MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction ❯ Between Friends ❯ Episode Two ( Chapter 2 )

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Between Friends
By Simon Woodington
Previously: A stasis chamber containing a new robot is unearthed by Unity excavation crews,
and Zero is summoned to oversee its activation...
Episode Two
The cavern was pitch dark for the first ten meters, where fist-sized lights illuminated the
tunnel made to the standards of Doctor Nylus Corran, who preferred to be called "Niles". Zero
walked a consistent two feet behind Niles, slightly amused by his pleasant nattering.
"An honor, you know, to finally meet the savior of our race. Is it true you're not susceptible to
the effects of high pressure depths?"
"Water is the appropriate context?" Zero asked, a little bemused.
"Only when they apply," he smirked with mild sarcasm. "Though I have no buoyancy."
"Is it true what they say? That you died?" queried the tan haired man with an eagerness that
belied his professionalism.
"We do not die in the manner of humans," replied Zero shortly, not wishing to elaborate on
the subject.
"There is the matter of software preservation, is there not?"
"I did not save you humans alone," Zero bit off sourly, shifting the topic with a tangible hint
of guilt. Niles patted his lemon colored helmet covered head and apologized profusely.
"I meant no offense, sir."
"I am not your superior," Zero continued irritably. "How far do we go?"
"A few more, uh ­ here we are," he announced as they approached a sealed blast door. To the
right was a glowing panel into which he entered a series of numbers Zero had been authorized to
dedicate to memory. He did so.
"Borrus!" Zero called as the left door panel slid behind the right.
"Ah, the masterful Zero! Welcome!" reported Borrus' subsonic voice, rattling Zero's general
use red armor. Alia had made available his Ultimate armor, but he had assured her it would not
be necessary.

His voice, that is his weapon, I see, Zero observed, taking quick stock of the shorter, more
rugged Reploid. Zero began to want for some form of comfort: battle or sleep, and it was evident
when he spoke: "Who as come to activate the robot?"
"All I hear about you, they don't exaggerate in the slightest. Impatience is your last name, I
hear tell. You will be appeased if I introduce Doctor Silvane, Reploid Historian," growled Borrus
without meaning to. He respected Zero, but disliked his attitude.
From the darkness of the cavern stepped the woman, probably attractive from the human
perspective. Blushing from the collar of her tweed turtleneck sweater to the brunette widows
peak of hair, she regarded Zero in open awe.
"My goodness Zero, you look incredible! Not a dust mote or hint of wear on you," she gaped,
examining him from a comfortable distance. Suddenly she stopped, staring. "What is that Saber!"
"The Nightmare Blade," he stated coolly, recalling that her facial discoloration was the flush
of excitement. The sign of respect faded as a sigh passed her lips. "It is a pleasure, Dr. Silvane."
"Ruth, please. Its output must be greater, but is it more complicated to control, as well? I hear
you rarely use the Z-Buster," she asked. "No need when the Saber can adapt as well as X's
"The Saber has a three foot blade, four times the cutting power, and is unstable. I will improve
it, when there is time," Zero explained quickly. "But I have not replaced my old saber, since the
Nightmare Blade cannot use foreign DNA."
"Remarkable! I must study it some time, if you wouldn't mind!" Ruth smiled. Zero gave a
tentative nod. Silence swarmed them, flitting eagerly about like a cloud of dense, foul smelling
fog. Ruth shook her head and chuckled. "I am so entranced by you there is no reviving her. I am
"Her?" Zero blinked interestedly. Ruth, meanwhile, stepped back into the darkness, where she
muttered something to the effect of: "Dr. Light could never have created you ... no style ... Now
... let's see what this thing can tell us. I shan't need a light much longer!"
Swimming the pool of the unknown, Zero groused. What is it like to have such emotion and no
control over your memory?
A faint blue column of light appeared, revealing the elegant partially buried capsule. It was
silver and white, with an opaque, light blue window, under which was the slender shadow of a
distinctly feminine figure.
Several rapidly entered keystrokes were confirmed by harmonic tones, followed by a man-
sized tower of light, in the center of which hovered a heavyset man in a lab coat. Obscuring his
somber expression was a thick beard and full head of hair, which they knew from historical
records to be white.

