Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Twenty ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Phantom Blood

A Danny Phantom/Naruto crossover based on the thread from the Maximum Addventure.

Chapter Twenty

Sakura was looking after the two male members of her team, trying to wait for them to wake up. It was getting harder and harder to do as fatigue hit her and causing her eyes to drop lower and lower. She was loosing control over her eyelids as they close for what seemed for a second before she opened them wide again. It was then she heard the words echo, "Sakura! "

She looked at the source of the sound to see the blond and black haired members of her team, rise from the ground slowly and head towards her. Tears came freely as she realized her friends were alright after their experience with the grass ninja and her shadow. But from the shadows of the tree roots she had placed them, she saw a shadow emerge to show the form of Orochimaru. The evil ninja transformed his head into a serpent and lash at the two boys, before it swallowed them alive as it dripped venom from it's fangs. Sakura screamed her head off, before she jolted up.

'It was all a nightmare, I must have fallen asleep even when I was trying to stay awake," thought the pink haired girl as she then heard a rustle in the bushes. Instinct took over as she fired a kunai with an explosive tag tied to the metal throwing knife. This was before she noticed it was a squirrel which was just running along it's way in the forest of death. The green eyed girl just smiled in relief.

It wasn't long before she was aware of a presence of three ninja around her. She cried out to the ones lurking in the shadows, " Come on out, I can hear you a mile away."

Three figures came from the brush, each one wearing a note on their ninja band. The three members of the single Sound team with the one wearing a masking acting as their leader. He spoke to her directly and briefly, "You should wake up the Uchiha."

"What do you want with him? Why are you three here?" asked the pink top as she looked at the two men and one women. She kept her eyes on the traps she laid, noticing the eyes of her foes lurking at the explosive tag near one of her traps.

The black haired sound ninja smiled, "Looks like she wasn't just trying to scare off that squirrel, she was trying to keep it away from her stupid and obvious trap. We're not dumb enough to fall for such a smile tripwire."

The three ninja moved forward, all stepping across the wire within seconds of each other. Crossing over the wire and into the hidden pit trap Sakura had dug earlier to their arrival. They disappeared within a blur of leaves as Sakura waited for the aftermath of the trap, only for the three ninja to jump back onto the ground closest to Sakura. They were almost spotless save for a few smudges, as the konoha ninja got ready to fight out numbered. Before she could battle, something came from the top of the trees behind her.

"By the power of the flames of youth and love, I Rock Lee, have come to rescue you Sakura from your enemies. As long as my heart keeps pumping, I will not let them injure you" came the voice of the bowl cut, eyebrow fighter. He turned to her and smiled with a gleam to his teeth as he stuck up his thumb as well. He turned back to the sound ninja and with a flash began his Leaf Spinning Wind to give the now attacking enemy ninja out of the air and back some feet from the place Sakura was kneeling.

Rock Lee was looking at the trio as he studied their attack. Lee looked like he was taking off his bandages and yet at the same time he lashed out at the one with a mask on, while at the same time he pulled the foe in close. Then with a mighty kick he slamed the foe towards the ground even as he landed on the ground at the same time. Yet the sound ninja was saved from damage by the unmasked male ally.

> Lee seemed to loose some of the spark in his fighting technique as he moved to the defensive, just in time for the rescued sound ninja to unleash his own sound based jutsu. A jutsu linked with the device on his wrist as sound began to echo through out the minor break in the trees they were in. Lee dropped to his knees as the female member of team seven could see blood dripping from the ears of the green suited beast.

"I see you have been effected by my attack, and you have discovered it wasn't just a physical assault. No, there was also a sound blast hidden in my punch. The vibrations of the sound have affected your eardrum. Few people know that a human eardrum will shatter if it hears anything above one hundred and fifty decibels, or that you sense of balanced is controlled by that same drum. My attack popped the skin flap of the drum while at the same time shocking semicircular canels of your inner ear, damaging your sense of balance. Without a sense of balance, you won't be able to stand let alone do all of those fancy taijutsu moves of yours." spoke the one with the mask as pointed out the things his wrist channeled the sound to a lethal point.

