinky behavior. Trust. They trusted each other completely. When he put his hand inside her pussy and later her hand up his ass, they had faith that they would not hurt each other despite putting themselves in a position where they could cause severe injure. That when they had put themselves in a defenseless position of taking a shit in front of the other, they were laying our bodies open to even their most basic functions. Then eating each other's shit and drinking their piss was a sign that they believed they could not and would not hurt each other. That they felt so secure in the other's presence, that Ikki was able to have sex with Arika while she slept and she was usually a light sleeper.

The one thing they did not trust was nature. They tried to make sure they had plenty of condoms available for protection since the risk that she could get pregnant was something trust couldn't prevent. That Arika had gone through a couple pregnancy scares was proof of that. But those ended up being needless worries she had placed on herself because of her irregular periods. She had merely been late all those times.

Arika pouted as her hand clutched at her midriff. If only this time was also just a scare. But she had dismissed the evidence for over a week only to learn that the last thing she thought her illness could be was in fact the true cause.

Arika wanted to cry. She didn't know what to do. To keep the baby would doom her chances of ever being a journalist. To have an abortion would mean killing a child that was part of Ikki and her. What could she possibly do?

The scared teen wiped away her tears. She had to tell Ikki. If all their acts of trust meant anything, she had to let him know. But she didn't want to burden Ikki with the knowledge. To hurt him with the decision to either damn both of their lives, or kill their child.

Arika rolled over and buried her head into her pillow. Trust and love led her to this unthinkable situation. During the course of the last World Robattle Championships, she had sex with Ikki on a few occasions. By the time they got to the final championship round, they had used up all the condoms they had brought with them. Being young teenagers, neither dared go to a store to buy them. Especially with the way the American media was hounding Ikki for his accomplishments. She had learned how annoying it could be to be on the receiving end of a persistent reporter as questions of her relationship with Ikki had been raised. If she bought condoms and a yellow journalist saw her, the 'just friends' line they had been using would go up in smoke.

Then Ikki won the championships. Their excitement and passion ran higher than ever....


Arika waited for Ikki in the locker room that he had been given to use during the World Robattle Championships. She fidgeted with her clothes. A blouse and short skirt, which she wore to get used to the school uniform she would be wearing soon. When the new World Champions arrived, no words were said. Metabee instantly took guard position at the door with Brass.

Ikki approached his lover and captured her lips in such a hungry kiss, that it felt like he hadn't eaten in weeks. The girl soon found herself pressed against a set of lockers. She could feel herself being pushed and held above the ground, but made no protest as she continued to wrestle his tongue with her own. Nor did she give any complaint after Tenryo reached under her skirt and ripped her panties right off her body.

No sooner than she felt the air breeze against her bottom, that Ikki had pushed down his own lower clothes and shoved himself mercilessly into her wanting pussy. They moaned into each others' mouths as the boy plunged his rod deep into the girl over and over again.

The lockers clanged loudly as Arika was banged into them by the force of nature that was her lover. But heedless of the noise, the pain of being pressed hard against a locker latch, the lack of foreplay, the lack of a condom... Amazake would give no complaint, no protest. This was their private celebration. Nothing could detract from the glorious excitement.

The eternity of pleasure ended all to soon as Ikki grunted and filled her with his cum. As his penis began to shrink, his strength waned and Arika slid down against the lockers. Her skirt flowered around her waist causing her bare ass to hit the floor with a soft plop.

"You didn't cum," Ikki commented while panting.

Arika smirked. "I'm sure you'll make up for that."

Ikki nodded as he pulled up his underpants and shorts. He then noticed the girl's panties and picked them up only to discover they were completely ruined.

Arika shook her head, not exactly pleased with that, but was not surprised. She might as well make the best of it. "Consider that another trophy for today." She used the lockers to help steady herself as she stood up. "I'll see you later, World Champ."

Ikki nodded and watched the girl leave.

Arika intentionally held up the back of her skirt as she walked out of the room, giving him a delicious look at her bare rear and moist sex. As soon as she was in the hall, she guarded herself against giving anyone a free peek. Once she made it inside the elevator and its door shut leaving her alone with Brass, she pulled out her lucky Metabee panties from her pocket and slipped them back on.


The life inside Arika may have been conceived then. Even if they still had a condom, they wouldn't have used one. It would've destroyed the mood they were in. But in all probability, the child within her was the result of what they had done later that night. In stark contrast to the wild fuck in the locker room, the tenderness and love they shared that night was one of her most wonderful memories.

Again they had said no words when Arika slipped quietly into his hotel room. She had discarded her sleepwear and joined him in his bed to learn he was certainly expecting her as he was already naked as she now was.

