Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ Facing Your Fears ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Holy shit, he actually did it. He actually challenged Shao Khan."

Raiden nodded, "it seems that Fai's faith in his father was well-placed."

Kung Lao held up a hand, "but will he even be able to harm Shao Khan...he is bound to his service after all."

Raiden shook his head, "we can only be patient and see. It is up to Shang Tsung now."

Meili giggled, "Do not worry uncle. There is something Fai and I may have failed to mention..."

/   -   /   -   /   -   /

Shang walked into the arena, fists engulfed in fire and when he stepped in front of Shao Khan he motioned with his hands and threw them up to the sky and the ring of stone surrounding them exploded into emerald flames.

He glared at the emperor, immediately dropping into a low stance and his hands extended.

"I tire of this traitorous charade of yours, sorcerer.  Just to save your woman? Leave now and I will think of being merciful."

Shang laughed dryly, "you? Merciful? When have you ever shown mercy?"

Shao Khan growled, pointing his hammer at him. "Then so be it. You will die with them."

Shang braced himself for the pain that was sure to follow as the souls he had consumed were ripped slowly from his body.

'Forgive me, hehua. I love you.'

But nothing happened.

Shang Tsung looked at Shao Khan in shock as he kept trying to summon the bond that tethered him to the emperor's service.

But still nothing happened.

What was happening?

Fai chuckled, causing both fighters to look at him.

"What is so amusing boy?" Shao Khan growled.

The young man shook his head and only laughed harder before dissolving into a coughing fit. Lily held him tightly to keep him upright.

"He is no longer a servant bound to your will, Shao Khan. That bondage ended when he died."

Shang's gaze snapped to Fai and when he nodded to Lily it all made sense.

'The battle against E Meng...when Lily had brought me back!' 

The smirk on his face widened as Fai continued.

"You see, I read every one of my father's books, followed all his teachings very closely...I was quite the studious apprentice, of course  as I wanted to make my father proud. And I found, going through some ancient scrolls that my beloved Fan Xiu had gifted me, that that certain bondage ends at death. So when E Meng killed him, the bond was dissolved. Mother with the help of our forbearer, the Dragon Goddess, revived him. You can subjugate him no longer."

Fai pointed at Shao Khan amusement in his voice.

"If you want to win this time Shao must be done the way of kombat."

Shang looked at the growing anger on the emperor's face and chuckled darkly.

/  -  /  -   /   -   /

Meili laughed prettily. "So he's pretty much fucked."

Cassie laughs, "oh, she's definitely our kid."

Raiden touches Johnny's shoulder and smiles softly.

"Shang Tsung is freed of his influence once and for all. Allowed to live under no one's rule but his own."

"Yes, uncle."

Liu nodded but then looked at her oddly, "who is this Fan Xiu that Fai has been talking about?"

The young woman giggled and shook her head.

"Ohh, that's his intended. His fiancé. Well, this is a difficult one. I really shouldn't say but since you know about Fai and shouldn't hurt to tell you."

She takes a deep breath.

"His intended is Fan Xiu Kang...your daughter."

Kung Lao snorts a laugh, "well that's unexpected...the son of Shang Tsung and the daughter of Liu Kang...whose the mother?"

The young woman shook her head, not answering.

Liu shot a quick glance across the crowd, locking eyes with Kitana and they shared a soft smile.

'I already have that answer.'

Meili giggles, "it has caused some issues but they have already been dealt with. He is quite smitten with her and she with him."

Cassie elbows her, "do you have your eyes on anyone, Meili?"

Meili blushes and turns away. "There might be someone."


"How were you able to summon the lightning like that?"

Meili's eyes got wide and she spun around...facing Sub-zero. And to his right was Scorpion.

She immediately bowed, "Grandmaster Liang. Grandmaster Hasashi."

They were shocked,  "how do you know of us?"

She smiled prettily. "I apologize, Grandmasters but that is information I cannot give you, not yet at least."

Sub-zero took a step forward. "You cannot say? Why?"

"Let me answer your question with a question...There is a young woman in the Lin Kuei that is...unique. Creates butterflies. Do you know who I speak of?"

Kuai Liang's eyes widened before he quickly schooled his features back to it neutral mask. "I know this person yes."

Meili grinned, "So you have your new disciple, good."

"Why? How do you know her?"