The one without the mask began to speak, "Hey Dozu, don't leave me out. My jutsu works on the idea of supersonic waves and air pressure which I can use as a weapon, or in the case of the fight we just had, I can use it on the ground to create a cushion which I used to save Dosu from your attack."

Sakura could feel the tide of the battle turning against them, and was wondering if Lee could do anything against them at this point. The mask man moved to strike at the young woman, which caused Sakura to pull another kunai for a fight. Lee threw himself in the way and tried to perform his Konoha Whirlwind, only to have the leaf ninja blocked and counterattacked. Sound was amplified by the wrist device as the mask boy spoke, "I can not only enhance the sound of my jutsu by my speaker, but can also add my chakra to it and force it into the target. In this case, you."

Lee fell like a rock to the ground in a mixture of pain and lack of balance from the looks of it.

In the bushes...

Ino and her team had managed to arrive in the bushes around the battle with the sound ninja, with team ten trying to think of what to do next. It hadn't been long before they had been discovered by Neji of the same team as Lee, which threaten the scroll they held. Neji, being the previous year's rookie leader, could have taken it with ease. So Ino had tried to seduce it from him, only to get the cold shoulder and insults. Now she was here staring at her childhood friend and current rival battle for her life. What was surprising her was the question of where was Sasuke and ghost boy Naruto?

"So Ino, are you just going to stand there as your old friend's in trouble?" asked Shikamaru, picking the wrong moment to be asking the right question.

Memories emerged from the blond's mind as a younger Sakura was asking her, "So do you like Sasuke too?"

Which was followed by the words when it was apparent the answer was yes, "From now on, we're rivals. I'm not going to lose to you."

"What are you going to do Ino? Can't you answer me? Boy, girls are troublesome."

Fear hit the blond as she saw her former friend throw a kunai at the maskless boy, only for it to be deflected. The female sound ninja had snuck up on the leaf girl and grabbed her by the long hair. The female sound spoke, "You must be stupid to focus all of your time on your hair instead of training. Don't tell me anything different, I can tell by how long and shiny it is from all of your care on it. Care you didn't place in your combat skills, it would serve you right to see Zaku kill the Uchiha in front of you. Bet he's the one all of the hair's for, the same hair that's going to get him killed now."

Sakura was crying as the boy in yellow was heading to where Ino could now see Sasuke and Naruto were laying down. In what was a tiny window of time, Sakura pulled out a kunai and sliced off a good chuck of hair. Including the piece being held by the female sound ninja, before the pink haired girl began a series of hand seals. She instant disappeared with a replacement jutsu, only to reappear with a running assault against the boy in yellow. Several kunai threw at the foe ninja, as they were reflected by some kind of air blast attack. This was answered by another replacement by Sakura, before the green eye girl was spotted falling above the same male.

"I'm not stupid enough to fall for another replacement just, not so soon." said yellow ninja as he threw his kunai against what he expected to be an illusionary clone. Only as the knife hit flesh it became clear it was a solid body and not an illusion. The pink hair ninja moved into a position to pin down the air-blasting sound ninja.

Ino's mind kept going back to her past, the one she shared with Sakura. Memories of a lone kid being picked on for having a larger then normal forehead, before Ino moved to chase them away. An image of a ribbon given as a gift of friendship as some advice was given, 'They only pick on you because you hide your forehead. When you pull your hair back, you don't look that bad with it. You even look cute. My name is Ino, what's your name?'

Then came the announcement from the pink haired girl about her crush on Sasuke, the same crush most of the girls in the Ninja Academy held. Including Ino. Sakura decided to grow her hair out long since the rumour was the last Uchiha loves long hair. As this last memory came across, the boy in yellow kept punching Sakura to make her let go. As Sakura let go, Ino jumped forward and was followed by the rest of Team Ten.

