Naruto Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Secret Uncovered ❯ An Unlikely hero ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ch 1
An Unlikely Hero
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters in this story except the characters and areas I create
2 years later(after the prolouge, which is admittedy 2nd rate, i was half asleep)An Unlikely Hero
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters in this story except the characters and areas I create
Midgar, the massive marvel of enginnering, a place where the few beautiful areas were overshadowed by the eternal dark of the plate covering the city, a place, where formerly, large reactors refined mako into energy, the results included the soil becoming barren all around Midgar, now many people have moved from Midgar into more fertile and cheerful places, though a large population still lived there. The megacity now was in the process of changing its form of energy to a more safe thing, people say the new power source is a powerful kind of materia, which is made out of mako, so offically Midgar was using the same power, except said differently. The new power sources, still needing to be tested, were stored in the main building of Shrina Co. and it was Zacks job to steal them.
Zartos chuckled a bit as ascended the side of the buildling, his black cloak stood out more than he liked, but he was almost to the open window he had shot a sticky hook though, his variation on a grappling hook, instead of a hook, there was a very sticky substance shaped in a ball shape at the end of his rope. Zartos quickly climbed through the window and looked arout the room, it seemed safe enough but he pulled out a curved dagger from his pocket, he had firearms, but believed he wouldnt need them. He then pulled out a small PDA like object from his pocket, he tapped the on button and went through a small amount of passwords, the screen then gave a 3D map of the Shrina building.
"Too easy." Zartos snickered after seeing his location and the power source area, he was just as he planned to be, near a duct leading to the room. Looking in the obvious areas, Zartos quickly found the duct and shimmyed through, his ninja prowress helped him in the duct, being slightly cramped for him, he soon got to the room he was searching for. He looked in through the grate to see what was protecting suitcase containing the power source. " The floor is electrified," Zartos thought,"five security cameras, and most likely a network of security beams wired to a killer robot of some sort." Zartos sighed, it was a bit tougher than he thought. Slipping a small shuriken from his pocket, Zartos tossed it through a light beam, sending off a alarm, suddenly a massive scorpion bot fell from a perch on the roof, it fell to the floor and was instantly electrified. Zartos sighed again thinking of the idoitic scientst who designed the bot and didnt put a shck protector in it. Zartos then, knowing he had to hurry grabbed the suitcase with his hook, but when he got to the the original room he was in, he was overwhelmed by a small army of guards.
"Freeze!" the obvious leader of the squad shouted. Zartos just chuckled a bit and plled out a red materia.
"MATERIA FUSION!!" Zratos shouted and suddenly he transformed in the blink of an eye, where he once stood, a human sized Bahamut stood there, the soldiers, too stunned to speak, did not even flinch when the beast fired a blast of energy from its mouth and annialated the entire squad. It then casually jumped out the window and flew away with the suitcase in tow. "Too easy." Zack said again but of course in a roar instead of english.
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I hope you liked the first chapter, sorry about it being so short though. If you have any questions or comments please e-mail me at but please no flaming or idiotic questions