Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ Breaking the Mold ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Brother, can this lecture wait until a much more appropriate time? Cassandra does not wish to leave her aunt's side and the tournament is still on-going."

"She can be parted from her aunt for a moment."

"Oh come on Raiden. We didn't break any rules did we?"

The thunder god turned on them, his eyes crackled with red for a fraction of a moment.

"No it is not against any rules, but you do know that he will outlive you Cassandra? That while you grow old and grey, he will stay as he is? Are you sure you are prepared for that type of pain? Both of you?"

Fujin looked at him, "You have not yet told us to stay away from each other...why?"

Raiden turned from them and sighed deeply. "I cannot."

"Why brother?"

"It would not be fair to keep you from the mortal you care for, when I cannot do the same."

Cassie gaped at him, "Holy shit! like someone? Like pin them to the bed type of feelings?"

His cheeks turned pink and he quickly looked away, suddenly very nervous.

"Well, it is...complicated. The one I want is...they are...well he is..."

She giggles, "Oh fuck. Its a guy!? Who is it? Do I know them?"

Fujin searched his brother's face for a moment before smiling widely. He placed a hand on Cassie's shoulder and kissed her neck below her ear.

"Dearest. He likes your father."

She is suddenly stock still, looking up at Raiden like he had grown two heads.

" You're interested in my dad?"

Raiden clears his throat, looking anywhere but at her.

"Fucking hell! Its true! Oh wow, big guy. That's...damn. When?"

His hands flail in the air for a moment before they ball into fists and fall at his side.

"I have always found him...amusing. But it wasn't until after your birth that I realized he was more than that."

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Lightning crashed through the sky and thumber rumbled as Raiden looked out at the landscape.

"Well big guy, here she is! Cassandra Cage. A little heartbreaker in the making already."

He turned to Johnny Cage and was frozen in his tracks by the brilliant smile that met him and two equally brilliant blue eyes uncovered by sunglasses.

"You are not wearing your sunglasses."

Johnny chuckled, "not going to need them right now, thunderstruck. Now get down here and meet my daughter."

The smaller man motioned him closer.

He leaned in close and watched in awe as the tiniest human face was revealed to him, round and chubby with a light downy covering of yellow hair. A tiny hand waved in the air and caught his outstretched finger. He smiled softly.

"Hello Cassandra. Welcome to the world."

He heard a sniffle and looked up at Johnny's face and was shocked to see tears spilling from his eyes.

"I'm a dad, Raiden. God, I don't know how to do any of this. But I do know I would do anything for my little girl. She's a ray of sunshine and I know I'm going to make mistakes but she's not going to be one of them. Ever. And I know I joke and kid around a lot but its a defensive measure alright? I'm terrified Raiden. I don't want to fuck this up."

The thunder god was stunned by the strength and passion behind his words. His chest ached and he placed a hand on the man's shoulder.

"You will do a fine job of raising her. You are frightened of doing wrong by her that is how I know you will try your hardest to raise her right."

Johnny looked up at him with tears still streaming down his face, his red rimmed blue eyes cutting straight through his heart.

His hands itched to wipe the tears away. To kiss-

"Raiden, you okay?"

The god in question jerked back like he had been hit. 'No.'

"Yes. I am fine, Johnny Cage." 

Sorrow hit him full force as he realized all too late why he was so fond of this man. He was attracted to him. Attracted to Johnny Cage. Every time Johnny said his name it sent a shock of warmth through him. He secretly enjoyed the nicknames and the cocky grin Johnny would get every time he got away with it.

And Johnny didn't know. He would never know.

He was married to Sonya now...had a daughter with her too.

Thunder rumbles in the distance.

He had lost before he had even known it.

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Cassie whistled, under her breath. "Damn, that long ago? I was what...a month old at that time?"

He nodded, "Yes. A month and a half old."

She shrugged, "Well, you do stand a chance...I mean my dad is into guys too you know?"

The thunder god snaps his gaze up to hers before quickly looking away, embarrassed.

Cassie laughed, "Oh no you don't. Don't do that. You are not going to be embarrassed by this. And plus you'll never get a chance with him if you stay so closed off like that. My dad is rather dense at times, so you need to be direct."

Fujin shakes his head at her, "Dearest...are you saying he can approach your father?"

"If you mean try and get a piece...uh yeah. I'm not going to stop someone from what they want even if its my dad."

She sighed heavily,  "Look, I don't know if my mom and dad are ever going to get back together...but my dad..he's been through a lot and he deserves to be happy, you know? As do you Raiden. And plus while my dad's busy getting it from big guy will give us more time together Fujin."

Raiden groaned, placing his head in his hands. "Cassandra Cage, I very much regret you finding out."

She giggles, "Hey, I'm not going to go tell everyone, alright? That will be up to you. I know you like your privacy. Ooo, I know!"

Cassie grabbed Fujin and pulled him down to her and softly whispered in his ear and when his brother smiled, he suddenly felt his stomach flip.

"I'm not going to like this am I?"

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Lily was laying down watching with an amused smile as the little dragon danced in the air above her.

"So little guy, the dragon goddess left you with me? You are rather cute."

It chittered happily and let loose a little lick of flame.

She giggles. "Well I'm glad you agree with me."

The door suddenly slams open, Shang stalking in with fury in his eyes. The dragon chirped and growled.

She rolled off the bed, standing to face him. "Shang?"

"Damn you."

"Excuse me?"

"Damn you, Lily Cage. You had this planned didn't you? To turn my game back at me? To make me burn like this?"

She reached out to him but he ripped himself away with a snarl.

"Don't touch me! I cannot think straight when you do!"