The three members of Team Ten moved instantly and in formation to remove Sakura and place her safely with the other two members of Team Seven. Ino noticed Naruto was down and wonder what could have taken out the ghost boy. Ino could tell that Shikamaru was in the moment, but Choji was a little out of sorts. Ino was hoping for one thing...

"You better runaway now, Fatty, cause I'm going to take you apart." said the boy in yellow, fulfilling Ino's hopes of fueling the fires of Choji's rage.

"I don't know you, but you made a troublesome mistake. It's not a good idea to call my friend fat, especially since he's just big boned." said Shikamaru as he looked to Ino and his best friend, prepared for their formation. This triggered a famous battle time as Shikamaru spoke, "Ino-shika-cho formation!"

Choji began with his Double Weight jutsu to turn him into a "Meat Tank", a living boulder of dense flesh. His skin and muscle had hardened into something approaching rock, and spinning with great speed as well. The living boulder then rolled at the sound ninja in yellow, who responded with a blast of air from his hands to Choji. It was meant to stop the leaf ninja, yet it only caused the ball to lift up into the air before dropping at the sound boy.

The sound masked boy was trying to get the other boy out of the way, but was stopped in his tracks. This was Shikamaru's justu of Shadow Copy, which allowed him to control an opponent to make them copy the Nara boy's moment. In this case, standing on the spot and out of action. Unfortunately, the sound ninja got out of the way of Choji, and moved to the defensive. This was Ino's moment for her own jutsu, the Mind Transfer skill.

Ino's spirit shot out and into the sound girl, took a kunai from the enemy's pouch and spoke, "Don't make any moves, or she gets it. Now move away nice and easy."

"So what? If she dies, she was just too weak then." said the one in yellow as his masked partner also began to speak as well.

"We don't care about the scroll or the exam. We merely want to kill the Uchiha, which means we just have to wait you out. I've already noticed that the shadow boy's jutsu is weakening, and I bet if Kin dies she'll take your female teammate with her. So what are you going to do when you're out of chakra and we're rest, even for a brief moment." said the mask man, as waited for the power to go out on Ino-shika-cho.

Ino was looking for some way out of this, when she saw Neji again with his female teammate with the hair buns. The male byakugan wielder spoke, "Its is a leaf ninja's duty to protect those from their village, even the weakest among them. Especially the one in the green, he is our teammate. Even if he makes a fool out of himself, he was doing the right thing. Now if you continue you will have to face..."

Ino returned to her own body in the distraction, just as she noticed what it was that had stopped Neji speaking. Only to notice the sense of chakra coming from where Sasuke was...

In Sasuke's Mind....

Sasuke had been facing a young version of himself, one who had been giving him a lecture of the events in their life. The younger Sasuke had said, "They didn't need to die. Mother, father, any of the others in our clan. They would be alive today if you just had the power to stop him. Images returned with the bloody bodies of his parents, or his kinsmen. He had left them to die as he didn't have the power to protect them.

Words left him mental mouth as it echo through his head, "I need more power!"

Out in the real world...

Sasuke jerked up as he was slowly covered with a blackish-purple chakra as black marks flowed over his body, the chakra pulsing like a heart pumping blood with a slow beat. The sound ninja trembled as the leaf ninja followed, as Sasuke came to where Sakura was and spoke, "Who did this to you? Don't worry, I now have the power and I understand it's my destiny to be an avenger. It is my mission to gain the power I need no matter the source. So I ask again, who did this to you?"

"I did, so what are you going to do about it?" spoke the boy in yellow, with a smirk on his face.

Team Ten scattered for the bushes at the trembling of the purple chakra, as an almost emotionless Sasuke charged the boy in yellow. The boy shouted out, "Maximum Air Cutter."

