Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ A New Tournament Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

'You're always one decision away from a totally different life...'


She didn't know what she was thinking when she agreed to go with Johnny and Cassie to this mysterious island. But here she was. 

"Don't worry sis. You won't have to fight at all. You just stay next to Raiden and Fujin and watch."

"Oh yeah, sure. That always pans out right in the end for the Cage family, doesn't it? Remember the last time I went to one of your fights? My favorite shirt got ruined because the guy threw up BLOOD all over me. Yeah but no thanks."

Cassie giggled and threw an arm around her shoulders.

"You got to get out of this dusty old house sometime, aunt Lily. And believe me you definitely want to meet Raiden and Fujin. I mean, their literally Gods and absolutely gorgeous."

Johhny retched, "This is Raiden and Fujin you are talking about. Not cool, Cass."

"Oh grow up dad. Come on! Please come with us please??"

Lily rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I'm still working on my book, Cass. I don't have the time."

"Well sis, this is a fighting tournament on a secret island. You are bound to see some magic spells, people from different realms....Gods...and not to mention free food. As much as I despise Shang Tsung, the angry boop noodle incarnate, he does put out a mean spread."

Lily laughed, throwing her hands up. "FINE! I'll go but on one condition?"

"Sure sis! Anything."

"Don't ever say 'boop noodle' again."

She was shaken out of her thoughts by a giant clap of thunder. 

"He's just got to show off for new people, doesn't he dad?"

Johhny shook his head, "You know it. He's rather proud at times. Its almost human of him."

"So who exactly is this Raiden guy we're meeting?"

A streak of lightning struck the ground 10 feet from her making her jump and when she looked up, her jaw dropped.

She suddenly felt very small as there was the tallest man she had ever met. He had to be at least 7 feet tall. His eyes were the brightest blue and seemed to crackle with energy, the same energy that surrounded his hands.

"Johnny Cage. Cassandra Cage. I trust you have prepared yourselves?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're ready to kick some ass again. By the way this is my sister, Lily. She'll be coming with us."

Raiden looked at her and nodded. "More warriors are always welcome to fight against Shang Tsung's minions."

Lily threw her hands up, "Oh no, nonono. I don't fight. I'm coming along to watch."

Raiden shook his head, "I'm sorry but I cannot guarantee your safety should you come with us. This tournament is for the fate of earthrealm. It will be very dangerous to a non-kombatant."

"Well, wouldn't you want a non-kombatant to watch...for posterity? I'm a writer, you see?"

"Ah, so you are the author Cassandra Cage has spoken about. Fujin has also spoken highly of your book."

"Fujin is the wind god, correct?"

"Yes, you will meet him at the island. Come along now. We mustn't be late. Or Shang Tsung will never let us hear the end of it."

Lily laughed, "You're a god, you make your own schedule. This Shang Tsung should just relax. I mean who is this guy anyway to boss a god around?"

Johhny shook his head, laughing. "Sis if you say that to his face, I'll give you 50 bucks."

"A hundred and its a deal." She stuck her pinky out.

"Pinky swear? What are we, six?"

"Hey its the highest form of binding agreement and the only one I will ever use."

Raiden looked at the three of them and shook his head. 'Elder Gods preserve us.'

But a small smile lit his face. 'Shang Tsung may have his hands full this time.'

Lily was a little hesitant approaching the thunder god. "I'm not going to get, you know, electrocuted, am I?"

Raiden shook his head, "You are perfectly safe. I have yet to electrocute anyone...your brother non-withstanding."

She giggled, "Did you just make a joke?"

"I heard humor is a great way to put someone at ease. Did it work?"

Her giggle turned into a full blown laugh.

"Yes it did. I'm ready to go, thunderstruck."

Johhny laughed, "There's my fearless sister! I can just tell this tournament is going to be one for the books."

"What does your family give others nicknames, Johnny Cage? Why can you not use our given names?"

"Consider a sign of friendship, Raiden."

"Very well, Lily Cage. I accept your friendship. Now we must leave for the island."

She stepped closer to the thunder god and squeezed her eyes shut as a giant clap of thunder tore through the sky. In one second her stomach flip-flopped and the next it stopped.

"You may open your eyes now, Lily Cage. We have arrived at the island of Shang Tsung."

