Mega Man Fan Fiction ❯ Chaotic Outbreak Endless Ocean ❯ Water Chapter 3 The Most Difficult Goodbye ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3 The Most Difficult Goodbye
It was something from a nightmare; the horrific scene turned everyone's stomachs. Even more it was unthinkable; something that no one thought would ever happen. Zero was murdered, and the crime scene was nothing short of a massacre. Many could not even bare to look at the scene; because nothing human or sane would ever do this, and it was done to the one legendary hero.
When Theus finally got to the crime scene; he could barely hold it together. Zero was a good friend, and to see that he was no longer here was devastating. The carnage was beyond horrible, and pits and pieces were strung everywhere. Still Theus tried to keep it together, and he looked back to Leviathan who still had yet to look; not wanting her to see this. “Leviathan; I think it would be wise if you did not have to see this… I'm even having trouble looking, and dealing with this…”
Leviathan did not like the tone in her Fiancée's voice; thinking that he was being over protective. She did not consider herself so delicate though, and she was not afraid to show it either. “Stop acting like I'm weak; because I'm not Theus. I'm so tired of you ever since you got back; you are so cold to me, and it is not right! I'm ready for anything…”
The resolve in Leviathan's voice trailed off when she finally saw it, and she felt like she was ready to throw up. The brutality and carnage of it all was beyond belief to her eyes and senses. The stench of death was gruesome, and turned nearly everyone's stomach. Parts of the once Legendary Reploid were everywhere; the armor torn apart like it was tissue. The worst was the remainder of the body; so destroyed that it did not even resemble anything; that could have been alive.
It was simply too much, and Leviathan looked only for a second before running away. Theus watched her leave, and as much as he wanted to go comfort her; this was more important. This was the work of someone who had something against Zero, and it was more then obvious to Theus. It was a message; after everything that happened with Weil; no one would dare challenge Zero.
One quick scan, and Theus's mind was already working on what had happened; piecing together what happened from the clues. He started to stroll around the scene; looking at everything that had happened. It was fresh still, and Theus studied everything he could. It was building a story, and telling Theus everything. “Theus… you came thank you; we have to catch this murderer before who ever it is strikes again. Thank you this means a lot to me…”
Theus turned to Ciel's voice, and was just plain surprised to see her. “Ciel; why are you here…? You are the last person I ever expected here; how are you not finding this hard?” Ciel laughed for a moment, but it quickly faded when she glanced around. “It is to see this, but I know this is more important, and we have to figure this out and stop this!”
“I understand; this is horrible, and it is pretty clear that this is more then just a normal killer… I can sense something else behind this; something, malicious that does not belong here. Are you sure you are okay to go on Ciel…?”
Ciel nodded that she was okay to go on, and then Leviathan came back over looking like she was having a hard time. She was not ready to leave him alone with Ciel; not with the possibility that he was falling in love with the young blond. Theus looked at her though and was doubtful; “Leviathan are you sure you are okay… you do not have to prove yourself to me. I know I have been distancing myself, and I know how strong you are. Trust my love to you; do you want to stay?”
“Yes I'm fine, and I want this to stop as much as you two! I will stop this by my self if I have to; so don't send me away; because I can help you in this!”
Theus nodded, and took her at his side and under his arm; he did want her to stay because he believed she could. “Very well; this is your choice though, and for the record I know you will be a great help to us…”
That little spur of loving speech was a complete boost to Leviathan. She watched Theus go down on, and pick a chip from Zero's cracked helmet, and Theus decided it was time to show a smile. “This is good; his main chip is still enact; so to some degree he is fine, but I think I can explain what happened here…”
“Zero was caught in the middle of this area; most likely by something that had him trapped. There are no weapon remnants, but it was more then energy; because other wise… I doubt they could take out Zero's armor apart like this. Armor has been shredded off, and spread in every direction; it is like what ever attacked him… did it from every direction too…”
“It is so much more though; look at the blast marks… both of you know what they are right…” The girls nodded; they both had an idea; especially since Leviathan had seen it all to well and up close and personal. “Zero's attacks all missed, and looking that they are everywhere… so are the blast marks. What ever did this had incredible speed, and made short work of our friend.”