"Hello Zero," spoke the hologram.
"Doctor!" Zero blurted, astonished.
"I hoped it would be you or X. The tests have completed, and the result is positive. This robot
will not malfunction, nor will she defy human law through an error of software. Listen carefully
Zero. I have limited resources on hand."
"Who is in the capsule, Doctor?"
"Someone very special. She assisted me in many capacities, including the development of X's
software. She was a gift to me. In ways she was more alive than Rock ever was, and because of
this, I determined to give her life."
"Doctor..." Zero repeated lamely. "What is your intention?"
"To achieve that which I could not with X. To assure peace on Earth."
Zero shook his head. "You can't have the answer to that, Doctor. We have fought for peace
every day of our lives. We were not created for peace."
"There is another way, you see, but I failed also, to see the manner in which I might achieve it,
until I began to die." There was a pause, purely emotional, and Doctor Light quickly ceased
control of it, wresting from it his duty. "I am sorry Zero, but I have learned a secret from my
nemesis, and for you I have a chip. I have scanned it for any trace of virus, or other trickery, but
in the end he intended for you. I do not know its contents, and I will not reveal the truth to you. I
am certain you will find all that you need stored on that chip. It is marked `W-Final', and with it
are upgrades for X and the occupant of this capsule."
"Will you not tell us who is in there?" Zero demanded.
Doctor Light smiled. "Why no my friend. That is the gift. To discover who she is."
"Then do it!" he cried, sweeping at the air with his hands. "Let us see her."
"Very well. Please deliver these to their owners, Zero. Forgive me, for I could not prepare to
meet your temper in so short a time."
So he does have a sense of humor, after all! Ruth giggled.
"Please relay my best wishes to X. My grandest dreams seemed only ripe for destruction. I
wonder if Wiley built Forte because he knew this? Was he a messenger or the source? I believe I
am right, however, though they may be only the desires of a tired, old, foolish man. For all of my
knowledge I am the proud founder of a new age of betrayal, death, and pain."
"What is he saying, Zero?" Borrus muttered, shifting on his feet anxiously.

"X believes in that dream, Doctor. I fight with him because I believe also that there is more
than death. If Doctor Wiley dreamt of a post-apocalyptic Earth, then he was right," Zero stated
smoothly, dramatically to a hologram he knew was only searching for keywords in his speech
and responding with a form of AI to his manner and inflection. "I refuse to lose hope, however.
So long as we live there is hope, and so long as there is right to protect, I will not give up."
"Thank you Zero. Now I unseal the capsule, and unveil to you my last creation. Please, protect
"Yes Dr. Light. I accept your charge on my word of honor."
Ruth's eyes widened. Wow!
Doctor Light said no more, bowing as much as his age and illness ­ at the time ­ would have
allowed, before terminating the hologram. Ruth immediately felt the seal release, air brushing her
palm gently as the window nudged open. A pair of hydraulic pumps whined as the door drifted
away from the capsule, halting after only seconds of motion.
Zero looked as though he were concocting vile obscenities to be uttered at the nearest
Maverick, but Ruth both knew his character better, and discovered that her admiration surpassed
the dark aura of his demeanor. That harsh sobriety belied the depth of his concealed heart.
Now focus, girl, she curtly reminded herself, feeling a touch obsessive. I wonder what she
looks like!
For a moment Ruth had the appearance of uncertainty, but gave a quick nod as the haze of
cleaning mist dissipated into the air, very much `unveiling' what Doctor Light likely considered
his finest achievement. As with humor, the Doctor plainly had a knack for dramatics.
The blue and red figure had a comely, doll-like appearance, with large eyes, small lips, a
round, delicately featured face, and short blond hair. Large hands and feet all swam into a
smallish torso with womanly hips, an average bust and padded shoulders. Zero's eyes locked
upon her, falling so out of character that he barely knew himself except for the thrumming joy in
his impact resistant frame.
Ruth gazed eagerly on, knowing love at first sight, at first sight. I hope it is true, that Zero can
have this chance for happiness.
Expectantly they looked on, waiting the birth of a new Reploid ­ for this is the manner in
which they meet life, `infant of mind, mature of form.' Dr. Cane had always said. `So rapidly are
the mature processes of their minds developed and set in place. A new life born with the facilities
of body to survive all that life can bring. I could only hope to protect a child in that way, with the
gentility and sanctuary of great power.'
A pomegranate, with its rich crimson and plum colors, sat in the form of a crystal upon her
head, mounted in a stylish hat upon her head. In an instant a firelight of intense energy burst in
the confines of the jewel. Zero felt something leap forward, and yet, he stood motionless,

marveling at the impulse to be at her side. All doubt was cast aside when her eyes opened, filled
with boundless hope and love, as high as the sky was blue.
Delicately she sat up, comfortable with the parameters of her freshly activated body. Zero
circled to the left of the capsule and took her hand as she stepped out of the containment unit.
"Hello," she intoned in a lovely dulcet, smiling unhindered at Zero, who for that moment
knew nothing else but her charming being. Ruth giggled, beaming and bristling with anticipation.
He's speechless! Oh this is wonderful! He's completely disarmed! She chimed with glee.
She's beautiful, Zero thought, unacquainted with the blustering emotions making life...
"I am Roll," she said, and bowed formally at the waist.