"Shang...what's wrong?"

He ran a hand through his singed hair, a broken laugh falling from his lips.

"What's wrong? I am the greatest master of soul magic that has ever lived, feared by everyone that comes to this island. Even feared by gods as well. So tell me, how have you managed to ruin me so quickly and effectively?!"

She looked at him confused.

He pointed, sneering at her. "This...this spell that you have woven over me...remove it! I no longer want this haze in my mind. I may have lived for ten thousand years but this...I cannot live like this."

He dropped to his knees, "I beg you, Lily. Release me from this."

She laid a hand on his head, "What spell? I've done nothing to you."

He grips her hand and places it over his heart. "This. You have become an obsession. I cannot stay away from you. I cannot stop wanting you beneath me, around me, gripping me tightly as I fuck you. And every time you look at me like you are now, touch me like you have, so gently...Why is your touch so sweet and yet such agony to me?"

It suddenly clicks for her and her eyes water. "Shang. Are you...are you telling me that...Have you ever been in love before? Let yourself love?"

A broken laugh filled her ears as he shot to his feet and retreated back from her.

"Love?! I do not love. I have no need of it. No need for you. I am content on my own."

Lily took a step closer to him and he twitched, as if ready to turn and run. Her chest ached for this version of Shang that stood in front of her. He looked lost, angry, and a tiny bit terrified. 

'He doesn't think he deserves to feel feel love.'

Tears flowed freely down her cheeks at the single tear she saw tracing down his jaw.

"Shang. It's okay to feel this way. It's okay for someone like you to feel love. It's okay to want someone to love you. You deserve love too."

He looked at her, breathing heavily, eyes wild as she approached him. He tried to take a step back but she gripped his shirt and pulling him into her, crashed their lips together.

Shang broke and pulled her into him, a sob caught in his throat as he wrapped his arms around her and devoured her lips, tasting the salt of their tears mixed. He moaned, his tongue slipping inside to trace along her teeth and slide against her own tongue. His hands trailing down to mold themselves to her ass, pulling her up into him. 

She moaned, he was hard against her stomach and a fire spread across her skin. She needed him.

She tugged at his vest, ripping it apart and sending the buttons flying everywhere as his hands reached for the band around her waist, tugging it loose before he growled against her lips and took a step back.

"These damned clothes." He waved his hand in the air and dissolved the spell that created their clothes making them dissipate away from their bodies.

He traced his hands up her sides and gently down her arms, cupping her breasts. She arched into his touch and he kissed her gently before lifting her into his arms.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, nuzzling into his neck, kissing and licking at the skin there. He groaned before moving to the bed and laying her onto the soft mattress.

His eyes seemed different as he just stood there, looking at her, tracing every dip and curve of her body with his eyes. They had been naked in front of each other many times already but something seemed different to this. He seemed almost hesitant.

Lily smiled up at him and held her arms out. "Its okay. Give in, Shang Tsung. I'm here."

He crawled over her, laying kisses to her flesh where he could. Her calves, her thighs, to her folds, to her bellybutton. Up her midriff and kissing both breasts before attaching himself to the hollow of her throat and sucking hard.

She moaned softly as her fingers worked their way into his hair, pulling him up to kiss his lips again.

His hands softly caressed her breasts, kneading and tugging at her nipples before snaking down her stomach to run along the dip in each of her hips pulling a sigh from her before dipping to her core, gently stroking her clit. His lips found their way to her nipples, sucking at them as he strummed lightly against her clit.

Lily bucked her hips at the soft sensation and he growled around her breast before releasing it with a pop. He continued to stroke at her as he licked and sucked at the skin he could reach. She jerked when he pushed two fingers inside her, pressing up into her a few time before adding a third. She gasped.


"Yes hehua. I'm here. Cum." He whispered softly into her throat, as he crooked his fingers up and pressed a thumb against her clit. 

She shattered, back arching as she came loudly, screaming his name.

As she came down from her high, his hands brushed the hair from her face, and he kissed her roughly. She clutched at him as she kissed him back just as fiercely. He settled himself between her thighs, her legs automatically wrapping around his hips as he grabbed her ass lifting her into him.

They both hissed as he sunk himself into her slowly. "You feel so good, hehua. So fucking good."

She gasped, breathless, as he snapped his hips forward hard. He pulled nearly completely out before snapping back into her hard. Her hips bucked against him. Again and again he slowly pulled himself from her just to roughly thrust back in.

His head was pressed to her chest, tears dripping to her skin, listening to her heart race as he slowly fucked her.

As he slowly made love to her. 

It was slow and torturous...agonizing but sweet. This was something he had never seen himself ever doing. He had never really trusted someone this much before...never allowed himself was too dangerous. But this was Lily. His Lily.

She held him to her, tears streaming down her face as he continued his slow rhythm her hands gently playing with his hair.

"Shang...I...I need more, please."

He leaned up and kissed her throat again, speeding his thrusts up. Her hands were tugging on his hair, pulling his face up to hers. Her hands traced down his cheeks, along his jaws, and over his lips. He pressed kisses into her fingers as she cried out, eyes locked with his.

He moaned breathlessly as he could see the passion he felt reflected in her lust hazed green eyes. Her hair was wild around her and her chest was flushed, rising and falling fast as she panted heavily...she was beautiful.

He pistoned into her now, setting a brutal pace until she shuddered and locked up, quivering and clenching around him. He shouted as his release tore through him and he grabbed her hips tightly pulling her into him as he released deep within her core.

Shang stayed there, his forehead pressed against hers. 

"You have my soul, Lily. And my heart."