“I believe you are right Theus…” Ciel said with absolute confidence in her assumption. “All the signs make that very possible, and I do think you are completely right… still is there anything that you can tell us to help identify who did this?”
Theus turned away; afraid of what he was about to say; because of what it could mean. Still it had to be told; because this was his fault. “What ever did this is not from this world; just like I'm not… what ever did this is sending a message to me. It is punishing who ever is close to me; they want me to suffer, and anyone who is close to me… There is nothing I fear that could help us at this point.”
Both the girls felt a shiver climb up their spines; the shear idea chilling their souls and making them incredibly nervous. “It's because I'm an Exia; who ever is doing this is proud of it's work. It left it out for everyone to see, and it will do it again. This is absolutely unforgivable; this massacre was deliberate. This sadistic person must be caught, but I doubt we could even call who ever did this a person.”
Before Theus could even begin to build a plan, or figure out how to deal with this; both girls bowed their heads. Theus joined in paying his respect; it was the least they all could do for Zero's soul. Even if they had the main chip; it could never truly bring Zero back. They gave a moment of their time to pay their respect, and Theus hoped that his ally was in a better place. A place where he could finally rest, and never again have to fight.
“Wait a minute…” Theus said; breaking the moment apart as he rushed off to grab the closest guard. “Where is General Harpuia and General Fefnir; it is imperative that I talk to them now!”
The guard's nerves scrambled from Theus's grasp, and truly he had no idea of where they were, and all he could offer was where they had been. “Both of the generals got here before you, and told us to leave this to them. They both said it would be easier for them to do something sir!”
“Damn it..!” Theus shouted to the skies above, and the girls came over to see him. “What is wrong Theus…? I have never seen you this upset; we can take this thing easy!”
“No that's not it Leviathan…” Theus told her in overpowering voice. “Who ever is doing this wants us to be separate; This is a game, and if it separates us then we are good as dead. We have to find them now; because I will not be responsible, and I'm sorry for getting both of you in this…”
“Don't be…” Leviathan cheekily stated while moving right next to him. “I'm your significant other right; so your problems are mine too. Besides you are worth it Theus, but only just a little…”
The slight bit of humor and support picked Theus's spirits up, and Ciel was next to stand up. “I do not how much I can aid you, but I'm already involved. I don't regret it though, and I to will help you Theus. We are going to stop this… this is not your fault.”
Another soldier ran over to Theus while he thanked the girls for their support; the soldier however was not happy. He pulled on Theus's robe; getting his attention to separate him from both girls. The soldier pulled him well away; not wanting to give the news to anyone else but the General's leader.
The smile vanished with the whisper into Theus's ears, and now he was left to deal with this next tragedy. He turned to the girls; “Harpuia is dead… the exact same thing but so much worse. I just do not know what I should do at this point; there is nothing here to help us at all. I don't know if I can fight this foe…”
Ciel approached him, and gently started rubbing his arm; “it is okay Theus. This is not your fault… Listen Leviathan and I both do not blame you for this, and we know how serious this is. We will go with you to investigate the crime scene, and we will send everyone out looking for Fefnir. Things will be alright; I promise…”
Then Leviathan walked over and smiled at him; lending him her support as well. He appreciated it to its fullest, and Theus was quick to acknowledge the order. They needed to act fast, and only moment's later they were off to the area where Harpuia had been struck down.
It was the same story, but with different faces; many shards of armor, and only a few things were different. The foul stench of death turning stomachs, and that stench haunted everyone nearby. There were few guards; everyone was already out looking for Fefnir, and Theus finally found what he considered to be important.
Picking up a small chip that held Harpuia's very soul inside; Theus quickly noticed the difference from last time. Only a single clue, but he looked over to the girls; “our opponent uses lightning attacks.”
Both girls froze inspecting things, and decided to read more into Theus's discovery. “The chip is singed, and once again there are barely any other clues to go on. I think it is safe to say it is very agile; the slash marks are from Harpuia's swords look to have missed, and it looked like nothing hit. There is nothing to go on here either; just little information on our opponent, and even if we know where it was going… or what good will it do?”
