Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ashley ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“Why do people glare at you while walking?” the silver haired child asked.
“Iunno, at least it is better than what they did to me when I was younger.” Naruto replied. `Some of the worst years of my life.' Were his thoughts on the comment.
“What happened when you were younger?” she asked trying to pry deeper into the boy's life.
“I'll tell you when you are older, if you're allowed to stick around.” Naruto smirked. He then walked up to the receptionist's desk. “I'd like to see the Hokage as soon as possible.” Naruto asked the man, who just looked through a magazine. The man signaled that the Hokage was free, so Naruto got Ashley and went to the Hokage's office.
In his office, the ten year old saw mountains of papers all over the room except in front of a man sitting behind. Naruto walked up to the man, who was about 80, and explained what happened; he also asked the girls request of joining the village. His response to the story of the girl falling on Naruto made him look at Naruto as if it was only bullshit. But the request had caught him off guard. He thought a moment then spoke, “Ashley,” his tone was sincere, but analytical, “You do realize what ninja do for a living?”
“A ninja is one who hides in the shadows, masters of compounds and killing, and one who would gladly die for the greater good of their people.” This response made both Naruto and the Hokage drop their jaw to their laps. `Rarely any one in this age thinks like that,' the Hokage thought, `She already can look into the underlying truths if she can truly under stand what she said.'. “You may reside in the village. Also, I shall pay for your other needs until you get your own income, or you are adopted.”
“Don't worry about food and that other stuff, I can remember survival exercises. Just show me to a forest that has vegetation, animals, and water nearby or in the village.”
“I shall have Iruka Umino show to the forest of death. It has all that you asked, but we shall give you hygiene products so you don't give an odor that may reveal you to future opponents.” She nodded to this.
Iruka appeared a few minutes later and showed the two of them to the forest. About half way there, Iruka said one thing. “Naruto, I am sorry to tell you this but you failed the genin test because you didn't finish the last part, and no you cannot try again in front of me.” He said predicting Naruto wanting to ask that.
Ashley then jogged toward Iruka and said a couple of things. “Hey he was just helping me; and since it is my fault, I have proposition. If he trains me to pass the test he was supposed to take in one day, he will become a genin. Also if I do well enough, I shall become a genin too. Do you agree?” Iruka raised his eyebrow in thought and agreed.