It seemed the sound ninja was using a full blast air shot. Sasuke changed direction and picked up his teammates and moved them out of the way. Once they were safe, he moved to perform a Phoenix Fire jutsu. The fireball which resulted morphed quickly into a shuriken and hit the yellow sound ninja. With his attention on the wound, the sound boy didn't see Sasuke sneak up on him.

"Pretty proud of those arms of yours. I wonder how proud you will be when they break?" said Sasuke as he moved to dislocate the shoulders and rendering the arms useless. Sasuke turned around and looked at the masked sound ninja. A dark smiled cross the last Uchiha's face.

"I guess that you're next." said Sasuke as an attack was prepared, only for it to be stopped by arms being wrapped around his chest.

Sakura was sobbing as she said over and over again, "Stop Sasuke, stop it. This isn't you, this isn't the real you."

The chakra vanished as the black marks began to shrink back to his shoulders. The masked boy then moved to a pouch as he removed a scroll and began to talk, "I'll make you a deal. I'll give you our scroll and my team will retreat to discuss something. Do not take this as a sign of weakness! For when we meet again, we will not hide or flee... we will fight you to the death!"

The scroll was tossed and the sound left without answering a question from Saukra, "What did Orichimaru do to Sasuke?"

The disappearance of sound brought out Team Ten and Gai's team.

A moment later...

Naruto awoke as something bounced on his head, which caused him to jerk up. He shouted out, "Watch out, Orochimaru and that shadow guy must be hiding the branches somewhere."

Once he recognized there was no danger and was surrounded by fellow leaf ninjas, he began to relax. Until he noticed his female teammate and crush having her previous long hair being cut short. He asked, "What happened while I was out? Why are you cutting your hair, Sakura? And why is Ino and her team here?"

Naruto could see Ino giving Sakura a haircut to make unsightly hair into some kind of sexy short style. She began to answer her awakening friend, "It's just a new image I'm trying out. Ino and her friends help to keep us safe while you and Sasuke were knocked out by Orochimaru."

"It was really Sasuke who scared those sound ninja out of their minds, " said the girl from Lee's team as she picked up Lee from the ground, "Lee and those other girls managed to hold them back for a while. Before Neji and me could kick their butts, Sasuke scared them out of the area. Lee, you should look more carefully before leaping into a fight. If you had thought to get us, you might have won that fight instead of being beaten so badly."

Naruto was tempted to make a remark, but training with Inoichi and Ino had taught him to avoid teasing a fellow leaf ninja while the were down. Sakura had moved from her finished cutting to stand before the beaten Lee, "Thank you for the help Lee. I'm not sure that we would have made it without you."

"Sakura-chan, I will work much harder to become a string and splendid ninja, so when we meet next I will be stronger." said Lee as the girl carried him off.

It was then Naruto noticed Shikamaru and Choji standing next to him before the lazy boy spoke softly, "Naruto, didn't you use any of the 'special' jutsu you know against this guy? How could he have taken you out? "

Naruto was working hard to choose his words carefully, to keep all of his secrets. He replied, "I did use those jutsu. The problem was Orochimaru had another ninja who knew the same jutsu as I did. Only he did them better and had more of them. He also seemed to have specialized ninja tools to counter attack a ninja using these kind of jutsu."

The lazy boy's eyes betrayed a moment of deep interest before fading into apathy before he spoke again, "Is this guy a relative some some kind or are they learning from the same scroll?"

"Let's say I know the author of the scroll and I luck on to it. Now the author is aligned with Orochimaru, maybe even a partner with him, and using the jutsu against the leaf. It's my duty now to use those same jutsu against the author and the sound village." said Naruto, trying to explain it to his friend. Shikamaru was a good man to have at his back and Naruto had come to trust him, both when they got in trouble and when he trained with Inoichi.

Naruto also knew the Nara clan had been helping Watanbe Works with some of it's tech, so hoped the clan could work out the bugs. Shikamaru nodded and looked at the sky.