Sitting down on the concrete road outside in the dark street; Theus just sat there and expected the area. No weapons, and yet razor sharp cut marks; no science or knowledge that he had could help. This enemy was making him suffer, and who ever was doing it was doing an amazing job. Theus could not longer expect to stop this through knowledge; because it had no power.
A loud sudden agonizing battle cry roared from nearby, and Theus knew who it was. Another general had fallen, and Theus struggled to continue. He stood up, and from underneath his long sleeves; grew his long shamshirs. He looked over to the girls, and only hoped they could understand his next request. “I need you both to come with me; if I leave you two alone then I cannot protect you, and I will not allow you two to die; no matter the cost to myself. My intelligence cannot solve this; I have to fight this person… I only hope you understand.”
They did, and Ciel and Leviathan understood why this was being asked, and Ciel went first. “I understand, and I trust you Theus; I know you will keep both of us safe…” Leviathan then summoned her spear; which appeared in the blink of an eye. “I will take care of her, and we will stick close; you know that I love you… so stay safe. If I can; I will help, but you just stay safe too…”
Everyone in this group understood what they were now in, and that they were being hunted. Waving the guards to stay behind; all three ran off in the direction of the battle cry. The darkened night making it all the more dangerous; this city was even more terrifying, but Theus was fully alert.
When he had returned to this world; he had only wanted to put away his swords, but now they were drawn again. Theus was going to fix this, and now running through the night; to a fight that he was not sure he could win; he wondered why he was being dragged back in. No doubt being an Exia had it's advantages, but they were not worth it if the people he cared about suffered.
Again the exact same thing; they were too late, and Fefnir was dead. Terminated in the same fashion; with no trace of any evidence form the opponent, but the same story of a struggle. Theus went over and found Fefnir's chip; regretting that he was dead, but now was not the time. This time something else was watching them, and it was powerful.
It had occurred that it was such a short amount of time, and Theus knew his opponent's power. It was lightning; the weakness to his element, and it was a smart move. Someone sent the one person with the element he was weak to. Now it really was a hunt, and then a slight sound was heard from an alley; drawing the immediate attention of the girls and Theus.
The noise made everyone jump, and then a laugh came from the opposite direction. Theus ran over near the girls, and he knew she was playing with them. Laughter came from multiple areas; with only seconds separating them. Still Theus stood there confident, and had one last risky move to try.
Closing his eyes, and concentrating on his new idea; a magical barrier made of Theus's magic shielded him and the girls. Then Theus used his control of water, and it started to rain by his command. The barrier stopped the girls from getting wet, but everything outside was getting wet, and that was the plan.
Each drop hit the object below, and Theus could sense everything around him. His sense of the waters touch acting like radar He started to search the area with his power over water to detect anything, and then a flash. Energy, and Theus tracked it down; it had such amazing speed. Now it was jumping from place to place almost instantly, and then finally; the thing made a move.
Theus pushed the girls, and dodged back with only an instant to spare. Theus landed outside the bubble, but the girls were safe, and he had caught a glimpse of the weapon. It was a kunai, and Theus knew this was nothing more then an assassin. Slowly the person came into the light; shielded by a wet leather cloak that glistened in the dim light, and then it removed its hood.
It was a woman; a fairly young looking woman with bright yellow hair, and lightning was sparking off her body. “Nice to finally meet you Exia; I see why they say you are the smart one… It's pretty smart o figure me out so quickly, and even to find away to go against my skills. What ever will I do against the mean old Exia, but tell me.. did you enjoy my work! I did it all for you; the perfect warrior supposedly like your sin brethren.”
Slowly Theus started inching his way over to be beside the girls; he knew this girl was not done playing. This was the first fight, and he had absolutely no clue what to expect from this battle. His female opponent was faster, and Theus was worried about what she could possibly do. Still Larxene's provoking had worked to some degree, and he could not hold back any longer. “You are repulsive, and I want to know why you are here?”