Their hands began to gently touch each other, caressing each other in tender ways. Minutes had to pass and all they did was trace their fingers upon one another. Then Ikki advanced things a bit. His hand glided down her body and stopped between her legs. There he toyed with her sex lips before slipping two fingers between her folds.

Arika writhed under the wondrous assault his fingers inflicted upon her. She moaned as he manipulated her sex and finally returned the favor from earlier as she shudder in the delightful throws of orgasm.

Ikki waited with uncharacteristic patience as she recovered from her blissful ordeal. His right hand caressing her naked form to keep her from falling completely from her personal heaven. When she looked at him with a loving smile, he gently climbed over her and joined with her in only a way a man and a woman could.

While Tenryo's pace was much slower than normal, Arika was quickly scaling the heights of pleasure once again. Her spread legs under his body welcomed him fully, letting him plunge his rod deep within her.

The teens gazed into each other's eyes as their hips crashed together in the joyful song of nature. They could feel every movement the other made as each touch and caress was to bring more pleasure to their beloved. Neither cared about their own pleasure, but the joy they could give to each other. Their bodies giving no resistance as their sex were joined in a loving embrace that would not end until they both found utopia.

Arika's body began to tighten under the boy. Her pussy seemed to twist around his probing organ as the urge to let herself go and release herself to the passion gripped her. Soon it was too much, and she regretted succumbing to the throws of orgasm before Ikki. But she did not have long to wait before she felt him pouring his juices inside her once again.

They held each other as their mutual orgasms subsided. They continued to look upon the other's eyes as they had done throughout their session of love. Their eyelids grew heavy and soon both were asleep, feeling safe and secure together.


Arika panted as she pulled her hand from her now soaked panties. Damn, what a slut she was being. Sex had put her in this position. What had been an act of pure love led her to this unfathomable dilemma. She was used to asking questions, but not answering them. But what kind of answer could she possibly give for this?

This wasn't what Arika wanted. She had her plans for the future. They weren't grandiose or unreasonable. She would go to college with Ikki. She would study journalism as a major and botany for a minor, while he'd be clueless for a few years before finding some career that'd interest him. They'd get married while still taking courses, mostly to get an apartment near campus. Once they graduated, Ikki would begin his career, or at least attempt to. She would try to get a job with one of Tokyo's newspapers and work her way up to being an investigative reporter.

Arika knew that you had to work for what you really wanted. She would love to be an award-winning journalist before she was twenty-five, but that wasn't something that would just fall into her lap. She would have to work her ass off to achieve that goal, and had every intent on doing just that.

She expected that there would be set backs as various problems presented themselves. Ikki certainly had his fair share of those on his way to becoming the World Champion. Her graduation from college might end up being delayed by getting pregnant then.

THEN, not now. Arika definitely didn't want to deal with this now. She was only in junior high. She shouldn't have to consider being a mother yet.

But a mother she would be in about seven months if she kept this baby. It's not like she couldn't get pregnant again in the future. A quick trip to a clinic and her worries would be over. The life growing inside her would be over.

The alternative was death to her life. She would never graduate school. No degree in journalism to hang on the wall. No chance that she would be hired as a newspaper reporter. She would be nothing more than Tenryo Arika, housewife.

That didn't even take into account the burden she would be placing on Ikki and their families. They weren't poor by any stretch of the imagination, but it would certainly make things difficult. It wouldn't be right to trouble them with this. She should just go and get an abortion and be done with it. No one needed to know about it. It would be simple and quick.

Arika sat up and prepared to go through with it. To have an abortion. Her thoughts then quickly shifted to Ikki and him looking at her with disappointment and hatred. She immediately collapsed back into her bed, burying her face into her pillow.

If Ikki somehow learned of her having an abortion, would he hate her for doing that? For protecting him from this burden?

Arika wanted to laugh remembering the sad girl she met earlier that day. That girl had meant well in trying to help her boyfriend win robattles, but had gone about it the wrong way and ended up making him upset at her instead. Was she now doing the same thing? Would protecting Ikki from this cause her to lose him as well? She would sooner give up journalism and her garden than lose Ikki.

Young Amazake rolled over and tried to imagine what it would be like a year from now. If she had an abortion, she would still be in class and was hopefully still with Tenryo. Yet there was a hollowness to that future, as if something was missing.

If she kept the baby, she would be married to him and living at his house. She would see Ikki off to school, longing to go with him. Then her baby would cry and her attention would completely on taking care of her precious little baby.

Tears leaked from Arika's eyes. There was indeed a precious little baby inside of her. An infant that was Ikki's child. How could she ever destroy this life?

Amazake didn't know what was more selfish. Wanting the abortion to postpone her motherhood until she was much older and had her own career, or in wanting to keep this baby and placing huge burdens on Ikki and their families?

This one decision would change her life forever, and she didn't know how to answer it.