Her eyes shot open in shock and right in front of and surrounding her was the most lush tropical island she had ever seen, "Wait a minute...this is his island? He owns this entire place?"

Raiden nodded, "He has had a little over 10,000 years to amass the wealth required."

"Okay so that's old."

"I am of course older by a few millenia."

Lily gestured to him, "Well yeah I get that you would be old. I mean you are a god."

"True. Come, we must meet with the others. There will be a welcome speech and then a banquet. The tournament will start tomorrow."

She couldn't stop looking around, the island was impressive. She followed her brother, niece and new friend along a wooden pier and across a white sand beach to a massive series of stone steps leading upward beset by giant dog statues on either side. 'It must have taken years to carve these and the statues too. No wonder this guy is so old.'

Her lungs burned by the time they reached the gate to the courtyard. The enormous doors were wide open allowing fighters to enter freely. There were aspects of both Chinese and Japanese architecture but they were placed together in the way that they blended beautifully. Inside the courtyard Monks flitted here and there, making sure all fighters were tended to.

And the fighters....

"Johhny, am I seeing things or does that woman over there have four arms?" 

He laughed and tugged her braided hair, "Yes, that is Sheeva. She's a member of the Shokan from outworld. And over there are the Tarkatans, the ones that look like a dentist's nightmare. And there is the sneaky snake himself, Shang Tsung."

Lily followed her brother's finger up to a carved stone dais and did a double take. "He's not old."

"He does this whole soul sucking thing which keeps him from aging."

The man in question shifted his gaze and locked eyes with her. Her eyes widened and she quickly looked away. 

He smirked at her and nodded before turning to speak to a monk at his side.

He stood up, holding a hand up signaling for silence.

A gong sounded.

"Welcome fighters, to Mortal Kombat, where teams from both Earthrealm and outworld will battle for supreme dominance. Tonight you will feast and rest but tomorrow you will fight. Flawless victory belongs to the winner." 

/   -   /    -   /

"Well that was short and sweet. Time to eat!"

They all turned in unison to find themselves face to face with Shang Tsung. He smirked.

"Lord Raiden, I trust you did not have trouble finding your way here? And you have brought Johhny Cage and the beautiful Cassandra with you. And who is this lovely woman? To find such beauty in combat is rare. Yet here stands another." He motioned to Lily.

"Shang Tsung. This is Lily Cage. Johhny Cage's sister. She is here as a non-kombatant."

He chuckled, "There is no such thing as a non-kombatant, Raiden, not in this tournament."

"I don't fight. I'm an author. I would rather battle with wits than fists."

"If you are anything like your brother, I highly doubt it."

She gritted her teeth, "I am nothing like my brother."

He made a show of following the curves of her body in the air with two clawed fingers. "Oh, I can clearly see that, my dear. A magnificent figure such as yours must be appreciated."

Lily swallows hard. 'Damn.'

"If that's your way of picking women up, you definitely need to relearn a few things."

Cassie nudges her dad, "Hey is it just me Dad? Or does it seem like those two are flirting? I mean I know she hasn't dated in a while but come on, HIM?!"

He shook his head and snorted. "Her? Flirt with HIM?! No way, Cassie. He's the creep hitting on her."

Shang Tsung arched an eyebrow at her but she didn't look away, just matched his gaze with her own piercing green pair. She wasn't backing down. 'What an intriguing woman...'

He took a step closer and leaned towards her, a devious smile gracing his lips.

"Oh, and will you be the one to teach me? If so, my dear, I am at your mercy."

"I have no available openings at this time. Sorry."

"Such a shame." 

Johhny and Cassie both gawk at them both. They were flirting, or at the least teasing, each giving as good as the other.

"Well talk about opposites attract."

"You said it, Cass."

Raiden steps in, completely oblivious to what was happening.

"Enough, Shang Tsung. There is nothing in the rules that state there can be no non-kombatants present at the tournament."

The sorcerer waved him off, "Very well, but know that her safety will not be assured. Do keep an eye on her and you, my dear, don't wander off on your own. This island may be beautiful but it does tend to bite back. Now do enjoy the banquet."

He swept a low bow and walked away, hands gripped behind him already making a mental note to learn more about this Lily Cage. She was interesting...biting back with retorts just as quick. Fiery and beautiful...he grinned.

He already wanted more.