“Oh my; the big bad Exia of Water is threatening poor little old me… what ever shall I do… oh and thank you for the compliment my cute little Exia! That is what I was going for here; I was sent here to kill you, but just doing that is no fun… I enjoy toying with my enemies, and then ripping them to shreds, and watching you writhe in pain. You really are cold though; any one else would have actually cared… I'm going to enjoy playing with you once I capture you, and then your others till there are none left!”
“Don't think for a second that I do not care; because I do. Just because I'm not emotional on the surface; that I do not care for my fallen friends. Grieving will not bring them back, and I still have people to protect here. They were my closest friends, but someone who is this sick, and this pathetic takes pleasure in things like this… so I would never actually show my emotions; not to someone so worthless and hideous as you.”
“What… What did you just call me…?” Larxene questioned while the vein bulged from her neck. “Don't you dare say I'm hideous… You are going to pay with that with your life! You think I don't have the advantage here!!!”
Lifting her arms to the dark sky above, and lightning came down from the sky to her hands. The bolts of lightning filled her empty hands with new with Kunai's; each one infused and sparking with the power of lightning. The next instant; before another second could pass; she brought her arms down; sending a wave of Kunai's at Theus. Her arms moving so fast that he could see multiple arms from the optical trick on his eyes.
Having no choice but to protect the girls; Theus blocked each Kunai with his shamshirs, and did not budge. They had tremendous power behind them despite Larxene's slim build. Still he blocked them, and Larxene appeared before him in an instant. She lifted her leg up while flipping backwards; connecting to Theus's jaw, and sending him up into the air.
Theus flew a fair distance above, and Larxene just smiled over confidentially; deciding to her self to not just go straight for the kill. It was hard till the thought of how much fun it was going to be. Teleporting to a meter away from Theus; her body became electrified, and she just smiled devilishly at her airborne prey with a small feminine laugh. “Your just what I expected; you care to much for weaklings…”
An upwards slash followed with brand new weapons that she had summoned instantly in between her fingers. Theus barely managed to get his swords in position to block the attack, but he did and as she passed she vanished. A second later the lightning warrior had appeared behind him; moving in to do some serious damage, but Theus was not done yet.
A quick change of his bodyweight, and he had again barely matched the attack. Then another attack came from the side, and immediately followed by more and more attacks that were mercilessly coming at him from different directions. All the attacks were unpredictable like lightning, and the only advantage was the momentary notice of the rain's touch. Theus could barely find the time to, and each attack was pushing him higher and higher into the air.
The girls still watched form below; this spectacle making Leviathan disgusted that this girl was making fun of Theus. No one was going to push her guy around, and this was personal; the young warrior was not going to put up with this any longer. Leviathan got up, and Ciel did too behind her; Leviathan readied her spear, and charged her next attack. It had to be perfect to save Theus, and she was not going to mess this up.
Then; the perfect moment, and Leviathan launched her attack. Her most powerful attack went off like a shot; from the burst of energy formed a massive ice dragon. The beast moved at an amazing speed, and cut off Larxene's next attack rush. The yellow haired woman stopped in mid air, and was ready to scream; “big mistake you stupid little girlfriend!”
Larxene started dropping down, and Theus was helplessly a drift in the air; trying to get down. She thru a waive of electrified kunais through the air, and Leviathan turned and grabbed Ciel and pushed well off backwards through the air. The two girls huddled closely, and traveled backwards. Leviathan's watched the lightning witch land; only to see a smile on her face and then disappear.
Nothing was left there where she had stood, and then a sharp pain that ripped through her body. The flight through the air stopped by Larxene behind them; as she planted a kunai into Leviathan's heart. “The little hero girl dies along with the love in her heart when I break it. You should have just stayed out of it, and now you die… both of you!”
Pressing with all her force; the Kunai shot through both girls. The force breaking ribs and tearing a hole in the girls chest, and Ciel body quivered with the fear of death. Leviathan speechless with her entire future disappearing, and Ciel was paralyzed from her life being taken away. Theus landed; horrified as he watched the girls fall to the ground; Ciel and Leviathan's blood bursting through the air. It was horrible, and Theus rushed over to the girls wanting to stop this; finally breaking down into tears from this tragedy.
