Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ashley ❯ 2 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

As the girl stirred, Naruto thoughts raced. The girl woke up to see him holding his head trying to think. “Hi.” Was the only word that escaped her lips that moment.
Naruto jumped, and said first thing he could think of asking a stranger that fell on him, bombard them with many questions. “Who the hell are you? Where did you come from? Why did you fall through my classes ceiling?” the rest was unintelligible to her.
The girl looked and saw the room, noticed she was ring a red robe with three swords. “Same to you.” Was her response to the boy's questions.
“I'm Naruto, you?”
“Ashley. Do you know anything about me, because I can only remember a few things about myself.”
Naruto was confused and said he was going to get a doctor. He fetched the doctor, who explained Ashley lost most of her memory. “What do you remember?” Naruto asked her when the doctor left.
“I am Ashley, my swords are special, I am ten, and that this is not my world.”
“what do you mean by that last ansewer?” he asked sceptically.
“Simple, me = alien. This not my home planet. But I have no clue where I come from or where I am. So explain while you take me to the head of where ever I am.” Naruto named the village, what it is it's history, what happened when she fell through the roof, and that the almost every one was a ninja or one in training; while taking the girl to the hokage. “Sounds interesting, I'm in.”
Naruto got very confused at this comment. “Huh? You mean join the village?”
“Yes numbnuts.”
“All I can remember about that is it is an insult. To clarify on me joining the village, I have no clue what this world is like and how to get to mine. So I will stay here until something happens.”
“Oh. By the way, what is with your ears?” Naruto wondered.
She looked at him and said, “Not for you to know but thanks for reminding me.” She then tucked her ears down into her silver hair where they were perfectly camouflaged. “Don't want many people to know about that. Or things could get nasty for me.”
“We're here.” Naruto stated, and Ashley just stared at the building for a minute. She then felt a tug at the back of her robe, and was then lifted a bit off the ground. “You want to go in or what?”