Monster Rancher Fan Fiction ❯ Concrete Angel ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2

Again I don't own anything Monster Rancher related, so don't sue! I also, for the last year, I've been trying to write this story for various reasons, in various ways. Finally, I have been told just to skip everything and write however. So thanks Jeannie.


"Is that Pixie and Big Blue?! It looks like they're being chased!!"





"Come on Hare! We have to rescue Big Blue and Pixie! They just went into the woods!"

"Genki, in case you haven't noticed, WE'RE BEING CHASED AND ABOUT TO RUN INTO THE WOODS!"

In a speedy grace, Golem had gathered the yellow yelling eyeball and his human partner as Moochi automatically grabbed onto brunette's pack. The blue and white Lupe monster himself was dragging a screaming giant rabbit monster to the woods, ignoring his fast pace punches of fear as he watched the ice monster, now in front of the group of searchers, race into the woods, only hesitating momentarily in his high speed journey, the poor red-headed pixie holding on for dear life. All parties turned forward racing for the tree-line, Golem in the back-stretch, Genki going to the inside of the imaginary track as the ever infamous Tiger of the Wind was trying not the fall over the now ticked Hare and his remaining flying limbs.

At the high speeds of the group, it was a wonder at all that the young man leading had spotted the near invisible hand directing them to the safety of a hidden path. Adjusting his course, the young boy raced towards the figure and the path, calling out to the figure. As if startled, the hand pulled back into the woods, followed closely by the pink and white monster with his human companion, the other behind him shouting in useless pleas for him to wait for them. The hand, now attached to a black figure amongst the dark paths ran in front of the boy, letting the child keep pace, but never letting the boy catch him. Sounds of the other groups leading off the safest trail reached the figure's ears as he slowed, only to disappear before his follower's eyes. Confusion filled the child's eyes as he looked around, noting that he was lost in an abyss of black.

"What were you THINKING?!" came the distinct voice of a female, one who constantly worried about the young boy before her, as she hissed at her "He'll get hurt out here! Why didn't you take him and his friends OUT of the forest?!?"

"Calm down! Gees...I didn't have much choice. The others all broke off. I had to stop!" came a the second voice in defense of himself.

"Besides, he couldn't have lead Genki out of the forest for much longer...Come on. The others are already at their posts and watching over the other groups. We have to get them all together." Responded the third voice.

"But...The plan was to just get Genki and his friends out before anything happened or they got hurt...It was a simple plan..."

"Even simple plans don't work out. Come on. You can lead Genki to his friends...We'll cover you..."

"Alright...Be careful...You too, Genki..."


Everyone that e-mailed: I'm sorry, I don't know all of your names. Thank you all!

Lee: Thank you. Sorry it took so long. Is this better?

Desi Angel: Thank you. Sorry for the long wait.

Ivy: Thank you. Hare's chapter is coming up soon. Don't worry. Is there any personal request for Hare's bad experience?

Sam: Thank you.

Cleo: Thank you. I'm so sorry it took so long!

ArticTiger: He he! I know! This story is going to look into that. I started this story primarily to show what may have happened under Genki's mask!

Sugar High Girl: I'm trying to. And thank you.

Sorceress Sakura: I'm trying. *ducks* Keep e-mailing Jeannie. She'll throw stuff at me until I start the next chapter. *barely misses getting hit*

Hyperditz62: Thank you, but I'm not sure everyone will like it. I'm doing under the mask stuff right now. Genki's my favorite character too.

Skittles the Sugar Fairy: Thank you.

Pisces Panda: Oh well. I'll work on it. Thank you.

Icethu?: Jeannie got my tail in gear. Thanks for the e-mail.