Leviathan had lost everything; her future, her pride, and worst her life with Theus. Her death was moments away, and she started to reminisce about her time with Theus. All the love made her start to cry; it was over without question for her. The damage in her body to great to continue, and her death was certain. Now she could only cry; she would never get to experience her life with Theus, and that broke her heart and her strength to nothing.
All of Ciel's knowledge and intelligence was useless; nothing she knew could save her. Her left lung was gone, and her heart was exposed to the air; the pain of everything breaking her down to tears. Death was before her; ready to take her, and she knew it was over. She wished that she could have just told Theus how much she loved him, but now she had lost so much more.
Larxene stood back to watch the tragic play unfold; finding it amusing and amazing by her own design. Theus dove in right behind them; both girls with massive holes in their chest, and Theus knew the truth. There was no way he could save them; the blood loss and damage by the energy had doomed the girls, and all he could do was apologize. “I'm so sorry I could not protect you… both of you this is my fault!”
Then while wallowing in self pity; Theus heard both girls voices speak in unison. “No Theus it is not your fault… I love you!”
There was nothing Theus could think of till his he was so angry that something appeared into his mind. It was his only option, and he was not going to lose either girl, but this next action was beyond risky. “Leviathan… Ciel… I can save you, but you both have to be willing to merge. I cannot bare to lose you; I love you both, and the only way I can save you is if you two merge together.”
Neither girl wanted this to end; not like this. They both wanted to be with Theus, and their sould joined in the thought of Theus. Theus smiled, and put a hand on both girls; this was his last resort, and it was going to take a lot of his energy. He raised his heads, and shouted a single word to the heavens; “merge!!!”
A light, and wave of energy shot through Neo Arcadia; the energy even pushing Larxene off balance as she fell to the ground. It was overwhelming, and then the light faded. In Theus's arms was a single girl that no one had ever scene. She had some of Leviathan's features, and some of Ciel's, and Larxene was amazed. “He saved her…? No… no that can't be; he merged them…?”
Theus was shaking uncontrollably, and he looked down at the merger between the two girls. Both saved, but combined into a new young woman that was a perfect merge between the two. She was absolutely beautiful with her long light blue hair, and a few strands of blond highlighting strands making her beyond beautiful. She finally opened her eyes, and revealed her new consciousness to Theus through her words that spoke from both girls souls. “I love you Theus; we both are together now, and we both love you… I want to start over with you; because I love you. We are both in here, and now we can start over… together.”
“Then let's start over together; in a new world…”
Larxene scrambled upwards to stop this, but was too late, and Theus and the girl turned to water. The rain broke the water apart, and mixed in with Theus and the girls water forms. The accursed rain made it impossible to tell where they had gone, and now he was gone. Larxene scowled and was furious at her self. She had failed, and then a voice she knew spoke up in a male whiny tone. “Larxene… why did you have to go off on your own, and mess everything up in our plan? You are going to have to explain to Xemnas why Theus got away…”
“Shut up you little brat; you don't get to say anything to me Demyx… You were too scared to partake anyway, and I was not going to wait for you to get some courage. A coward has no right to question my decisions; so why are you here?”
“Xemnas has a new mission for you, and you are to report back immediately…”
“Fine…! These Exia are a real pain in the backside; I will make this one pay later!”
It was a bright sunny day; so many years had passed, and the future was indeed looking to be a bright one. The young long blue haired girl looked dreamily into the sky; adzed in her own thought. She hopped aboard the cargo train that was about to leave, and looked at the strange cargo. “So what exactly are we transporting?”
A simple hunter that was aboard the cargo train looked over at what they were transporting, and then replied immediately to this girl. “This is very precious cargo; first is the biometal…” The girl looked over to the second piece of cargo, and was far more curious about that. “So what's so important about a block of ice; don't tell me that it is important?”
Then she caught a glimpse of something; something that was not what she expected. “Are those humans in there…! Just what the heck is this thing!”