MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Orion ❯ The Afterthought ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: The Afterthought
Orion's Point Of View
Words floated around me; very strange ones like tri-vrector, quadsystem alignment, tachyon-tau and quantum energy fluxuations. I felt like I knew those words… yes they were things my father said as he explained his machine, “…if the quadsystem alignment is just right the tri-vector can compensate for any quantum energy fluxuations allowing for a bombardment of stabilized tachyon-neutreno particles causing the molecular structure to become temporarily weightless, through the bonding of tachyon energy, allowing for an acceleration that exceeds the speed of light…” later my father was showing me what it did. What had happened? I heard my fathers voice “… strange, the bombardment field is elongating more than usual…” then the voice faded for a while but came back with the last words I had heard him say “… Orion move…” it got slower and deeper as things around me had slowed. Why did things slow down anyway? Could the particles have something to do with it? Yes, tachyons could in theory travel faster than light but how did my atomic structure bond with them? No one would know that question ever…
A strange buzzing began in my ear bringing me back toward reality. The buzzing began to clear into a voice, “hey wake up,” suddenly a pain in my side jolted me into conciseness and to double up in pain.
“Netto-kun don't do that!” a deep voice said sternly.
“Sorry Papa,” a much younger voice said.
My eyes shot open and I turned my head slowly to face the source of the sound. I saw a boy about my age wearing a plain white shirt with an orange vest over it; he was wearing a blue headband, with a very familiar emblem, on it on his head. Next to him a man stood with a white lab coat on, it had an emblem similar to the boys in the upper left quadrant. “Where am I?” I asked slowly looking around.
The man answered, “Your in Sci-Labs.” There was a sustained silence as the two looked at me for a time.
Then the boy asked, “What's your name?”
I turned to face the boy, “This place looks oddly familiar…” then I muttered to my self, “Could this be…”
Suddenly a beeping sound began to radiate from the man's pocket, “Oh I almost forgot about this, it was lying next to you when you appeared.” He pulled a device out of his pocket. The beeping stopped almost instantly the device was the thing my father had on the Tachyon Energy Infusion Unit when the accident happened it must have been pulled along with me or had it pulled me along with it? The man handed me the device that I instantly recognized it; it was a DST one of my father's latest inventions. I opened it and turned it on, a message appeared on the top screen but it was jumbled:
Ptopm yjr rmysmg;,rmy ;oml drr,d yp dyo;; nr svyobr dp o jsbr jp[r yjsy upit s;obr o”,drmfomh upi s mre dudyr, mpe/
Suddenly the bottom screen shower a file download complete bar that filled almost instantly then an install screen appeared on the bottom it completely filled instantly and a confirmation screen appeared:
Get-Ability System installed successfully.
Then it changed to:
Searching for new technologies…
“Huh,” I grunted. The two didn't seem to hear me because they were talking to each other quietly.
“…Or should he stay here with me?” the older man said, “he would me more comfortable at home but can we trust him?”
“Well he seems trust worthy.” The boy said, then he looked at me. When he saw I wasn't looking at my DST anymore he rubbed the back of his head, “heh heh” he stopped rubbing the back of his head.
“Everyone has a right to be suspicious after all I just appeared from somewhere else.” I walked up to the boy, “my name is Orion and yours is?” I offered my hand in a sign of friendship
“Netto Hikari, good to meet you Orion“ he took my hand and shook it firmly looking me straight in the eye.
“Well I suppose that you could stay at our place for the time being,” the older man said