She shook her head. "Oh no. I'm not saying anymore. You have to find out for yourself."

Raiden stepped forth and held a hand up, stopping the conversation.

"The fight has begun."

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Shao Khan ripped at his armor, tossing it out through the flames and he lifted his hammer, pointing it at him.

Shang Tsung slowed his breathing, spacing each breath out, preparing himself for this first attack. He had to get the hammer away from Shao Khan. He only had to last as long until Khan tired then move in with quick, precise strikes.

"Father! I think you will need this!"

He turned to Fai as he threw a long, thin object towards him, and when he realized what it was, Shang Tsung chuckled.

'He truly was his son.'

Lily watched in amazement as he caught the Jian in the air and pulled it out of the scabbard, flipping it in the air while he dropped into his low stance. He caught the sword in his hand and pointed it at Shao Khan.

"An even ground now, 'emperor'." He spit the title at him.

The conqueror yelled and rushed him, swinging his hammer at him horizontally.

He ducked low, flipping the blade as he spun past, slicing at the man's hip, before turning and cutting deep across Khan's back before dropping back into a ready position.

He roared and swung back slammed the hammer down, breaking the stone as Shang flipped back away from him.

The sorcerer stood and grinned.

"Getting a little slow? I thought you were a great warrior? Able to easily destroy any opponent? Do you need a short break? A drink of water maybe?"

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Lily laughed. This Shang was different...more relaxed...more playful...more himself. Was this how he was before he ended up under Shao Khan's thumb? If so, she would fight just as hard to make sure it never happened again.

"He was the champion of Earthrealm once, mother. Before Shao Khan's deceit. This is how he was. How he was meant to be. Thanks to you."

Fai stumbled forward and she grabbed him, slowly helping him lay down.

"Fai! Hey, you need to stay awake!"

She shook him lightly, tears leaking from her eyes. "Hey, you gotta stay awake! Umm...tell me something...anything...ask me something! Just stay awake!"

He smiled at her. "I...I always wanted a sister." 

She nodded, giving a laugh through her tears.

He laughed too before falling into a coughing fit. "And t-tell Fùqīn...tell him to ask you the question he has had on his mind since he first gave you my name...force the issue, mother."

Xiǎo huǒ chirped as she came awake, sliding off her shoulders and nuzzling against his cheek.

He smiled, tears falling from his eyes, "Xiǎo huǒ! You're so small. I never thought you were ever this small."

The little dragon whined, licking the tears from his face before curling over his chest.

Lily brushed his hair back from his face, studying his features. He looked like his father but the eyes that looked back at her were her own. Her chest ached painfully, a sob caught in her throat.

He coughed once again, his whole body shaking and blood spilling from his lips.

He smiled, reaching a hand up to her face. "I'm not afraid of this. I protected you. My Māmā. You were the best Māmā a boy could ever have hope to have."

Then he stilled and his hand fell to his side lifeless.

She screamed, clutching him to her chest.

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

"You will not survive this sorcerer! I will crush your skull and then your woman's."

"Funny that you still think you have the upper hand here. You fool!"

A scream echoed through the courtyard and tore through his chest. His eyes snapped to Lily and she was clutching Fai to her chest...he wasn't moving.

Ice filled his veins and his stomach dropped.

Fai was dead. His son was dead.

The injuries he had sustained from Shao Khan while protecting his mother had been too great.

Lily's sobs echoed around him and he hesitated. He wanted to go and comfort her but he had to finish this. Finish him.

His eyes flashed with green flame and his sword exploded with a fiery edge as he turned to Shao Khan.

The emperor shook his head, pointing at the corpse of his son.

"One less now. But no matter...his head will join yours on my trophy wall!"

When the hammer came down towards Shang Tsung this time, he lifted the sword and chanted before throwing it at him. It transformed midair into a flaming cobra and wrapped around the hammer, setting it aflame.

Shao Khan dropped the hammer and watched as the flames engulfed it, turning bright blue as it began to melt.

"What is this? This magic you have never done before? Where does it come from?"

"You really think I would have shown you every trick of mine, Shao Khan? I was right, you are a fool. I only showed you what I wanted you to see. A sorcerer has more at his command than just a few spells and cheap conjuring tricks. And I have had ten thousand years to perfect my craft. Now let me show you the extent of that knowledge."