Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ Familiarity ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Shang gritted his teeth and made to step forward but Shao Khan's voice topped him.

"That's enough, wife. You have had your fun." 

Sindel pouts and drops her hands, sliding them slowly from her hips. She walks away from Lily before stopping and turning to her and kissing her fiercely. She pulls away and smiles at her shocked face.

"Such a shame, little morsel."

Shao Khan laughs loudly, "You are bold with his woman, wife. Enough teasing. Come."

She laughs as she returns to being perched on his knee.

"A good choice, Shang Tsung. She may not be a fighter but she is strong willed. Not many can refuse Sindel's charms."

Shang swallows thickly, "My thanks, emperor."

"Now you, 'morsel'," He turned to Lily.

"How is it that you came to be"

Ignoring the 'pet' jab, she chuckled under her breath. "He sent me a dinner invitation the first night I was here."

"Fell so easily into his bed, did you?"



"I sent the invitation back to him...on fire."

Shao Kahn threw his head back and laughed.

"No wonder he pursued you so viciously! He doesn't like losing!"

"I'm not the type to give in so easily."

Shang holds his breath when he stands up and grips the handle of his hammer for a moment before letting go.

"You are...strange. You push the boundaries, Lily Cage. But you are entertaining. Leave now, sorcerer and take your woman with you. I tire of this conversation. When you return, sorcerer you better be prepared to turn this tournament in my favor. Or..."

He trailed off but Shang knew exactly what he was saying.

Or Lily would suffer.

He bowed deeply, "Thank you for your time, emperor."

Lily shakily bowed as well, not wishing to insult anyone.

The socerer took her arm and turned away from the large man on the throne. They walked quickly to the double doors and as soon as they closed, she gripped his arm tight, tears dripping from her eyes.

"Take me back to the room. Now."

He nodded and immediately threw a portal up and once they stepped through, she dropped to all fours gasping and dragging in deep breaths.

 Shang was beside her instantly, rubbing her back.

"Are you alright Hehua?"

"Sindel knows about the baby, Shang."

His hand stills.


She shakes her head, "I don't know but she knows and I have never felt so terrified. Never."

He pulls her into his chest as she breaks against him sobbing, clutching her stomach.

Anger filled him at her words and he gripped her tightly, laying his cheek on her head.

"They won't touch you or Fai. I swear it on my life."

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

When Shao Khan emerged at the edge of the balcony with Sindel at his side, Raiden took a step forward but was stopped by Johnny's hand on his arm.


He pointed across the way. "Hey, look over there. Who are those two?"

Raiden followed his finger to where he pointed and saw two hooded figures standing away from the crowd. The taller one motioned to Raiden to follow them and he nodded.

"Whoa, hold on a minute. You're just going to go and talk to them? Without knowing who they are?"

The thunder god chuckles, "Now who is the one worrying?"

"Okay, that's not fair. I mean at least let me go with you."

"Very well."

"Well, then lets go see what's going to go wrong now." 

"You must think more positively, Johnny Cage."

"Alright, I'm positive one of two things are going to happen...things are either going to go wrong or weird."

Raiden gives a long-suffering sigh as he walks away from the crowd, Johnny close behind him.

A strange feeling filled him and he gripped his head as flashes of a vision streak through his mind.

A vision that shook him to the core.

"Hey you okay thunderstruck?"

"Yes, Xīn'ài."

They were silent as they followed the two hooded figures around a corner and into a small room. The smaller figure stood at the door, and making sure it was clear they nodded.

The taller one sighed, lowering their hood to reveal the face of a young man with a long braid of dark, almost black hair. He had piercing green eyes and an easy smile.

He bows, "Lord Raiden."

"You know my name?"

"Yes. I know quite a bit about you both actually. Johnny Cage."

"And who are you?" 

"I am an...acquaintance of one of the fighters here."

Johnny studies the young man silently. Those eyes looked so familiar but he just couldn't place them. He points to the smaller hooded figure.

"And who are you?"

"I'm his cousin." A feminine voice answered.

"Which fighter are you acquainted with?"

"My sincerest apologies, Lord Raiden but I cannot tell you. It is important that we do not reveal that information at all or at least until the time is right. But we are on the side of Earthrealm, I assure you."

"So why are you here?"

The young man sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "There have been...complications that have arisen where we are from and we have come here to circumvent that."

Raiden levels a searching gaze at the man, "And how do you plan on doing that?"

The young man sighs heavily. 

"Liu Kang cannot challenge Shao Khan."

Raiden is shocked, lightning sparking in his eyes. "Liu Kang was chosen by me personally to be the final challenger. If he cannot fight, who will in his stead? You?"

The man nods, "If needs be. But only as a last resort. No there is another that will fill that role better than I."

"Enough with the secrecy, buddy, just tell us."

"Very well. It is extremely important that the one to challenge Shao Khan in the final bout be Shang Tsung."

"Shang Tsung...really? He works for the guy, how is he going to be persuaded to fight him?"

"You need not worry about that. Just make sure that Liu Kang does not interfere."

The thunder god sighs and nods. "Very well. Answer me this: Will Earthrealm fall if he interferes?"

"Yes. Shao Khan will win if Liu Kang chooses to fight."